When Darkness Falls

By brashcara

454 45 1


The Creature's Guide
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note

Chapter 19

12 1 0
By brashcara

Memories filled my mind. I had brothers, sisters, parents, a home. My mind was scattered. Ganon looked frustrated, something he'd never expressed before. He ran at Azaria his arms wide. His body slammed into hers, sending her into a heap on the floor. My head was spinning rapidly. I ran towards them. Ganon pulled out a large knife. "This is for you ruining my plan to destroy all the caregivers." He raised the knife above his head. His hands came down as I reached Azaria. I knocked her out of the way. I felt the sharp sword enter my stomach. The pain was like a fire. My knees buckled underneath me.

It was all unexpected, but I guess that's how life was. I had done it because I loved her. I had never planned to fall in love with Azaria, it just happened. Nothing was ever planned or mapped out. I was just going to have to get used to it. A loud scream escaped Azaria as she watched with a horrified expression. Anger overtook her as she kicked Ganon in the stomach. He doubled over. An amazing flash of blue covered my vision. He was gone. Ganon was no where to be seen. Azaria ran over to me, kneeling next to me.

"Oh my," she said in an unsteady voice. "Are you ok?'

I laughed lightly, "I have a big piece of metal in me Azaria." She smiled faintly. She placed her hand on the sword and pulled it out. More pain than I even imagined possible shot through me. My vision was getting blurrier by the second. I looked at her eyes. The gold flecks in them shone brightly as she placed her hand on the cut. A pink glow shimmered around her hand.

Before I even began to comprehend what she was doing, the pain ebbed away. I reached down to feel where a large gash should be, but was surprised to find nothing but a hole in my shirt.

Azaria smiled at me. She looked exhausted. "All better." I laughed as I wrapped my arms around her.

"What did you do to Ganon?" I questioned.

I stood up, helping her up after me. "I don't think he's gonna be a problem for us for a while." She walked over to the now clear Marharajah. She had a twinkle in her eye. "I say we put him where he belongs.

I pointed to the Marharajah. "You put him inside it?" She laughed and nodded her head. She made her way back towards the castle. All sorts of creatures milled around, a confused look on their faces. She walked through the open door and set him down inside. I watched as she locked the door and walked towards me. The only thing left to do was go home.

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