You're All That I Adore (IzuJ...

Від UndeadSoldierShady

2.7K 57 37

Cutesy adorable IzuJirou Valentine's Day fluff Більше

You're All That I Adore

2.7K 57 37
Від UndeadSoldierShady

Izuku Midoriya-Aizawa was many things, an underground hero, a specialist in taking down organised crime organisations, and a teacher at U.A at the young age of 22.
However today Izuku Midoriya has plans to be the best boyfriend he can be to one Kyouka Jirou.
It's not like he doesn't shower his girlfriend in affection every chance he gets but today was extra special and it all revolves around a little velvet box he has in his pocket.

If he was being honest the day didn't start off in the greatest of ways as during a training exercise with the newest hero hopefuls the little velvet box fell out of his pocket. The boys of the class started teasing the "big bad underground hero" while the girls cooed and also teased him causing the young man to do his best impression of a strawberry.

After stopping the class from digging into his love life he was then called in to help with a high profile child trafficking case. Not the best way to spend a valentine's afternoon but he always dove head first into these.
His adoptive daughter Eri was a child from a drug trafficking Yakuza and he'd be dammed if he'll allow another child to suffer that pain.

Luckily the working day ending satisfyingly as a breakthrough was made in the trafficking case and soon those sick bastards will be behind bars.
He had a love hate relationship with his job as it reminds him how sick and depraved people could be but the smiles and peace on the face of those he does save makes it all worth it...
Love and Peace, that's what he fights for and will always fight for.

But as he got home and saw his girlfriend and their daughter sitting in the living room... He realises he truly fights for his family... He fights to win, save and come back home to this.
They were the best half of himself and he never ever wants to lose them.

"Hey Kyo and my little Unicorn!"

Eri shouted as she barrelled into his legs hugging him.

"Hey Zuku~"
Kyouka says as she places a kisses to his lips, her jacks wrapping over his shoulders pulling him deeper into the kiss.

"Happy Valentine's Day my beautiful Violet"

Violet the first nickname he ever called his girlfriend, the word that makes her into a stuttering mess as she remembers how embarrassed she was when he called her that in the first place.
But also remembers how happy she felt when he called her that.

"My parents will be here soon to look after the little twerp"

"That's great, because well tonight I suspect will be one of if not the greatest nights of your life."

"Damn, okay I'll keep my expectations high then greenie."
She said as she began laughing.

A sound that brought euphoria to Izuku, he honestly could listen to her laugh on loop for the rest of his life.
The sound was beautiful and the smile and happiness was another bonus, that smile... He remembers the first time he was enraptured by that smile, their first cultural festival.

It wasn't anything special but she came to him for advice on note taking and he pressed on for the reason behind the request she went off on a tangent about how much she enjoys making music and so on, it reminded Izuku of how he rambles and mutters when talking about quirks. As she was explaining he was still looking at his notebook but when he lifted his head to look at her he was struck full force by infatuation, her smile was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. It was so serene, so pure it was just unadulterated happiness and he couldn't help but want to see it more.
That was were the seeds of friendship were planted and now they've bloomed into a happy relationship and hopefully it grows into a family tree somewhere down the line but for now Izuku had to keep his intentions in mind and go through with it.

Soon after Kyouka's parents arrived to take care of Eri, the both of them knew Izuku's plans and they gave them his blessings, Kyoutoku somewhat reluctantly. He was a father it was his job to intimidate anyone who gets near his daughter but seeing how happy Kyouka has been ever since she began dating the young man was enough to truly and honestly give his blessings to the young man.

As Kyouka made her way to the car, Kyoutoku pulled Izuku back.

"Good luck kid"

"Thanks Toku... Sorry for wanting it to be a private moment for the two of us."

He waved off Izuku's apology.

"Don't be, I mean my proposal with Mika was the same, just promise that you'll keep her smiling."

"Of course... Dad"

"Ah wha-"

Kyoutoku's embarrassed stuttering was cut off by Izuku laughing heartedly.

"Oh haha, she can still say no... Oh who am I kidding she'd never say no. So go and get her kid."

"Thanks... Thanks for everything."

"Don't mention it, oh and one last thing"
The man said reaching into his pocket and placing the object he pulled out in Izuku's hand.

Izuku looked at the purple guitar pick in has hand curiously and looked to Kyoutoku.

"That there is my lucky guitar pick, I met Mika when I was using it. It always bought me good luck, I think it'll bring some to you as well."

With a soft smile and a final thanks to his future father in law, Izuku took off after his soon to be fiancé ready to go through with it.

As he got into the car he saw the relaxed smile on his girlfriend's face and couldn't help to admire her natural beauty.

He didn't realise how long he was staring until the woman in question snapped her fingers in his face and looked at him in a mix of concern and confusion.

"You okay?"

"Ye-yeah, it's just- you're just so beautiful... How did I get so lucky?"
He said with the utmost honesty as Kyouka blushed deeply.

"It's because you're you... I've always admired everything you did, you were the driving force behind our class and even being bullied and abused for being quirkless you pushed forward... You were always so driven... That drive was what drove me to be better... I never ever thought I'd have a chance because I mean I'm not the most pretty girl or even feminine or anything-"

He said cutting off her rambling.

"You're beautiful okay, everything about you is beautiful so what if you're not as big in areas compared to others. I don't care about that, I care about you and every part of you. Your mind, personality, voice, singing, laughter, body everything put together makes you Kyouka Jirou, everything put together makes the woman who has my heart forevermore..."
His heartfelt confession broke down the walls that were starting to build around her and she began to sob.

Izuku placed his hand and tenderly and comfortingly caressed her cheek and wiped her tears away.

"You're beautiful, you're my beautiful stunning violet and I wouldn't change you in anyway."

At his proclamation Kyouka used her jacks to pull him into a tender loving kiss because as much as she wants to suck his face off, she wants to see what he had planned.

After a short drive in a comfortable loving silence Izuku pulled up at destination number 1, a Karaoke club but unlike others this one had a private booth where you could play your own music not just the selection they have.

"A Karaoke club?"

"Yep, come on let's get to our reserved room."

"Uhm okay"

As they made it to the private room, something Kyouka never expected happened and that was Izuku himself stepping to the microphone.
Looking at him in shock, Izuku chuckled.

"Yeah so uhmm I wrote a song for you and yeah I'm gonna sing it for you so yeah..."

His nervousness caused his girlfriend to start giggling and in turn than calmed in enough to smile himself.

He pressed the play button to play the instrumental he loaded himself.

"(I'm an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun
An angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun)

Get out your guns, battles begun
Are you a saint, or a sinner?
If loves a fight, than I shall die
With my heart on a trigger

They say before you start a war
You better know what you're fighting for
Well baby, you are all that I adore
If love is what you need, a soldier I will be

I'm an angel with a shotgun
Fighting til' the wars won
I don't care if heaven won't take me back
I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe
Don't you know you're everything I have?
And I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight

Sometimes to win, you've got to sin
Don't mean I'm not a believer
And major Tom, will sing along
Yeah, they still say I'm a dreamer

They say before you start a war
You better know what you're fighting for
Well baby, you are all that I adore
If love is what you need, a soldier I will be

I'm an angel with a shotgun
Fighting til' the wars won
I don't care if heaven won't take me back
I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe
Don't you know you're everything I have?
And I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight
Oh, oh whoa whoa oh whoa
I'm an angel with a shotgun
Fighting til' the wars won
I don't care if heaven won't take me back

I'm an angel with a shotgun
Fighting til' the wars won
I don't care if heaven won't take me back
I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe
Don't you know you're everything I have?
(I'm an angel with a shotgun)
And I, want to live, not just survive, tonight
(Live, not just survive)
And I'm gonna hide, hide, hide my wings tonight

They say before you start a war
You better know what you're fighting for
Well baby, you are all that I adore
If love is what you need, a soldier I will be"

As he sung he begins to remember why he chose the path he's on... He thinks about what he's fighting for... Love and peace for the world... The happiness of his adoptive family and the happiness of his beautiful girlfriend. Yes he was hopeless. He was whipped. He would do anything to keep them safe... He knows he's never getting into heaven with some of the stuff he has done as an underground but it was a price he was willing to pay... He's happily spend his afterlife burning in hell of it meant Kyouka would be happy... That was just how much he truly loved the woman.

And it seems as if the song effected Kyouka in the same way as it did Izuku because as soon as he was done he was dragged on to the sofa and into a deep make out session.
After a few more songs and some more making out then to a nice homey cosy Street food diner, Izuku went on to the final step of his plan, which was a nice peaceful night time stroll through the local park. A perfect time as he heard of a beautiful spectacle occurring outside the central gazebo.

As they made their way into the gazebo the show started, hundreds of fireflies flew around lighting up the beautiful night sky like tiny fairy lights.

As Kyouka gazed over the light show.
Izuku couldn't help but to look at his girlfriend, the gaze of innocent bewilderment sent his heart soaring.
Kyouka noticed Izuku staring.

"Hey look at the fireflies, they're beautiful."

"Oh-oh ye-yeah they are but I've found something more beautiful to look at and that's you."

His statement caused Kyouka to giggle as he blushed.

"Oh god you're such a cheeseball... But that's why I love you so much"
She said has she turned back to look at the lights in the sky.

Izuku took this opportunity to get into position behind her, down on one knee he pulled out the velvet box.
Kyouka heard shuffling behind her and turned around in curiosity but nothing could've prepared her to witness her boyfriend down on one knee holding a little velvet wedding ring box.


"Kyouka, my beautiful Violet, my shiny gem... I love you so much... You have my heart enraptured so strongly that I can't even imagine not being with you... You're my soulmate... I love everything about you, your body is beautiful, your natural beauty is stunning, I always get lost in your deep onyx eyes. When your jacks go haywire when your embarrassed is honestly one of the most adorable things ever... Whenever I see you with Eri and your interactions it's proof that there's no one else I rather spend the rest of my life and build a family with.
Uhmmm what I'm really trying to say is that I love you so much my amethyst, will you marry me?"

Izuku said, spilling his heart out to her, as he opened the box to reveal a platinum gold wedding ring with set amethysts and emeralds.

She shouted happily as tears streamed down her face, Izuku released a breath he didn't know he was holding and placed the engagement ring on her ring finger.

They shared a deep loving kiss in the moonlight.

The end

Ughhh so much fluff
My teeth hurt, it was so sweet.

Comment what you thought and leave a vote ❤️❤️❤️❤️
And Happy Valentine's Day 💜💚

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