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By luna_pearl_moon

455K 12.2K 13.4K

"Holy Hades, what is that", Thalia yelled. "Is it, oh my gods, it is", Annie squealed screaming. Da... More

Cast & Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 29

5.9K 169 100
By luna_pearl_moon

     "Be careful, what the hell are you doing Sirius, you are going to hurt the unicorn", I yelled as Sirius tried to sit on the unicorn, remember I told you that taking care of a unicorn was what I had to do with Sirius in Care For Magical Creatures.

     "Aw, you care about my safety", Sirius said.

     I facepalmed, "No I'm more worried about the unicorn's safety".

     The unicorn laughed. I jumped, how the hell did I know it laughed, I'm not some daughter of Poseidon. 

     "What", Sirius said after I had jumped.

     "Nothing, uh spider over there scared me", I lied.

     "What spider", Sirius asked.

     "Just shut up and get back to work", I said annoyed.

     "Now we will be doing something that I know you all have been wanting to do for a while, riding the unicorn", I heard Professor Grubbly-Plank say.

     "See I told you we were supposed to ride the unicorn", Sirius said sticking his tongue out, why did that give me butterflies.

     I rolled my eyes and waited for Grubbly-Plank to say something.

     "Okay, does anyone know how to ride a unicorn", she asked.  

     "Oh, oh, she does", Sirius yelled pointing at me.

     "Wh-", I started.

     "Can't wait to see you get embarrassed", Sirius yelled making the class laugh.

     Little did you know, I had my own pegasus at camp, and if I can apparently talk to the unicorn the I can be the one embarrassing Sirius instead. I smirked and walked to the unicorn.

     "Okay", I said shrugging and walking to the unicorn.

     The class and Sirius watched closely. I petted the unicorn making it look at me.

     "Can you understand me", I whispered so only she could hear.

     "Yes, my lady", she neighed.

     "What do you mean my lady", I asked.

     Before she could answer Sirius yelled, "Told you, she can't".

     Oh, I'll show you who can't. She had no saddle but that didn't bother me. I grabbed her mane, not enough to pull it, and jump up using some air power.

     I whispered in her ear, "Let's go show them who is boss".

     She neighed and we took off towards the field where our class was held. I laughed joyfully, this reminds me so much of camp. I have been feeling really homesick lately. After a few minutes, we headed back to where everybody was. I jumped off expertly as Sirius stared open-mouthed. 

    "How's that for someone who can't apparently ride a unicorn", I said to Sirius.

     "Black you just embarrassed yourself", Andy said.

     "Shut up Black", Sirius said pouting.

     "Excuse me", Andy said.

     "Well you know, I'm a Black and you are a Black", Sirius tried to explain.

     I groaned and rolled my eyes. Just so you know, I haven't forgiven him or the rest of the Marauders yet, and this is one of the reasons why.  

     "Okay head off to your next class", Professor Grubbly-Plank said.

     "Thank the gods, I can finally get away from Sirius", I yelled to Andy.

     "Did I hear my name", Sirius said smirking clearly listening to our conversation.

     "Nope, now please leave me alone Black", I said speed walking to History of Magic. 

     "No", Sirius simply said.

     "Ugh, leave me alone, Black", I said annoyed, why doesn't ever leave me alone, there are so many other girls that would kill to be with Sirius Black, don't think I didn't notice his little fan club.

     I not jealous, just saying.

     "Hey, Thals", James said out of nowhere, "I think I forgot to mention but you were great at the Quidditch game last week, don't you agree Sirius".

     "Yes, you were amazing", Sirius played along.

     "If this is something to get me to forgive you then try harder", I said late for History of Magic.

     I sat in History of Magic and wrote some notes about goblins, I honestly forgot what Professor Binns the ghost was talking about. My eyesight started to get blurry and I put my head down to take a nap. It wasn't even 5 minutes before the door burst open.

     "Thalia Olympus listen up", I heard my brother yell.

     "We are so sorry about what we did", I heard Sirius yell afterward.

     "Please forgive us", they both yelled together.

     "I feel so embarrassed", I heard Remus sigh from the back row.

     I groaned. "This is pathetic, I'm out of her".

     "No wait, come back", they yelled as they chased me.

     I ran and ran. Was this like a wild goose chase? I made it to the 7th floor when I realized this is where the ROR was. I speed-walked around the door and thought of a place to hide. A broom closet appeared and I ran inside slamming the door shut.

     "Where did she go", James said, he was probably looking around. 

     "I don't know, do you think that she went to Dumbledore's office", Sirius asked.

     I facepalmed. 

     "Why would she got to his office", James asked.

     "I don't know", Sirius said. "Maybe she is making out with another boy".

     "Oh, hell no", James said furiously. 

     They finally disappeared. Gods, they are so crazy. I ran 8 flights of stairs to the Slytherin common room and collapsed on the couch near the fireplace.

     "What's wrong", Reggie suddenly asked.

     I screamed and fell off the couch, "Oh my gods, Reggie stop scaring me like that".

     Reggie started laughing, "Then stop calling me Reggie and I will stop scaring you, I mean like how did that scare you, aren't you the girl that almost beat half the Quidditch team".

     "Reggie someone had to put them in shape, don't make me do it to you and not happening, you will always be Reggie", I said after I calmed myself down. 

     "So what happened", Reggie asked again.

     "Your idiot brother and my idiot brother", I said not realizing what I said.

     "What you have a brother, wait Sirius is my brother", Reggie said. 

     My eyes widened, "When did I ever have a brother".

     "James is Sirius's best friend, James Potter is your brother", Reggie yelled.

     "Shhhh", I yelled jumping to cover Reggie's mouth.

     Cliffy, sorry! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share. I was supposed to finish this on Valentine's Day yesterday but we all know that I'm too lazy. 

      I almost forgot I created a Holidays Special || Asterope Potter book. I made a Christmas one even tho that was 3is months away and Valentine's day one too. They are basically imagianes. I will add them to the book when the time comes.

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