MegaMan Revolution Concerto

By DreamersWriters

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In Nihon, technology is growing and evolving rapidly! The internet is connecting everyone and everything to e... More

Note for this Story!
Prologue: The Hidden Files
Chapter 1: The New Age
Chapter 2: Star Idol
Chapter 3: A Trio?!
Chapter 4: Special Training
Chapter 5: Let's Work Together Please!
Chapter 6: Dr. Wily's Standing Strong
Chapter 7: For Everyone!
Chapter 8: The Electronic Convention
Chapter 9: Fleeting Peace
Chapter 10: Meetings in North America
Chapter 11: Running Late
Chapter 12: Frosty Family Relations
Chapter 13: A Short, Death Match
Chapter 14: An Assassin or Friend?
Chapter 15: A Cold Wind
Chapter 16: The Professor and Cache
Chapter 17: Separate for a Few Weeks
Chapter 18: A Thaw
Chapter 19: An Unpleasant Meeting
Chapter 20: To The High Mountain
Chapter 21: A Talent Show for the World
Chapter 22: Return Together
Chapter 23: Start Searching
Chapter 24: Miracle Medicine
Chapter 25: A Red Knight and A Yellow Pilot
Chapter 26: Special Effects are Special
Chapter 27: Synchro Chips and Resolutions
Chapter 28: Running Around Part 1
Chapter 29: Running Around Part 2
Chapter 30: Code E.A.R.T.H
Chapter 31: Not Here Yet
Chapter 32: The Crests and Duo
-Thank You!-
Chapter 33: Countdown to Destruction
Chapter 34: Coming Back
Chapter 35: Revolution Concerto Finale!
Bonus Chapter 2: A Cross Fusion Test
Author's Note

Bonus Chapter 1: An Eventful Party

26 1 0
By DreamersWriters

(And another one for my favorite Net Savior Couple! Seriously, when I found out Raika ended up with the princess, I screamed. Like, hello? This is clearly a power couple! Pride is a princess and very intelligent and fights with a literal wreaking ball! Raika is a soldier and expert marksman! This is a power couple! I love them! There needs to be more work for them! Enjoy!) 

This artwork was done by my good friend, Fang! Here is her page! Support her!

Music Theme's 

Raika's Theme 

Pride's Theme

 Sharo + Creamland's Theme 

Vs A Net Savior 

Net Savior's Theme 

Friend's Theme 

Raika + Pride

                  "So, what do you all think? Would you like to attend my party?" Princess Pride asked over the Cross Fusion Member chat.

She had already talked to Miku and her friends, but they could not attend due to previous engagements they had already made.

Lan's eyes were wide with delight as he shouted, "Yes! I can't wait to try all the food you have, Pride!"

"Maylu and I will stop him from eating too much, Princess Pride" Chaud said unamused as he stressed her title to his best friend.

"Regardless, we would be delight to attend, princess" Baryl said with a nod of his head.

"Yay! I've never been to a princess party! I can't wait to try your food!" Dingo shouted in delight as he began to drool at the thought of food.

"I have to take a rain check there, princess" Charlie said with a sigh, "I promised I would hang out with Tesla with her company and help out Neru with the company"

"I've got news reports to cover as well, princess" Ribitta said sadly, "Nenji was going to help me with it too. Sorry, we won't be able to make it"

"Well, I am coming, princess! I would love to see you all again! Don't worry, my powers will be under control!" Jasmine reassured them with a nod of her head.

"I've got to watch the store. I won't be able to come, sorry..." Mr. Higsby said with a sigh of defeat.

"Yuri wishes to spend some time with her sister, and I am looking after Kirisaki" Dusk reported, "Maybe another time, dear princess"

With that, Raika realized their guests would be Lan, Chaud, Maylu, Jasmine, and Dingo. He sighed. He should've known this would happen to them.

"Well, I am still grateful all of you are coming! I will be delighted to have you here!" Pride said in delight.

The rest of them agreed warmly as they signed off. After a few weeks of preparing, the party was soon prepared. Raika prepared his bag with clothes he would need and was ready to leave for her castle.

"Ah, you got ready quickly" Gumi asked with a smirk as she leaned against the right side of the door.

Raika jumped, but he then composed himself as he faced his good friend. He shook his head.

"I am just fine. I assumed she would like some help. I am just going to help her" Raika answered simply.

"Sure. You know, you are allowed to love. That is not a problem" Gumi said with a smile.

Raika turned his head away from her in a dismissive manner as she grinned.

"Is this because of your countries' histories?" Gumi asked in a knowing tone as Raika sighed, "Do they know how close the two of you are?"

"I wanted to keep it quiet" Raika answered, "Sharo and Creamland are both still tense over that terrorist attack that happened about ten years ago. I don't blame them, and I don't want to cause the princess any more trouble by announcing our relationship to both countries"

Raika was very serious about this as Gumi shook her head at him.

"You know, I read the Author's work on a few stories, and an important lesson I've learned from her works is that if you have the ability to be with someone, be with them. Also, you and she could prove that those two countries can get along just fine. Keep it in mind" Gumi said as she left him alone.

Raika sighed at her words and then went to her castle. He used his snowmobile to get there and knocked on the door to enter the castle.

"Ah, Lieutenant Raika. Our princess has been expecting you! Please park your snowmobile in the garage and enter the castle!" a guard shouted as Raika nodded his head.

He entered the castle and parks his snowmobile in the garage. He enters the castle and finds everyone busy. He shifts his feet and waits by the entrance. He doesn't want to do get in anyone's way.

"Raika!" Pride shouted in delight as she ran towards him with a bright smile, "How are you? Did you have a safe drive?"

Raika just smiled at her calm face before nodding his head. She then took his hand in hers and ran to the castle's dining room. He was surprised. Everything was neatly place and in order. There were white and green currents, tablecloths, and napkins. She still held his hand, but she seemed worried.

"Is something the matter?" he asked her with concern.

"Well, this is just a private party, but I wanted to tell a few officials about my relationship to you" she said nervously, "I'm sorry. I should've asked you about this, but I am at the same age where people are going to ask for my hand in marriage or court me. I don't want them to. I want to be with you"

Raika was speechless about Pride's idea, but he understood. She's getting older, and although the world no longer relies on magic from the past, the world still follows some traditions.

"I understand. Alright, let's announce it to the world together that you are being courted by me. I'll stand by your side and help you through whatever comes your way" Raika vowed to her as he took her hand in his.

Pride's expression grew brighter as she pulled him into a warm hug.

"Oh! Thank you, Raika! Thank you so much! You have no idea how happy that makes me! I was so worried you would leave me!" she said in relief.

"I would never you, Pride" he reassured her with a gentle stroke of her hair.

The staff could only smile at the couple and feel very pleased for the both of them.

"Oh! Raika! You have to taste test something in the kitchen! I think it needs more sugar, but the chief says no!" the princess said direly as she pulled him after her.

Raika only smiled as he let her drag him to the kitchen and dropped his stuff without a care in the world. Little did the young couple know, Yukia and Prosecutor Roppou were watching them in one of the abandoned bases Dr. Riegal left. They watched from a monitor as Yukia growled.

"Are you kidding me?! Just what does he see in her?!" Yukia growled as she put her hands in her hair.

"She's a princess and is their ally. Honestly, just let this go and move on! He clearly doesn't care for you!" Prosecutor Roppou said seriously as he closed his book.

"I don't care! I'm going to ruin their relationship if it is the last thing I do!" she declared as she snapped her fingers, "Wait a minute, don't both countries still hate each other?"

"Well, the tension between both countries isn't as bad as it was back then" Prosecutor Roppou answered her, "There was a terrorist attack that occurred about 13 years ago. There was an explosion that killed a few guards and the Creamland's royal family except for their daughter"

"So, what do you want to do?" CircusMan asked excitedly.

"Hm. Who's ready to reenact a terrible event in history to break up both countries forever?!" she said in a mad delight as she twirled around.

The prosecutor wasn't so sure about doing something like that. He didn't practice the law as much as he should, but he knows that causing a huge break in both countries. The two countries were just starting to warm up to each other. And yet, because of Raika and Pride's close relationship, it made Yukia very unhappy. He didn't enjoy that. He closed his book and then picked up his PET.

"JudgeMan scope out the castle's NET" he ordered.

"Understood, sir!" his Navi said as he transported to the NET.

Yukia grinned at the prosecutor before hugging him.

"Thank you! Thank you so much, Ito! Let's go! I can't wait to destroy that pure princess!" she said in delight as the prosecutor smiled.

"Wow! Thanks for picking us up, Chaud! Though, I was kind of surprised to see you, Annette" Lan said loudly as he and Dingo began to eat some of the flight food.

"Well, it is a formal event. I figured it would look good for the company if I brought a partner with me" Chaud answered him as he looked down at his friend.

"How's Shanka Dingo? It has been a while since I've seen her in action" Maylu asked as she sat with Annette.

"She's doing well, but she's off doing her own thing. That just leaves me with TomahawkMan" Dingo confessed a bit sad at the results.

"Really?!" Lan said surprised.

"Chaud, we should be arriving in Creamland shortly. Please prepare everyone to sit in their seats" ProtoMan said seriously.

"Thank you, ProtoMan" Chaud said as he then turned to his friends, "Lan, Dingo, please sit down. We are about to land in Creamland"

"Why did you ask us to sit down and not Annette and Maylu?" Lan asked defensively.

"Because those two know manners while you two barely know anything as it is" Chaud answered sharply, "Now, sit down or I'll have ProtoMan force you to sit down"

Lan and Dingo sat down in their seats as they grumbled at Chaud's words. The plane then descended to the airfield outside the castle.

"Gather your belongings. I don't want anyone to make trips back and forth. This is my jet" Chaud said seriously.

They gathered their belongings and then stood outside the palace in awe. It was a white, East European castle.

"Seriously?! She lives here?! Wow! I can't wait to try the food here!" Dingo shouted as he ran into the castle.

"You better save some food for me!" Lan yelled as he ran after his friend.

Chaud just sighed as Maylu shook her head at them. They followed their friends as they looked confused.

"This castle is huge!" Lan yelled in a state of panic.

"How are we supposed to find the food?!" Dingo yelled in horror.

"How about we just ask our Navis to help us find the location of the kitchen?" Chaud asked annoyed.

Lan and Dingo both stopped staring and then took out their PETs.

"Take us to the kitchen!" the two of them shouted as they ran on ahead.

Their friends just sighed as they went after them.

"This is going to be a long day. ProtoMan, please make sure that MegaMan and TomahawkMan keep their Operators aware of the dinner party and wear their formal wear as well" Chaud said with a sigh.

"Let's find Raika and Pride. I think they should be aware that we are here. Let's go!" Maylu said excitedly as she and Annette rushed to main entrance excitedly.

As for Raika and Pride, the two of them stopped at his room in the castle.

"I'm going to make sure the food is prepared and check in the KnightMan about the guests coming" Pride said with a grin.

"Understood. I'll put my things away and meet with you at the main entrance" he said with a nod of his head, "SearchMan can help you and KnightMan with the guest list if you want"

"I think we'll manage. Plus, I have feeling our friends have arrived" she said with a giggle.

Raika only sighed as he opened the door to his room. He knew those kids would be here sooner than he would think.

"I'll find them" he said as he held his PET.

The two of them went their separate ways to find the other Net Saviors. As for Jasmine, she finally arrived at the airport and was heading to the castle.

"I'm so excited! This is going to be so much fun!" Jasmine said to Meddy excitedly.

"I can't wait to see the others as well. Though, I'm surprised your grandfather let you go without Luo and Ling. How did you do it?" Meddy asked curiously.

"I had Dex stay with him. Dex's cooking can charm anyone! Including my grandfather! Also, Luo and Ling promised to tell my grandfather that I am with them" Jasmine answered with a grin.

As she picked her bags at the baggage claim, she sensed a dark presence. She looked around for a moment as Meddy tilted her head to the side.

"Is something wrong?" Meddy asked curiously.

"Something isn't right here. Something is wrong" Jasmine answered seriously as she looked around.

She then slowly walked around the airport as she focused on the darkness coming from two people. She then gasped as she saw Prosecutor Roppou and Yukia waiting at the baggage claim!

"What are they doing here?" Meddy exclaimed in shock.

"Whatever it is, it is not good. We have to stop them" Jasmine said seriously.

She then quietly walked towards them as they were distracted by a box.

"Perfect! A bomb from Sharo is here! Now, where do we plant it is the next big important question" Yukia asked curiously with a pout on her face.

Jasmine and Meddy were both horrified to hear this as they looked at each other.

"Ok, let's stop them" Jasmine said with a strong glare as she stood up.

She clasped her hands to make the power of the dragon flow in her. However, electricity crackled down on her and struck her down!

"What?! Who did this?! Jasmine! Get up!" Meddy shouted from the PET as Yukia and Prosecutor Roppou walked over to her.

"We heard someone following us. We were not going to let you ruin our plans to get rid of the soldier" the prosecutor said as he closed his book.

Meddy quickly fled from the PET and rushed into the NET. She felt bad for leaving her Operator, but right now, she needed to warn the others about this attack.

"We might have a pesky mouse trying to warn her friends. JudgeMan go after her Navi and do whatever you can to stop her" Prosecutor Roppou said seriously.

"Understood, sir" he said with a nod as he fled into the NET and went to catch Meddy.

Meddy sighed as she kept running. She has to warn them before anything happens to them.

"You are wearing a suit! That's final! You have to look good for this night or else!" Raika yelled as he roughly held Dingo by his hood.

"But I don't want to! I don't! You can't make me!" Dingo yelled loudly as he struggled against Raika's grip.

Chaud and Lan were sitting down in Raika's room as they were in their formal wear.

"Seriously, it is not that hard. I wear one to every formal event I have been asked to attend. This is just for the night" Chaud said with a sigh.

Dingo continued to struggle as Lan got an idea.

"Dingo! I hate wearing this outfit too, but there is a reason I am doing this" Lan said dramatically as he stood between him and Raika.

"What is the reason?" Dingo asked curiously.

"I am doing this for the wonderful food we will get to try at this wonderful feast!" Lan said happily, "That is the only reason to wear a suit!"

"Wait until you have to go to dances with Maylu" Chaud mumbled.

With that, Dingo put on the suit, and they were ready to go to the party. As for the girls, they were each other an elegant dress, but they were worried. Jasmine still hasn't arrived yet.

"Do you think she couldn't make it?" Maylu asked worriedly as she adjusted her pink dress.

"I don't know. That is unlike her to just not tell us anything about this" Annette said as she pondered on why Jasmine isn't here.

Annette sighed as she adjusted her orange dress and golden bracelets around her wrist. She looked at the princess who wore her white, ballgown dress and had a silver crown on her head.

"I don't know. KnightMan did Meddy or Jasmine sent an email or message about coming to the party?" Pride asked concerned.

"I'll look into this" he said as he went into the NET.

He began to search the NET for either of them as Pride stood up.

"Let's head to the party. We'll tell the boys about this and have SearchMan search for them" she said seriously.

The three of them made their way to the party. The boys arrived at the party as Dingo and Lan rushed to the buffet table to eat a bunch of random food to their delight.

"I'm going to talk with some of the officials. Please make sure Lan and Dingo do not eat everything" Raika said seriously.

Chaud sighed as he nodded his head. He knew he had to watch over them as Raika tried to present himself in a respectable manner. The girls soon entered the room and rushed to the boys as Pride went to Raika's side.

"Is something wrong?" Raika asked as he looked at the princess's worried expression.

"Yes, Jasmine, she-" the princess tried to explain as a government official came up to them and began to discuss some important tactics and meetings with each other.

Pride looked even more worried as Raika was tempted to cut off their conversation and talk to her, but he knew what this could look like if he did.

"Maylu! Annette! You gotta try this chocolate cake! It is delicious!" Lan shouted in delight as he handed a slice of cake.

"That's not important! Something else has come up!" she exclaimed as Lan put the cake down and held his PET.

"What's going on?" Chaud asked them.

"Jasmine hasn't arrived yet!" Roll exclaimed worriedly.

"What?!" Dingo and Lan yelled in shock as Chaud held his PET.

"ProtoMan search the NET and get SearchMan to help you" Chaud said as he then turned to Lan and Maylu, "Stay with the princess. I'll take Dingo and Annette with me and Raika"

"Got it. Stay safe!' Lan said as he then turned to MegaMan, "Ok, you heard Chaud, take Roll and begin your search!"

"On it, Lan" MegaMan said as he turned to Roll, "Let's go and find Jasmine"

The two Navis rushed to the NET and then found KnightMan fighting some viruses!

"KnightMan!" the two Navis shouted as they rushed towards him.

As for Chaud, he gestured to Raika to come with him and Dingo. Raika didn't want to leave her side, so he held his PET.

"SearchMan watch over Chaud and Dingo. I have to stay here with the princess" he said in a whisper.

"On it" he said as he went to ProtoMan and TomahawkMan, "Let's find her. I'll report anything suspicious back to Raika"

"Got it. Chaud, we are ready to go" ProtoMan said as Chaud, Dingo, and Annette left the dining room.

Raika sighed as he saw them leave while Pride finally finished talking with a few people.

"Is everything alright?" she asked in a whisper, "Did something happen?"

"I'm not sure, but I sent SearchMan with Chaud. If anything happens, he'll report to me. Don't worry, I am not leaving you" he reassured her as he holds her hand and put his PET.

She thanked him in relief, but she was still worried about this. What happened to her friend?

"KnightMan! What happened to you?" MegaMan asked seriously.

"I was searching for any news on Jasmine and Meddy. I did find Meddy, but she was in such a weaken state" KnightMan informed as he stepped aside to reveal a hurt Meddy!

"Meddy!" Roll exclaimed as she kneeled beside her and began to heal her wounds.

"Who did this to her?" MegaMan asked seriously.

"I believe it was an old enemy of ours. JudgeMan" KnightMan answered as MegaMan helped heal him up.

"If it is JudgeMan, then that means Prosecutor Roppou is somewhere here!" Maylu exclaimed with worry.

"Right, but where? MegaMan can you send a message to Chaud about this. He's outside, so he should be able to search for Jasmine" Lan informed his Navi.

Raika heard Prosecutor Roppou's name from them and glanced at Pride who was very worried about this, but she was also very angry.

"He's here and threatening my castle! He's going to pay for that!" she said angrily.

"I agree as well, but we have to figure out what is going on before doing anything reckless. They also have Jasmine by the sound of things" Raika reassured her as Pride only nodded her head.

Just as the two of them were about to suggest the next course of action, Raika saw something roll over to them. It was a small, silver sphere, but he knew what this object was! He pushed Pride to Lan and Maylu, picked up the sphere, opened a window, and threw it out! However, it exploded near the window! A few officials were hurt and Raika's arm was broken!

"Raika!" his friends shouted as they rushed towards him.

"Please lockdown the castle! No one is escaping until we find the true culprits behind this case!" she ordered seriously.

Her guards went to work until one official shouted "Arrest the icy soldier!"

Everyone froze as two guards roughly pushed the Net Saviors away and grab Raika!

"What are you doing?!" Pride demanded as the Creamlandic official scoffed at her.

"He was the one who launched the attack against us just like ancestors did all those years ago!" the official exclaimed, "He shall be punished for his crimes and locked away in the dungeon"

Pride and Raika shared a look of worry and concern as Lan and Maylu waited for a moment. Lan suddenly got an idea as he stood in front of the princess.

"But Raika helped save the world! Remember? He's the one who faked his death and separated himself from his friends and family to help us win! Why on earth would he do this?!" Lan shouted defensively.

The official scoffed at Lan, "Are you just stupid? Do you know nothing of our history?"

"Lan, there was a terrorist attack in Creamland almost 14 years ago. The people killed were the parents of Princess Pride. There is evidence suggesting that it was someone from Sharo who planted the bomb" Maylu explained nervously as she stood behind him.

"But we know Raika wouldn't do this! That's insane!" Lan shouted until Raika roughly pulled himself away from the guards.

"Fine. Place me under arrest" he said simply.

"WHAT?!" Lan and Maylu shouted in shock.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'll stay locked up and outside of the party" Raika said as he hinted towards something with his words to reassure them, "So, find some evidence to prove that I am innocent. By the end of the night, if you don't then you are free to deport and ban me"

Everyone was speechless as Raika remained strong on this point.

"Hmph. Very well. Until the end of the party. You have until then" the official said, "Now, take him away!"

Raika stepped back as he answered, "I know where the dungeons are. I've been here before"

He left the dining room as the guards closed it.

"Ok, great, so what's the next plan?" Lan asked confused as he looked at the girls.

"Simple. We have to find the culprit. KnightMan make sure you and MegaMan look around the NET. Have Roll keep healing Meddy" Pride said seriously as she held her PET.

She remained calm and began her work to save Raika and their countries. As for Raika, once he made sure he was out of site, he turned a corner and sat down. He took off his jacket and then made a brace of his arm. Then, he took out his PET.

"SearchMan where are Chaud, Dingo, and Annette?" Raika asked in a whisper.

"We are patrolling around the castle and near the entrance. What happen to you, sir?" he asked in shock as he saw Raika's injury.

"I'll be fine. Right now, we need to find the culprits behind this. Can you send Dingo my way please?" Raika informed calmly as he tried to make sure his arm did shift.

"Roger" SearchMan said as he then reappeared in front of ProtoMan and TomahawkMan who both jumped in shock, "I need Dingo back near the entrance of the party"

"Huh? Why me?" Dingo asked surprised.

"Raika requested you. He also wanted me to inform Chaud to keep searching. There is a criminal here and trying to frame Raika for something he didn't do" SearchMan informed.

"I also just got a message from MegaMan. They have Meddy, and JudgeMan attacked her" ProtoMan added.

"Well, we've got our work cut out for us. Let's start searching" Chaud said simply as Dingo left to find Raika, and SearchMan returned to his Operator.

Annette looked at Chaud with worry as he remained calm.

"Don't worry, everything's going to be just fine. I have a theory at the moment. I am sure it is true as well" Chaud said with a nod of his head as he walked towards the kitchen, "But things might get dangerous. Are you ready?"

Annette grinned in delight as she held her fists and said excitedly, "You better believe I am ready for this!"

"Good" Chaud said as he held his Synchro Chip, "ProtoMan Cross Fusion time"

Chaud and ProtoMan cross fused as he then threw a mini bomb towards the end of the hallway! There was a scream as Yukia jumped out for her hiding place in her cross fusion appearance! She landed before them with a growl.

"How did you know I was there?!" she snapped at them as Chaud pointed his sword at her.

"Because you would be willing to kidnap Raika for yourself. So, you would make sure he would get hurt and easy to catch. Well, I'm not letting your hurt my friend!" he shouted as he lunged at her with his sword.

Annette stayed away as she gripped her PET and woodpecker charm. As much as she wanted to use it, she knew she had to keep it a secret. She then gripped her PET and waited for Chaud to weaken her down and then use her PET.

"Hey! Raika!" Dingo shouted excitedly as he rushed to Raika's side.

He helped Raika up as they walked away from the party.

"So, what's the plan buddy?" Dingo asked seriously.

"Right now, SearchMan should be able to find JudgeMan and lure him back to the party. So, is TomahawkMan ready?" Raika asked curiously.

"Yes. I should be fine" TomahawkMan said, "What do you want me to do?"

"Go into the NET's main control. You should have access to all the cameras. From there, you are going to send messages to Dingo. You'll see why" Raika said calmly.

TomahawkMan nodded as Dingo sent his Navi into the NET. The Navi walked to the security area and then looked through the cameras and searched for someone. He let out a gasp as he saw Prosecutor Roppou in the basement of the castle! TomahawkMan sent a message to Dingo about his location.

"Perfect. Just like I thought. Now, please search for Jasmine. She should be nearby" Raika said calmly as he turned to Dingo, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but did you bring your tomahawk with you?"

"I always carry it with me! Why?" he asked as he held it in his other hand.

"You'll handle the prosecutor. I'm no good in a fight like this. I'll get Jasmine while TomahawkMan keeps a watchful eye out for anyone" Raika informed Dingo.

"On it!" Dingo shouted excitedly.

SearchMan appeared in the NET near the party as he held his sniper and looked through the scope of it.

"Where is he? He should be nearby" he said seriously.

He looked at KnightMan and MegaMan who kept a bit of distance from Roll and Meddy. Then, JudgeMan's book was floating around.

"Got it" he said as he pulled the trigger and struck the book!

The book crashed in front of MegaMan as KnightMan stood in front of Roll and Meddy. MegaMan aimed his buster and blasted the book into pieces as JudgeMan appeared before him! SearchMan landed behind them.

"MegaMan! Is everything ok?" SearchMan asked seriously as Pride looked at the PETs.

"KnightMan1 Kingdom Crusher!" Pride ordered as she put the chip into the PET.

Her Navi pointed his arm towards the book as he launched a wrecking ball towards it! The wrecking ball crashed against the book to force JudgeMan to appear!

"Capture him! He and his Operator must answer for his crimes!" Pride ordered as Lan and Maylu nodded.

JudgeMan growled as SearchMan sent a message to his Operator that JudgeMan was discovered. Raika and Dingo arrived in dungeons as Raika received the message.

"Alright, Dingo. Go" Raika said as he waited near the entrance with both of their PETs in their hands.

Dingo grinned as he held his tomahawk and lunged towards him! Prosecutor Roppou let out a horrified scream as he avoided Dingo's strikes! Raika then rushed into the room and picked up the keys. He then ran down the hallway to see Jasmine asleep and behind bars. He unlocked the doors and kneeled down. She was breathing and alive as Dingo swung his tomahawk to knock Prosecutor Roppou to the ground!

"Bind his hands, Dingo!" Raika shouted as he shook Jasmine awake, "Are you ok?"

"I think so... Ah! What happened to your arm?" Jasmine exclaimed as she hovered her hand over it.

"Don't worry. Now that you are here, I am sure my arm will be fine" Raika reassured her calmly as Dingo stood on Prosecutor Roppou's back.

Dingo then took his PET and pulled JudgeMan back and relieved himself before KnightMan and MegaMan.

"Hey guys! I've got good news!" he shouted in delight as MegaMan jumped while KnightMan was surprised, "We found the corrupt prosecutor and Jasmine! Jasmine is doing very well too and healing up Raika!"

Lan and Maylu high fived as Pride felt relieved about this.

"However, Yukia is still out there. I am sure of that" Raika said seriously, "But I believe Chaud has already caught on to it"

Dingo made sure he tied up the prosecutor as Jasmine held her PET. Meddy returned to her PET as she smiled in relief to see Jasmine unharmed. As for Chaud, he blocked and dodged Yukia's whip strikes as Annette was running back to the party.

"Chaud! Are you sure you can handle this?" Annette yelled.

"Yeah! I've got it!" Chaud yelled back as he turned his attention to her.

However, Yukia jumped towards him and swiftly kicked him into the wall! He gasped as Annette rushed to his aid. However, Chaud transformed back to himself and picked up his PET and Synchro Chip.

"Now, stay down or else I will personally whip you into shape!" she shouted as Raika rushed to Chaud as he cross fused.

He summoned a sword and used it to cut her whip!

"Chaud! Annette! Are you ok?" Raika asked seriously as he held his sword.

Pride rushed out of the room and helped Chaud stand up.

"We're fine. We kept her busy, but we also had to get away from her too. I hope it was enough" Annette asked worriedly as she supported Chaud.

Raika then nodded at the princess as they shared a smile.

"I'm sure you have my back, my lady" he said in relief.

"But of course, my soldier" she replied with a grin as she held her PET.

Raika then turned his attention back to the lady before him who summoned a whip again and cracked it against the ground!

"Seriously?! What do you see in her?!" Yukia shouted angrily, "She's just a princess! Who cares about her?! She'll get anything she wants with a snap of her fingers! What does she have that I don't?!"

Raika was surprised as Pride dropped off Chaud and then rushed back to him. She waited behind him as he calmed himself down.

"She's more than just a princess. She's smart. She made a program to combat simple viruses" Raika said simply as he slowly walked towards her.

She swung her whip at him as he easily blocked it and continued to walk towards her. She growled as he didn't falter at all!

"She's beautiful as well, but that's not just the reason I fell in love with her. She wants to fight for everyone. She wanted to save everyone! She believes in peace and want it for everyone! I do as well! I am willing to support her and her dreams!" he declared as he then swung his sword forward to pin Yukia into the wall!

He then stepped back as she tried to pull the sword out of the wall, but she couldn't!

"Pride! Now!" Raika shouted as Pride had KnightMan enter the NET of the castle.

"On it, Raika!" Pride shouted in reply as she inserted a chip, "Royal Wrecking Ball!"

KnightMan aimed the spiky sphere towards the wave of data as he synched up with the princess. He launched the sphere and destroyed the wave! Water then burst from the sprinkles as Raika transformed back into himself. He caught his PET and Synchro Chip as Yukia screamed in pain at the water falling on her! She then forced herself to transform back and landed on her feet as she growled at him.

"I'll get you for this, Raika! You've just shattered the heart of a lady! I'll break you next time we see each other!" she vowed as she held her PET, "CircusMan! Get me and Ito out of here! We have our revenge to plot!"

Just then, a wave of data washed over herself and Ito to teleport them away. The Net Saviors joined together as Raika turned to Pride. The princess flew herself towards him to hug him! Raika held her close as he felt very relieved as their Navis rushed to Meddy to check on her.

"Are you ok?" Raika asked in a hushed whisper.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you. Are you?" Pride replied nervously.

"Yeah, I'm ok" he said in relief as the two of them let go of each other and smiled.

Lan and Dingo rolled their eyes at them while Maylu, Jasmine, and Annette found this site romantic.

"So, are you two ok, and what about the party?" Chaud asked as he stepped towards them.

Pride gasped as she completely forgot about the party! She rushed towards the party room with Raika behind her. There wasn't much damage done to the room and the officials were safe. The Creamlandic official then stepped towards them with a sigh.

"I was wrong about you, soldier" he admitted, "Although, the country will take time to warm up to you, I can see why the princess has fallen for you. Your union may prove to benefit both countries and help our world. So, please continue to be together"

Pride grinned as she then pulled him close to give him a kiss on the cheek. Raika's face heated up as Lan saw more food being prepared and brought to them.

"The night is still young! Let's party!" Lan shouted as he rushed to the buffet table with Dingo and Jasmine behind him.

"How about you, Chaud? What would you like to do?" Annette asked as some of the officials were getting food and starting to celebrate together.

Pride then held Raika's hand as she pulled him to the dance floor with Lan and Dingo looking at them in surprise. Raika held a smile as the princess began to dance with him. Just like the Creamlandic official had said, their union did benefit their countries greatly as both people warmed up to them. The smart, beautiful princess with the icy, serious soldier both stayed together to bring peace and prosperity to their countries and the rest of Europa with their friends. 

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