Oceans And Butterflies | Kime...

By Engakown

52.2K 1.3K 2.7K

"I lost you before. And I am not losing you again. This time, I will protect you with my life.... My life is... More

front matter


1.1K 44 139
By Engakown

A/N: Uhhhh. Ahehehe. Please forgive me HAHAHA. Apparently there is a part of the next chapter I'm having hard time to write soo HAHA. Anyways I didn't notice-basically forgot about that one shot I posted from a month ago I think? And it's been on my draft for like a very long time now. And I just finished it HAHAHA.

Some of you may find this cliche but duhh, I'm really love super dramatic scenes HAHA Enjoy anyways.

And hope you got a nice Valentine's Day! Uhh Happy Valentine's Day!


Behind those words

Part II: Rewrite the stars

A piercing shrill resonated the whole area as the demon's head slipped off after Giyuu and Shinobu combined an attack.

'It's over' Giyuu mentally say's, sighing in relief. They fought the demon for a good two hours. It's reasonable enough since it was a former upper moon.

He quickly went to Tanjiro who was lying unconscious on the mountain of debris.

Shinobu took notice. Even tough his face remains still, she knew deep inside he was frightened. The boy was bathed with his own blood, his face and arms were full of wounds and bruises, and a major injury on his right arm that could possibly disable it on working.

After she attended-and comforted- Zenitsu who had just woke up,- and was crying- she then picked Nezuko who was now back on her child form, sleeping soundlessly in the middle of the battleground. The kakushis were also busy attending the other slayers who went with the mission.

She saw the box still on Tanjiro's back and so she went to him.

"Your worrying too much." she says as Giyuu raised his gaze. She got down and placed Nezuko on her box. Closing it, she checked his pulse. "He's pulse is stable. He's far from danger."

"But his arm. . ."

"He'll be alright. After all I'm his doctor." she smiled. Although she also has a doubt, she assured him.

'Yeah, after all'

He knew she was saying that to low-key console him. But her smile at the end somehow relieved him.

"Lady Kocho" three kakushis appeared before them. They stood back up and was startled to see the Water Pillar's gaze on them. "T... Tomioka..sama" they gulped.

Two of kakushis went closer to them, heads down. They hurriedly picked Tanjiro then quickly went away.

Giyuu and Shinobu only followed them with a confused gaze.

"Ehem." the remaining kakushi faked a cough to catch their attention, in which he successfully did. "We already tidied up the whole area. So far there are no reports of missing slayers. There are 45 casualties including the ones who were being treated at the forest. 15 dead. 26 with minor injuries and 3 with major injuries. 1 is poisoned."

Although he didn't mention. The two already knew the one poisoned was Inosuke. Shinobu knows it's bad and unfair for Inosuke but sh couldn't help but feel thankful-not in a bad way- it was he was hit by the poison. She had already pulled out the poison from his body. At this time, the kakushis probably had departed to the Butterfly Estate.

If it was another person, he/she could've immediately died seconds after being hit by the poison. It was very strong and Shinobu admits she had a hard time incapacitating it. Thankfully, Inosuke had a strong poison resistance.

The two of them thought about how Oyakata-sama would react to this. That's a lot of deaths.

"What about the villagers?" Shinobu asked.

"We found an area full of wisteria trees somewhere in the forest. We didn't know how long the battle would go so we built a camp for them. We would accompany them back here once the sun has rise."

With that, he finished his report. Shinobu was about to dismiss him when her crow flew in circles.

"CAWW. CAWW. Water Hashira. Insect Hashira. Head to the nearest Wisteria house."

"CAWW. CAWW. Water Hashira. Insect Hashira. Head to the nearest Wisteria house."

Shinobu turned to the kakushi. "Those four with serious injuries. Bring them to the nearest wisteria house. I'll treat them there."

The kakushi nodded and left.

Giyuu stood up and sheathed his sword.

"Let's go." Giyuu said. He was about to step forward when he noticed Shinobu wasn't listening. "Kocho" he called.

"Hm?" her soft eyes gazed at him. He realized she was staring at the moon.

"Let's go" he repeated.

But she didn't move. She just stood there while staring at him. She opened her mouth, she was like that for a second before she closed it again. His brows furrowed as he gazed back at her, she then looked down. "Is something wrong?"

She shooked her head.

He was suspicious, however. "Tell me"

Shinobu looks at him, confused. "Huh"

"What is it you were about to say?"

She parted her lips. Giyuu was expecting to hear something but she bit her lip and closed it again.

His brows just got more furrowed.

She then shooked her head once again. Glancing at the moon before returning her gaze on him. "Nothing. I was just distracted by the moon."

She reasoned but Giyuu gave only gave her a suspicious look.

Seeing his expressions, she chuckled. "What? Don't you think it's beautiful tonight?"

'Why does she. . . .'

She hopped down from the debris and he was a bit shocked when she landed in front of him. "Let's go" she beamed and walked pass him.

This time, Giyuu was the one wasn't listening.

'She always tells me that. Is she sending me a message secretly?' he couldn't help but thought there was more to those words. 'But if she is, why in a secret way? She can just tell it to me directly.'

"Tomioka-san! Are you comming?"

He didn't replied and just walked and followed her.


"You should already rest Shinobu-chan. This wound isn't really that severe. I can clean it myself."

"No, no. It's my duty to take care of you. Stay still. It's almost done."

Zenitsu sighed. Giving up as he knows there is no point of making her stop. Being the responsible doctor she is, she's very loyal to her job.

He was worried remembering he was staying at the estate for three days before this mission was sent to him along with his friends. And he just realized he hasn't caught even a glimpse of her in the three days he was staying. Pillar duties he pressumed.

But what's really bothering him is how her face looks very pale.

"Shinobu-chan. Are you even taking a rest? You look very drained" he asked. This was one of those rare times where his voice was calm and would talk normally.

"I am. . ." her tone was hesitant. "I've been constantly taking naps." she gently wrapped the bandage on his chest.

When she finished wrapping him up. She stood up, ready to leave.

"Call me if something happens, okay?" she says, glancing at Tanjiro who was sleeping meters beside Zenitsu. A small futon was placed beside his where Nezuko was sleeping. "I will be in the room next to this." Zenitsu nods.

She opened the door, careful not to make any noise. She smiled at Zenitsu and was about to shut it close when, "Shinobu-chan" he called.

Shinobu gave him a questioning look. Altough he cannot see it because the room was dark.

He was hesitant for a sexond but then proceeded to tell her what he wants to say "Please refrain from straining yourself so much."


"I know you've been very busy lately. With the non-stop appearing of demons and filling in reports in the headquarters, I bet you pillars must've been very restless. . . ."

Her eyes softened. Her lips are slightly raising.

"But Shinobu-chan, you also need rest. Even tough you pillars have superhuman staminas and abilities, you still have your limits. Please stop overworking yourself."


Shinobu was speechless. She never expected to hear something like this from him.

It's then when she realized her first impression on him never changed since the first time she had met him.

Guess she really was busy. She realized how much the three have grown in 8 months of meeting and acknowledging them as her comrades.

Her smile widened and stepped in, walking towards him. "Ara? Is Zenitsu-kun worried about me?" she proceeded on her teasing mode again.

But surprisingly, it didn't work on Zenitsu. He just got more worried because her tone may be teasing but her voice was not as chherful as it usually is.

"Nothing's wrong with that right? Who would take care of us if we would get sick?"

"I think your ignoring Aoi's presence in the corps."

"Aoi-san is good and beautiful and all, but she's really aggressive and always wears a frown. Sometimes I think she hates me. That's why whenever I got back from my missions, I'm always hesitant to go and let her to treat my injuries specially when it's minor, so I just let Kiyo-chan treat me instead." he pouted.

Shinobu held back her laughter. Careful not to wake Tanjiro and Nezuko.

"Seriously tough, Shinobu-chan. Get a good night rest. Just taking naps may be unhealthy for you specially with those loads of work. And you should also eat more. . ."


"Y. . . You look smaller than the last time I saw you. . ."

She didn't if how to react with that. It was kind of offensive but his tone was really worried. She didn't want him to worry so much about her. And so, she smiled and patted his head.

"Well then. . . Okay. I will. Because Zenitsu-kun told me so! From now on, I will stop overworking myself. I will sleep 8 hours daily and I would eat more!!"

Altough, the worried look on his face was still there.

She heaved a sigh and added. "I promise."

With that, his worried look finally dropped and replaced with a gummy smile that didn't fail to lift her mood.

"Now you should sleep. Were departing tomorrow at noon."



She waited for Zenitsu to fell into slumber before leaving their room.

She opened the paper door entering the room she was assigned to stay, expecting to see someone sleeping in the two futons separately placed there.

But she saw no one.

"Where could that guy have gone?" she asked herself. She looked out of the half opened window and her eyes went wide seeing the backyard.

She slowly walked admiring the beauty of the night.

Their are big metal archways along the path. On both sides were different flowers aligning. But what she really loved was the beautiful pink flowers she don't seem to recognize, scattered on the green grass and the tremendous amount of Butterflies and Fireflies flying around.

She took a step forward. Her gaze dozing off. The fascinating ambiance of the place almost seems to her that she entered another world separated from the human realm. It was magical.

Her eyes sparkled as it landed on a huge Wisteria tree at the end of the walkway. She couldn't contain her excitement and scurried her way at the end of the walkway.

Her fingers brushed the tips of the Wisteria vines falling on her shoulders.

She continue to walk, her hands played with the vines in the process.

She can't help her feet from kicking the Wisteria petals scattered all over the ground as she steps.

Just those small childish acts was enough to make her giggle. She didn't even notice she was already enjoying herself, failing to notice those deep blue cerulean eyes staring intently at her.

He remained silent. Feeling his heart pacing faster than usual. For a moment he glanced up at the moon shining brightly on the dark sky.

'The moon is lovely isn't it?'

He swallowed a lump feeling his face heating up.

'I wonder. . . ."

He returned his gaze to her. The scene of her playing with the tree and kicking the fallen petals on the ground. The moonlight passing through the small spaces of the long vines hitting her dainty face. It looks so enchanting that he was couldn't believe it it was even real.

He can't believe he's witnessing this right now. All his life, he never wished for anything other than the termination of the demons existence. Besides that, nothing else. As he thought he never deserved anything, not even his life, that it's never worthwhile.

But right now, for the first time, his heart won over his mind. His thoughts were pushed back to the depts of his mind.

He knows he doesn't deserve this. But right now.

Right now. . .

Seeing her right now. . .

Now that she felt so near, he wants nothing but to reach and keep the world in his hands. His world.

"Ehh? Tomioka-san?" her eyes locked with him. "Staring is rude you know." she giggled.

His heart melt upon hearing her giggles. It's one of those rare occasions where she's not wearing that fake smile she always wear that seems like a mask to him.

"Are you not gonna say anything after staring at me for so long? That's really why no one likes you, you know." she laughed. Even her tone changed. It's cheery and enthusiastic as usual, but. . . this time, something was different.

Because it was one of those times she's feeling real hapiness.

Before he could drown his self to her. She took a deeo breath and went to her.

"What are you doinv here, it's late."

"Why are you talking like you don't usualy see me staying up late. You already even saw me staying up overnight. What is this fuss about?"

"Your tired."

"I'm not."

"You are."

"If you want. You can go. I'll be there in while. Just give me a little more time here."

Giyuu didn't replied. Somehow, he felt guilty. He can clearly see she was really happy being here, he felt like he was stopping her from being happy.

So then, she stepped back. He silently went on the middle of the garden.

He stopped under one of the metal archs. He's gaze wandered around. He was amused seeing the fireflies dancing and lighting up the darkness. He closed his eyes as a gentle breeze passed his face.

A while later, he can hear light footsteps behind him.

"Ara-ara. Your telling me to go inside because it's already late and yet here you are also enjoying being here. Geez, I don't really get how your mind works. Tomioka-san." she says and walked pass him. She halted when a butterfly flew in front of her. She raised her hands and let it land on her finger. "The sky is bright tonight." she says staring at the sky full of twinkling stars.

Giyuu opened his eyes only to see Shinobu standing in front of him. Standing sidewards and whispering something underneath her breath while staring at the night sky. Tough he was curious, his eyes remained on her.

The sky was full of stars. And he was staring at her.

The bottom of her lips raised as she was about to take her a glance only to see him staring at her.

For some reasons, she couldn't avert her gaze from him. The magical aura of the place almost seemed like some sort of mystical magic was illuminating them.

Without realizing, she was drawn into him. The way his eyes gleamed with hers reflecting the dancing fireflies around them. Like two shooting stars on the same path on the night sky. It was almost as if they were meant to be.

If she believes in real love. Then this should be it. But . . .

"It's rare for the sky to be like this. Usually it's always gloomy."



"What do you plan to do if in case one of these days. We defeat Muzan?"

She swallowed a lump. Not knowing what to say. How can she tell him when she don't have plans at all?

"I... don't know."


She shrugged. "I would just let whatever was written on those stars happened."


"I believe our destiny has already been written. If whatever happens, I will wholeheartedly accept it." she says. Her voice stern.

Giyuu couldn't help but grew suspicious.


A few seconds and just then Giyuu felt the tiredness of his body.

He started walking without a word. But just a few meters when he walked pass her, he stopped.

"Kocho." a soft hum escape her lips. "It's not in the stars to hold your destiny but in ourselves. I know your strong enough to decide your own fate."

Her eyes widened. Waves of pain strucked her heart. She held back her tears.

'Yes. I know. And I have already decided'

Letting out a shaky breath. She looked at the moon outstanding all the brightest things in the sky.


He turned to her waiting for her to say something. "The moon is lovely isn't it?"

Giyuu's fist clenched as he recalled the conversation he had with the caretaker of the house earlier.


"How are you feeling, Demon Slayer-sama?"

"I'm fine. I just got some minor cuts."

Giyuu was strolling around the mansion because he can't sleep when she found the old lady in front ot the house. Sitting on the floor facing the front yard.

He saw the she was eating and just then, his stomach grumbled. Hearing this, the old chuckled and invited him to sit and eat with her.

The old lady was intrigued by his silence. She looked up at the moon were he was also looking.

"You have been staring at the moon sonce you arrived. Say, is there something so soecial about it? You can tell it to me if you want."

"No, it's nothing. It's just that. . . It's. . . Beautiful isn't it?"

The woman went silent.

When he didn't got any response, he turned to her. She was staring at him, dumbfounded.

"Do you really mean the moon is lovely or are you practicing a confession through me?"


"Oh? So you don't know about it? Oh my, oh my. No wonder you don't have a lover, boy."

"What are you talking about?"

"You seem not to know about that term being used by others to indirectly say I love you to their lover."

Giyuu was beyond strucked after hearing this. The lady seem to notice his expression.

"Hmm, that's a very quick change of expression. Say, is someone have been telling that to you?"

Seeing his face red cleared her suspicion.

"If it's a girl, then she really must be in love with you. If you love this girl back, then don't waste any time and confess. Your jobs are very dangerous you know, you can't guarantee wether to get out of the battlefield alive. So I tell you, confess now before it's too late.

End of flashback.

Without thinking, he leaped the distance between them. He stood close in front of her.

Shinobu was a bit startled with that one fast move.

"D... Don't scare me like that!" She held her chest. Feeling the fast pace of her heart. Although she knew it wasn't because of the shock, but it was the man himself.



"It's indeed beautiful tonight."

Without a warning, he closed the gap between them, capturing her lips with his own.

Her eyes went wide.

'Did he. . . ."

Her mind went blank.

'Did he . . . finally got my feelings?'

Although, the answee was already clear. He nibbled her lower lip, causing her to release a gasp.

Feeling her not responding she slightly pulled back and went to her ear. "Kiss me" those two words were enough to sent jomts of tingles all over her body.

She captured her waist with his right arm and held her cheeks with his left.

He kissed her again, this time, more gentle her fingers caressing her face.

However, Shinobu was still dumbfounded and her mind was in chaos, but one thing was clear to her.

He accepted her feelings and even reciprocated them.

With that, she closed her eyes and kissed back. Her arms slowly climbed on his neck wrapping them around it.

A few minutes later, they pulled back. Catching their breaths.

Giyuu was startled upon seeing her face wet. He realized she was crying. He placed his forehead on hers while cupping both of her cheeks.

"What's wrong?"

She shooked her head. She crashed her body onto him, burying her face on his chest. She was sobbing.

He wrapped his arms around her hugging her back. "I love you" he muttered.

A while later, she lets go, still sobbing. She cupped Giyuu's cheeks staring at him straight in the eyes. "I love you too"

Giyuu was beyond happy hearing this, all for nothing with the next words she said.

"But we can't be together, at least, not now."

"What?" his voice cracked.

"Giyuu" she gulped. She just called him by his name. "Were pillars. There are things that must be supported. Let's put our duties before ourselves first. If the time comes we finally beat Muzan, then we could be together without any hindrance." she sniffed.

Giyuu felt his chest become heavy. If there was a level beyond dissapointment. That would probably describe what he is feeling right now.

"But what if we aren't the one who's meant to defeat him. Like you said, it's all been written in the stars. What if our generation wasn't the one meant to be" he said. Bit something was bothering, he can't pinpoint what exactly it is.

"And you said we can choose our own Destiny right?" she replied letting go. "It's getting late. Let's go."

She started walking. However Giyuu followed her with his gaze, he finally got what's bothering his mind.

'I believe our destiny has already been written. If whatever happens, I will wholeheartedly accept it.'

She says that like she's very sure what's about to happen. He suddenly became nervous. What if she's planning something.

"Kocho" his voice was cold and stern.

She turned to him with a soft but confuse look “Whatever you're planning. I won't let you do it.”

Her eyes went wide upon hearing what he said.

‘How did he—’

Her mouth agaped as he faced her. His painful eyes met hers.

“I'm already tired of losing Kocho...” His voice slightly raised which startled her for a bit. “Damn those written destiny's. If you can't choose for yourself then I will choose for you.

He grabbed her hands and caressed them with his thumb “This time, I know how to fight, I know how to protect those people important to me. They're not taking anyone away from me again. Not Tanjiro, not Nezuko.... Not you...” his tone went gentle on the last part. He kissed the back of her shaking hands.

She was speechless and then he continued “If your plan is indeed meant to happen then I would freaking rewrite the stars if I can't be with you.” he kissed her forehead and stared deeply on her eyes. “I will not lose you.” he whispered before he walked pass her and went inside.

“My everything”

‘Please, Kami-sama. If you really exist... Then please. I'm begging you..... Please’

Shinobu was left their standing like a statue. When his words finally sinked in her mind, She didn't held back anymore. She bursted into tears.

'I know I want you, it's not a secret I try to hide. But I can't have you, were bound to break and my hands are tied.'

I'm sorry, Tomioka-san. It's already been decided.


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