Draco x reader

By azraSlytherin

855K 12.8K 31.9K

(Completed) -------------------- The story is beginning from year three at Hogwarts. You are a kind Slytherin... More

Chapter 1 - third year
Chapter 2 - summer holidays
Chapter 3 - Malfoy Manor
Chapter 4 - celebration
Chapter 5 - Louis
Chapter 6 - Back at Hogwarts
Chapter 7 - detention
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Task one, triwizard tournament
Chapter 10 - rumor
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Yule ball
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 40

12.5K 180 381
By azraSlytherin

In the morning, both of us went to our own dorms on time, without letting anyone know we slept in the common room.

I went to breakfast with Ruby and ate a little, before going to the plant house, where I saw Neville.

,,Oh hey, Neville. Long time no see." I greeted him as I walked in.

,,Hey, (y/n)." He responded as he planted a flower.

I made my way to a watering can and began to water.

After a short silence, Neville interrupted it and asked me where my Necklace was. The one Cedric gave me.

,,Oh that" I looked down to see nothing.


I entered my dorm quietly, not trying to wake Ruby up. I didn't even make the effort to put my pajamas on. I'll have to stand up in about two hours anyway.

I lay down and began to think.

I'd never felt love before. It was always a feeling everyone knew, but me. Harry's parents were dead, yet he had his friends and everyone else. I hadn't gotten to know my parents either, but I hadn't had anyone like he did. I had Cedric. I assumed I loved him. But how can you assume to love someone?

I never thought I would end up with Draco. There was always a feeling I didn't understand when I was around him. But it didn't even make sense. He was a git towards me all the time.

Turns out he was the one I love. The one I needed all the time. The one, who was the filling piece of the hole in my heart.

The last times I spent with Draco were not like all the others. We didn't argue, we trusted each other.

Draco once told me that he had never felt real love either, except from the love his caring mother Narcissa had for him.

He told me I was everything he had and that he would never ever want to leave me. If he did, he would never forgive himself.

Maybe we loved each other since the beginning. Maybe we just weren't aware, since we were two oblivious people, who didn't know what actual love is.

Both of us hadn't felt it before, yet fed each other with it. Strange, but what else would love be. How else would love work?

Then I decided.

It's not fair towards him if I keep wearing the necklace Cedric gave me, even though me and Draco are together.

I got out of my bed quietly and walked out of the dorm room. I looked around not to get caught by Filch and made my way towards the black lake.

I stood there. The sun wasn't out yet, so I watched the twilight. The beautiful purple-ish colours in the sky above me, a cool breeze hitting my face, I walked closer to the edge.

I stopped just before the water.

,,Once again, thank you for everything, Cedric." I whispered to myself.

I unclasped the necklace, took it off and looked at it. The yellow heart necklace with the little 'c' in it.

I held it and closed my fist.

,,Thank you" I whispered and threw it into the distance, into the middle of the black lake.

I held my arms to warm myself and looked  at the breathtaking view.

Then I turned out, and went back to my dorm.

(End of flashback:)

,,I just don't wear it anymore." I responded and Neville nodded understandingly.

After listening to Neville, I decided to leave and look where Draco is. We don't have any classes today. That means I can spend time with him.

But I was wrong.

I didn't find Draco anywhere. He was just no where. Doesn't matter whom I asked, nobody knew where he was.

After looking everywhere, I stood in front of the last place. The place I hadn't looked after him. The room of Requirement.

It slowly opened. I stepped inside and looked around, but it was different. It wasn't the same as the last time. It looked rather chaotic.

,,Draco" I called and nothing. No response. ,,Draco?" I walked further inside.

,,Awe, is (y/l/n) looking for her little boyfriend?" I froze as I heard the feminin voice.

I turned around and locked my eyes with his grey-blue ones, which began to turn glassy. He gave me a I'm so sorry look as he was held by his collar.

,,Oh, young love." She laughed and put an extra pressure on the letter v.

I tried to walk backwards, tried to escape, but my back hit someones chest, which caused me turn around in panick.

Three more death eaters were standing behind me.

Draco's aunt laughed once again.

,,Do you think I'm stupid?" Bellatrix laughed and dragged Draco with her, towards me. ,,You think... you can escape easily?" She looked at me, her eyes widening and then her lips forming a huge grin.

She walked backwards and some death eaters hands grabbed my shoulders to hold me in place.

Draco didn't say anything, he couldn't. He was probably more focusing on not to let a tear escape his eyes.

Bellatrix turned her head towards Draco, lowering him to reach his ear. ,,Draco" she whispered, yet I could still hear her. She pressed her wand into Draco's palm and held his shoulder. ,,Do it. Voldemort said, we don't need her anymore. Kill her." She said and side eyed me.

Draco's lower lip began to tremble, his eyes shutting close as my eyebrows furrowed in fear.

,,Love is weakness, Draco. You're a Malfoy, a pureblood. You deserve better. So much better. We can find you the right girl, but now... kill, Draco. Kill her." She whispered.

,,Don't" I whispered and the death eater, who was holding me shook me to shut up.

Draco couldn't bring himself to raise the wand. He just couldn't, but Bellatrix took his arm and guided him.

Now the wand was pointed at me.

,,I can't." He shouted. And a single tear rolled down my cheek. I felt my body heating up from the panick and my hand shaking.

,,Draco!" Someone shouted. Lucius came from behind the many furnitures and stood next to him. Draco looked up almost immediately and their eyes met.

This won't end good, I thought.

,,What do you think are you doing?" He spat slowly.

,,Father I-"

,,Keep your filthy mout shut." He shouted suddenly. He made me angry, very angry. Oh, how I hated this man.

,,Lucius, don't." I heard a soft voice from behind. Narcissa stood far away, tilting her head. Although she was far away, I could recognize the tears forming in her eyes.

,,Take her back to the Manor." He told a death eater and she got sent back.

,,Kill her. Now, Draco." He whispered.

I couldn't hold myself back anymore.

,,Hey Lucius!" I yelled and he shot his head towards me. ,,I think you are the one, who needs to keep his mouth shut." I said confidently.

Draco looked at me as if I was insane.

,,Is that so?" He said walking towards me as he grabbed the wand outta Draco's hand. I gulped. I hadn't thought about what would happen next, but here we are.

,,Father don't. She didn't mean it." Draco said softly and Lucius turned around, holding his hand up in the air.

,,Don't tell me what to do, Draco." He hissed and locked his eyes with mine. ,,And to you, (y/l/n)." He walked closer and stopped in front of me. ,,I want my power back." He hissed and I looked up at him.

,,It isn't cool anyway." I teased and smirked. Draco looked even more concerned and gave me a seriously? You will get yourself killed, (y/n)! look.

,,Is that so?" He said and then I had the idea. I have his power, why not use them? Ugh, how am I this stupid, I thought and began to focus on him.

,,Oh, little reminder. That are my powers you have. You can't use them on me." He chuckled at my stupidness and the death eaters behind me laughed along.

Oh, you won't laugh any longer, I thought as I tried to make eye contact with the one on my right side.

He looked at me questioning and soon fell on his knees. He screamed in pain and my eyes were already red. At least I assumed they were, since Draco rose his eyebrows in fear.

As Lucius was distracted, I kicked him in-between his legs and he fell to ground, groaning.

I immediately looked at the left death eater, whose eyes began to grow and focused on him. He tried to look away, but I already locked my eyes with him, he couldn't. He fell to ground too and I let the pain disappear after a few seconds.

Both of them were on the ground, groaning. Lucius was on the ground too and Bellatrix looked at me with wide eyes. She took her wand from Lucius' hand and walked towards me. Draco held her arm down as strong as he could and looked at her furiously.

,,Nobody touches my girl." He whispered and grabbed her wand.

I smirked proudly and tried to free myself from the death eater's grip. I positioned my foot behind his ankle and leaned backwards, causing him to fall. But he dragged me down with him. I rolled quickly to my side and he just held me stronger.

,,Draco!" I shouted and he looked at me. He let go of Bellatrix after casting a spell at her and ran towards me.

,,You won't go anywhere." The death eater whispered into my ear as he held me tightly, making it impossible for me to escape.

,,Draco!" I shouted once more as the death eater managed to stand up. He walked backwards and tried to grab his wand from his pocket.

Draco was running towards me as everyone else was on the floor, in pain.

Draco came closer and closer, but suddenly, Lucius held his ankle right there as he was running past him.

Draco fell, but luckily didn't land on his face. He propped himself up with his elbows at the right time and tried to kick himself out of Lucius' grip.

,,Draco!" I shouted as the death eater dragged me backwards. He somehow managed to grab his wand and placed it under my chin.

Draco stood up. He looked at me and walked carefully closer.

,,Put the wand down." He said slowly as I closed my eyes in fear and my breath quickened.

I assume the death eater shook his head, since he didn't say anything

,,Draco" I whispered in fear.

Draco smirked at me and nodded. I got what he was on about and I smirked either. I nodded.


,,Hey, (y/n)" Draco walked into my dorm room.

,,Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked confused.

,,I have to tell you something."

My heart beat quickened for no reason.

,,Tell me." I said, patting at the spot next to me.

,,You know how we're involved into... the dark side, right?" He said the last part slowly, not looking at me.

,,Yes" I responded, still confused.

,,I turned yesterday back to the Manor for a few hours." He paused and I nodded. ,,I heard a few death eaters talking about you, but I didn't understand what they were exactly on about." I looked away from him, to the front. ,,There could be a possibility, that they..." He couldn't say it. ,,they-" he cleared his throat.

,,Wanna see me dead." I ended his sentence as I was looking to the front. He turned his head to me, observing my face, trying to read me.

,,Yes." He whispered. ,,I came here to teach you something." He stood up and I looked at him questioning, with somewhat glassy eyes.

,,Come on." He grabbed my hand and got me to my feet.

,,Let's begin with something obvious. Imagine someone is holding you from behind." He said and went behind me. He grabbed me tightly and pressed me against his chest. I blushed slightly. ,,Holding you like this. What do you do?" I put my foot behind his ankle and leaned back, causing him to fall. He rubbed his head in pain and stood up. ,,That- was good." He said and I chuckled.

He held me again, which caught me off guard. I placed my foot behind his ankle, again, but this time he knew what I was trying and stepped on my foot.

,,What now?" He whispered into my ear and I was dumbfounded.

,,Imagine me..." he pointed in front of me. ,,standing there."

,,Do you have a wand."


,,What if not."

,,Trust me, I will." I nodded. ,,Now..." He walked in front of me. ,,I'll throw this, catch it." He said and I did. ,,Good." ...

(End of flashback:)

,,Now" Draco threw the wand towards me. It flew right next to me and the death eater caught it.

He chuckled in a deep voice.

,,Nice try" he said, holding the wand.

Draco winked at me as a sign and I pulled the death eater down with the hand he just freed. Draco ran towards me as I got the death eater to the floor. I kicked him, causing him not to be able to stand up, and took the wand.

Draco came and I handed him the wand.

He mumbled a spell with which all the death eaters disappeared.

I looked to my side and he was already staring at me.

,,We did it!" I cheered and he chuckled.

Suddenly, someone grabbed the back of my neck and Draco casted the spell as fast as he could. Now everyone was gone, even Lucius and Bellatrix.

I sighed in relief and ran to Draco. I hugged him tightly and felt tears flowing down my cheek onto his suit.

,,We did it." I whispered against his chest and he held me even tighter.

I threw my arms around his shoulder and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He blushed a little and I giggled.

,,You need to rest, (y/n). C'mon, let's go to my dorm." He said quietly and we walked out of the, now quiet, room of Requirement.

I already felt the after pressure of the grip and assumed there would be a print later, but now I only concentrated on the arms holding me warm. Draco's arms.

We got back to his dorm room and he gave me comfortable clothes to wear. I slipped into them and walked towards his bed.

He opened his arms and I lay on his chest. He held me tightly and kissed the top of my head.

,,I love you." He whispered.

,,I love you too." But then, I dozed off to sleep. It was an exhausting day. But once again, I was sleeping in the arms of the beautiful boy I love.

Draco Malfoy.


Hope you enjoyed


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