A Little Fate (LokixReader) {...

By DontTellAuntieTasha

267K 8.9K 3.2K

Most people dream about coming face to face with the Avengers. But you just happened to be short on luck that... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Six

4.8K 166 112
By DontTellAuntieTasha

(A/N: Really long and a bit of a cliff hanger, sorry. This will probably get revision later, since it's so horrible. Also: happy valentine's day! Sadly I do not have a valentine- so if you do have one be happy! Anyway, hope you like this. Thanks for reading!)

Tony's press party came much quicker than expected. Well, the pre-party 'pull your shit together to look pretty' session came much quicker. The actual meeting and party was still hours away. Natasha had deemed you 'underqualified' to fix yourself up, and thus insisted to assist you. Which was actually a relief, since you could barely ever remember even putting on a dress before.

"Alright, the dress is on your bed, Clint will be back for make-up, I'll do your hair, but first I have to find some shoes." Nat said, listing off what she had prepared for you. Honestly, she could really be over-the-top when she wanted to. "Now go shower and change. I'll be right back." She said, shoving the dress into your hands, and rushing back out.

The dress was a beautiful green that brought out your features. It was beautiful, and the golden accents went along great with the pendant around your neck. Nat had also gotten you some jewelry, which matched your locket as well.

After a quick rinse -as well as finally figuring out how to work a dress- you exited the bathroom to a waiting Clint and Natasha. Clintasha. Funny how that worked out.

"Finally! Alright, sit down. This'll only take a second." Clint said, pulling out natural colors. At least you knew enough about make-up to know what colors he was using. You felt the different brushes sweep across your face, each feeling a tad different. It was nice though. You've never really had someone put make-up on you.

While he was fussing over make-up, Nat was showing you the shoes she picked out. They were a beautiful gold, and matched all the accents and jewelry you had on your body already.

Much more than a few seconds later, Clint finally declared himself done. Natasha moved to the side of you, holding a curling iron. She and Clint shared a look, and you knew it was one of pure mischief. Or maybe one about mischief. Who could tell with two master assassins?

After that little glance, Clint headed to leave, while Nat seemed completely inconspicuous. Which was completely suspicious. What could she be up to? You had a suspicion...

"So what's up with you and Loki?" She asked, starting to curl your hair. The hot iron being turned and twisted right next to your ear only encouraged you to not not tell her. Almost like a threat.

"Not much. What's up with you and Bruce?"

She scoffed at your topic change. "There's more than 'not much', Y/N. Come on, give me the details!" She said, while starting to work on another strand of your hair.

"Well, we may have kissed-" You started, feeling like you were gossiping with Peter about his school again. That happened a lot. Especially over a certain girl... Mj?

"Clint owns me another twenty."

"Of course he does. Do you always bet on everything?"

"Yes. And I'm always right. So did you two profess your love yet?"

You blushed under her questioning of crushes. "Yeah." You say in a quiet voice, not knowing how much you could share with Nat without it getting weird. There really wasn't anything more to it though, besides kisses and falling asleep together. But now Nat knew both.

"That's great Y/N! I've been hearing nonstop from Thor about how great it is that Loki found someone. Apparently you're one of his only loves."

You could only blush more under her praise. One of his only loves? For a prince over a thousand years old?

"Alright, so we're going to introduce you to the media, and then go to the party afterwards. There'll probably be press at both events, so you have to listen carefully. Don't lie. You can twist the truth, but try to refrain from straight up lying. We'll filter the questions, and make sure you don't have to admit anything embarrassing. If anyone wants you to use your abilities, don't. The less people who know what you can do the better. Always let them underestimate you. We're trying to go for an innocent look, so go ahead and play off that. Any questions?" She ended her rant, right as she moved on to the other side of you to get a better angle on the rest of your hair. So far it looked pretty great. It was curled, but not overly so. It seemed Natasha really could style hair- which actually wasn't surprising. Spies should be able to handle updos too right?

"How long should I stay at the party for? I'm going to chance it either way." You ask, after thinking about anything you were doubting.

"As long as you want. When you're ready to leave though, we'll send the most non-drunk avenger to go up with you. Which will probably be that boyfriend of yours. I've heard he's not a big fan of mortal alcohol."

"Wait, he's not my-"

"Hush. I'm done! You look wonderful!" She cut you off, as you rolled her eyes at her teasing.

"Thanks." You blush, yet again, for all the positive comments. You looked in the mirror she led you to.

Damn, you looked good. Usually you weren't one to boast or have a big ego, but then again you've never really dressed up to this extent. It probably didn't help that you were in Loki's colors either. Your hair was perfectly styled, framing your face. Clint seemed to have done a great job with the make-up, perfectly bringing out your eyes and jawline. Your lips were framed as well, a bright red against the rest of your colors that evening.

Your dress was sleeved, going just past your elbows. Gold engraved patterns trailed up the sleeves, as well as down the shimmery green skirt part of the dress. The bottom of said dress was just past your knees, puffy but not too much. Your golden heels stood out as well, going along with your whole theme. Your locket rested on your chest, almost like an emblem with the arrow chiseled into the locket.

You looked damn amazing.

"You look great!" Nat praised you, before glancing at the clock on the wall. "Shit. It's already 5. We better get going." Natasha says, pulling you up to follow her out. You submit to Nat's energy, since the only other option was to be dragged. The two of you race down the elevator, and to the awaiting Avengers. They were all already waiting in a van, ready to take off the moment you arrived.

But once they caught a glance at you in all your magnificence, most of them couldn't help but smile. At least the tiniest bit. Loki seemed to be full on jaw-dropped, and you couldn't help but blush from all of their compliments.


The press conference went well. Tony and Steve did most of the talking, and afterwards helped filter questions to you and Loki. It seemed most of the focus was on you, since you had just given up your thieving ways not three months prior. Speaking of, you managed to find out that Stark was now donating more than your original weekly donations to your chosen charities, which was absolutely amazing.

After all the media, the team headed to the afterparty. Apparently this was what Stark had been raving about all week, and it sure lived up to his reputation. A total of three bars, seven food tables, and three dance floors over two stories definitely lived up to the standards. Especially with all the Avengers balloons. Honestly, could he have a bigger ego?

But, you weren't one to complain. Especially since everything was technically in your and Loki's honor.

"One hundred percent chance the party will go smoothly, and nothing catastrophic will happen while I'm here." You whisper, as you walk the red carpet with the Avengers. The guard let your team in automatically, although you could almost imagine him sneaking Loki an extra glance. How did you notice this? Because you were his date for the evening. Well... his unofficial date. But you were still on Loki's arm for the party, at the suggestion of Tony.

"There's nothing to worry about, Love." Loki told you as you entered the gigantic ballroom. There were stairs going to the second floor, two chandeliers hanging from a high ceiling, and two of the three bars on either side of the room. Seemed like Tony really did go all out.

"Hey Lovebirds! Go grab a drink or something. Enjoy yourselves!" Tony shouted to you, but probably only after noticing how out of place you looked. You hadn't ever been to a party, although you assumed Loki had been to plenty. Just... not Earthly ones.

"Tony, you shouting at them is not going to help. Just let them be." Pepper saved you from Tony's insisting, as you chuckled at his teasing.

"You look beautiful tonight." Loki said, turning to face you.

"Thanks. You look amazing as well." Amazing was an understatement. Men in suits were attractive. Loki in his suit... Well you were barely holding back as it is. "Do you want to grab a drink?"

"If that is what you wish, then of course." He said, as you placed your hand on his arm to head towards the bar. You wouldn't be getting any alcohol, especially in a party with this many innocents.

"Brother! Lady Y/N! How are you faring?" Thor asked, and you stopped to talk to him. As well as most of the others who stopped you on your way. Apparently you were popular tonight. Most people simply asked a question and left, although one or two reporters may have been sent away after too much pestering. Tony, Nat, and Steve all stopped by as well, making sure you were doing ok. As well as asking a few times about what you were planning on doing, whether it was leaving early or staying through the party. Every answer was 'maybe', although you were leaning more towards leaving early now.

Eventually a new song played across the speakers, but you could've sworn you've heard it before. It was just like- Just like the song you danced to with Loki last night.

"Care to dance?" You ask him, as you could see the recognition register in his eyes as well. You two headed to the dancefloor, and swayed and spun your way through the song. It was definitely one of the most wonderful moments in your life. Once it finally came to an end, the two of you headed back to your seats at the bar, hand in hand with smiles on your faces. None of the team noticed, or at least decided not to comment anything about it.

It was right around that time when you noticed people finally starting to clear out as well. It must've been a little past one in the morning, so most of the press had left. Well, some of them. The others were probably waiting for something drastic to happen. Or for Tony to get drunk enough to give some form of a show. Either way, you wouldn't want to be here for that.

"Hey Loki, it's getting a little late. I think I'm going to head back to the tower."

"I'll gladly accompany you. Unless you rather return with another-"

"No. It'd be better if you came back with me. You'd just leave anyways, if I'm not mistaken."

He chuckled at your teasing. "You are right, little one. I assume you'd like to tell the team?"

You nod, as the two of you head over to the rest of the team. Surprisingly they had all migrated to the same place, and were teasing and joking around. You caught Nat's eye first, knowing she'd back you up all the way.

"If it's alright with all of you, I think I'm gonna head back to the tower."

"You need a ride?"

"I don't think so. I was planning on teleporting."

"Alright, well, tell us if anything happens or you need help."

"I don't think anything is going to happen in the tower."

"Yeah, but you still have to get there. I assume Loki is going with you?"

"Yep. I'll see you all tomorrow!" You wave goodbye, walking with Loki towards the back of the party. Out of the building, technically. It was beautiful, a whole private garden. You needed to get away from spectators though, and this was the easiest way.

You head out of the building, although you decide to wander the garden a bit. There were tons of exotic flowers, and plenty of flora that caught your eye. Eventually though, you turned to Loki, ready to head back. He holds out a hand to you, ready to teleport.

But you don't move to grab it. You can barely even register his hand, while you enter a panicked state. Your fuel was gone. Your infinite supply- your magic. It. Was. Gone. 

No magic means that you can fun out of fuel, run out of power to chance things with. Without your newfound, now-lost source, you were running on fumes from your last victim. That victim being Loki, nearly two months ago when you had drained him.

Something was unrealistically wrong.


(Loki's Pov)

You didn't grab his hand. He looked at you confused, wondering if he had done something wrong. But you were glancing around nervously, like he had seen you do for the arrows many times before. You only look for the arrows when there is trouble. "What's wrong?"

"My magic's gone." You whisper, barely audible to normal ears. It strikes him nonetheless. Why did it suddenly disappear? How? It's not like it could be drained that easily, let alone not exhaust you as well. But then again, you weren't a normal magician, were you?

He tried reaching for his own magic, finding it missing as well.


Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Mine is as well." His hand now rested on the hilt of his dagger sheath, ready in case of attack. "When was the last time you had it?"

"It just disappeared. I don't think it's a coincidence that your magic disappeared too." You responded, looking around much more frantically. "We need to get back to the party." He wondered for a moment why you had not said the location of the event, when he realized it was not the location that had been 'chanced'. It was the actual party.

He nods curtly, trusting both you and your instincts. You both start your way towards the party, when you freeze. Loki does so as well, as footsteps could be sound from behind you.

"Asgardian. Come with us now." A gruff voice says, and Loki whirled around to face the enemy. His face seemed familiar...

It was the security guard from the entrance. This was an inside job. Someone who obviously knew enough on how to take him down, and Y/N with him.

Triple shit.

"And why should I?" Loki asked, doubting that this wasn't a test of some sort. Midgardians always loved to video everything, this was no different. Affronting a departing god right after the press conference? Seemed a little too perfect.

"You don't have a choice. Resist and we will kill this girl. You have lost, god."

"No such thing has happened. I will skin your hide and feed it to a lion before you touch her, for I am not only a god, a prince of Asgard, and a master magician, but I have trained and fought with opponents twice your size and strength. You are nothing more than a pest to me." Loki said, as he drew his daggers. He needed to get you to safety, and could only do that through physical combat right now. He couldn't even teleport you away, since his magic was gone.

The mortal in front of him laughed -actually laughed- before raising a hand. Gesturing to someone-

It was too late when he noticed. Too late, while in his shock and rage, to notice a dart come flying from the rooftop of the party, and head straight for him. Too late to notice the van pull up in the driveway, or that other attackers were heading straight for them. He was too caught in his rage from the threat of hurting you, that he forgot he was without his magic to help him sense these things.

The dart embedded itself in his neck, as he instantly started to sway. He dropped his daggers, staggering to the floor.

"No! Loki!" A voice called from beside him, but he could barely think straight. Barely remember that there was indeed a reason to keep fighting, even when exhaustion hit his weakened state. How had they known everything about him?

"One hundred percent... Loki will return... be completely unfazed... any other form of harm..." Words drifted by his ears, as a familiar feeling engulfed his body.


(Avengers Pov)

"So if you put the hammer in an elevator-" Tony asked, as the entire team sat around the table on the second floor. Y/N and Loki had left to head back to the tower, and the team had taken it upon themselves as a sign to start clearing out the guests. Which was pretty easy when Thor simply had to summon Mjolnir. The team then settled around a few couches, as the conversation of doubting magic began- like it has every time everyone was drunk enough for such nonsense.

"Elevator's not worthy." Steve responds, right as a heavy feeling settled on everyone in the room. The deafening feeling of something gone horribly wrong, or something was about to happen. Thor seemed to be most affected, probably knowing the feeling quite well. Since it was, in fact, an ancient Asgardian magic.

But of course, no one knew that yet. Everyone simply thought it was a 'bad feeling', like so many people get before something goes wrong.

And it did.

Not a moment later, a figure in green and gold appeared across the room, stumbling in front of them. The same person who was supposed to be at the tower, guarding a certain Fate.

"Loki? What's going on?" Thor asked his brother, growing more concerned when he practically collapsed on one of the stools closest to him. He looked and seemed disoriented, as if on the verge of a panic attack. It was as if he had been drugged. Although he seemed to pull himself together enough when he realized the other Avengers were there as well. "Where's Lady Y/N?"

Loki's head snapped up at this, scanning his brother's face. As if hoping he could give Loki some form of a clue. 


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