๐Œ๐ˆ๐๐“ & ๐‘๐Ž๐’๐„๐’, ๐ฆ๐ข๐ฅ...

By madsuniverse

14.4K 440 1.1K

โ” one horrifying secret, two teenagers, two mints, and one rose. ยฉ mads 2021 More

๐ˆ๐๐“๐‘๐Ž๐ƒ๐”๐‚๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐ !
ยฒ gloomy
ยณ hes back
โด armageddon
โต the bloody truth
โถ tainted glass
โท in so much pain
โธ that it almost feels good
โน tears of the gods
ยนโฐ underneath the willow tree
ยนยน blood of the stars
ยนยฒ in sickness and in health

ยน downfall

2.5K 64 408
By madsuniverse

MADELYN WAS A FIFTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL, a fifteen year old girl with a rough life, her mom died of cancer when she was seven. this terrified madelyn of growing old, she was only fifteen—-however the only memories she had of her mother was when she was seven or younger, and as she got older, she was going to forget more memories.

eight years, it had been eight long, painful, years since she has seen her mother in person, or held her hand, or heard her voice besides in an old video—-it hurt, it really did.

but that wasn't the only loss that madelyn had to face, you see, after her mom died, her father was so distraught about losing the love of his life that he was never the same again, he didn't smile, he was always angry, he always drank, and he stopped coming around, he stopped supporting madelyn and was never there for her when she needed him the most.

he used to sit on the couch, all day, and he didn't move unless it was to go to the fridge and get another beer. it was painful, she remembered always watching her mother slowly die in the hospital when she was sick and not knowing what to do, there was nothing that she could do.

but just to watch time repeat itself with her father, watching him stay in the chair and barely move all day... she would try her best to motivate him to get up, to stop—-she knew he was an alcoholic, and no matter what she did, it was never enough, because he didn't move.

and eventually, his alcoholic actions lead him into drugs, hardcore drugs that he got addicted to—-which lead to his death when she was just thirteen, leaving her as an orphan, and she had no siblings either, just her against the fucked up, unfair world.

she felt like she was a failure, like she let her, her dad, and even her mom down, she let everyone down—-this made her have a wide variety of different emotions about the situation.

some days; she would feel like she could have tried harder, if she just pushed him to get up more and more, then he would have gotten up and remembered the true importance of life, and that coming back to his only child, his baby girl, because that was exactly what mom would have wanted.

and then other days she felt as if she wasn't important enough, was alcohol and drugs that important to him to the point where he couldn't put it down to be there for his own child? was she not worth him putting down the alcohol?

you could only imagine how much the situation took a toll on her emotions... it impacted her life, it changed her, and who she was.

now due to her becoming an orphan at the young age of thirteen, some family friends had stepped in—-being old friends of her parents when they were younger, they took madelyn in instead of her jumping into foster homes.

she hated life for a long time, she really did. she hated the people she had to live with too, she barely knew them, now she had to live with them? they weren't even family either, they lived in a massive home, but that didn't the change the fact that it was old and very, very creepy.

and none of them were really in her age range, see there was two people, the oldest miles, was fifteen turning sixteen when she moved there, and she was only thirteen, and flora was just five.

she was really queste, and she didn't even bother reaching out to anyone, she thought no one would understand, that no one would care.

but by the time madelyn was fourteen, that all changed.

you see, when madelyn grew up she started learning to accept that what happened to her father wasn't her fault, it took a lot of time though, time that she couldn't get back. as she progressed and learned more, she started to branch out more.

miles was sixteen, they were about two and a half years apart, and he wasn't as scary as he seemed, he was actually really really nice.

and her branching out was the start of an amazing friendship, he took her in, treated her like he was her mentor in life, a big brother you could say—-they became best friends almost instantly, they were attached at the hip and went everywhere together.

the first thing miles noticed about madelyn was that she had one brown eye, and one blue eye. see he loved it, he thought it was the coolest thing ever—-however she hated it, she thought she looked like a reptile or some sort of freak.

she loved his parents aswell, they were very nice and amazing people for taking her in, despite her not looking at it in an optimistic way at first,

then... quint started slowly coming around more, at first he came out every now and then, and to be honest, madelyn never really liked him, he gave her horrible vibes—-he would always look at her weirdly, and she had the worst feeling when he was around jessel.

but she never put too much into it, because he wasn't around that much—-but then he started coming around more... and more.

and that's where it all started to go wrong, he would always pull miles aside and take him places, they would disappear for hours and hours on end... they would go out late at night and come back early in the morning, then miles would sleep his days away and do it all over again.

madelyn didn't come around because, well, she didn't like quint, at all. and madelyn was someone who liked everyone, but the vibe he gave off was one that she didn't want to be surrounded by.

so she removed herself from the situation, but then her and miles, her best friend—-correction; her only best friend, the one who took her in when she had no one, when she lost everyone that was important to her in her life, disappeared.

he stopped hanging around with her and she didn't want to lose him, so she tried her best to tag along with the two but they would never let her, they would tell her that she was too young.

by this time, she was fourteen and miles was seventeen, which from an outside perspective made sense, but age never mattered to her or miles, especially considering madelyn was extremely mature for her age considering she had gone through so much trauma since she was young.

she had learned to hate quint, and she didn't hate anyone, but not only was he creepy, he took her best friend, the most important thing in the world to her was gone, and she lost another person...

it's not like quint and miles were doing normal things either, all of the time miles would come back drunk or high after hanging out with quint, he would try to play it off but madelyn always knew considering her dad was a drug addict and an alcoholic, she was exposed to it since she was so young.

she cried a lot when she lost miles, he meant everything to her, and just like that another person walked out of her life.

and just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, miles' parents died, both of them.

so not only had madelyn lost both of her parents, but the new ones that she considered like parents because they took her in when she had no one, had also died.

and she lost her best friend.

she was just numb, she had such a horrible internal reaction yet on the outside she had a plain face, no smile, no nothing, just pain hiding behind her resting face.

miles really fell off after that.

he had a whole personality shift, the person she looked up to and adored became dark and aggressive, he constantly got in trouble, he had many tendencies to fight people for no valid reason, and he would lash out at anyone who crossed his path.

he went out with quint every single night at this point, there wasn't one night where he would stay in, and every time that he came back after hanging out with quint, he would be absolutely annihilated, stumbling around as his scent was either weed or alcohol, both on some nights.

and to top it all off, quint moved in, literally moved into the house, forcing madelyn to live in the same place as him, as if seeing him every. single. day. wasn't bad enough, now when she slept, he was down the hall.

and that didn't help her feeling of him being creepy, now he was around her all the time, whether she liked it or not.

he completely took advantage of the death of miles' parents, he didn't even seem sad about it, he was happy if anything and used it to his advantage to absolutely run the mansion, or he acted like he did.

he treated miles as if he was his son, except quint was some sort of fucked up father who would get him involved in all kinds of horrible things, something that a real father wouldn't dare to do.

shortly after, miles got shipped off to boarding school.

and that only broke her heart into two pieces, splitting it in half and ripping it apart, her emotions flying all over the place.

but the night before he left was one that she would never, ever forget.

"miles?" madelyn softly said as she walked into his room, cracking the door open slightly, she saw that he was sitting on his bed, or, mattress on the floor, as he fiddled with his drumsticks.

miles shot his head up at the girl, his eyes didn't light up like they used to when she entered a room, they were cold and dark, and most importantly alone.

she walked in and shut the door behind her before continuing,

"um... i know you're leaving for boarding school tomorrow..." she sadly said, as she stayed in the room for longer she could smell the strong scent of alcohol, he was drunk, just like every other night.

she looked around before sitting down on the mattress, she looked over to him as she waited for a response—-say something, say anything.

"yeah..." he vaguely said, as he looked up at her once again, she saw that his eyes were insanely dialated, she could tell now due to the fact that they were much closer than they had been before.

he was high, and she knew that he must have taken some hard core shit, no way weed did that to him.

"are you drunk?" she blurted, not even thinking about her words before she spoke, causing him to scoff.

"what do you care anyway?" he muttered, causing her to feel like a knife had been stabbed through her chest, completely shattering her already broken, and damaged heart.

"what do you mean 'what do i care'? miles we were best friends!" she said with slight offense as she stared at him, madelyn was normally shy and never fought back, but she felt so offended that miles been questioned her care for him.

if anything, she should question his care for her, he was the one who abandoned her for quint, madelyn tried to do everything in her power to keep her and miles' friendship remaining, but the effort wasn't coming from his side and they completely fell apart.

"i don't care" he said before standing up off of the bed and walking over the door, his body language was coming off in an aggressive manor, and madelyn would be lying if she said she wasn't scared, because she definitely was.

but if there was one thing about her to know, it's that she was sensitive, she had suffered from abandonment issues and losses her entire life, so for someone so important to her to tell her that they didn't care, it hurt her, a lot.

she stared up at him, tearing resting at the brim of her two different color eyes—-she didn't want to cry, she was going to feel humiliated if she cried, yet the knot in her throat was too painful to ignore.

keep it in, keep it in.

"youre a literal fucking child" miles said as he walked around the room, madelyn could tell that just by the way he was walking that he was drunk or off some shit,

"seriously miles? did you look at me as just a child when we used to do everything together?! did you look at me as just a child when we were best friends?!" she shouted at him, actually getting mad.

"i don't care about any of that maddy! you're fourteen, i'm seventeen, quint broke it down for me and said it was weird" miles said, causing her to scoff as she furrowed her brows,

they weren't anything more than friends and they literally lived together, the 'weird' factor didn't add up to maddy, she felt as if quint was simply trying to isolate miles and cut off all of his healthy relationships.

like a groomer would do.

"quint thinks that is weird but can take a seventeen year old out at all hours of the night and get him drunk and do drugs? he can fuck off for all i care" she said angrily—-but this only made miles' anger skyrocket,

"don't fucking talk about him that way" miles stormed over to her, causing her to flinch as she backed up on the bed a bit—-miles had tendencies to get aggressive with people who even slightly pissed him off.

"i don't have to like him miles, and i don't, you're so different now because of him, i have every reason not to like him and im entitled to that opinion" she calmly said, but just then she turned her head to the side and saw an open package of pills, pills that he had been taking.

"are you popping pills?! miles what the hell?!" she said with anger as she shot up from the bed, her head flickering between the drugs and miles, who was staring at her furiously.

"stop fucking talking to me like you're my mom or something! you're a child, know your place" he said as he shook his head, causing her to finally just burst,

"i am not acting like i am your mom, i am acting like someone who cares about you and someone who wants you to take care of yourself, and QUINT is not one of those people!" she raised her voice at miles, and that did it for him.

he charged forward at her, grabbing her face roughly, which shocked her, because miles never did that.

"m-miles—" she gasped, completely taken aback by his strong, aggressive hold on her, she tried to pull herself out of his grip, but he just yanked her back with force.

"m-miles let go" she said, fear was beginning to arise in her voice, he stared down at her, and when she looked up at him she saw that the look that he once had in his eyes was truly gone, it was all gone, he wasn't the same.

"i'm so tired of you telling me what the fuck to do" he said as he stared down at her, he was beginning to take his anger and grief out on her,

"miles stop, i told you to let me go" she said as she tried her best to stay calm and not let it get any worse, but this only enraged him even more.

he shoved her back on the bed, she fell hard, she propped herself up on her elbows as she stared at him with wide eyes from fear,

"you're out of line" madelyn said as she went to sit up, but he pushed her back down on the bed and pinned her arms down, causing her to start actually panicking at this point.

she tried to move her arms up and started fighting back, she started crying at this point because it was so unlike him and he was acting terrifying.

she broke free from his grasp and tried to push him off of her, so in retaliation he choked her, literally started strangling her.

she gasped for air as she coughed loudly, the grip on her neck had been tight, very tight to the point where she couldn't breathe at all as she gasped and gagged for air.

his grip finally loosened enough to allow her to breathe, air filled her lungs as she gasped loudly, catching her breath—-his hand still remained on her neck with a pretty tight grip, but it was loose enough to allow her to breathe.

but that still didn't change the fact that she was already sobbing, warm tears streamed down her face, which was red, really red from how much she was crying and how angry she was, she felt betrayed, because the one person that she ever trusted and opened up to, he left her, and attacked her.

he covered her mouth to muffle her sobs, and at this point she didn't fight back because she was too weak, too emotionally overwhelmed, she didn't even see the point of fighting, because at the end of the day, the miles she knew, her whole world, her best friend, was gone.

fighting back wouldn't do anything, he was too far gone to come back and she had realized she lost him as he easily overpowered her.

"don't ever fight me back again" he whispered in her ear before roughly letting her neck and face go, he got up off of her and grabbed his already packed bag before storming out of the room.

madelyn looked up at the ceiling, it was blurry due to the tears in her eyes that she knew werent going to stop any time soon, she flinched as the door slammed loudly.

and like that, she bursted into tears right there on his bed, feeling the throbbing pain on her neck from when he gripped her throat so hard, it all happened so fast and she couldn't even believe that it did.

it wasn't even the physical attack that she just endured that hurt her the most... she found herself more upset that miles was someone who she could trust dearly, and now he just betrayed her, he left her, he chose someone else ever her.

he left just like everybody else did.

she laid there, turning on her side and cuddling up into a ball as she sobbed relentlessly. bruises beginning to replace the red marks on her neck and wrists, she laid there and sobbed for hours on end.

that was the last time she saw him, literally. he went out with quint all night and didn't come home after that, he instead went straight to boarding school, she had a whole shift after that.

she fell asleep in miles' bed unintentionally, she sobbed for hours on end before she fell asleep, it hurt her it really did, the pain in her chest was so overbearing that she didn't want to move, she didn't even feel like she could move.

the next morning she cracked her eyes open, the events from the night before crushed her like an a thousand pound weight on her conscious, the pain in her body was not only emotional but physical too, and it wasn't just because of the bruises that he left on her from the night before.

she felt like she was going to throw up, she had a pain in her stomach, each memory played in her mind like a slideshow, and as each one passed by the next she felt more and more sick as the moments went on.

she knew she had to hide the bruises that miles had left on her neck and wrists, so she wore a baggy hoodie, making sure it was covering any marks that could be seen, the only thing she was worried about was her neck considering the hoodie slid down a bit due to it being so big.

at breakfast, she wore the hoodie, and she planned on wearing any clothes that could cover the marks until they went away—-she sat awkwardly with a tint of fear and anxiety due to the fact that quint was literally sitting right across from her.

jessel sat next to quint, madelyn could tell by the look in her eyes and her body language that she was just as terrified as she was, she wondered if jessel noticed how madelyn felt herself.

flora sat on one end of the table, and mrs. grose sat on the other end—-and beside madelyn, was an empty seat where miles would have been sitting if he was still there with them.

madelyn stared down at her food, not wanting to look up, she knew for a fact that quint had to have known what happened with her and miles last night considering miles told him everything, and that was probably his plan all along, to ruin their friendship.

she could feel his eyes on hers, his stare was burning into her skin and she hated it, all she wanted him to do was look away but she knew that wasn't going to happen, so to make it easier for herself she just stared down at her food as she ate it.

"miles left early?" jessel spoke up, quint nodded before speaking,

"yeah, he left real early this morning... i heard a conflict happened last night" he said before looking over to madelyn, who finally looked up from her food at that statement,

everyone looked to her for an answer, not sure if the conflict had to do with her or if she simply just knew about it because her and miles were so close.

"i don't know" she mumbled before looking down back at her food, picking at it with her fork nervously,

quint pushed his chair out from the table before standing up, not taking his plate to the sink or anything—-he grabbed his coat off of the back of the chair before jessel shakily spoke up,

"w-what are you doing?" she asked as she looked up at him,

"riding" he said before pulling his coat on, he reached his hand out to floras before speaking,

"you coming?" he asked, she dropped her fork on her plate before following him, as they both ran out the back, madelyn looked up and saw the utter fear that was displayed in jessel's eyes, mrs. grose stood up before gathering all of the plates,

"pig" she muttered as she grabbed all of the plates before exiting as she brought them all to the sink, madelyn looked over to jessel nervously, knowing that they both had the same feeling about quint.

madelyn had both, forgot, and didn't even realize that the top half of her hoodie slid down, revealing the prominent bruises on her neck from the night before, causing jessel to gasp.

she looked at her out of confusion before she finally out two and two together, she gasped and pulled her sweater back up, but she knew damn well that jessel already had a full view of the marks displayed, and she had a full idea of what happened aswell.

"did miles do that to you?" jessel asked as she saw madelyn quickly push her chair out as she stood up and grab her plate, she froze just as her hand touched the plate,

"no" she muttered, causing jessel to sigh—-she knew madelyn was lying,

"maddy you don't have to lie to me" she said as she gave her a look, a look of sadness yet understandable, as if jessel could understand her pain and what she was going through.

"yes" she quietly said, still not moving from her position as her hand remained frozen on the cold, glass plate.

"are you okay? do you want to talk about i—" jessel began saying, but she cut her off as she shook her head,

"—no... no, i don't want to talk about it, i'm fine, it was just a small conflict like quint said, he's gone anyways so..." maddy quietly said as she fully picked up her plate this time.

"j-just... promise me you won't tell anyone and you'll forget about it, okay?" maddy said, jessel hesitated as she looked at her before slightly shaking her head no,

"just promise me please!" she raised her voice a bit, causing jessel to jump back, she saw the look in her eyes, she looked almost scared like she was terrified if someone found out, or if the wrong person found out and they happened to take all of their anger out on her, bottom line... she was terrified.

"o-okay" jessel said, that was all that madelyn needed to hear because she turned around and walked into the kitchen to bring her plate to the sink, causing jessel to loudly sigh out of disappointment,

"dammit miles" she muttered to herself quietly.

and that was it, the morning after was the first and last time her and jessel ever talked about the physical altercation that madelyn and miles had right before he left.

she spent her fifteenth birthday alone, without him... she was sad, she wanted him there more than anything but if he was he probably wouldn't have cared and would have ditched her to go hang out with quint.

even though months had passed since then, nothing was better, mostly due to what she has seen in the past few months, or what she has experienced became ten times worse.

she hated herself, she hated life, she hated everything, it was all unfair and it was never going to get better. you see, one late night she went to go get a glass of water and that absolutely changed her life forever.

she heard, and saw things that no one should ever have to see, let alone a fifteen year old. it was things between quint and jessel, he was forcing her to do a bunch of things and it was terrible, and what was even worse was that he found out that she heard.

and that only caused him to throw her in the loop, so not only was jessel his victim... but madelyn became one too, if you understood what that meant.

she wasn't sure if she had gotten used to it or if she had just gotten used to the pain of feeling torn apart all the time, betrayed, stepped on, and now... her body didn't even feel like her own, because it wasn't.

it was only the nightmarish beginning to a huge storm headed her way, and she wasn't sure if she knew it or if she was just terrified of what came next.

maybe both.


welcome to this fucked up ass story, it's what i'm best at tbh❤️

already off to a rough start but we know by now what to expect with me❤️

ehehehehe bye bye :)

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