¹ downfall

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MADELYN WAS A FIFTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL, a fifteen year old girl with a rough life, her mom died of cancer when she was seven. this terrified madelyn of growing old, she was only fifteen—-however the only memories she had of her mother was when she was seven or younger, and as she got older, she was going to forget more memories.

eight years, it had been eight long, painful, years since she has seen her mother in person, or held her hand, or heard her voice besides in an old video—-it hurt, it really did.

but that wasn't the only loss that madelyn had to face, you see, after her mom died, her father was so distraught about losing the love of his life that he was never the same again, he didn't smile, he was always angry, he always drank, and he stopped coming around, he stopped supporting madelyn and was never there for her when she needed him the most.

he used to sit on the couch, all day, and he didn't move unless it was to go to the fridge and get another beer. it was painful, she remembered always watching her mother slowly die in the hospital when she was sick and not knowing what to do, there was nothing that she could do.

but just to watch time repeat itself with her father, watching him stay in the chair and barely move all day... she would try her best to motivate him to get up, to stop—-she knew he was an alcoholic, and no matter what she did, it was never enough, because he didn't move.

and eventually, his alcoholic actions lead him into drugs, hardcore drugs that he got addicted to—-which lead to his death when she was just thirteen, leaving her as an orphan, and she had no siblings either, just her against the fucked up, unfair world.

she felt like she was a failure, like she let her, her dad, and even her mom down, she let everyone down—-this made her have a wide variety of different emotions about the situation.

some days; she would feel like she could have tried harder, if she just pushed him to get up more and more, then he would have gotten up and remembered the true importance of life, and that coming back to his only child, his baby girl, because that was exactly what mom would have wanted.

and then other days she felt as if she wasn't important enough, was alcohol and drugs that important to him to the point where he couldn't put it down to be there for his own child? was she not worth him putting down the alcohol?

you could only imagine how much the situation took a toll on her emotions... it impacted her life, it changed her, and who she was.

now due to her becoming an orphan at the young age of thirteen, some family friends had stepped in—-being old friends of her parents when they were younger, they took madelyn in instead of her jumping into foster homes.

she hated life for a long time, she really did. she hated the people she had to live with too, she barely knew them, now she had to live with them? they weren't even family either, they lived in a massive home, but that didn't the change the fact that it was old and very, very creepy.

𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐓 & 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐒, 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝.Where stories live. Discover now