Josuke x Reader One Shots

By user38246486

19.3K 237 562

My first book about Jotaro increased the number of views pretty well and I decided to create a second one abo... More

Do me, Baby(Lemon)
Photo session at a distance(Lemon)
Please, let's be together again.
Musical battle
Two Josuke
Maybe the future will change and things will get better.
Big breasts(Lemon)
I'm sorry
I'm just crazy for falling in love with you. Part 1
I'm just crazy for falling in love with you. Part 2 (Lemon)
Blind love
I will fight for her honor
Sick and moody
Raspberry sweets (for Valentine's Day)
Young parents
Twin sister
Dirty couple (Lemon)
Vampire love is only real (Lemon)

Pompadour girl

797 11 20
By user38246486

(In this story, you will look like a character from the anime Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine Izumida Kyouka. Rohan with an obsession in Y/N will also be here. (Yandere))

(Y/N pov)

"And why are you wearing such a stupid hairstyle?"

"Get your hair cut stupid girl!"

"Look what kind of hair she has on her head. Like an ugly hairstylist cut her hair like that."

How many times have I heard this. They love to do it and do it. Make fun of my hair.

Since the beginning of high school, I grew my hair and began to braid it in a spiral pompadour. There were also 2 tails on the shoulders. This is my favorite and main hairstyle in life.

It all started with the fact that once I had a friend who had the same hairstyle. She wore pompadour and was the most beautiful of them all. Also, she was my only friend who could teach a lot. Until one day ... Some drunk asshole accidentally hit her on a motorcycle. She couldn't survive. And then I decided that I would remember her by copying her hairstyle. And anyone who dares to offend her will mean desecration and disrespect for her.

All my old friends also called names and insulted my hair. For this they were severely beaten and I no longer saw any friendship with them. You cannot scoff at something that will cause deep pain from the past. Now I am left alone.

Before school tomorrow, I wanted to go to the store and buy some groceries for my mother and some tasty treats at the same time. Mom was also going to make dinner for tomorrow. And while I was walking to the store listening to music on headphones, something shot through me. A stream of blood flowed through the body. An ancient arrow with a golden patterned tip protruded from its chest. I was killed?

So I thought until I was in the hospital and the doctor said that a bystander found my body on the road, bleeding. There were no wounds from the arrow. Was it a dream? Well then, where does the blood come from?

There were many questions, but the answers to the questions don't will definitely appear immediately. While the doctor examined me, I was still thinking about the arrow that was in my chest. And how I was shot. Who could have done this? And why didn't I die after the shot?

After I was discharged from the hospital, I told my mother, but she did not want to believe everything that had happened. And the blood on the clothes was considered a minor wound. I wonder what other wound she could think of besides an arrow?

(The beginning of the academic day)

Today is the beginning of the school year. I am now a high school student. Lovely green uniforms and cute purple socks. While Mom was preparing dinner for the day, I braided my hair into a casual pompadour. It takes hours, but it's worth it. After all, I don't go anywhere without my favorite hairstyle.

Mom called me into the kitchen to pick up the lunch box. As soon as my hair was styled in pompadour, I ran to the kitchen.

"Morning my dear. Your hair is beautiful as always." I smiled at my mother and, grabbing a box with lunch, ran to the station where the bus goes to school.

I ran to the bus stop and started waiting for the bus to arrive. Apparently I left too early. While I was sitting near a small pond, a turtle emerged from it. She is so sweet and beautiful. I took it in my hands and stroked the small head with my index finger. Is she hungry? Taking out a small salad leaf from the lunch box and holding it out to the turtle, she began to devour it on my feet. How beautiful she is.

On the other side of the road, I noticed three guys talking about theirs. One looked very tall in a white coat and white hat. The second one was shorter and he had a very beautiful hairstyle somewhat similar to mine. Apparently he is some kind of delinquent, because a lot of guys with these hairstyles are dangerous guys. But this one looks more stylish. His jacket revealed a yellow T-shirt across his chest. The edges of the jacket were secured with peace and heart marks. The collar was also marked with hearts and anchor. Quite an attractive guy. And the last guy was rather small, but he looks also diligent and shy.

While those guys were talking about something, 3 other thugs approached me. They are definitely high school students if you look at their uniforms. There were wild grins and faint indignation on their faces, as if they had just heard something unpleasant.

"Why are you sitting here girl?" One of them says.

"I want to and I'm sitting here. What do you care? I sit and feed the turtle until the bus arrives." I answered this jerk with sarcasm.

"How do you have the right to talk to me like that? I'm actually older than you!" He started yelling at me.

"If you are so brave and can take care of your elders, then try to show how strong you are." The moron snatched a turtle from my feet.

"Hey! Leave the turtle alone!" Another guy pushed me towards the pond, but I stayed on my feet and did not fall.

"You must learn to respect me girl. Otherwise you will get the same as the turtle now!" The moron threw the turtle into the post, which hurt badly.

"Bastard! How dare you throw and hurt a defenseless animal so shamelessly?" I held back my aggression, but my voice was very loud so that they could hear.

"Shut up! Better give all your money and food and then we will be left behind! And if you resist even more, then I will shave off your dumb spiral haircut!" This guy definitely wants to die. What did he say now?

My eyes darkened and my fists clenched. All I was thinking about was punching this guy and his friends. Hit hard until unconscious.

"Why are you keeping quiet girl? We didn't say clearly?"

"Hey bastard! How dare you insult my beautiful hair?!" I was about to punch this jerk in the face and his friends when instead of my fist another fist hit his face.

Turning back, a strange woman stood behind. She looked purple with a more colorful pompadour similar to mine and had her hair down in the back. Various golden patterns such as flowers and stars were visible on the body. On the hands are white gloves holding gold bracelets on the wrists. The legs were in white long leggings, and the thighs were covered with white shorts with a hanging semi-transparent fabric on the sides. The woman's hair was black and her eyes were blue. There were also golden shadows around her eyes.

What is she? And how could she punch that asshole in the face before me?

"What happened now? Didn't I have time to see her hit?" This is the guy I wanted to hit. I was still mad at him for insulting my hair.

The woman behind me started beating those guys harder. As soon as she finished, going up to those assholes, I grabbed the one who threw the turtle into the post.

"I won't let anyone insult my hair! Who are you pretending to be to say that about my hair?!" Throwing the idiot aside, I went up to the turtle and taking it in my hands, the purple woman touched the split part of the shell and a liquid piece of gold appeared in that place. This piece repaired the shattered part of the shell.

"What? How did you do it?" The woman did not answer me.

Those guys grabbed the bags from the ground and ran scared of what had just happened.

"So what are you? How did you smack those guys so quickly? And how did you rebuild the tortoise shell with some lump of liquid gold? What's going on?" How many questions I have now.

While I was thinking about all this, the very three guys who were standing on the other side of the road came up to me.

"Is this a stand? Woman, do you have a stand?" Says the tall man in white.

"Stand? What is it? I don't understand what's going on right now." I was still at a loss.

"Apparently you recently got your powers. We'll tell you on the way. Come with us." The guy with the pompadour said and all four of us went.

(Skip time)

The tall man said that the woman who hit those guys is my stand. This is the embodiment of spiritual energy. And these guys have similar power too. A tall man or whatever his name is Jotaro Kujo has a stand called Star Platinum and his ability to stop time. Another guy named Josuke has a Crazy Diamond stand that can heal and restore objects to their original state. And a guy named Koichi apparently doesn't have any stand yet, since he looks somehow incomprehensible.

As we walked along the road, discussing the stands and the related problems of Josuke and Jotaro, three high school girls approached us.

"Hi Josuke. Shall we go to school together?"

"Your hair is great as always."

"It suits you like that."

"Hey Josuke. Our conversation isn't over yet. Let these girls go." Jotaro said.

"Hey, what kind of man is this?" One of the bitches says.

"How dare you talk to a grown man in that tone? Didn't your mother teach you to respect elders?" I yelled at this girl. I was often annoyed by smug girls who not only spoke disgustingly, but also disrespected their elders. Half of my friends were like that.

"And you are generally silent. Why are you winding some kind of spiral around your head? Not a haircut, but stupidity! "This bitch had a wild smug smile.

A purple aura flashed around me. The eyes darkened again. The fists were almost blue.

"Could she be again..." Koichi says carefully.

"Bitch! Hey, why didn't you like my hairstyle?!" I got angry. Josuke, Jotaro, and Koichi all saw it.

"Yes, I said that you have a spiral on your head, not a hairdo! And who cuts you like that? Apparently your hair dresser has no taste." This bitch started laughing like her friends.

My stand appeared and grabbed this girl by the throat, gradually pressing on the airways.

"Stop Y/N! Don't attack them!" Jotaro wants to stop me, but when someone insults my hair... I CAN'T KEEP MYSELF IN CONTROL! And anyone who wants to stop me from following the others. To the hospital bed!

The girls who were nearby got very scared and ran away, leaving their girlfriend to die in the arms of my stand.

"Y/N stop!" I was pushed. My stand stopped holding the girl and also flew to the side with me. Where I stood was now Josuke.

"Y/N, ordinary people who can't see the stands shouldn't suffer." Talking to Josuke trying to reason with me.

"So are you for them?" I get up off the ground still feeling aggression. "I hate it when someone insults my hair. And those who help these assholes also get hit. And since you are for them, then you will die. And I will destroy you and your smug pompadour."

Josuke also began to emit a purple aura. He prepares to attack.

"Hear you, how dare you insult my hair, a woman?!" Josuke looked angry. Is he also angry about the insult to the hair?

"Well then, I will not hold back. You are the first one who got into these girls, you are the first to pay." My stand was ready to attack.

Crazy Diamond emerged from Josuke, ready to punch me. My stand is defending, but Diamond is stronger. I won't be able to defend myself against blows forever.

"Shit!"The purple woman splashed gold alloy into Josuke's stand and Diamond fell to the ground. As if he is drowning in quicksand, only it does not sink deeper and is glued in place.

"You two, stop the fight!" Jotaro appeared behind me in a flash and then behind Josuke, hitting both of us in the face.

"Well, you two are crazy. Let's talk about hair later." I still calmed my ardor and got up from the ground, shaking out my skirt.

"Okay, but only because I'm not the kind of person to attack elders." I said, and pulling my phone out of my pocket decided to ask about the time. Looking at the phone the time was 7:50.

"Oh my God, time is running out. Mom will swear if I don't come on time. Sorry guys, but I run. See you later." I quickly ran to school. However, I was glad to these people. But why? And at the same time now this stand. It will be necessary to find out more about him and come up with a name.

(Josuke pov)

After our conversation with Jotaro, Koichi and I also ran to school. As we ran, thoughts floated in my head about the girl that we had met. Y/N. She certainly looks pretty, but why is she so angry about some girls insulting her hair? She's just as angry as I am. No, I have a reason for being aggressive. After all, when I was 4 years old, I almost died. And an unknown guy with pompadour hair saved my life. Even though I don't know his name and face, I decided to give my memory and respect by copying his hairstyle. That guy is a real hero.

Does Y/N have some good reason to be angry about the insult too? I would like to know. If everything goes well, then after school I will definitely ask.

(After school)

When the last lesson ended, I saw Koichi and Y/N near the gate. They were discussing something. Approaching them, I decided to ask what they were talking about.

"Oh, hi Josuke. I just wanted to tell Koichi about myself. It turns out that the three of us are in the same class now. What a coincidence." Says Y/N.

"Indeed. Well, let's go home." Koichi is speaking and the three of us walked along the path.

While we were walking, I decided to ask Y/N about today's aggression.

"Listen to Y/N. You reacted as much to the insult to the hair as I did. Do you have a reason why you are so angry?" Y/N Looked at the two of us.

"I'm interested in Y/N too. It's just that a person wouldn't react so much for insulting a hair. There must be an important reason."

"Do you really want to know?" Koichi and I nodded.

"Well, how can I tell you. It was related to my past. This hairstyle became like a symbol for me, without which I simply cannot continue to be confident or feel like that. And it was back when I was 11 years old, when I went to middle school and ... "Before we could finish, Koichi and I paid more attention to the passing police cars.

"What's up? Let's go see." I said and we all ran after the cars.

When we arrived at the place, it turned out that some crazy man took the girl hostage. This nutcase walked out of the store, holding the girl in place.

"My God! The girl is in danger. We need to help her." Tells me Y/N.

"We'd better not interfere. The police will figure it out."

"Josuke, Y/N. Let's get away." We both nodded obediently, but then ...

"Hey girl with stupid hair! Get away from the car! Not clear!"

Me and Koichi looked at Y/N. She's angry again. Her face changed.

"Damn it! She's furious again!" After my words, she headed towards the robber and the hostage.

"Stop Y/N! He will kill you!" Koichi said, but Y/N didn't listen to us.

The robber looked at Y/N and was ready to kill the girl.

"What the hell did you say about my hair?!" The robber also stared at Y/N.

"Do not come fool! I will kill her, do not even doubt!" The robber swung a knife at the girl, ready to stab her.

"Are you serious?" Stand Y/N appeared and splashed gold alloy towards the robber, throwing the body to the ground.

"What? What happened now?" Koichi said in surprise. I know Koichi does not have a stand and it will be very difficult to explain what is happening. So I will try to tell you everything later.

"Something is holding me back heavy! I cannot get up!" The robber could not see the alloy that was on his body, but the mass of liquid gold is very large. For 1 liter, this equals 19 thousand grams. Quite a very heavy alloy.

"I can kill you if I want, but I will not do it, as I am reluctant to sit behind bars." Y/N hugged the girl, stroking her head soothingly.

Policemen ran up to the robber and Y/N and grabbed him. The girl was taken to the ambulance to find out what kind of injuries there were.

"Y/N. You are okay?" Koichi ran up to her.

"Oh Koichi. I'm fine."

"What happened now? I didn't even ..." As soon as I approached the two of them, something came out of the robber's mouth. Not! This is not something! This is a stand!

"Who would have thought that there would be more stand owners here? I'll be sure to keep an eye on you." Said this stand and disappeared.

"That bastard!" While I wanted to catch this stand, the police pushed me and I fell. Those cops who pushed me grabbed Y/N and threw her to the ground.

"What did you just think, girl? We have to take you to the station and call your parents."

My grandfather was among the police. I went up to him and explained everything, trying to protect Y/N.

"No grandpa. Y/N just wanted to protect the woman. Lucky she wasn't hurt."

Having persuaded the grandfather Y/N was released. I am so glad that ordinary people will not be able to understand what happened.

"Thanks to Josuke. But I deserve it. It's just ... I'm pissed off again." She hugged me.

"Nothing Y/N. It's okay. The main thing is that you didn't get hurt. Now let's go home."

(A few days later)

(Y/N pov)

Only a few days have passed, and for all this, a lot has already happened. We found the reason that awakened the stand in me. Found new owners and defeated the killer of his brother Okuyasu.

During this time, I also learned more about my stand. I named it Golden Waterfall. And the ability to handle the liquid alloy of gold, which allows it to either be used as a fast-setting adhesive. Also, my stand operates only within a radius of 3 meters. Can fight with fists, but not as hard as Crazy Diamond.

While I helped Jotaro and Josuke with all of these things, I felt like I became friends with them. Never felt this way before. And nobody tried to insult my hair, perfectly understanding my aggression. However, it was not possible to find out more detailed reasons.

After spending another day at school, Koichi and I were about to go home as we saw Hazamada, the owner of Surface, on the way.

"Oh, Hazamada. And what are your destinies here? " Koichi asked.

"Oh hello Koichi, and Y/N. I was just about to go home. I don't know either, you're coming here. " Koichi and I were a little shy.

"Yes, I just decided to walk Koichi home, or after a crazy girl named Yukako approached his, now Koichi is tormented by the fear of being alone for even a minute." I was laughing.

"Not true, Y/N. I just don't want her to do something again. I never thought there were some obsessive girls who would fall in love with you no matter what. Even if she killed me. " Koichi blushed.

"Well, that's the type of girl. Yandere personalities, what can you call them. In general, Koichi, I would like to be a Yandere myself, but I think there is no such person in the world that I would be obsessed with. If I liked it, who I wanted to experience ordinary feelings, not insanity." Hazamada and Koichi laughed.

"Nothing. For a girl like you, there will be many more good guys. And without crazy love." Hazamada said, "By the way, do you two like to read manga?"

"Manga? Yes, sometimes I read, but I'm more about novels. By the way, I am the writer of the short story" My heart is black like this world. "I answered Hazamada's question.

"Wait. Are you the author? You are the writer "My heart is black like this world"? I have been reading your stories for a long time." Hazamada screams in surprise.

"Look, I remember you had an excerpt in your story taken from the Pink-black Boy manga. Did you really take material from there?" Koichi asked.

"Yes. Pink-black boy manga is the manga that gave me my first ideas for writing a novel. I took some moments from there, trying to remake it for my part with minor changes. But more I take material and inspiration from the story from poor or depressed people. As my story says at the end of each chapter, "Do good to people so that you feel good too. Don't make the world black, which will soon become the same for you." I took out a sketchbook for the next chapter.

"Is this your sketchbook? Can I see it?" They both shouted.

"Sorry guys, but reading the spoilers will somehow not be interesting at all. Have you thought about it?" They looked at each other and nodded obediently.

"Yes, you're right. Otherwise it won't be interesting to read the story. We'd better wait until a completely new chapter comes out." He scratched the back of Hazamada's head with a grin.

"The new chapter will be around the end of the week."

"Well, since you know the Pink-black Boy manga, you know Kishibe Rohan well too. He lives here in Morio by the way."

"What?" Me and Koichi scream in unison.

"You said lives here in Morio? Kishibe Rohan himself?!" I was very surprised by this news.

"Yes, I accidentally found out from a real estate agency. Can we go for an author graph together?" Hazamada suggested rejoicing.

"Of course, we're both in favor!" On this we all three went to the house of Rohan.

(Nobody pov)

As soon as the three students arrived at the famous mangaka's house, Y/N was the first to come to the door. No one answered after ringing the bell. Calling again, no one sent again.

"Strange. Maybe he's not at home now?" Y/N asked, turning to the guys.

"He is at home. Look, there is a light in one of the windows, which means he is at home.

The girl tried to call again, as her hand was grabbed from the doorway. Rohan's mangaka face was at the door. The man removed the girl's hand from the bell.

"Who are you three more? Why did you come here?" The man asked.

"We are high school students. We are your Rohan-sensei fans. And we would like to ask you for your autographs." Koichi answered.

"Fans ? How unusual. I don't like being pissed off by any crazy people, but I'll make an exception for you. Come in. I'll sign you and take you on a little tour of the office." Rohan opened the door and walked to the side, allowing the students to enter.

"Thank you Rohan-sensei!" Three students entered the mangaka's house.

(Attack Heaven's Door)

Rohan used his stand abilities to transform the bodies of three students into open books.

"What the hell? Why did we turn into books?" Says Y/N falling to the floor unable to stay on his feet due to Rohan's ability.

"You read my manga and fell under the influence of my power. However, I am not going to kill anyone. The only thing I will try to find out is your memorable moments in life. How can you have good material for manga." Rohan walked over to the girl, opening the pages in his open palm.

"So. First name is Y/N. Surname is not named. Born in 1984 in Tokyo. Moved to Morio after birth with her mother. Father lives abroad with new girlfriend. Y/N He is fond of writing a novel and is the author of "My heart is black like this world." Stop! You are the author of "My heart is black like this world"? I have been looking for you for a long time Y/N! You are the one who took inspiration from my manga and also gave and give me inspiration for writing manga! "

"Sorry Rohan-sensei. I didn't want to take your copyright work, because it's a copyright infringement." The girl was about to cry.

"I'm not mad at you, baby. I'm your devoted and adored fan. Half of my storylines from the manga were also taken from "My heart is black like this world." Novel that every time makes my body blaze like a volcano. I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU! "

Rohan flips through other pages on the girl.

"Your first story was supposed to be about a novel, but due to unsuccessful criticism from classmates, the story was never shown, but its remnants and excerpts were preserved during writing. And then ... What ?! Can't be! You too stand user?! The stand name is Golden Waterfall! The ability to use large lumps of gold alloy and glue them. Also melted gold repairs surfaces when it comes into contact with a damaged area! My girl, you are simply awesome! I want to know more about you, baby! "

"What, Rohan-sensei, why do you call me that?" The girl is afraid of such a reaction from Rohan.

"For many years I've been trying to find you! Because I want to love you! If it weren't for you, then my work would never have become. You are the girl who gave me everything. And I want to give everything for you! So, what is this?"

"Josuke Higashikata. One of the new friends you met this April. Has a Crazy Diamond stand. Angry about hairstyle insults. The main reasons for the aggression have not been clarified. You have feelings for him, but you are afraid to confess. The main reason" affection for him, these are similar interests and a sense of calmness in front of him. "

"What? Y/N, you didn't say you fell in love with Josuke. Did you really like him that much?" Koichi asked.

"Let's talk about this later to Koichi. Now is not a good time for that." The girl answered.

"Josuke. You really like this guy, what a shame. I won't let him steal what I wanted to get all this time!" Rohan wrote something on the girl's palm.

"What did you do?" Y/N looked down at her palm and noticed the words "Y/N, only Kishibe Rohan will like".

"How dare you, Rohan?! I was your admirer, and now you make me your lover against your will? " The girl yells at the mangaka.

"Yes, I understand my love. Until the Heaven's Door closes the pages on your body, you will not love me. But ... As soon as you leave here, your feelings for me will become real. Nothing can stop my powers." Rohan laughed like crazy.

(Skip time)

(Josuke pov)

During the time that we spent with Y/N, she began to somehow move away from us. All the while, she walks to the home of some manga artist Rohan. Even Koichi can't tell exactly what's going on because he can't remember anything. I have a bad feeling this mangaka has a stand. And Koichi with Y/N is under her control.

On one of these days, Koichi and Okuyasu and I decided to follow the road where Y/N was heading. When she approached the big house, she rang the doorbell and the door opened. Y/N disappeared inside the building.

"Is that where she goes? It doesn't seem like that." Talk to Okuyasu.

"This is Kishibe Rohan's house. We went to get autographs together. And then she often came here." Complements Koichi from his words.

"Then let's not wait and visit." Okuyasu went to the door and knocked.

As we waited, Y/N itself appeared on the doorstep. There were faint purple bruises on her neck and an unbuttoned band on her shoulders.

"Um ... Hi guys. What are you doing here?" She asked us.

"We just decided to ask. Why do you keep coming here? Shall we go home?" I asked Y/N by scratching the back of head.

"Um .. No guys. It's okay. You can go without me."

"By the way, Y/N, why do you have a bruise on your neck? Is someone mocking you? " Okuyasu asked, pointing to Y/N's neck.

"And this. Mosquitoes have bitten a lot, no big deal. Well, if you're all, I'll be back. Rohan-Sensei needs help. " With these words, Y/N closed the door and disappeared again. Something is wrong here. And it's definitely a tricky visit to the mangaka's home.

(Y/N pov)

I wanted to scream, but I can't. What did Rohan do to me? When I enter his house, all the memories come back, but leaving the threshold of his house there is emptiness in my head. You can't remember anything. And how can I ask Josuke, Koichi, and Okuyasu to save me?

While I was thinking, my feet led me to Rohan's office. His strong hands threw my body to the ground.

"It's good that you got them off. I don't want to be disturbed. I was preparing for this day. And today I will make you mine. No one will interfere with us and our love, baby."

Not! I do not want it!

"Hey you mangaka! What are you going to do with Y/N? Now it's clear why Josuke felt wrong when he noticed the bruises on his neck and such strange behavior from her." Okuyasu was sitting at the window.

"Okuyasu. You could guess I was in trouble after all. I'm so glad." Rohan got up from his mute and walked over to the table.

"It was stupid to distract adults from the important and serious business of Okuyasu-kun."

"What are you talking about a piece of crap? Y/N, what is his stand?"

"Okuyasu, his stand, he... He ..." I wanted to tell Okuyasu about Rohan's stand, how Rohan grabbed a sheet of manga from the table and showed Okuyasu.

"Don't look at the drawing!" Okuyasu still looked at the drawing and his body also turned into a book.

"Damn it! What kind of mangaka is this weird?" Okuyasu speaking.

"Josuke and Koichi. You are standing outside that door, aren't you?" Okuyasu and I look at the door. "I know correctly. Josuke couldn't just figure out my abilities, because I told Koichi not to reveal my powers. However, even without Koichi's help, you were able to figure out how the Heaven's Door works in practice. And if that's the case, then the only thing what could do is run away." Rohan speaking.

"Escape, right. Josuke can call Jotaro for help and we can escape!" Shouts to Okuyasu.

"Foolish Okuyasu-kun! I said that so that he didn't run away, otherwise ... Read my Y/N!" I took the hand that Rohan had thrown out from Okuyasu and looked at the inscription.

"You will set yourself on fire to Okuyasu." I wanted to cry because Rohan can't be stopped just like that. We have no chance of opposing his stand.

While I was thinking about it, Okuyasu turned on the lighter and raised the fire to his hand. The hand ignites.

"Oh no!" Shouts to Okuyasu and Josuke rushes into the room. His eyes are closed.

"Oh, the reception is actually not bad, but also not entirely appropriate. Although ... If you can reach me, then by hurting me, the Heaven's Door will disappear with both Okuyasu and Y/N." Rohan said.

"Josuke, please hurry up! Y/N and Okuyasu won't last long!" Josuke listened to Koichi and ran directly to Rohan. While this is a good option, Rohan had no plans to give up. He tossed the nibs at Josuke and they dug into his skin.

"I have no other choice when going on a hike. I remember in the Y/N notes that I read something that Josuke is most annoying about. But what is it?" While Rohan was thinking, we were sure that Josuke would make it. But then ...

"I remembered exactly. Your hair was just a laugh for the old people. You think your hair looks cool, but it's a completely stupid hairstyle. It was worn back in the 50s." On this Josuke stopped. He's getting mad now! I feel this aggression on his part! Just like the day we first met.

"What did you just say !?" Josuke opened his eyes.

"You didn't hear. Your hairstyle just sucks. It's too old for someone like you. It looks even worse than Y/N's. Although Y/N's hairstyle looks like it's just curled up in a silly spiral. No wonder you are like that are similar in interest." Rohan touched Josuke's hair.

(Josuke pov)

Bastard! How dare he insult my hair!? He definitely deserves the toughest lulls! As soon as I was about to use the Crazy Diamond and smear this idiot mangaka on the wall, gold alloy splashed in his direction.

"Son of a bitch!" Looking away, I noticed the Y/N Golden Waterfall stand fired a few more shots of gold alloy and the Rohan was to the wall. Y/N herself was as wild as a hungry lion.

"Y-Y/N, my girl! Why did you attack me?" Rohan said in her direction.

"Shut up scum! How dare you insult my hair!?" Y/N gets up from the floor. Her body recovered to normal.

"But. I also prescribed on your body to obey me. Why did you attack me?"

"The pitiful ability to obey through the signature on my body is no match for the anger I am experiencing right now!" She went to the wall where Rohan was chained.

"But I said great truth. Your hair is not that perfect. Why are you wearing such a stupid hairdo?" Y/N let out a strong growl and Golden Waterfall clenched its fists and began punching Rohan all over his body, throwing him into the bookshelves.

A rack of books falls to the floor. Okuyasu and Koichi bounced back and I'm the only one standing in shock from what I saw now. Although Rohan insulted my hair, the desire to beat abruptly disappeared. Let Y/N do it.

"I wrote on Y/N to love me. Why did she react like that and hate me?" Rohan speaks somewhere hiding behind the scattered furniture.

"Where are you hiding? Get out the asshole!" Y/N smashed Rohan's furniture all over the room.

"Is Y/N no longer obedient to Rohan just because her hair has been insulted? And is it just because of her wickedness that she has now lost her head?" Koichi asks.

"Most interesting." I add my words. A chair flies in our direction, but the three of us managed to dodge.

"Come on, you bastard! Otherwise, I'll chop you like meat in a grater!" Furniture and stuff are still scattered around the room.

"I never even thought that Y/N could get so angry. What is it that changes her so much? What exactly is important about her hair?" Koichi asks again.

"She wanted to tell us then, but we interrupted her on another matter. Do you remember Koichi?"

While we were thinking about it, a leaf was seen on the floor that looked like one of the sheets torn from Koichi's face. Leaf returned to Koichi's body.

"Exactly, I remembered. She told me then. It was related to her past.

When Y/N was 11, she was in high school. No one wanted to have anything to do with her, much less make friends. Everyone considered her an outcast for humanity. Until a girl appeared in her life, who became for her the only person who promoted her personality. That girl made Y/N a person for society. She introduced her to many and found even more friends for her. But...

On a regular school day, that girl was accidentally run over by a drunk motorcycle driver. The accused himself was imprisoned for 10 years, but the pain in Y/N's heart could not subside. Memories from the past, how the girl changed Y/N, it's just an unforgettable and pleasant feeling. Y/N feels sad almost every day when she thinks of her only friend. And to remember this girl, Y/N copied her pompadour spiral hair as a memory of a past and better friendship. And anyone who dares to offend Y/N's hair will provoke aggression. In her understanding, to offend her hair means to offend her dead friend.

That's all I remember from her story."

After everything Koichi said, I was shocked. So Y/N is about the same as mine? Our hairstyles are copied as a memory of those people who are very dear to us. And this is very encouraging. A girl like Y/N is like she's with me like two peas. Exact copy.

"So I found you mangaka!" Getting distracted from our thoughts, we saw Y/N looking at Rohan, "I'm not finished beating you yet! I will beat you until you pass out!"

(A week later)

As the three guys sit by the pool and eat their lunch boxes I thinks about Y/N. After that incident in Rohan's house, we did not meet at school. Although Koichi and Okuyasu had seen her alone, she immediately tried to avoid us. Maybe... After that incident, she is now ashamed to appear in front of us? Or is there another reason?

"Josuke. Are you worried about something?" Koichi asked me.

"Sure, yes. I'm worried about Y/N. Why has she stopped seeing us? She doesn't want to be friends?" I also wondered questions.

"Well, no Josuke. This is nary. Although... I can guess about one thing. When Rohan used the Heaven's Door on us, he told me and Hazamada one of her secrets."

"Oh secret. This is interesting. What is this secret?" Okuyasu was also interested.

"Well ... I don't want to finish telling this. But okay. She... She has Josuke's feelings for you."

Okuyasu and I were shocked when I blushed at hearing such words from Koichi.

"Does she have feelings for me? And what do you think is the main reason? " Okuyasu cried in front of me and Koichi.

"Josuke you're in luck. And you have a girlfriend. "

"Hey, wait a bit. I'm very surprised myself, but ... Is there a reason why Y/N has feelings for me? " I ask Koichi.

"As Rohan read, it's because she feels comfortable around you and you have similar interests. Of course, when we beat Rohan, she also added that you can be relied on. You are a devoted protector and also remind her of this friend. your hair is not very similar. "I was still red. I never thought that a girl like Y/N would be calmer around me.

Of course, I also liked Y/N, but the feelings would not be real if it were not for these words. I thought Y/N wouldn't like me because of that first day of insulting my hair. Despite the fact that we met on the first day, fighting a girl is not at all beautiful.

(Nobody pov)

"Hi guys, Y/N is coming to us." Okuyasu said, looking through the grate of the pool.

The girl went to the pool and, noticing her friends, approached them.

"Hello Okuyasu, Josuke and Koichi. Can I have lunch with you?" the girl asked.

"Of course Y/N. Koichi and I are going to go out for a drink. We'll be there soon. Until then, please take our seats." Okuyasu grabbed Koichi's uniform and they quickly ran out of the pool.

The girl sat down next to Josuke, taking out a lunchbox. Okuyasu and Koichi looked from the side.

"Why did we leave them?" Koichi Okuyasu asked.

"Because they need privacy to be recognized. We don't want to get involved in their romance?"

(Josuke pov)

Well, damn it! Okuyasu and Koichi ran away leaving me alone with Y/N, the girl I liked. And I only learned about her feelings through Koichi. Already a little uncomfortable and I'm very shy.

"Josuke. Forgive me for ignoring you. I just wanted to get rid of the feelings associated with that day. My aggression reaches extreme heights. And I thought you would just hate me. Like many of my friends after the death of that girl." I stroked Y/N on the shoulder.

"It's okay Y/N. I myself get frustrated because of this. Therefore, for the fact that this hairstyle plays a major role in life for you, no one from our friendly company will offend her."

Y/N Smiled and hugged me.

"I think we are a little alike in this. Hair is very dear to you too. Okuyasu said that when you were 4 years old, you fell ill with a disease that awakened the power of the stand in you. However, you were on the verge of death and on one of those days your mother wanted help you. But ... That day there was a heavy snowfall and there was no way to push the car out of the snowdrift. Until some high school student came to help with the same hairstyle that you have now. He helped push the car out of the snowdrift and so on saved your life. "

"Yes, that's exactly the way it is. That guy is a real hero. Otherwise, I would have died and would not be able to save this city. And I owe it to him. Even though it is not known who he is." Y/N has patted me on the shoulder now.

"Listen to Josuke. You remind me of that friend who was alive before. It was also calm and pleasant to be with her. And you are the same." I smiled.

"Well, I'm very glad to hear that."

"And I would like to confess to you. I really like you Josuke. I can't imagine my life without you as without that girl. Maybe you don't feel the same, but I decided not to suffer anymore and tell the truth." At that, I blushed again. Y/N herself confessed her feelings.

I wanted to tell her the same thing. I love her, but I'm so nervous to tell the truth. Maybe I'll say something wrong and we won't become a couple.

"I also want to tell you that. I really like you too Y/N. I never thought that I would find a girl like me. Not exactly, but we are very suitable as such. I want to love you Y/N." We smiled together and were ready to share a kiss.

Bringing the faces closer to each other, the lips unite into one and create a sweet kiss. This kiss drives my thoughts crazy. I hugged Y/N tighter behind my back, drawing closer to me, trying to deepen the kiss as deep as possible. With a faint moan, I was able to enter the inside of the mouth Y/N, examining it. Languages ​​dominated both dance. I thought it was all going to get bigger, but Y/N was the first to pull away from me breathing air.

"Josuke, we got so carried away with a kiss on our hike and almost got to more." I blushed again with a little shame.

"S-Sorry Y/N. I just thought this was how a kiss should be."

"It's all right. I myself did not understand very well how to behave correctly at the first kiss." We laughed together.


Somewhere in the distance, the mangaka Rohan watched as two pompadours students were glad that they confessed their feelings. Although Rohan wanted to make Y/N fall in love with him just to keep working on the manga, the chances of being with her were gone.

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