My Harem is Entirely Bad Boy...

By Dessiekarma

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A new girl finds herself as the manager of a particularly infamous basketball team. But are they the same off... More

Chapter 1: I'm Finally an Anime Protagonist!
Chapter 2: She Must Be A Cute Maid!
Chapter 3: Get That Girl a Megane!
Chapter 4: Is This a BL Anime?!?!
Chapter 5: Is This Seriously Her Type?!
Chapter 6: Sorry For Your Tragic Backstory, But Don't be a Dick!
Chapter 7: I Think We're At That Point Were My Harem Story Gets Serious!
Chapter 8: I Never Imagined My First Love Confession Would Go Down This Way

Chapter 9: Seto's Getting His Alloted Chapter with the Protagonist!

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By Dessiekarma

"Do you really think it's her?" Hara asked pushing the phone Furuhashi, who was scrutinizing it just as heavily.

"It looks like her but you know...really different." Seto said zooming in on his own phone.

"Do you think she's seen it? Is that why she's not at practice this morning?" Hara said before answering his own question. "I'm pretty sure this was sent to everyone at Kirisaki Daiichi and then some."

"Well that proves it then doesn't it?" Yamazaki sounding angry. "We spend all that fucking time defending her and for what if it was all true?"

"We don't know that it's all true." Seto urged halfheartedly.

"I thought you were supposed to be the smart one! Remember what that lady said about her not being a good girl and how she even agreed she wasn't always a good person? Then the fact that this mystery thing went down in middle school that she never tells us about. Or the mystery Touou thing that she also never told us about. Top it all off with this picture of her from her first year and its kinda obvious that Mei wasn't lying!"

Yamazaki had been stewing in these feelings ever since the day he walked her home. He found it hard to see her the way he once had. He'd thought maybe she was different but her confirmation and the new evidence blasted around the school proved she was the same as everyone else. The same as Mei, the same as all those other girls who threw themselves at Hara...maybe even worse.

The evidence in question was a picture of (Y/N) sitting on the train with one tan legged crossed over the other. Her skirt was too short to pass school uniform regulations and her sweater baggily hanging off her shoulder. Her hair was a golden honey colour accented by big glossy lips and way more cleavage than most people would find acceptable.

To top it off she was leaning her head against the shoulder of a much older man in a suit. Even with all assumptions aside it was pretty clear to all of them that this was a compensated date.

"Okay so what if she wasn't lying? I guess it all makes sense with what she said about (Y/N)'s 'hobby' but what does it matter?" Seto asked running his hand threw his hair. "She knew she was good looking so she spent some time with old perverts for money. I mean the only reason most girl here don't do it is because they already have money."

"And she does too, clearly! So, what reason would she have to be doing this kinda thing?"

"I don't know, I've seen the way salary men go all out for a young girl's attention. They devote a lot of time and effort to it. Can't say it wouldn't be nice for a milf to fawn over me like that." Hara gave a shrug and chewed his gum more intensely.

"You know most of those types of guys are married right?!"

"Yeah so what? It's a man's job to be faithful to his wife, not the other woman's." Furuhashi offered.

"Oh of course you would have that opinion."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"I'm just saying it's pretty convenient that the ENGAGED guy in the group is trying to justify cheating."

"Just the way it's convenient of you to suddenly side with your bitch of an ex after realizing your perfect little payback wasn't what you expected. I know Mei still has you licking her boots but don't take it out on our manager."

Yamazaki looked as if he would have something to say in return but he only grit his teeth and slumped into the bleachers.

"Besides a girl as cute as (Y/N), no way she would have to have done more than flirt for money. I mean not that I care what she did or didn't do. I'm just saying sometimes those paid dates are pretty vanilla. Men just want to be seen with cute girls on their arm."


"What? Are you making fun of me, Seto?" (Y/N) said looking totally heartbroken.

The young man sputtered and choked on his words realizing exactly what the hell this sounded like. When (Y/N) hadn't shown up to school yesterday and today he knew the only way he would get to ask what he'd been meaning to was to go to her place.

He would have thought with the amount of times he rehearsed how he was gonna say it and with everything going on, that he would have caught his mistake.

I have this thing that I need to be bring a date to. I was wondering if you could be my girlfriend for the day. I'll even pay you!

Stupid stupid stupid.

"What I meant to say is I told my brother and the outfit. You owe me a favour but it's a lot. So I can give something else. Ya know the Seirin and shit I can't breathe."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes slightly but smiled and shook her head softly.

"Come in."

"To your house! But you said you live alone."

"So, what? Furuhashi and Yamazaki have stayed over plenty of times."

Seto wanted to pry on that but didn't want to come across as accusatory. Walking into the guest house he was greeted with a slightly messy but overall welcoming space. Watching her gesture to the couch, the tall male took a seat and tried to get his thoughts in order.

"Do you want something? A water, soda, juice?...Espresso?"

"Plain coffee would be nice."

"Sure. I'll be right back."

Seto nodded and watched her disappear from his peripherals. Looking around the room he was surprised with how humble everything looked but thinking it over he shouldn't have been too surprised. (Y/N) was a surprisingly humble girl for apparently living a lavish lifestyle.

A chuckle almost left Seto's lips as he noticed several anime figures on various shelves. That was more like what he was expecting. Curious, he got up to take a closer look at the stuff decorating her living room.

In particular one shelf held several framed pictures. The largest made a smile come to his face. (Y/N) appeared to be no more than 3 or 4 years old. She was holding her fingers up into a peace sign, hugging a huge stuffed Pikachu tightly.

The picture right next to it however made his heart feel heavy. (Y/N) was probably eight years old in this one. She was hugging a little boy about the same age who was lifting up a baby girl. Everyone was smiling brightly in the picture but none more than a frail woman sitting in a wheelchair behind them.

They were clearly in a hospital and the woman was very clearly the reason they were there. Thinking about it, thought (Y/N) always referred to her parents as a unit making it sound like they were both around...her mother was hardly mentioned on her own. Everything was always about her dad and maybe this was why.

"Being nosy?" The young girl said coming up behind him with a hot cup of coffee.

"It's not being nosy if the stuff is on display. You were a cute kid, these your brother and sister?" Seto asked hoping more for an explanation of the woman in the picture.

"My cousins. So, did I give you enough time to calm down and tell me what you came here for?"

"Actually yes. (Y/N) I didn't mean to make it sound like I was making fun of your situation."

"But you do know about it?"

"I've seen the picture yeah."

"I don't know why I even let it get to me so bad. It's a really old picture! Once I started dating my ex, I stopped going on paid dates."

"It's really not my business. You're still the same person to me."

(Y/N) smiled up at Seto's genuine words.

"Well now for what event am I playing your girlfriend?"

"Ugh I really wish I hadn't worded it like that. Look remember the whole Seirin interview shit, I told you I would cash in the favour later. Well I'm cashing in big time. My brother is debuting in this K-pop group and it' really important to him that I go to his banquet. My mother was making this huge deal about me not being able to find a date so I lied and said you were my girlfriend."

. . .

"Your brother's in a K-pop group? You didn't bring that up when you told me your parents were celebrities!"

"Look I've lived my whole life with people talking about my brother forgive me for not wanting to give one more person a reason to gush."

"Fair enough. So this thing is black tie?"

"'re actually gonna do it?"


"But I thought. I just figured this was kinda gonna be a big thing to ask for. Like I know you owe me a favour but I figured I was gonna still have to throw in some other incentive here."

"Huh why?"

"Well because you're just you and look at me. I don't know...have you ever dated a guy like me?"

(Y/N) seemed to be thinking it over in her mind for a bit.

"No, my ex was kind of an airhead and I was never in a serious relationship before that. So, I guess you could say I never really dated a smart guy!"

"That's not what I meant." In his own opinion (Y/N) was a solid eight on a regular day and could easily be a ten when she fixed herself up. But he at best was a five in the right lighting.

"You've done a lot for me and the team. You tend to be the voice of reason. Plus you sang with me when I was trying to get comfortable at KiriDai. I think I can help you be comfortable at your family's dinner party."

"Ughh are you sure? I mean I know I was the one who asked but I just...I feel kind selfish now asking you to do this when I know you got a lot going on right now."

"Ehh I see it as a good distraction. The guys heard of everything going on, I assume?"

Seto's mind instantly went to Yamazaki's weird bitch fit but decided to not worry (Y/N) about it for the weekend.

"Yeah, I mean we are wondering what's going on but you don't really have to explain anything to us."

"It's not an exciting story or anything. I was both rebelling and needed the money. It wasn't some costume in the picture...I was really like that back then."

"Still people shouldn't judge you by your appearance."

"I was a pretty big bitch back in the day, too. You know that guy I beat the shit out of in the cafeteria? Yeah that used to happen on a daily basis. Sometimes to people who were talking about me but sometimes to people who even looked at me wrong. I drank, smoked, slept around, stole some boyfriends, all the kind of things you'd expect that cliché to do. I guess there's no point hiding what a piece of shit person I used to be."

"Well in my opinion...good people do bad things."

(Y/N) cocked her head to the side questioningly before smiling widely.

"So where is your brother's party going to be at?"

"Ummm Okinawa."

"OKINAWA! How long do I have to prepare?"

"It's tomorrow."

"...I change my mind you do owe me."

"That's fair what do you want?"

"I was just about to watch this anime. Watch it with me?"

"You want me to watch anime with you?" Seto asked raising a brow. He'd seen like two episodes of pokemon when he was younger. "I guess. What's it about?"

"Don't worry about it! Just umm are you a sentimental person?"

"Not particularly."

"Oh good, then you can console me when I'm crying my eyes out."


"Heh not sentimental my ass. Your eyes are still looking puffy from yesterday." (Y/N) snorted as she fixed her hair in her compact mirror.

"They are puffy because I was asleep on the flight! And I already have ugly narrow eyes to begin with."

"You were crying harder than I was!"

"You'd seen it before! She disappeared and I wasn't prepared for it!"

"Sure sure. Also, I didn't miss that self-deprecation. I like your eye shape, it's alluring."

"What?! Shut up."

"Seriously, it's like constant bedroom eyes. Society is just too on the hype train for big wide bright eyes when narrow sleepy eyes can look just as good."

"Can you really talk about society pressure when you work for New Face? Those models are caked in makeup. The company name literally implies you need a different face."

"Why do you think I only ever use Me But Better? You can enhance what you got instead of thinking you NEED to change everything you already have. I work for New Face because I have to, not because I agree with their ideals."

"I guess. Oh shit here we are." Set ran a hand through his hair for what was probably the hundredth time. "Fuck I'm nervous. Okay so you remember everything we talked about so that our stories match up?"

"Yes yes. We met at basketball, not a lie. We've known each other for almost a year, not a lie. I gave you chocolates for Valentine's Day, not a lie. You thought I was beautiful and asked me out."

"Not a lie."


"I did ask you to be my date, here didn't I?"

"I guess but you didn't have to say it like that!" (Y/N) stuttered out.

Seto smiled. He was surprised and amazed that someone like (Y/N) who described her past the way she did could get so easily flustered. It just sort of confirmed what he already believed, that she was pure of heart...a good person who'd done bad things.

"Aren't you gonna open my door?" (Y/N) said knocking her scarf covered cast into the car handle.

"Oh fuck you're right. My dad would disown me if I wasn't the perfect gentleman."

With that (Y/N) stepped out of the limo and took Seto's arm. Instantly he was cursing himself for asking her to do this. It didn't look right. He always came to these things alone and then to just show up with this gorgeous girl. It had "I flaunt my money to get dates" written all over it.

"Don't be so tense. Everything is going to be fine." (Y/N) whispered giving him a reassuring smile.

With a deep breath the two walked into the building. Instantly both felt overwhelmed. (Y/N) by the sheer number of celebrities and important people. Seto by his brother's eyes instantly meeting his and perking up.

"Was he waiting for me? Brace yourself." Seto whispered just in time as his older brother came barreling through the crowd. His eyes were big and lit up like a child meeting his new puppy for the first time.

"Little bro! Is this her?! Wow it is, isn't it! She's gorgeous! Hey how much of the family inheritance did you give her? Just kidding! So what's your name!?"

"Forgive my older brother he is going for the hyperactive quirky member of his group. The type that very closely verge on annoying. Joo-won this is (Y/N), my girlfriend."

"Annoying!? You're so mean!"

(Y/N) was shocked by the banter between the two males. First of all, Seto's brother was one of the prettiest men she had ever seen. More masculine than Reo's feminine beauty but softer than Aomine's rugged handsome face. On another note she was surprised by how well the two brothers got along and how much they seemed to genuinely care about the other, despite the jabs.

She had unfairly made a few judgements on Seto's brother based on the few things she's heard.

"Mom and dad are gonna be so excited!"

"About what, son? Oh my, Ken! I hadn't realized you arrived already. You were supposed to text us the moment your plane landed. I trust the limo driver found you anyhow."

(Y/N) was utterly starstruck yet again. Seto's dad was 100% dilf material, straight daddy born of your deepest fantasies. He had told her that his dad was a pretty famous Japanese actor back in the day but she didn't realize she was gonna be spending her night watching every movie he'd ever been in. And when he locked eyes with her she was sure she would die.

"Oh my goodness Joo-won, where did you find this beauty?"

"You know mom said I wasn't allowed to bring a date! She said it would make potential fans think I'm taken."

"Then perhaps she would like to be my date."

"Actually Seto-san, I am Kentaro's date! It's very nice to finally meet you."

"(Y/N), this is my father Kenjiro Seto. Dad this is my girlfriend."

Mr. Seto appeared taken aback for a moment and looked at his youngest son, who timidly wrapped an arm around (Y/N)'s waist and pulled her to him.

"When my wife and son told me our little one had a girlfriend, I didn't expect someone so radiant!"

"Did you expect me to show up with a tanuki in a dress?" Kentaro mumbled angrily.

"Don't take it personal son. You just never showed much interest in dating and the dates we sent you on never went well. We were beginning to entertain the thought that perhaps ladies weren't your type. But that would have only been much harder. Men who enjoy the company of other men are held to a higher standard."

(Y/N) found herself frowning at that underhanded remark. She made a point to lean her head on her teammate's shoulder and lace her fingers through his.

"You seem so picky, Ken-chan. I suppose I'm lucky, I caught your attention at all."

Joo-won and his father looked at each other in disbelief. She sounded so genuine in her words and seemed so comfortable with him. As much as Joo-won wanted this to work for his brother and wished him all the happiness in the world he couldn't help but worry this girl was after something other than his brother's love. And he didn't know if he could stand to see another woman tear him down.

"My baby! There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you! Some people wanted to meet and speak with you." (Y/N) felt her hand suddenly gripped harder. "Kentaro, I didn't know you had arrived yet. So glad you made it here without a fuss. Though we would have appreciated you accompanying us to Korea to see your brother's official debut with his group."

"I don't need to be there for the whole group. I'm here because this is for him. Besides I had school yesterday."

"Ever the studious one. Good it will serve you well to be able to start a company or some other thing to support yourself. Oh and who is this?"

"Mother this is my girlfriend, (Y/N). (Y/N) I'd like you to meet my mother, Young-Mi Seto."

Consider (Y/N) intimidated. How the hell would anyone be okay being surrounded by a family of Greek gods. They were so attractive she was beginning to feel just a tad insecure. Honestly Kentaro might have had a better fit asking Reo to be his date!

"I'm very thankful to have the chance to meet the whole family. I promise I am being very good to Kentaro, as he has been with me."

"I can see that. What a beautiful dress! It's Zuhair Murad, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is actually! Thank you!"

"You must have very expensive tastes." The woman said with a not so subtle up and down glance at her son.

"Not at all. This was actually thrifted."

"Humble...cute. Come along Joo-won, Kenjiro, we have an interview to give!"

(Y/N) watched as the three walked off. Turning to her date she could see his jaw was clenched. If his parents were making these sorts of comments in front of his significant other...she couldn't imagine what the rest of his life had been like.

With their wide eyes and ivory porcelain skin, it was clear her teammate was the odd man out in the family. Finally, all of his self-deprecation made sense.

Reaching a hand up she placed it gently on his cheek caressing his gorgeously sculpted cheek bone. She felt him tense again and thought he would jerk away from her. To her surprise he turned into her touch and placed his hand over her own.

As if it came naturally to him, he brought his lips to her hand and kissed her palm. (Y/N) felt a light rose colour dust her cheeks and smiled.

From a distance the boy's father watched the interaction before turning away.


"What do you mean, it was a simple error!?" Kentaro rolled his eyes as his mother went off on the catering staff. "I specifically said nothing citrus. My baby is allergic to citrus and it was a simple task. Keep oranges, grapefruits and LEMONS off the menu!"

"Bmom ithhs okay. Really I can breathhe juthht fine!" Joo-won said around his swelling tongue.

(Y/N) scurried in with a cup of ice cubes and handed them to the grateful male who proceeded to pop several in his mouth.

"No, it's not fine! You are fired!" The woman yelled pointing an accusatory finger at the waitstaff. "And you...oh my poor baby. We can't have you perform for you guests like this. However, they are expecting some form of entertainment. Perhaps I can go up and sing one of my old-"

"Assthhk Ken! He can sthing sthhho good bmom!" Joo-won said pointing at his brother excitedly.

"Dude, what the hell are you talking about." Kentaro said giving his brother a clear 'stfu' look.

"Yeah I alwayths hear you sthing in your room when you think no one can hear! And I thaw that video of you sthinging with your girlfriend! Ohhhhh you guyths can do a duet! It would be thuper cute and an easthy way to introduth her to everyone!"

"Ohh Joo-won I don't think they want t-"

"That's an amazing idea!" Seto's father spoke up with a grin. "Come on Young-Mi, don't you think we should take some time to show off our youngest boy?"

"No, I'm perfectly content being the disappointment child." Kentaro said slinging his arms around (Y/N)'s shoulders and resting his chin on her head.

His father frowned at that comment while his mother only continued to fume as she thought of alternative ideas. Finally the woman threw her hands up in defeat.

"You and your girlfriend have to be ready in 20 minutes!" The woman said firmly before walking out the door, back into the party.

"No! We don't want to do it!" Kentaro turned to his brother and father raging. "What the hell guys!? You didn't even ask me! Let alone my girlfriend! What if she has stage fright!?"

"You will do just fine son. Go on think of a song and practice while you still got time." The older male quickly sauntered after his wife.

Joo-won simply gave his brother a smile and small shrug.

"You don't have to do this (Y/N). I'm so sorry I got you dragged into my family bullshit."

"Hey, I came in here with the ride or die mentality. So, what are we gonna sing!?"

Kentaro was amazed that she was so willing to go along with the idea.

"Shit I have no clue. A love song! People loved it last time, what's a real tearjerker we can throw at them?"

Both teammates looked at each other with wide eyes as the same idea came through their minds.


Kentaro swallowed hard as he looked out at the crowd. Sitting on the stool with his guitar he knew this time around wasn't in his head that all eyes were on him. Even (Y/N) gave him her full attention and she sat on the stool directly across from him.

"Whenever you're ready." She whispered reassuringly. Her smile grew wider as the first notes of the song echoed in the room. And when his voice came out clear and perfect (Y/N) remembered just how amazed she was the first time she ever heard it.

Kao o awashitara kenka shite bakari (Whenever we saw each other all we did was fight) Sore mo i omoide datta (Still those are wonderful memories too) Kimi ga oshietekureta da mou kowaku nai (You taught me so much; I'm not afraid anymore) Donna fujiyuu demo shiawase wa tsukameru dakara (No matter how difficult my life is, I can grasp happiness)

The two locked eyes with each other before taking in a deep breath and singing in unison.

Hitori demo yuku yo tatoe tsurakute mo (I'll go on alone, even if it's painful) Kimi to mita yume wa kanarazu motteku yo (I will always carry that dream I had with you)

(Y/N) swallowed thickly. She heard so much emotion in Kentaro's voice. It felt as if they had sang this song to each other a million times. So of course, she could only hope to match that pure tone in her own solo.

Zutto asondereru sonna ki ga shiteta (I thought we could play forever) Ki ga shiteita dake wakatteru (But I know that's just what I wanted to believe) Umaretekita koto mou koukai wa shinai (I don't regret being born, anymore.) Matsuri no ato mitai samishii kedo sorosoro ikou (Like the end of a festival, its sad but we have to go)

She felt her voice crack with emotion as that lyric hit hard. 'I don't regret being born, anymore.' Scooting her chair closer to his she placed her hand on her friend's knee. (Y/N) didn't know if she would be able to finish the song without her voice cracking or just breaking down sobbing. The tears that trailed from her eyes betrayed her conviction to keep her composure.

Megutte nagarete toki wa utsuroi da (Time changes as its webbed and flows) Mou nani ga atta ka omoidasenai kedo (I can't remember clearly anymore but,) Me o tojitemireba dareka no waraigoe (If I try and close my eyes..I can hear someone's laughter)

Strong hands grabbed her face gently and his thumbs were placed tenderly over her quivering lips. (Y/N) stayed silent as Kentaro finished the song's final lyric, surprising her as two lines of water cascaded down his face.

Nazeka sore ga ima ichiban no takaramono (Somehow that's my most precious treasure)

The room was deafeningly quiet for a second before a thunderous applause could be heard. Turning towards the crowd the two performers were shocked to see so many others with tears in their eyes as well.

(Y/N) almost laughed at Joo-won looking absolutely in pieces with both hands pressed tightly over his mouth.

"Think any of them know that song was from the anime we watched last night?" (Y/N) said turning to Kentaro, who was already staring at her.

"You cried more than me this time."

"Yeah but you still cried."

"Because you made me sad."


"Because you were singing like you've felt every word."

The two followed each other off the stage and were immediately bombarded by this man in a nice albeit 'loud' suit. He gave (Y/N) a once over before doing the same to Kentaro before nodding his head excitedly.

"Yes yes you two would be perfect!"

"I'm sorry sir, perfect for what?" (Y/N) asked taking the initiative.

"I'm a talent manager! My company has been looking for a good duet! You guys are it! Duos have fallen out of style decades ago but we think they could make an amazing comeback and you two would fit the image we are going for."

"And what image would that be exactly?" Kentaro asked with a brow raised.

"The song you sang, it's about lovers reincarnating and remembering the time they spend with each other in past lives. That's the shtick, lovers across decades! The couple has been reincarnated and fall for each other in every lifetime. The way you guys sing...its like you've been lovers for a millennium. Everything is almost perfect we would just need to do a few cosmetic touc-"

"We aren't interested." Kentaro said pulling on (Y/N)'s hand to lead her away.

"Come on now be reasonable! Just a double eyelid surgery, a little nose job and maybe some whitening treatments."

Now it was (Y/N)'s turn to look offended.

"Excuse me! Who do you think-"

"(Y/N), it's okay he wasn't referring to you."

"I kn-"

"Oh yes that is just like my youngest!" The boisterous voice of the boy's mother caught both their ears as she spoke to a group of her friends and colleagues.

"We had no idea your young son was just as talented as his older brother! Why have you been hiding him, Young-Mi?!"

"That boy has never wanted the star life! It's just not his thing. All the glamour and self care just fell to the wayside for him. We tried to take him to have that unsightly blemish removed from his forehead when he was nine but he threw a fit! But that's Kentaro for you, the voice of an angel but a face made for voice acting!" The woman laughed loudly along with her friends who followed in suit.

Kentaro visibly flinched by those words and was about to steer (Y/N) in the opposite direction before she pulled from his grasp and stormed up to the group.

"Why would you ever think that would be okay to say about your own son?" The girl asked calmly but with a clear tone of disgust in her voice.

The group she walked up to blinked owlishly and waited for the older woman's retort. The Korean woman didn't miss a beat as she smiled largely.

"You found a good one, Ken! Look at her jumping to your defense but we joke like this all the time, right sweetie."

"Yeah." Kentaro placed his hands on the girl's shoulders and whispered into her ear. "Drop it, let's go."

"But you are clearly bothered by it! A mother shouldn't treat her child that way."

"Ohh a bit of parenting advice from a little girl I'm sure has no children of her own." Young-Mi laughed into her palm. "You know you don't exactly make a good first impression right honey?"

"I was about to say the same." (Y/N) spat back which seemed to take the woman a second to recover from. Clearly she wasn't used to being talked back to.

The shutter of a camera went off, but the two women didn't back down from their staring contest.

"You really don't know how this works do you? I've seen girls like you come and go. Girls who want what they can get from my son. They agree to these dates in hopes they get a taste of the finer thing, get spoiled with gifts and eventually marry into riches. But when the money belongs to the parents, that's usually who you should try to impress."

"I'm with Kentaro because I want to be! You'll find I have plenty of my own money I don't need yours or your husband's."

"Then what is it? Huh you want to merge businesses?"

"I don't need any ulterior motive to want to be with him! If you must know I'm the heiress to New Face, a company that has held no interest in taking on spokespeople over the age of 40."

Young-Mi was clearly fuming at the young girl before her mouth dropped open into a small o-shape that merged into a laugh.

"You're the one New Face has been hiding in shame for the past few years. Yes, most of us have heard about the ILLIGITEMATE makeup heiress that should be lucky anyone who would have inherited New Face is either infertile, disowned, or dead."

Very audible gasps were heard from the room and Kentaro felt an almost sob rip through (Y/N)'s body as he began to pull her back. To his surprise that sob turned into laughter.

"You really are that much of a stereotype? The beautiful face with nothing underneath, tearing down anyone anyway you know how? Trying to live her life through her children! Your career ended before you were ready and pushing your kids is the only way people don't forget your name! Maybe you would have been more memorable if you strived to be more than a pretty face! Clearly you weren't that good of an actress, otherwise you'd figure you could ACT like you give a shit about your son-"

(Y/N)'s head snapped to the side as the older woman put all her force into her palm and struck her across the face.

"Mother! You went way too far!" Kentaro yelled out at the woman, pulling (Y/N) behind him to protect her.

"Young-Mi, that's enough! You've had too much to drink!" Seto's father said finally making his way into the crowd to pull his wife away. "Ken, (Y/N), I apologize greatly."

"Don't apologize, Kenjiro! Who is she to speak to me like that!? Your son brings in this little brat and we're supposed to treat her specially in hopes she won't leave him?!"

"...You don't get it. You don't even realize" (Y/N) mumbled, tears running down her red bruising cheek. "Your son, this one right here, he's amazing and you don't see that just because what? He doesn't look like you or your perfect little family? Did you know he's so smart, musically gifted, an amazing basketball player?"

(Y/N) clung onto her teammates hand tightly.

"But he doesn't see anything good...and it's because of you. Do you know how hard it is to unlearn the negative things parents put in your head? And it's not enough to tell yourself its not I'll tell Ken-chan every day that he's one of the most amazing guys I ever met, inside and out. And I hope I can help undo what years of you has done to him."

"Let's go." Said male pulled on the girl's wrist. "That's enough, (Y/N)."

She couldn't tell if he was angry at her or not. o, she remained silent as her friend pulled her through a staring crowd and out the door. The only breeze blowing through the air was hot and wet, making the fabric of her dress stick to her skin. He continued to pull her along the sidewalk. She didn't think he even knew where he was trying to go but it wasn't the time to ask questions.

(Y/N) expected Seto to scream at her, to tell her she was out of line. It dawned on her yet again that she was still meddling in her friend's lives without asking. An internal debate in her mind was arguing that she was right in intervening and the other voice said she should have kept her mouth shut.

It wasn't like Hanamiya's situation. That was so secretive, the problems between Makoto and his mother had to be dug up. Young-Mi had made it everyone's business when she put her comments out there. Just because it was uncomfortable to say something didn't mean she shouldn't have said it. Someone should have a really long time ago.

The girl gulped lightly as Seto's feet came to a halt on a bridge overlooking the water. In the time it took to get here it had been decided that she didn't regret speaking out, maybe just regretted how it came out.

The tall male turned to her, his face completely red and (Y/N) knew she was in for a fit of screaming. Closing her eyes, she braced herself for his rightful anger instead she felt his long arms wrap around her.

Her eyes snapped open as Seto held her tightly to his body.

"Eighteen years of those comments, of those parties, of those people laughing at my expense and you are the only one who has ever spoke out for me." Seto mumbled into the girl's hair.

Without a second thought she clung onto him just as tightly.

"I'm sorry if I embarrassed you or made anything hard for you in the future. But it wasn't right, I shouldn't have had to be the first person to ever say anything. Ken-chan, it's not true, all these bad things you think about yourself...none of it is true. What's inside matters but to me you are really handsome!"

(Y/N) was surprised yet again when Seto cupped her face between his hands and drew his face in closer to hers. Her breath caught in her throat, her lips parting slightly. But instead his forehead pressed against hers and he sighed softly.

"Thank you...for everything." Finally pulling away he gave her a genuine smile before his face morphed into a sheepish look. "So, not your fault but our flight back isn't until tomorrow and we were supposed to stay in the same hotel as my family but I'm not sure that's a great idea."

"That's okay! I can buy us a hotel room for the night!"

"You expect to find a hotel room last minute in Okinawa at this time of year?"

"Sure, if you know where to look!"


Seto could feel himself sitting stiffly as he drowned out the sounds of the shower running. It was purely for convenience sake that (Y/N) dragged him into a Love Hotel. When she'd made the suggestion, he insisted in calling around first to see if there weren't any available rooms at a proper place.

Of course, they hadn't found anything and even this location had proven to be a bit of a problem. For starters there was only one room available, though he knew it would seem odd for the two of them to have gotten separate rooms at this kind of hotel. Secondly, they questioned if (Y/N) was underage, which was totally the right thing to do but 1. They didn't need shit to fall through right now and 2. Nobody bothered asking his age.

"Ken-chan, you okay?" (Y/N) said making the male practically jump out his skin.

Turning towards her didn't help much as she was drying her wet hair in nothing but a tank top and shorts. Her skin was glistening and when he looked closely, he noticed a droplet of water fall from her hair only to roll down her shoulder, over her collar bone and between her breasts. Swallowing all the saliva that had pooled in his mouth, Seto tore his eyes away and spoke.

"It would seem that they don't have any spare cots or mats anywhere in the hotel so I decided to take the carpet and you can have the be-"

"No, that's fine! Sleep with me!"

Seto felt his face burn red and turned away from (Y/N) so she wouldn't notice. Without intention he quickly turned on the defense.

"That's not really appropriate. Believe it or not I don't make it a practice to come to places like this or other sleezy stuff like sleepin-" Seto's words faded off as he heard how accusatory that sounded.

Looking back at (Y/N) he saw her with her knees pulled up to her chest, staring down at her barefeet. He had been defending her behind her back for days only to go and passive aggressively slut-shame her to her face, calling her sleezy.

"I'm...I'm not dirty or sleezy, you know." (Y/N) pushed her hair behind her ear before giving him a small smile. "But I won't push you to sleep anywhere or do anything you aren't comfortable doing. Goodnight Seto."

Ouch back to last names.

With that the girl bounced under the covers and turned to give him her back. Seto sighed, wanting to explain but also not wanting to expose himself. She would think he was 100% pathetic, especially someone so sexually liberated like she was.

Pulling off his shirt, he grabbed a pillow and chucked it onto the ground ready to just call it a night.

What am I a little bitch? He thought to himself before he could make his way onto the floor. This girl just stuck her neck and her company out on the line to tell his mother off. How the hell was he gonna let her defend him and then not even try to apologize for hurting her feelings?

"Hey (Y/N)? I'm really sorry I said that. I don't think that people who get around or come to these plays are bad people or anything. I promise it wasn't meant to be a jab at you."

The girl didn't even twitch to acknowledge him. Turning his body completely towards her, he frowned.

"I know that sounds like bullshit but please just look at me so I can explain. I can't leave you feeling this way about me after all you did for me today."

Still nothing and now Seto was beginning to get mad. Crawling closer to her. he tried once more.

"I'm apologizing here. You don't have to accept it but at least acknowledge I'm here. There's no way you're asleep already! (Y/N)!"

With that Seto flipped her onto her back and found himself hovering above her, his hands on either side of her surprised face. The earbuds in her ears were apparent now, as her phone laid discarded beside her with the YouTube video still playing.

Neither said anything and Seto's body was suddenly frozen, only his eyes flickering all over. Taking in the way (Y/N)'s hair rested into the pillow, the way one strap of her tank top was falling from her shoulder. He could see her chest rising and falling quickly and suddenly grew very aware that he was in nothing but basketball shorts. However, instead of moving like a normal person, Seto remained awkward and stiff like a board.

...And speaking of stiff.

Seeing (Y/N)'s face suddenly burn red and seeing her eyes widen snapped him back to reality. Flipping off her of, Seto planted his face into the bed and slammed a pillow over the top of his head. She totally felt that, and nothing even happened! What was he? Thirteen?!

A gentle touch on his back only made Seto sink deeper into the bed and really just pray the earth would swallow him whole.

"Hey, it's okay it happens. I, umm why were you on top of me though?"

"I was trying to get your attention to say sorry for being insensitive. I don't actually think bad of people who have a lot of experience that was just.... insecurities coming out."

"...I understand. Trust me, I'm the queen of saying the wrong shit at the wrong time to the wrong people! I'm glad that you don't think that way of me though. It was confusing me why you would say that when you were so understanding when you came to my house."

"Yeah I'm just really stupid and can only succeed in embarrassing myself in front of the only girl I have been around this long."

(Y/N) remained silent and Seto only now noticed that her hands had been kneading at his back muscles. A soft groan escaped his lips when she hit a certain spot.

"The tension there, tells me your nervous. Do I make you nervous?"

"Ugh it's not because of you, I'm just never really around girls and they just kind of make me nervous."

" don't have to answer this but well you know about my sex life. Ken-chan, have you ever been with a girl?"

Seto felt like a computer that got the blue screen of death. His mind was making an atrocious screeching sound and he was 99% sure that was his internal screams. (Y/N) really just did that, she really just asked him if he was a virgin.

The audacity! The lack of tact! How uncouth! How dare sh-


And of course the rest of that just ran out his mouth like a coursing river. Damn her for being really easy to talk to.

"Ahh okay! That's why you were nervous sharing a bed with me! Don't worry I won't try anything! I just want you to be comfortable."

"Don't start treating me like a girl just because you know I'm a virgin!"

"Virginity isn't a gendered thing! I'm not less of a woman because I've lost mine and you aren't less of a man because you haven't lost yours! Mine wasn't a big deal to me."

"Mine isn't to me either. I'm not waiting for marriage or for a special someone or shit like just never really happened. I usually just have a single date with a girl and it never gets past that point."

"That's fine! Things happen for people in their own time."

"Yeah I know! Joo-won has been telling me that shit for years! I don't care about having not done it just not having the opportunity to have done it? That doesn't make sense, I guess I just want girls to find me attractive enough to want t-"

Seto's eyes grew wide as (Y/N)'s hands grabbed his face with a level of dominance and pressed her lips onto his. If he thought his heart was racing before, he was about to go into cardiac arrest now.

Seemingly as soon as he realized he could kiss back the girl pulled away.

"Why did you-" He began.

"I ummm caught in the moment. And on the bridge. I thought you wanted me to... Do you want me to stop?"



"Kentaro, you finally made it home."

Seto cursed to himself, having been caught coming back into the house. Turning to look at his father with a clear 'I don't want to talk about it' expression didn't save him from his dad beckoning him closer.

"Where's mom?"

"She took Joo-won to get his hair done. And before they get back, my son I really need to talk to you."

"Look I already know that you're gonna say I shouldn't have brought (Y/N) around and that it embarrassed the family and we were rude-"

"No no, this has nothing to do with my future daughter-in-law. She's quite the firecracker and I simply adore her! She has more of a backbone than you do."


"Look, it was about time someone put Young-Mi in her place. She needed to be brought down a few pegs. In that same vein...quite a few news articles have come out criticizing your mother, in fact she received a call from the CEO of Me But Better this morning. Some representatives had been talking with her about having her endorse their products and perhaps do a collaboration. As you can imagine, a brand that sells self-love didn't want to work with a woman who openly mocks her son."

"Wow I didn't know mom would lose work because of it. If (Y/N) really is the heiress to New Face I'm sure whoever she is inheriting was furious with how mom spoke to her."

"I believe you are right. It wouldn't surprise me if some calls were made to convince this new company to cut the deal. However, don't feel too bad for your mother. She is riding off Joo-won's coattails happily for the time being."

"Well good for her, she deserved to have at least one son she didn't hate."

"Ken, your mother doesn't hate you. She hates herself and you remind her of that every day."


"You look like her and she can't stand it."

"Dad, I look nothing like mom or you for that matter."

"Well now you did get my sculpted cheek bones and jawline! No matter, Kentaro what I show you here it goes to the grave got it?" Kentaro tilted his head in confusion as his father produced an old student id and handed it to him.

Looking at the image the girl looked relatively pissed off. Her narrow eyes, tanned skin and wide face read very clearly as a girl who was conventionally below average on an attractive scale.

But just above her right eyebrow, not as centered as his own, a large dark mole caused the male to quickly look at the name on the ID.

"This is mom!?"

"Yes, but promise you'll never bring it up! She doesn't know I found this in a box of her old stuff!"

"She looks so plain! She's like a four!"

"Yeah I know! Now you should be lucky you got some of my good qualities to balance you out!"

"So, she never told you that this was what she really looked like?"

"No, she got all her surgery before she began her career as an entertainer and definitely before she traveled to Japan. You and this ID are the only proof that she was once the girl in the picture."

Seto stared at the piece of plastic then looked back up at his dad. He had seen pictures of his dad at all points in his life. The man was naturally a ten. He couldn't help but wonder...

"Dad if she looked like this when you first met her wo-"

"Nope. I know what you're going to ask me, and my answer is no. If your mother had come up to me like this, I wouldn't have dated her."

"Wow dad that's actually pretty douchy."

"I wouldn't have been rude to her but...once I got to know her, I wouldn't have tried pursuing her. She wasn't an ugly duckling with a heart of gold; there was no seeing past her appearance into an amazing personality because she doesn't have one. I grew to love her the longer I was married to her but in the beginning, it was all physical attraction. You are totally different in that aspect. Don't think you'll lose (Y/N) because of your looks, because you're actually a good guy inside."

"Yeah well...I'm glad I get everything a little more now."

"Son, I am so sorry that we haven't been the best parents. But look at you, even without us, you've accomplished so much. A star athlete, straight A genius with a beautiful girlfriend."

"Dad...since we're being honest here. (Y/N) isn't my girlfriend, she's the team manager. I wanted her to pretend to be my girlfriend so I could prove to mom that I didn't need to pay or threaten anyone for a date. She's just a really good friend who did a lot for me this weekend." Seto coughed into his hand, trying to stifle down a blush as his mind drifted to last night's events. "A whole lot."

His dad didn't miss any of the telling signs in his son's explanation. He also remembered everything from the party. There was no denying it...his son was in love. But the girl...the girl seemed to be the type that needed to be told that outright to pursue. And that's where he knew his poor son would finally sink or swim.

"Well for the first time in your life, let me be a good father and give some advice. Get on A girl like that doesn't stay on the market long, no matter how much money or how good looking you are."

"I know, my whole team is after her."

"Even the playboy with the hair?" His dad said flaring his fingers out over his eyes.


"Yikes. Well make your confession quicker and better than theirs! And you know, regardless of who she ends up with...keep her around. She's a good girl and I can tell she's the type of friend you've been needing for a long time."

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