Solby Oneshots

By gentlelarrysolby

517K 9.6K 8.9K


Staring pt 2
Untold feelings
Hide n seek
Exploring the mines
Off camera
Reacting to the video
Sam... (part 2)
Listen to me goddamn it!
Why did you leave me?
Breakup with her or i leave
Congrats dude
Insults in compliments
July 22nd - Sams realisation
I love you Colbs
"I came to stop you!"
"Holy shit it does."
The red string of fate
Fanboying :)
Drunk kissing
Colbys pickup lines
Im so sorry Sam.
Cop vs Villain
Cop vs Villain pt 2
Cop Vs Villain (Finale)
I came, I saw, I left!
Colbys Speech
Colbys speech pt 2
Secret agents
The video
Me? Not a good kisser?
Its okay..
Its okay pt 2
Abandoned hospital drive
Demonic Ritual gone wrong (after)
Sams post..
Statue come to life
Phone call
7 minutes in heaven
"Let me in..."
Chapped lips
Chapped lips Pt 2 (Smut)
The little moments
The anniversary
Phone call Pt 2
Jumping to conclusions
Famous popstar (PT 1)
Famous Popstar (pt 2)
Famous popstar (pt 3)
Famous popstar (pt 4)
Famous Popstar (pt 5)
Camping trip
Colbys birthday
The fanfiction one
Colbys birthday Pt 2
Group chat
Award ceremony
Unsent letters
Not taking me seriouslyz
Sneaking away at night
The truth
Authors ending
New book
New book pt 2

Halfway across the world

2.1K 59 15
By gentlelarrysolby

"I'm so proud of you Colby!" Sam excitedly laughed as he hugged his best friend, feeling how Colbys chest vibrated with his own laughter.

"It's such a big step, I mean I have a new job offer in Europe of all places!"


"I thought it was Mexico?"

"They changed it last second, but don't worry I'll be back in like six months." Colby pulled away and grabbed his bags off the ground, Sam stood their with a smile plastered on his face, the floor beneath him felt uneven.

"You promise to keep in contact?"

"Of course, your my best friend nothing will stop me from contacting you."

Sam smiled genuinely at that and hugged him once more,
He took a deep breathe, loving how Colby smelt of off cologne and musk.


"Without you? No way."

That was their last conversation almost five months later, Sam still hadn't heard anything back from Colby no matter how many times he called him or texted him.. it was radio silent.

He was a little pissed off, because he would post online and comment on others posts, never on Sams. He was annoyed that his best friend was ignoring him, whether intentionally or not.

"Pick up, pick up.."

He bounced on his feet as the phone dialed and rang, the anxiety eating away at his skin.

"You've reached the mailbox of Colby Brock, leave a message peeps."

Sighing, he rubbed his eyes and ended the call, sitting down on the couch he turned on the news and watched as the world got even worse.

"Fuck sakes."


He didn't even truly understand what he did as he walked into the big building, placing his bag down and talking to the lady behind the desk. It only really hit him when he was halfway through the airplane and almost to his seat.

What the fuck am I doing?

Placing his luggage above him, he sat down in his seat and rubbed his hands down his thighs, trying to get rid of the clammy ness he only just realised he had.

Turning on his phone, he scrolled through his unopened messages as he waited for the plane to take off.

Boring.. boring..

Clicking on his moms contact, he held it to his ear as he bit his fingernails.

"Hey honey what's up?"

"I'm on a plane."  The lines silent as his leg starts to bounce.


"To see Colby, he's not answering any of my texts or calls and it's been 5 months, I miss him."

"Why are you going though? Why not wait till he gets back, what if he's deep in work and can't get to you."

"I just.. I can't help but feel somethings wrong or I don't know something."

"Like what darling?"

"Like if I don't go see him now, I'm gonna explode."

She chuckles, Sam rolls his eyes and looks down at his uneven fingernails, contemplating whether to hang up or not.

"That feeling you have, is love."

"Yea of course hes my best friend I love him."

"No, you love him."

Sams fingernails weren't his key thought pattern as his mom said that, the gears in his brain weren't working as she said that..

Could he be?

"I've gotta go, the planes taking off."

"Don't do anything stupid Sam."

He hung up as it started to go backwards, he was starting to regret his choice. Putting his phone on airplane mode, he closed his eyes and thought about what she said.

There is no way in hell that he was in love with Colby, he's just flying halfway across the world because he misses him and he's not answering his calls, not because he wants to see him or touch him again or..



Stepping off the plane, he took his phone back off airplane mode and grabbed his luggage. Running a hand through his hair, he sniffed as the cold air felt like it was slicing his face open.

Calling a taxi, he told him the address and looked down at his phone. There was three missed calls, two from his sister and one from Colby, he left a message, so obviously Sam listened to it.

"Hey dude, I'm sorry that I haven't been answering you, I just have been totally swamped with work and I do miss you too.. I really, really miss you. See you in a month or not.."

Or not? THE FUCK

Dialling his number, he held it to his ear as the confusion swirled around.

"Oh god finally I got to you." Colbys calm voice answered from the other side, Sams heart lurched slightly and he smiled.

"The hell do you mean or not."

"Listen Sam, I kinda wanna stay here.. like live."

Sams heart dropped as his cab pulled up outside the building, he looked up at it and contemplated his whole life.

"Dude I don't have forever." The cab driver angrily spoke as Sam handed him some cash.

"Who was that?"

"A cab driver."

Sam got his stuff and hopped out.

"Oh then I made such a big mistake."

Sam turned around and looked around for anything remotely close to a hotel, there was a big building with a sign that read 'motel' on it, so he started walking there.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought.. doesn't matter what I thought."


"I flew out to you"

The line goes quiet, the only noise is the sound of Sams quickly moving feet.

"Where are you?"

"Outside your work."

"Stay th-"

"No it's okay, I'm gonna go.. you're gonna stay here and I-I'm gonna go."

"Sam please jus-"

Hanging up, he walked into the motel and the lady stood up, smiling kindly at him.

"Can I have a room?"

"We have two available, a penthouse up top or a one bedroom."

"I'll take the one bedroom one."

"Sure thing, payment will be after your stay. Here's your room key, have a nice stay." She smiled at him as he walked off.

His phone started buzzing and Colbys contact appeared, he ignored it and kept walking to the elevator. Pressing the button, he looked down at his feet as he waited.

"Oh god I'm stupid."


Reaching his floor, he was on hold with the flight company the whole time, he asked for a return ticket as quickly as possible and got put on hold.

Opening his door, he threw his bag down on the ground and flopped onto the bed, looking out the window the view was really nice, the only good thing about this whole plan.

His phone started buzzing again and yet again Colbys name tag popped up, he declined it as he needed a new flight.

"Okay we have two, one tomorrow afternoon and one in two weeks."

Well I do want to explore now that I'm here.."

"I'll take the one in two weeks."

"Sure thing, the bill will be transferred from your account, have a nice day."

I'm starving.

Standing back up, he grabbed the motels laminated folder and flipped through it, the had room service the only thing was he arrived two hours to late.


Grabbing his room key and his wallet, he opened his door and closed it behind him. Looking down at his phone, he stood there and searched for a place to eat near him.


The voice was so faint that he almost didn't hear it but his head shot up anyway. Standing in front of him on the opposite side of the hallway was Colby, room key in hand.

His eyes widened, grabbing the door handle, he pulled it back open, closing it and standing facing the closed door. His heart beating 10 times as faster than normal, his eyes started to go foggy for some reason.

"Sam please.." two knocks on the door made him shoot out of whatever trance he was in.

His phone started ringing and he decided to pick that up, not open the door.


"Leave me alone, I just want to go out to eat without thinking about how dumb I was to come here and tell you that I lo-" slapping a hand over his mouth, he hung up immediately and started shaking slightly.

"Answer the phone Sam."

"I'm sorry."  Was all he said as he answers it again, Colbys breathing had increased and he could still hear him knocking lightly.

"Why are you here Sam?"

"Because I missed you, because I wanted to see you and I hoped you weren't dead because you haven't contacted me in the five out of the six months you've been gone. You said you'd always be in contact with me and you weren't Colby that's why."

"I had a good reason for it though."

Sam hung up and pulled the door open in anger.

"A good reason? Colby what if I hadn't of come? What if I didn't try and call you before I got on the plane, were you ever gonna tell me that you might not be coming back home?"

"Colby where are you?" Looking behind him, a girl was standing in his doorway with nothing but an oversized top on, it was Colbys, it was his pink Floyd top.


Sams throat closed in on him as Colby saw what he was looking at, the girl closed the door and he looked back at Sam.

"Sam no that's."

"No I get it, the reason you don't want to come, it's because you're in a relationship, you want to stay here for her.. I get it."

Sam went to close the door as Colby grabbed it and slid in before closing it.

"Listen to me-"

"You're trespassing."

"It's not your property."

"It's my hotel room and I don't give you permission to be in here."


"Whatever Colby just get out."

Colby spluttered on his words as Sam just stood there,
Waiting for him to leave.

"You're with someone, you're happy. That's all I could've asked for as your best friend just stay here and work here, I don't care and frankly it's not my call so I would've just liked to have known before I flew here and tried to confess to you."

"Sam I didn't know you were coming?"

"What so you just weren't gonna tell me at all?"

"No I just-"

"What? Needed time, wanted to make sure you were doing the right thing, you were happy? How long would that be Colby two years? Three? F-"


"Four years, six? Stop me if I'm wrong but I was also a big part of your life and you just clocked me straight out so I'm so fucking sorry that i flew here to make sure you were okay and more than likely make the bad choice of confessing to you so I'm sorry Colby I'm so fucking s-"

Colby cut him off by pushing him against a wall and connecting their lips, Sam pushed off him and glared.

"You can't just do that!"

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to start a relationship with you if you're living halfway across the world, never text me, call me or even talk to me!"



"I'm not.. she's my sister."


"I only said that in the phone call because she wants me to stay here, she just went through a bad breakup and wanted her family here.."

"Your mom lives here Colby!"

"But she wanted me here."

"Okay, well I still stand by my point. I shouldn't have done this."

"Sam I-"

"No I still stand by it, you never called me or texted me and I fell for you Colby, without you even being there I fell for you, I pined for you while you weren't even fucking thinking about me!"

"I WAS THINKING ABOUT YOU THIS WHOLE TIME! I never once stopped thinking about you Sam! I didn't call or text you because I knew that if I did I would get my ass on a plane and fly back to you and ruin my chance at a good job."

Sam stood there shocked, glare still slightly on his face.

"As much as I want to start something with you Colby, I can't.. I don't even know if your staying here, I don't even know if your gonna come home, so just go back to helping your sister and I'll see you back in LA or not, my flights in two weeks so I'll see you there maybe.."

Sam opened the door and Colby walked out, not even turning around he walked straight to his door and walked in.


Sam opened his front door to nothing but darkness, he regretted how he left things with Colby but he also didn't want to start something and then Colby realise halfway through that he was gonna stay in Europe..

So this is how it ended, Sam alone in his house for two and not a single call or text from Colby.
So he did what any sane person would do and he went to Colbys house.

What he didn't expect though was for Colbys house to be dark as well, no car in the driveway or anything.. so he kept driving, until he got back to his house.



Turning around confused, car door closing, Colbys car was behind his and so was Colby.

"T-the lights were off so I didn't go in, I-I didn't wanna hurt you anymore than I already have."

Colbys voice was shaky and slightly lower than before.

"So you decided to come back?"

"Yea, I just.. I realised as I got on the plane that I was in love with you too.."

Colby walked closer to him and he saw the tear trails down his face, so he leaned up and kissed his cheeks, tasting the salty water touch his lips. Colby sniffled and grabbed Sams face, making him look directly at him.

"I'm in love with you and I flew half way across the world to prove that, I gave up a scholarship for you."

"Wait you did what? No Colby, you need that scholarship, you can't just give that up for me.. I'll-"

"I got a better one, in LA, for a full time job and free entry."

"Why didn't you just fucking say that!"

"Because I love you."

"That's not a proper reason."

"Who cares, I do."

Leaning down he kissed Sam passionately as a tear slipped down his face, Sam smiled and caressed his cheeks.

"I love you too."

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