Douxie x Reader

By JuJu_Gacha_TV

7.9K 123 81

YOU the reader have a mother which is the guardian of the planet Saturn there are more guardians of the plane... More

Ep 1: Lorelei's Daugther
Ep 2: Can you help me with this? 1/2
Ep 3: Can you help me with this? 2/2
Ep 4: The secrets 1/2
Ep 5: The secrets 2/2
Ep 6: The staff
Ep 8: The Moon & The Sun(part 1/4)
Ep 9: The Moon & The Sun(part 2/4)
Ep 10: The Moon & The Sun(part 3/4)
Ep 11: The Moon & The Sun(part 4/4)
News & little spoilers
Ep 12: Double date
Ep 13: "I am back"
Ep 14: Morgana return
Ep 15: Titans are awaking and breakup?
Ep 16: Coming up with a plan
Ep 17: Two wins, Two lost
Ep 18: Light turns to the dark
Ep 19: The Final Battle Part 1

Ep 7: Valentines Special

306 6 4
By JuJu_Gacha_TV


Douxie: You faint _____ after you touch that staff.

Nari & Claire: How are you feeling?

_____: Okay, I think when I touch the staff I felt a connection and strong and powerful and also I felt peace.


Valentines Special

Nari: Well that like the light or sun staff is like the shadow staff but the opposite.

Krel: Well, we have to take her back home.

Claire: *looks at Jim and Toby with a smirk* I think we should let Douxie take care of her we gotta go meet with Arrrgh and Blinky and we need Nari and Krel helps too.

Nari and Krel: For, what?

Jim: Let's just go.

Archie: I gotta visit my dad.

Jim, Claire, Toby, Nari and Krel "go to a meeting" with Arrrgh and Blinky. While Archie goes with his dad and  Douxie help you get home after all you feel weak. You pass the park and ask Douxie if you could sit and he say yes. You recieve a call from your dad.

Mathew: Hey sweetie I'm in work and I meet an old friend.

_____: Haha, and you wanna talk to them and take your time.

Mathew: Yes, and well I also heard what happen to school. And you can come home or you can o explore.

______: EXPLORE!!!!

Mathew: Haha okay bye sweetheart

_____: bye dad

You hang up and you notice Douxie was looking away and laughing.

_____: Hey, stop laughing! *you punch him, but not that hard*

Douxie:*looks at you and gets his hand up* Okay,okay *laughs a little* wanna go eat ice cream?

_____: Yes!

Douxie POV: (Wow she look cute)*blush a little*

Douxie: Let's go for the ice cream

_____: okay!

You both get to the store and get ice cream. You chose (whatever flavor you like comment pls) and Douxie decide to get the same as you. Both seat back were they were sitting before and finish their ice cream.

Narrate Douxie:

I feel as _____ put her head in my shoulder I felt my heart racing fast. I stand up I see she is confused and I don't know why I grab her hand.

Douxie: Is getting late you should get home.
_____: o-okay *blushing*

Narrates _____:

I put my head on Douxie shoulder bug he stand up I was confused I didn't know if I make him uncomfortable. But he grab my hand I just want to tell him to let go but I want at the same time he didn't stop holding it.

Douxie: Is getting late you should get home.
_____: o-okay *blushing*

I stand up and I notice Douxie was looking at me. Then he kiss me I was surprised but then I kiss him back the kiss was sweet and delicate.

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