Je t'aime ~a hawk X reader st...

By willthewise124

53.2K 823 307

hello there my name Annie Edwards and I was the cousin of Sam larusso, we have hated each other ever since we... More

The first day back
Part two
Part 3 ;)
Part 4 :)
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24 ;-;
Part 25
Part 26 ;-;
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 35
Part 36 (the end)
hey yall! (7/9/22)

Part 34

596 14 4
By willthewise124

The day of the Halloween dance I got there a little early so that I could surprise hawk, I was wearing a two piece dress, it was hot pink, and I had a diamond incrusted tiara, when hawk walked through the door I walked up to him, "hey princess" I kissed him before he could say anything else, "hey baby, I love your costume" he went as a skeleton "I like yours too" "c'mon let's go dance and eat some bad food" when we got to the dance area thingy it was time for slow dance, "just in time" I whispered, I laid my head on hawk's chest, and we started dancing. Then the door dramatically opened again, everyone turned I look and see who it was, I already knew, it was my dad yay, this time he had a gun, "ANNIE IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR STUPID FUCKING ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW I'LL SHOOT" me and hawk walked over to him, hawk walked in front of me but still held my hand, "if anything happens, I love you" I whispered to hawk, "ok dad you win" I left with him, hawk must have been so speechless he didn't even know what to do, I was crying in the back seat of the car, "SHUT THE FUCK UP ANNIE" I was silent after that. Later that night I called the police, "hello, my name is Annie, Annie Edwards, and I was wondering if you could have someone come out here to help me, my dad abuses me and threatened to kill me and my boyfriend" "ok Annie we will have someone come out in a few minutes" "thank you so much" she hung up the phone, my dad was standing behind me with a knife, "Annie why'd ya call the police" he did a creepy sad smile thingy, he held my wrist, twisted it backwards and broke it, then he cut my wrist, I screamed, I kicked him off of me and ran outside, I ran as fast as I could to hawk's house, I tripped when I was a few houses down, I guess my dad caught up to me, he dragged me by the ankles "HAWK HELP ME" he ran outside, "shit, IM COMING ANNIE".

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