Je t'aime ~a hawk X reader st...

By willthewise124

53.2K 823 307

hello there my name Annie Edwards and I was the cousin of Sam larusso, we have hated each other ever since we... More

The first day back
Part two
Part 3 ;)
Part 4 :)
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24 ;-;
Part 25
Part 26 ;-;
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36 (the end)
hey yall! (7/9/22)

Part 33

610 12 4
By willthewise124

It was my dad, "...what the actual fuck" "ANNIE I AM NOT GOING TO ASK YOU AGAIN TO GET YOUR ASS OFF THAT BOY" hawk stood up, "and who are you bitch" hawk asked my dad, "I'm Annie's dad, I heard all about how her mom died, no I get FULL custody of her, and you better believe I'm gonna make her life a living hell". Hawk helped me up, "and what if I don't want you to take princess away from me" my dad punched him in the face, "DAD, WHAT THE FUCK" I hugged hawk and wiped away blood from his nose, "I'm staying with hawk" "no you're NOT" "YES I AM" me and hawk walked outside and I got on his motorcycle, I knew this wasn't going to be the last time we saw my dad, I squeezed hawk. "It's ok princess, we're gonna go home" hawk's mom had gotten all of the doors in the house fixed after the..Sam fiasco, once we got up to hawk's room he went to go take a shower, when he came out of the bathroom I was sitting in his bed, he came out wearing only sweatpants, he crawled into the bed and we snuggled for a little bit, the he started kissing my neck, we started making out for a while then his mom came in, "Eli phones for you" he went into the hallway and started talking with someone, "so how's the girl" "princess is good, she's always bitch'n because I always sleep in, she's always screaming when she's calling her friends, she's kinda hot though, yeah she's kinda hot though" I wanted to melt into the floor, he thought I of all people was hot.
The next day me and hawk were walking to school, "do you wanna go to the Halloween dance on Saturday" I asked him, "only if you want to" "then let's do it" "what are we going as?" "I wanted to go as a slutty princess" "my princess going as a princess, I like it" "what about you" "I'll find something and surprise you" "ok baby, hey hawk?" "What is it" "why me, I mean you could have chosen ANY girl but you chose me" "because even in my lowest state you were still there" I smiled at him. Once we got close to the school I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him on the check, "I love you" "love you too princess".

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