The Forgotten

By Thy_Come

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"I loved you... but it's gone now" could words simply kill a person? because right now it feels like I'm dyin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 G!P
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 23

298 12 7
By Thy_Come

Rosé POV

"It feels like forever since I last went on a night out!" Jennie-unnie spread her arms basking in the fresh air, we were just about to enter the Italian Restaurant that just opened. A few days ago she called me up and asked if I was up to go for dinner and some drinks. She seems anxious about something but looking at her now maybe she was just stressed from work. She is a working mom after all

The waiter pointed us to our seats and ordered when we settled, Jennie-unnie keeps on talking about something but my mind was busy still thinking about what Lisa confessed. I was also thinking about bout how Jisoo reacted after we went back to Seoul, she was really happy knowing her best friend is back

I want to tell Jisoo and asked her if  Lisa mentioned something while they were drinking? If she has any memory or idea what her best friend just confessed but the way she acts I guess she really has no idea. So I had to tell her that something is bothering Lisa and that she's still in love with Jennie-unnie

"Jisoo I hav-" I was cut off when she suddenly hugged me and cupped my face to kiss me

"Woah! What's gotten into you?" I chuckled looking around because I'm not used to her acting this clingy in public

"Nothing. I'm just happy that Lisa's back and she's okay. So what were you going to tell me?" she smiled at me so widely that it breaks my heart to even think that I should wipe that smile off her face but part of me wants to tell her but at the same time I was not supposed to know what Lisa just said

"Uhm... nothing. I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I'll be going out with Jennie-unnie on Thursday" I forced a smile hoping that she wouldn't see thru my lie. I'm sorry but maybe I can't tell her that right now. Especially when she's this happy

"My sweet chipmunk, I love you too!" she pecked my lips once again and shouted in relief with a big smile plastered on her face

"You seem rather preoccupied. Is something bothering you Rosie?" the feline-eyed women studied me, I waved her off immediately thinking that she might suddenly read my mind

"Nothing, I was just thinking about Jisoo... and uh- if she already ate dinner" I couldn't think of any lie, and food was the first thing that crossed my mind

"Oh, Is she on duty tonight? How is she? It still feels like she's been distant towards me" she suddenly shifted her eyes down nervously fidgeting. I know their relationship has gone into thin ice ever since she saw Jennie at the hospital. It did ease up a little when Jiwoo was born but still, she's not okay seeing Kai. I can't even tell her that because as I said I'm an outsider and a middle man

"Yeah, she's been pretty stressed with work, especially that they thinking about accepting interns" Jisoo has just finished her residency and there she is learning the ropes behind saving lives and paperwork

"Oh, I hope she gets enough rest. Still can't believe she would be working back in her hometown" she smiled timidly. Jennie-unnie has no idea that Lisa asked Jisoo to come work at their hospital, it just happened so suddenly and we don't think she's interested to know. Although we barely hangout nowadays before she even gave birth to Jiwoo she would just cry, then crying turned into anger, then anger just turned into denial. Like nothing happened, as if Lisa was just a stranger or a friend she had years ago

I just nodded my head and played with my appetizer which is cream of mushroom soup, I'm really not that hungry right now because my conscience is battling inside my head, should I tell everyone or not? I couldn't really decide

Shame on me and my eavesdropping ass

"Are you really okay? Because we could cancel tonight if you're not really feeling it" I shook my head and tried to focus on the girl in front of me. Her eyes full of worry

"Yeah, so I remembered you wanted to tell me something?" I smiled at her encouragingly wanting to change the subject before I even spill something

Her eyes suddenly shifted down playing with her fork. I leaned closer waiting for her to talk bringing my attention to her and only her, shaking off the thoughts I had in my mind earlier about Lisa, Jisoo, Kai, everything

This is what I need something that I can help with, helping Jennie-unnie with her problems at work, her stress. Somehow I feel accomplished thinking that I've helped her. I grabbed my wine glass and took a sip patiently waiting for her to start taking

"Kai proposed to me" I almost choked on my wine, spilling some of it on myself in the process. I quickly grabbed the napkin and tried to wipe some of it off. Unnie stood up and helped me also asking the servers for help

When we all got settled there was an awkward silence between our chewing and the sound of the utensils scratching our plates

We were about to speak at the same time which caused a much awkward situation. I gestured that she should go on first but she insisted that I should go on. Thinking that she might still be waiting for a comment regarding her announcement about an engagement so I mustered all my courage and opened my mouth

"Yey!" I forced a big smile waving my two hands in the air. She just looked at me for a minute when she just started bursting into laughter, I laughed at her nervous but her laugh was so contagious that I also went in and join 

"You're getting weirder the longer you hang out with Jisoo" she wiped the tears on the corner of her eyes

"I'm sorry hahaha woo! For a minute I thought that you were serious about the proposal" I fanned myself with my hands catching my breath from all the laughter

"But I am serious, are you not happy for me?" she said plainly. I waited for her to burst once again in laughter but she didn't she actually looks hurt and unsure at the same time. I reached for her hand and caressed it

"I didn't mean it that way unnie, it's just that you know..." what am I supposed to say? Ask her if she really loves Kai or is she just doing this for some other reason?

"What do you mean Chae? I know you and Jisoo are not really a fan of Kai but he really is a nice guy" she assured me and squeezed my hand but it didn't seem convincing enough. I watched her and Lisa fall in love and it was just a bond that couldn't be matched, and now seeing him and Kai it just feels like everything was pre-planned and it just happened

"But do you love him?" I asked her. She seems taken aback by my question, she leaned back on her chair before she answered

"Yes, of course. What kind of silly question is that?" she chuckled half-heartedly. Although it has been years and she has now matured as a mother somethings never changed like how easily I could spot when she's lying or unsure about something

"Are you sure?" I pushed her to answer once again but this time she was ready so she didn't bat an eye when she answered me 

"Yes, I love him. And I don't see any reason why you would ask that question. Although I'm a little offended right now I know that you still doubt things between me and Kai because of what happened in the past. Me lying to you and keeping him a secret" she explained like she practiced to answer this question in front of the mirror every day. Another reason why I'm doubting her, she explains like she's convincing herself not the other way around

"So you said yes?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"Yes I did Chaeyoung so if you're not going to celebrate this night with me I just wish you could stop interrogating me with your stupid questions" she rolled her eyes and turned to focus on her food once again. This might be over for her but not for me, I'm sick and tired of being an outsider, and if sitting here and waiting for the story unfold leads to my best friend making an unsure decision then I'm not sitting anymore

"Lisa's back in Korea" those words sounded like a bomb just dropped on our table. Her face turned pale white like she saw a ghost, a ghost of her ex 

"Oh really? Nice. Hope she's doing well" she composed herself back. But it was too late for that, I somehow tore a piece of the wall she has built and it was pretty obvious that what I have just said shook her world

- - - - - - - 

After grabbing dinner we went to my bar and decided to drink a few soju. The dinner was nice and I was actually surprised that unnie decided to get some drinks. She told me that Jiwoo is actually at her parents' house so she doesn't have anything to worried about

"Do you think Jisoo is the one?" look at her startled at the question, it was random but at the same time it made my heart flutter just thinking about that crazy woman

"Yes," I smiled trying to stop myself from blushing but failed miserably. I see Jennie-unnie point at my blushing cheeks making her giggle. I have to admit she's a little tipsy after drinking a few bottles. Well back in the day, she can't really hold on to her alcohol up until now

"How did you know she's the one?" she asked once again pouring herself another drink, I studied her raising an eyebrow thinking that maybe she's starting to think about her engagement

"Hmm, well she's the person who constantly reminds me that I'm beautiful and loved. Even if she always acts like a kid just by looking at her makes me happy" I answered sincerely while she looks so dumfounded

"Kai always reminds me I'm beautiful and loved. And he also makes me happy. He has been a good father to her, he has always taken care of me and Jiwoo" her voice sounded robotic-like she wanted to hear those words from her mouth to convince herself

"I guess so, but marriage is a lifetime commitment. It's not a settlement where you use it to resolve something" I answered watching her every move. She downed another bottle and immediately opened another one. I don't want her to get drunk but if this is the only way she can speak her mind then maybe I'll allow it this time. Plus I'm not sure when will be the next time I'm going to have this chance once again

"He's a good man" she answered once again looking at me blankly but deep inside I could see that she was asking for help but the only help I could give is to make her decide what she really wants

"I never said he isn't, do you love him?" she shot me a look of disbelief. Like what  have just asked is a sin but it was a simple question that can be answered by a simple yes or no

"Yes, what kind of question is that? Why would I say yes if I don't" she drank another shot but she's not using her glass anymore, she's drinking it straight from the bottle. I just shrugged my shoulder and grab some peanuts that were served with the drink

"Do you still love her?" I tried my best to not put on any emotion when I asked that question but somehow my lips betrayed me as they turn upright

Jennie scoffed so loudly that I assume the place of Seoul could hear

"Who do you mean she?" she laughed sarcastically. It was obvious that she knows who I was pertaining to

"Lisa" answered leaning forward taunting her to answer. She shook her head as she laughs

"Are you drunk Chae?" she took another sip still laughing at shaking her head

"No unnie but if you're just going to marry Kai for convenience, then you might just end up hurting yourself, him, and Jiwoo" I stated as a-matter-of-factly shrugging my shoulder and leaning back to my chair 

 "He's my daughter's father so what's wrong with that? And why do you keep on insisting or rather why do I feel like you're not happy for me? Why are you asking me about Lisa? It's been years Chae can't you and Jisoo just move on?" her words were sharp, a warning that she was getting mad at the topic. I do realize that I have been rude to her, not really showing a sign of happiness that she's getting married like other best friends would do. But I wanted her to make sure that she's making the right choice

"Because Lisa still loves you" I couldn't hold it back anymore. It might have some consequences, call me philia or a JenLisa shipper but I have always believed from the moment inside the cafe that these two were meant to be together

The woman in front of me was silent, no emotions came afterward, but then tears started dropping from her eyes like a faucet. Tears kept streaming down her face that was held on for so long

"Don't tell me lies just because you don't like Kai" she mutters the words between her sniffles. I ran towards her and kneeled beside her wiping the tears continuously rolling on her cheeks

"I'm not lying unnie! I'll prove it to you. I'll call her right now and you can both talked, would you like that?" 

She nodded and started bawling once again. I don't know why she was crying so hard maybe she was drunk? or something. But I could sense pain, a lot of sadness and pain so I hope after this night they could finally understand each other. I may not be in the right place but it was the only way for them to finally have the closure or the explanation they both wanted

After a few rings, she answered

- - - - - - - 

Jisoo POV

"Where the hell are we going Manofoot?" I asked looking around the streets. We're currently inside her car going to who knows where. I was about to go home to get some rest when I saw her sitting on the hod of her car acting so cool and the next thing I know she told me that she wants to show me something

We finally arrived at some kind of ranch, it was about a hectare and the only thing that can be seen is an old tree standing at the middle on the green plain 

"What is this?" I asked, we were now standing outside her car as I look around the big field

"I bought it" she answered nonchalantly, she pulled out two camping chairs and set them up beside her car facing the tree, it was beautiful. Like an endless field but at the end was the sun setting down making the whole place picturesque 

"Beautiful view but what are you gonna do with it? Build a farm?" I muttered still gazing at the peaceful sky. She stayed silent not minding my question

"So why did you brought me here?" I looked at the woman beside me, her eyes were closed

"Is it wrong for me to hang out with my best friend?" she asked opening her eyes slightly with a little smirk appearing on her mouth

"No, but you never invite me to hangout. Is everything alright?" concern is evident in my voice, her eyes still close

"I visited my dad" she answered shortly which surprised me, finally she visited him. I come to visit his dad once a week for his weekly check-up and although they were not on good terms when I mentioned Lisa was back in town I saw a glimpse of happiness in his eyes, which is very rare for a dying man

I waited for her to continue, watching her like an interesting tv show I found on Netflix

"He still looks intimidating even he's just lying on his bed" I heard a soft chuckle but it sounded forced "Well he still is, I entered his room while he was taking some rest and when he woke up, oh god you should have seen the look in his face... it's like he saw a ghost" she laughed while I just listened

"Do you believe it when they say that when you're about to die you see a quick flashback of your life?" she finally opened her eyes and looked at me, her brown doe eyes waiting for me to answer

"I do, there are still some researches about that but I do believe it scientifically proven or not" I swallowed a lump in my throat because although Lisa chuckles or acts like everything is fine I know she is hurting knowing that she might also lose the last man in his family

"Well do you think if my father dies, will he see the happy moments or the sad moments of his life?" I wanted to answer her that I'm sure he will have a life review of the happy moments to assure my friend that everything will be alright but I couldn't bring myself to talk because I was not sure myself. It was like there was a big invisible lump in my throat. Who am I kidding? My friend is still in pain and here I am thinking that everything is finally okay but I can fix this, I should know how to fix this because I don't want her going down the spiral once again. This time I'm not leaving, I'm not turning my back on her

"Look! The sun is going down" she pointed at the horizon, her flat voice suddenly sounded so happy. I looked at the beautiful horizon as the sun slowly fades into darkness, I looked at her smiling her eyes almost sparkling with admiration of what we just witnessed

After a couple of hours of just closing our eyes and watching her looking so peaceful, I broke the silence

"I wish it would stay forever, you know... the smile you had when you saw the sunset" I smiled at her, she gave me the look that means that she understands what I was saying

"I don't think I have ever thanked you Jisoo, so thank you, for everything" she showed me the same smile she had, the smile that I wanted to stay forever

We were never good with words but we both understand each other, even in silence

"Enough of this sentimental thing, it doesn't suit us" I laughed, now cringing at the small moment that we had, she also laughed and we both filled the darkness with laughter when her phone suddenly rang

She took her phone out and showed me the caller id, it was Chae. I looked at my watch and was surprised to see that it was almost 9 and I didn't update her that I was with Lisa but when I looked at my phone there was a text that says that she's going out with Jennie tonight, so why is she calling Lisa?

"Hello?" I just watch as her face turned serious to surprise in just a second which made me gave her a questioning look of what the hell is going on

She ended the call and quickly folded her chair which made me stand up and do the same

"What happened??" I asked following her every move

"I need to go to Seoul,"


I'm back! Sorry for the long wait, had a bit of a writer's block ehee!

Hope you can enjoy this chapter! Happy March! RS1 is coming soon!!

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