A New Reality

By Creative_Pan

4.8K 108 65

Luna Dust was four when her father and mother passed which meant that she was taken into an orphanage. She's... More

Chapter 1 Life Before
Chapter 2 Meeting Him
Chapter 3 A New Home Pt 1
Chapter 4 New Home Pt 2
Chapter 5 Guessing Games and Movie Nights
Chapter 6 Chess Games and A Dramatic Mornings
Chapter 7 A Surprise Visit
Chapter 8 A Mind Filled Adventure
Chapter 9 The Truth
Chapter 10 Sides Bonding
Chapter 11 A Hypnotizing Fight
Chapter 12 Patience
Chapter 13 Intrusive Chaos
Chapter 14 Completive Gaming Sessions
Chapter 15 The Call
Chapter 16 His Friends
Chapter 17 School
Chapter 18 Unexpected
Chapter 19 Listening
Chapter 20 Learning
Chapter 21 Caught
Chapter 22 Morals
Chapter 23 Trouble
Chapter 24 Hidden Within
Chapter 25 Regrets
Chapter 26 A Walk in the Park
Chapter 27 Plans
Chapter 29 Starting Over
Chapter 30 Panic
Chapter 31 Crushing
Chapter 32 Advice
Chapter 33 The Dance
Chapter 34 Finally (The End)

Chapter 28 Friends?

52 1 0
By Creative_Pan

The next day I woke up on my bed. It was early like around six to six-thirty kind of early. I assumed that he carried me back to my bed after the movie ended that night. I just sighed and rubbed my tired eyes before attempting to go back to sleep. Until Sage showed up to stop me from doing so.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Give me five...more minutes bud," I said yawning in between my words and shutting my eyes.

"No. You're sleeping schedule is already bad enough. Missing school is even worse."

I just growled softly before shutting my eyes once more.

"That's not how you do it smarties." (Creative names there Raven-)

"Then how would you do it then? You little-" Sage sighed trying to take back control of her temper. "Nevermind."

All of a sudden I felt like I was being watched so I turned onto my back and hesitantly looked up. To only find Raven up there giving me a sadistic grin that could mean a lot of things. My eyes widened and I yelped falling off of my bed.

"Why do you do this?!?" I groaned.

At this point, Raven got down from the bedpost and onto the bed. She hunched her head over to look at me with my blanket on the ground. I looked up at her and saw the grin that never went away.

"Like that smartwatch!" Raven said like an excited puppy. 

Sage curled one of her fists and took a deep breath.

"Although technique you used to wake her up worked for the most part. You've impressed me slightly." Sage said coming to me and helping me up.

"I can't tell if it's a compliment or not but either way thanks!"

"Than both shall suffice." She said blankly.

"Is waking me up a game or something?"


"Yup!" Raven chirped.

With both of them agreeing to my statement I give in and started to find some decent clothes to wear. I ended up grabbing a pair of black leggings with a black pullover with rainbow stripes across the front side. I brushed my hair and tied it into a low ponytail. Once I had the full outfit on I put my bag on my bed. I went downstairs to get some air feeling like I'm in a crowded space. I opened the door and felt the chill breeze hit my face. I sighed as I went back inside shutting the door behind me. I went to the kitchen and got myself a granola bar and started eating it once I took off the wrapper (No she's going to eat it with the wrapper on!-) I could hear someone coming downstairs. I turned around and saw a tired Logan who was wearing space pajama pants and a NASA t-shirt to match. 

"Oh, you're awake at this hour Luna? Normally you'd have to wake up at seven. Is there a reason for this predicament?" He said coming over to the breakfast bar and sitting down on one of the high chairs.

"Not really. I wanted to sleep in for a few but Sage and Raven stopped me...from doing so." I responded yawning at the last part.

"I see, did you rest well last night?"

"Yeah,  I guess yesterday kinda wore me out a bit so I ended up sleeping during the movie."

"I could only imagine." He says with a sigh. "Can you get me some coffee please?"

I nodded before preparing the coffee for him. Ten minutes go by and it's ready by now so I grabbed a mug and poured it into the mug. I carefully walked over to him placing it in front of him.

"Thank you. I believe by now Thomas is awake." He said taking a sip of his coffee. "If I'm not mistaken he's just getting up."

"How do you know that he's awake?"

"Well, we usually get up before Thomas does. Except for Virgil and Janus of course, they get up later in the day,"

"Probably that's why my sides are usually up."

"I suppose so."

We continued our conversation until dad came in looking ready for the day.

"Morning you two!" He chirped coming over to us.

"Morning dad." 

"Good morning Thomas. Glad you're keeping up with that schedule of yours."

"Yeah, besides that. Luna, you ready to go?"

"Yeah, just let me get my stuff."

He nodded as I went upstairs to grab my stuff. I soon came back with my bag slumped over my shoulders. He and Logan bid their 'good byes' and we left for the car then entered it.

~TeM sKip VwV~

"We're here Luna. Have a good day dear."

"Thanks, dad. I'll call once it's over."

He nodded softly as I left. When I was fully out I went inside the building and attempt to find at least one of my friends. The halls barely had anyone in them except for a selected few that stood by the locker's conversation with one another. The teachers were in their respective classrooms working on their future lessons to soon teach. I turned to the next hallway to find the restrooms so I could just wait there. I felt V's presence from a mile away. I wasn't surprised either.

'Lu, I feel like we're being followed.' Violet spoke in my head.

'Don't you always think we're being followed?'

'Yeah, but just walk faster.'

'If you say so bud.'

I picked up my pace and make my way to the restroom. I sighed as I finally took a look behind me, no one was there of course. I took out some mascara and decided to put some on since the first time wasn't enough.

"Violet, stop scaring her!" Harper said.

"No, she needs to realize that things aren't what they seem, so I'm doing her a favor."

"I know that, but can you try going...easier?"

"It's like asking a baby politely to stop crying. You can't."

"So you are my child!" Harper chirped.


Before she could finish someone came into the restroom. I was glad that they were in disguises so they wouldn't look like me. I flinched as I almost poked my eye with the mascara.

"Hello?" A voice called out.

I glanced at myself in the mirror to find a thin line of it on the side of my face. I motioned for Harper and Violet to go so they did. I was quite surprised to see who called me. It was Skylar. I grabbed a paper towel and wetted it. 

"Yes?" I said glaring blankly at her.

"Oh, it's just you."

I started wiping the stuff off my face.

"Who else would it be?" I muttered.

I looked at her through the mirror to have a closer look at her. She was wearing a red flannel top and a gray shirt underneath it all of that with what looked like black leggings. She had good style for the most part (That's not the only thing she has-). I heard her snicker as she came up to me. I turned around as she took the wet paper towel from me.

"Wait, what are you even-"

Before I could finish she began to get rid of the access that was still on my face. My face flushed as she did this. My head was panicking telling me to pull away but my body just didn't want to. She was strangely gentle when she did that. Why do I feel so flustered by this? I didn't know.

"Heh, you missed a spot." She said drawing her hand back and backing away from me to toss the paper towel into the bin. 

I didn't know why she was doing this. I wanted to know why she was being so nice all of a sudden. Sympathy? Dare from friends? I wasn't for sure. My curiosity has gotten the best of me and I decided to ask about it.

"U-um...why are you h-helping me?" I said looking down and then back at her.

She froze in her place as if she wanted to tell me something but didn't exactly know how to word it out.

'Well great now you seem ungrateful for her kindness bud!' Lexi said in my head.

"Let's just say that I've been thinking back to our little 'incident'. Things have been ruff with my group I didn't even know how to handle those emotions. I just needed an excuse to get away from them. I didn't mean to do any of that really."

"Oh, I didn't know."

"Yeah, I'm just really sorry I never meant to do any harm. Can we start over and maybe be friends?" She asked looking at me with pleading eyes.

I took a deep breath and answered...








(Hey guys! How's it been? I can really see a friendship blooming huh? Did you all see the new episode yet? If not I won't be spoiling it for ya! I'm officially fourteen now! Well been for about a week or so...um, besides that, I hope you all have a magnificent day/night!~💜)

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