Akatsuki x Child reader (Y/n'...

By LoveAnime4ALiving

32.5K 675 553

Y/n was founded by Konan and Pain when they were on their way back to the base. When she get older pain will... More

A Hokkaido wolf?
meeting the Uzumaki family
So they're back
Himawari and the crew
The Academy Test
Team 25
The Hidden Test
The Talk
Momiji Sensei's Training plans
Akuyami Village
Incoming Chunin Exams
The deal
A real mission
Who Are You?
It's time for the Chunin Exams!
1st phase
2nd Phase
Preliminaries and meeting with the past Jinchลซrikis
Last Phase
It's not your fault
What now?
We're here!
You have changed
First awaken
Into the Past
7 years
Join us!


1.6K 34 45
By LoveAnime4ALiving

3rd POV

"I wonder if I can make you into a puppet?" Sasori asked himself as he picked up Momiji.

"Well now, I'll make you a chew toy, before you make me a puppet" Momiji smiled, Sasori looked at her blankly and put her down.

Momiji hopped on the couch and laid down, waiting for Y/n to get ready for the Academy.

"Can I try taking myself to the village?" Y/n asked her mother, Konan.

"No Y/n, it's dangerous" Konan waved a finger at her.

Y/n sighed and wrapped the bandana on her head, over her ears.

"Now get Momiji so you won't be late."

"Ok," You ran to the main room and put Momiji on her head. "To the village Momiji!" Y/n followed Konan to the front door.

As they were walking, Konan sparked up a conversation.

"So, did you make any friends yesterday?" Konan asked Y/n.

Y/n skips in front of her mom, walking backwards, smiling.

"Yea! Their names are, Boruto, Sarada, and Chocho!"

"So you met the Hokage's son?" Konan tilts her head smiling softly.

"Yea! And he showed me his Jutsu that he learned from his dad- OH and I met his mom, dad and sister, but when I met his mom she was looking at my bandana. She looked scared and angry." Y/n looked down at the ground but not too much to make Momiji fall from her head.

"Don't take her emotions to heart sweetie, if she tries to do anything to you then run away from her, also you need to at least tell one of your nii-chans, or me or your dad, ok?" Konan face start to get serious

"Hai!" Y/n nodded her head.

"What about the Hokage?"

"When I introduced Momiji to him, he seemed like he was deep in thought" She explains

'Must was talking to the nine tails' Konan thought.

"Ok, let's hope you make more friends and maybe form your own group like your dad and I" Konan went back to smiling.

"Yea! Then we'll be so strong and everything!" Y/n started to jump a lot making Momiji bounce on her head.

"C-child Stop jumping!" Momiji yelled as she was barely hanging on.

"Oh right sorry, heh" Y/n nervously smiled at her while Konan giggled at the two.

~ In the leaf village ~

"Who's this friend we're meeting Boruto?" Mitsuki asked as he walked with Boruto, Shikadai, Sarada, Metal Lee, Inojin, and Chocho to the entrance of the leaf.

"You'll see in a minute, like I said she doesn't live here so she'll be at the gate. Also she has a tail, but it's fake," Boruto smiled.

"Oh, have you guys heard about the Akatsuki?" Sarada asked the group.

"Nope," Chocho responds as she eats a bag of chips.

"No," Shikadai, Inojin, Mitsuki, and Metal Lee said at the same time, but Metal Lee continued.

"Who are they?"

"I heard about them when my dad and mom were talking about them last night when I brought Y/n up. Mom was saying that they're a bad group and was trying to kill dad," Boruto explains

"My dad said that things are going to be interesting when I brought up Y/n's bandana, so something might happen." Sarada thought.

"Well whoever they are, they're not here and it's in the past. This is the future and nothing happened, hasn't it? Plus Y/n look good in my eyes," Chocho told the group.

When the group of kids made it to the gate they saw Y/n and Konan walking up to them.

"Look! There she is! Hey Y/n!" Boruto waved at Y/n, she looked away from her mom to look at the group, she smiled and waved back, she turned back to her mom.

"That's them!" She told her. Konan smiled down at her as she reached into her pocket.

"Here," Konan took out 10 bandanas and gave them to Y/n. "Go make the best Akatsuki, and have fun ok?"

Y/n smiled brightly and gladly took the items, then hugged her.

"I will! Thank you!" Konan kissed her forehead and waved her bye as she went back where she came from.

Y/n ran up to the group.

"Hey Boruto, Sarada, and Chocho" Y/n looked at the others.

"My name is Y/n Uzumaki, which you already know from yesterday"

"Nice to meet you, my name is Mitsuki" He smiled at her.

"The name's Metal Lee, you look so wholesome!" His eyes start to sparkle. Y/n laughed nervously.

"Heh, Thanks?"

"Hello, My name is Inojin"


"You guys look and sound so cool!" Y/n jumped up being overly happy.

"Do you guys want to train with me after school?" Y/n asked.

Everyone looked at eachother then nodded.

"I guess I'll make time for our training session," Chocho smiled.

~ To the Akatsuki ~

"Senpaiiiiiiiii!!!!!" Tobi yelled.

"Hide me" Deidara whispered to Sasori as he hid behind him.

"Move or I'll put you in my collection" Sasori threatened. Deidara sled away from him with a scared expression.

Tobi then tackled him.


Konan walked into the base and sighed at the chaos that the two are making, until Hidan came out and started yelling about them messing up his prayers, so she sighed even more. She then walked into Pain's office and sat down in a chair.

"So did you give her the items?" He asked her as he was still focused on the paperwork.

"Yep, and she was already in contact with Hokage and his family," Konan sat up in her chair and tilted her head in disbelief, "But I have a feeling they're thinking we're coming back when we just suddenly disappeared 2 years ago."

"Let them think that, we might make they're lives more entertainable" Pain suggested.

"If they do anything to Y/n, then they have a death wish for us to grant" Konan mumbled.

~ Time skip to the kids ~

"Come on the training grounds are over here!" Boruto yelled to Y/n as he ran to the training grounds while the group just followed him.

When they got to the grounds everyone turned to Y/n.

"So why should we train Y/n?" Sarada asked her.

"Well I was struggling to climb up the tree using chakra on your feet, this will show how much you're good at chakra control." Y/n explains but when she got done explaining Himawari ran up to them and hugged Y/n.


"Himawari!?" Boruto yelled.

"Hey!" Himawari then turns back to y/n.

"Can I have Momiji while you guys train? I promise I won't bother you" Himawari asked Y/n. Y/n smiled and grabbed Momiji from her head and gave it to the little Uzumaki.

Himawari smiled and ran in a far distance away from them but they can still see her.

"Ok so really we need to run up the trees to the very top?" Shikadai asked Y/n.


"We should use kunis so when you fall back to the ground we can mark our spot of where we stop, you know to see our progress" Sarada suggested.

"And whoever finishes last has to buy the whole group Ramen!" Boruto smiled.

"Ok everyone pick your tree!" Y/n yelled as she went to a tree.

~ Time skip to 3 hours ~

The sky was orange and the kids were still running up the tree and marking them.

Naruto came home and noticed that the only one at home was Hinata.

"Hinata, where's the kids?" Naruto asked her as he walked towards her.

"I thought you'll see them when you're on your way home?" Hinata sighed. "Boruto might be in the training grounds"

Her and Naruto make their way towards the grounds of training.

When Shikamaru came home and was about to go inside, a kuni was thrown close to his face.

"Where the hell is Shikadai!?" Tamari yelled at him. A band of sweat slid down his cheek.

"M-maybe hanging out with friends?" He nervously answered her.

"Go get him!!" She demanded.

Shikamaru walked outside and slid the door close, then he sighed.

"What a drag.." He starts walking to the Grounds of training first.

"MEATTTTLEEE LEEEE!!!" Lee yelled, running.

Orochimaru sighed and went to go get his son.

"Sasuke, do you know where Sarada is at?" Sakura asked as she walked to him.

"She's at the training grounds" He answered her.

"Oh ok, let's go get her" She smiled and started to walk to the door but Sasuke didn't move. Sakura smiled twitch, "I said let's go!" She grabbed his ear and went out of the door.

"OW! Ok, dammit!"

"CHOJI GO IT CHOCHO NOW!!!!" Karui yelled

"Uh.. yes" then he go get Chocho

"Um.. Sai can you go get Inojin?" Ino asked him shyly.

"Hm? He's not here?" Sai asked.

"Sadly, no"

"Ok I'll be back, my flower." He winked and went out, leaving Ino blushing.

"What's-" Itachi interrupted Kisame, by jumping in a tree that led to the training grounds, Kisame looked at his way confused but followed him.

When all the parents and two akatsuki members got to the training grounds they noticed that everyone is here.

"Uhh, so everyone is here?" Naruto asked.

"I guess so," Sakura shrugged her shoulders and walked more into the grounds but when she got close, she saw all the kids running up trees. "What?"

"What is it?" everyone asked, they went up where Sakura is at to see.

"I remembered I beat both Sasuke and Naruto with ease" Sakura crossed her arms, smirking.

"You had luck on your side!" Naruto protested.


When Y/n fell back on the ground, landing on her feet. A kuni was thrown to the ground. When everyone was on the ground, panting, they looked up and saw Sarada sitting on her tree.

"1st!" She yelled " and it only took 3 hours!"

"That my girl! HA!" Sakura cheered.

"Look at my son! The youthness!" Lee yelled with tears in his eyes.

"And I'm going to be second!" Chocho said as she ran up her tree with full speed then she made it to the top and threw her kuni on the ground where Sarada's is at.

"Mmm is that the Akatsuki symbol on that girl's head?" Orochimaru asked. Hinata nodded.

"I thought I told him to stay away from her.." Hinata said angrily.

"Ain't no way I'm getting last!" Bourto yelled and tried to runned up the tree but fell above where his last line was at. "Dammit." he mumbled.

He was about to go again but a kuni went past him, he looked up to Mitsuki tree and saw that he made it.

"3rd." He stuck his tongue out and waved as he got down.

Then Shikadai.

"Finally." He dropped down to the ground landing on his feet.

Then Inojin.


Y/n and Boruto looked at each other.

"The akatsuki girl might win" Orochimaru betted.

"I would say Boruto," Choji betted.

"What about neither?" Sai smiled. And Sakura just sighed.

"Of course our girl will win. She has the 11 tails after all" Kisame smirked, showing his sharp teeth. Itachi only just looked with a blank face.

Both kids ran up their tree but they both fell off, this kept happening about 5 times until their 6th try.

Y/n took a deep breath and ran up along with Boruto, the moment she ran was the moment she got on the top but when she looked at her surroundings, she noticed that it was night time but also Boruto was up there with her, breathing heavily just like her.

"It's a tie!" Everyone yelled.

The two kids threw their kuni to the ground then jumped down.

"I guess both of you have to buy Ramen, but that has to be tomorrow, it's late." Sarada explains.

"And-" Chocho was cutted off by the parents walking towards them.

'Oh, we're in trouble' Everyone thought.

"At least warn us if you guys are going to be late." Sakura complained.

Hinata glared at Boruto as he scratched the back of his head nervously.

As everyone went home, the Uzumaki family and Y/n stayed.

"Where's Him-"

"Mommy, Daddy!" Himawari yelled as she was covered in dirt. "I was training with Momiji! It was fun!" Himawari laughed, Momiji walked up to Naruto and stared at him, and he stared back. Hinata's anger only rose when she saw Himawari. Moments later Momiji walked to Y/n and hopped on her head.

"I have to go now bye Borut-" When Y/n was about to go to the gate, Hinata grabbed her wrists roughly, Y/n flinched at the amount of strength she put into it.

Boruto saw this and was about to go to them but Naruto grabbed his arm. Boruto glared at him.

"Old man let go!" He yelled.

Y/n turned to her.

"Don't come near my family again, If you don't know, your family is bad and will be killed if they do anything wrong, to this village, and that includes you." Hinata said with a serious voice.

Y/n looked at her eyes but then Y/n's eyes changed F/c for a moment and when Hinata saw that, she let go of Y/n wrist.

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