DannyMay Oneshots (2020)


2.3K 67 36

Just a couple of oneshots of adventures with Danny, his friends and family. They're all different and random... Еще

Flickering Yellow and Green
One Gift
Blank Situation
When Two Bond
I'm Not The Villian
Forget Me Not
X-Ray Vision
You're My Star
Gentle Clouds

Late Bloomer

187 6 1

Fave AU | Danny seems to be having trouble with his ghost powers during class, but what will he do when he discovers he has fangs?

A/N: I don't even know if I consider this as an AU but the concept of Danny getting fangs seems really cool to me, especially when I saw it first with Vlad and Dan. >:)) 


Danny was exhausted. He hadn't slept for what seemed to be days and looked like a dead corpse. It didn't help that he had class right now and was going to have to resist the urge to sleep, no matter how much he had the desire to.

All night he'd spent fighting pesky ghosts that just kept escaping the portal. It was currently broken and his parents were trying to figure out how the doors to the ghost zone kept opening. He really didn't care, he just hoped they'd fix it soon. But unfortunately, they kept coming.

"Woah man, what's up with your eyes?" Tucker commented, noting the dark sags draping underneath his friend's eyes. It looked like Danny was wearing eyeshadow if he didn't know any better.

"Just tired, I guess," the half-ghost answered, not up for conversation. He just had a nasty run-in with Dash this morning in the washroom. And it didn't make things better that Sam was sick, he didn't share any classes with Tucker, and he was almost late for class.

The bell rang, causing the two teens to groan. They wished their teachers would be lenient with them, but for Danny, that wasn't the case.

"Detention," Mrs. Wilson said as soon as the poor boy stepped into class. Danny mentally rolled his eyes but nodded, already used to it. The halfa took a seat beside Valerie who gave him a sad smile.

"What's your excuse this time?" she asked once their teacher had finished teaching and assigned them to some independent work.

"Nothing," Danny grinned. Valerie was about to scold the boy for his punctuality when she noticed something weird.

"Uh, Danny? Can you open your mouth again?" she asked with a startled expression.

"Huh, why?"

"Just do it," she urged and the halfa quietly complied causing Valerie to give him an open-mouthed stare. "Wow," she awed.

Danny grew conscious and abruptly closed his mouth. "What? Do I have cavities? I promise I brush my teeth twice a day, they aren't bad-"

"No, no. It just looks like you have fangs..."

Danny almost choked on the water he was drinking just now. "F-fangs?!"

"Hey nerds, keep it down," Paulina interrupted from behind them, shooting an annoyed look. Meanwhile, Valerie just rolled her eyes.

"Ignore her," Danny quietly muttered. "What do you mean by fangs? I don't have any, how's that possible?!"

"Hey, calm down. I may be imagining things, let me take another look," she comforted as Danny quickly obliged, hoping she was just messing with him. But the genuinely shocked look on her face was telling him otherwise.

"Nope, they're fangs alright. I'm telling you, they're really sharp, like, you can totally rip off someone."

"Thanks for the imagery," Danny shivered and closed his mouth again. But before he could take out his phone to check for himself, the two A-listers sitting behind them joined in the conversation.

"Danny has fangs?" Star asked, now intrigued.


"Yup, he does. And they're 100% real," Valerie interrupted him as the boy glared at her. What was she trying to do?

"Ooo, let me see!" Paulina squealed, abruptly getting out of her seat and dragging her friend in front of his desk.

"No, Valerie's just joking with you guys-"

"Come on Danny, you've got to show us," Star grinned. The poor boy looked over to the girl beside him who had been smiling evilly the whole time before giving her a 'this-is-all-your-fault' look. Hesitantly, he opened his mouth.

"Oh my god, she's right..." Paulina stared in awe at the sparkling white teeth and before Danny could comprehend what was happening, both girls had touched them.

"Hey!" Danny covered his mouth, growing uncomfortable by the minute. Maybe it was a bad idea to show them.

"Wait, you could be a vampire!" Paulina giggled as the blonde grinned at the idea. However, the halfa just looked horrified. A vampire?

"That would explain a lot of things. Not only do you have really pointy fangs, but you're also always pale and your eyes glow for some reason," the Latina theorized, taking a closer look at the boy's face. "So where do you disappear all the time?"

"What the hell do you mean-"

"Do you drink blood secretly and take washroom breaks to quench your thirst?" Star thought out loud and before he knew it, he started attracting a lot of attention in class, mainly the girls. If Tucker were here, he'd probably be laughing at him for sure.

"No, I don't drink blood!"

"Wait, do you think he sucks blood from someone in this school?"

"That's hot."

"I wouldn't mind being bitten from him, to be honest."

"Have you, like, killed before?"

"Are you free this Saturday?"

"I'm not a vampire!" Danny exclaimed, silencing the class. This was growing out of the hand and the worst part was that his teacher wasn't here to save him.

Suddenly, he felt a hand touch his face and he immediately pulled back, wondering why Paulina was even touching him.

"His body temperature is cold too, shockingly freezing actually," the girl pointed out, growing curious about the raven-haired teen. Who was Fenton?

"Manson's gotta know about this, she's into this type of edgy stuff," Star commented, gaining nods from the crowd. But before Danny can reject the idea of it being impossible and state that the fangs were fake instead, he heard the school bell ring.

"Saved by the bell," Danny wasted no time in quickly packing his bag and getting the hell out of there. He didn't know what this was all about, but he had a vague idea that it probably concerned his ghost half.


During lunch, the halfa told his friends about what happened in class and showed them his fangs. While the techno-geek was freaked out by the idea of Danny possibly being a vampire ghost, the goth had a different view on the situation. After they had gotten into a video call with her, she grinned in glee after seeing Danny with fangs.

"Maybe it's ghost puberty?" Sam suggested, digging through her personal library for something that could help them understand what was happening to their friend.

"I don't know, I mean, the fangs are new and I thought they were temporary, but then my eyes would start glowing green during classes when I wasn't 'ghost', and that freaked me out," Danny said, looking around nervously. "And it doesn't help that the whole female population thinks I'm from Twilight."

"Do you think I should throw some glitter on you when you go outside in the sun?" Tucker joked and then grinned. That would be an interesting April Fool's prank...

But the techno-geek quickly dismissed the idea when he noticed his friend shoot him an unimpressed glare.

"Oh, I'm sure you're liking the attention right now," Sam rolled her eyes. "Aren't you glad that Paulina is finally noticing you?"

"No! I mean, well, yes but not like that! This could be the end of my secret identity! And who knows what other stuff my body will go through," Danny shuddered. He didn't want to start bringing an umbrella outside or sleep inside a coffin during the daytime. Although sleeping sounded like a tempting offer right now...

"Do all ghosts get these symptoms?" Tucker pondered out loud, taking his face off his PDA.

"No, that's the thing. I haven't seen it heard of any ghost going through the same things as I did, or ending up like this!... but Plasmius--" Danny froze, horrified at the possibility. There was no way he was going to end up like the man, absolutely not! If he was worried then, he was definitely on the verge of a panic attack right now! Not only did his outfit remind him of a cartoon villain, but he also looked really close to a vampire! A vampire ghost at that.

"Woah, calm down. I don't think you'll look like him, I mean, your eyes are still green and your ears aren't pointy," Sam mentioned and flipped through some of her books. "The thing is, I can't find anything that suits your definition, mainly because there's no such thing as a 'halfa'. These books are old and the authors seemed to have never encountered you and Plasmius which shouldn't be a surprise.. but I think I can find something similar in the ghost cycle section."

"Please do," Danny begged. Not only was he growing tired at the stares of fascination he was receiving in the cafeteria, but he was also nervous over the possibility that they might not find a cure or explanation for what was happening to him, and that he'd have to look like his arch-nemesis!

"There! I found something!" Sam exclaimed from his laptop as the two boys leaned closer, eager to hear what she discovered.

"It says that some ghosts may have special abilities that could've been triggered when they were killed with severe emotions and turned into ectoplasm. Even though each of them is different, there are many similarities when it comes to power and appearance. However, the rare ones can develop more than the usual ghost powers and even their appearance will be different."

"That describes Ember, Desiree and all those ghosts I fought that had weird obsessions," Danny commented as Sam nodded in agreement.

"That's right, and hear this," she continued. "A few of those unique appearances could result in various hairstyles, coloured eyes, many facial sizes and the growth of fangs for some. Of course, all of these could happen depending on the age and ghost genes. And again, very few fit this category..."

"Now you can rest knowing that what you're experiencing is normal ghost stuff," Tucker commented.

"Mhm," Sam said and sneezed. "I'd love to stay and continue this conversation, but I have to leave so come by after I'm feeling healthy. And Danny, you've got to show me your fangs!"

The halfa rolled his eyes at his friend's enthusiasm and ended the call, relaxing a bit. Well, at least he knew it wasn't something serious, maybe late ghost puberty, or it could always just be temporary.

Danny really hoped it was the latter. He didn't want to be known as the kid who looked like a vampire in high school!


A/N: Lol I thought this was one of those oneshots that was fun to write!! :')

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