It Is What It Is (Larry Styli...

By BullShipperSince2010

497K 20.8K 8.2K

College is supposed to be fun, right? Wrong. Louis Tomlinson was a freshman in college, excited. That was unt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Character Ask!!
Character Answers!
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Bromance Awards!
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Character Ask 2!
Character Answers 2!
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 10

11.6K 554 219
By BullShipperSince2010

By the time the ambulance arrived, Harry hadn’t stopped bleeding and Louis was scared. His mum was a nurse, so he knew just a little bit about first aid. Hence, the reason why he had his sweater pressed against the gash on his head, knowing he had to try and stop the bleeding. 

Louis was still crying, scared at the moment. Liam was obviously very muscular and he definitely proved his strength in the previous sequences. “H-Harry, please..” He hiccuped, looking down at him, running his thumb across his cheek, tears streaming down his face. 

Harry was still unresponsive, his breathing labor. While Liam was beginning to panic. If something happened to Harry, he could get in some trouble. But it was self defense, wasn’t it? Yeah. That’s what he would tell the police. Harry already had a record. The police would definitely believe Liam over Harry any day.

“What happened sir?” The paramedics asked as they rushed over to Louis and Harry, crouching down in front of them, tending to Harry. Louis sniffled as he looked up to Liam, swallowing down the lump in his throat. Should he rat Liam out? Liam did do it after all…

“He was attacking me and I pushed him away in self defense.” Liam said quickly, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “I pushed him away and he hit his head.” Louis looked up at Liam with wide eyes, unable to fully process what he was doing entirely. 

The paramedic nodded and hoisted Harry up onto the stretcher, getting an IV started in him. “We’ll get the police down here, but we really need to get him to the hospital.” Louis wiped at his eyes hastily as he glared at Liam, following behind the stretcher.

“Louis! Wait!” Liam called out, jogging over to him, grabbing his hand. “You know I have to do that. It’s the only right thing to do for the baby..” Louis’ jaw clenched and he couldn’t prevent what he did next. He smacked Liam across the face harshly. 

“This is mine and Harry’s baby, not mine and yours. Get that through your head.” Louis said sternly before he turned around, climbing into the ambulance, grabbing Harry’s hand as they sped of towards the hospital. 

Liam stood there with his mouth agape, his cheek stinging from the slap, hearing the sirens coming his way. Well, shit. 


Gemma got to the hospital as fast as she could when she got the call from a hysterical Louis. Louis was alone in the waiting room and he didn’t wanna be. But he didn’t want to be around Liam whatsoever. Niall was on his way, but of course he lived about 30 minutes away. 

“Louis?” Gemma called out, rushing over to the pregnant boy, frowning as she hugged him tightly. “Hey, what’s wrong?” She whispered, only knowing that Harry was hurt. 

Louis sniffled as he clung to her tightly, closing his eyes momentarily. “Th-Things happened last night a-and someone c-confronted him on it a-and now he’s hurt a-and I don’t know if h-he’ll be okay..” He whispered, looking up at her truly in fear. 

Just as Gemma was starting to process all the information, the doctor came over to them. “Here for Styles, right?” 

Both Gemma and Louis nodded quickly, Gemma squeezing his hand assuringly. The doctor sighed as he looked over at them. “Well. It seems like the fall that Mr.Styles took, did more internal damage. He’s currently in a coma and the odds of him coming out of it are slim to none. He has a anoxic brain injury. These are typically caused by head injury or trauma. Mr.Styles is stable so if you’d like to see him, you’re more than welcome to.” 

“A-A coma?” Louis asked with wide eyes, shaking his head quickly. “He can’t! I-I’m having his baby in a few months!” He whimpered, clasping a hand over his mouth as he buried his face in Gemma’s shoulder. 

Gemma took the news relatively better than Louis did but still. That’s her baby brother. She was just better at hiding her emotions. “Thank you.” Gemma said simply, standing up with Louis in her arms. “Come on love.” 

Louis whimpered and held his stomach tightly, following behind Gemma hesitantly. Once they reached the door to his room, Louis shook his head. “G-Gemma, I can’t..” He whispered, chewing on his lower lip harshly. 

Gemma looked back at him and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek for assurance. “We’ll go whenever you’re ready.” She whispered, standing there with Louis for god knows how long. Gemma knew she had to keep Louis stress free. If Louis got stressed, it wouldn’t be good for the baby.” 

“Lou?” Niall asked softly as he walked up to him, rubbing his back gently. Louis glanced back at him and attached himself to the younger boy, crying quietly. Niall looked up at Gemma who just shook her head before she slipped into the room. 

The room was filled by the sounds of just the constant heart monitor along with a noisy TV to not make the silence so awkward. Gemma clasped a hand over her mouth as she walked over to him, reaching down and holding his hand securely. The scene was all too familiar from years ago when their dad put Harry in the hospital. 

“Oh Haz..” Gemma whispered, kissing the back of his knuckles as she looked down at his practically lifeless body. Harry had a tube down his throat, it being his only way of breathing at the moment. 

“How could you mess something like this up Haz? We promised, remember? When it was just you and I in that cupboard? We promised we would never be like him. We would be so much better. I know you can do better. I know you can. But you need to listen to me you hard head.” Gemma whispered with a small laugh, reaching down and pushing his hair off his forehead. “You have a little son coming in less than three months. You want to be there for him, right You need to wake up. He’s gonna need you Harry. So is Louis y’know? I don’t know what you did, but it must have been bad. But no one deserves this. I’ll be waiting for you to wake up Harry. I love you so much..” 

Louis had walked in with Niall trailing behind him about halfway through Gemma’s conversation, walking up behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently. “We’ll get through this together, yeah?” He asked softly. 

Gemma sniffled as she glanced up at him, nodding. “Yeah.” She said softly before she stood up, hugging him tightly. “I’ll give you some time.” “Yeah mate, me too. Just let me know what happens.” Niall chimed in, following behind Gemma. 

Once they had left, Louis looked down at Harry, shaking his head. “I’m sorry Harry.” Louis whispered, sitting down on the edge of the bed, his eyes filling with tears as he grabbed his cold hand. “I shouldn’t have left you last night. A-And I shouldn’t have let Liam come. I swear I didn’t know he was going to do all that to you. I’d never intentionally hurt you.” He said honestly, placing Harry’s hand over his stomach when he felt Jackson kick. “Bug misses you too. He wants you here H-Haz. And I do too…” Louis admitted, laying down beside him, burying himself into his side. 

“I’m sorry. I-I’m sorry..” Louis repeated like a mantra, feeling like this was entirely his fault. He sniffled as he pulled Harry’s arm over his waist, wanting to be held. But well. This was going to be the best he could get for god knows how long. 

But what no one knew was that Harry could indeed hear everything that was going on around him. He just couldn’t say anything. Harry was completely drained and he was having some trouble thinking. He easily got confused but there were two things he was certain of. 

Louis and Jackson. 

Those two were the only thing that was racing through his mind. Harry knew he had to try and get stronger so he could get back to his soon to be family. He had to make things right. But time was definitely against him.

Louis cried quietly as he cupped his face, reaching up and pushing his fingers through his hair, closing his eyes. “You can’t leave us Haz. We need you. I need you.” He whispered, scratching at his scalp slightly, pressing his lips to his temple, whimpering quietly. 

“I love you..” 

(I feel like this was one of my worst chapters, but! More is to come, I promise! Hopefully they’ll get better (: Annnnddddd over 100 votes!?! You all are amazing! Thanks for reading! Vote, comment and share! Thanks lovelies!xxx)

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