Just Friends

By showmethebooks

950K 16.6K 56.3K

Marinette had gotten over her feelings for Adrien since she realized that it would never lead to anything. Sh... More

1. I Used to Like Him
2. I Didn't Tell Him
3. Headache
4. Pants On
5. His Friend
6. Fell Asleep
7. And Nodded
8. Motive
9. Major crush
10. I Love You
11. Another Way
13. Princess
13. Princess and Me
14.Good or bad
15. Tell Me Now
16. What to Do
17. Water Below
18. Chat Nior
19. Open Window
20. Finally Breathe
21. Our Love
22. Spots On
23. Trust Me
24. In Love
25. What Are We
26. Other Direction
27. Lila
28. Nice Game
New story

12. Tippy Toes

31.4K 498 1.5K
By showmethebooks

I was roughly pulled into the Bathroom by Alya, we currently on a lunch break and I found it ironic how something always occurred during my favorite time of the day. Alya quickly pulled the large scarf off before she gasped. Her hand lifted up my neck and then she looked at me with a questioning stare.

"Did you do it?" She immediately asked without any hesitation.

"D-do what?" I asked acting clueless. She smiled before her soft hand touched my bruised cheek. "Ow that hurts Alya!" I said grabbing her hand and putting it back to her side.

"Did you do the deed with Adrien?" I was surprised how quick she was able to guess that. My friend was smart, but I didn't think she was that smart. She had already guessed the secret fairly quickly, and I began to wonder how she didn't figure out that I was ladybug yet.

"Ye-no. Well it's a yes, but it was in the heat of the moment. While I don't regret it, I think Adrien would. It was rushed and-and... anyways I'm grounded now." I began to ramble to take all the attention on me, but I saw that it was having the opposite effect.

"That would explain the obvious hickeys on Adrien's neck. He was obviously trying to flaunt them." She giggled before giving me a hug. "He didn't do anything right? Like... you know?" I saw where her thoughts were heading causing me to quickly shake my head no. Adrien would never do something like that, he was too good of a guy.

"How was it?" She asked, I felt my face quickly redden.

"I don't want to tell my best friend my sex life, you've never told me yours!" I said back.

"Well me and Nino have done it a few...." I blocked her out as I started to close my ear and say random loud words. I did not want to hear about Alya's sex life, it should be precious to her, and was quite frankly terrifying. I quickly grabbed the scarf from Alya's hands, then situated it back around my neck. It was a very large scarf and I was glad it covered everything.

"I'm Leaving!" I yellows out loud, making my way out of the bathroom and back to the lunch table. I immediately recognized the blonde and brunette who had started back at me with Alya in tow. "Hey guys." I was still avoiding any eye contact with Adrien.

"Hey Dudette." Nino said back. I chose to sit next to Adrien so I wouldn't have to look at him. I would only turn my head his way if he was going to say something to the group. But knowing him I knew any direction that I sat at would mean failure.

Our table then began to have a steady conversation, Adrien rarely put his input in, which was abnormal. I glanced next to me to see look at what Adrien had for lunch. It was a salad with a small slice of garlic bread. I then turned back towards Nino, not wanting to get caught at for looking at the handsome boy beside me.

"Alya, do you think that-." I stopped talking when I suddenly felt Adriens hand below the table, he had tenderly grabbed my knee. But I chose to ignore him and continue my talking with Alya. "Do you think that Hawkmoth is coming no more, we haven't had an Akuma attack in a while."

I felt Adrien's hand slowly drift up my legs, and I found my insides freak out just a bit. Before Alya could talk I swiftly turned towards Adrien. I knew my cheeks were slightly tinted pink, but I didn't care. He looked back up to me with a weird look before his other hand went to the back of his neck.

I wasn't able to hear what Alya had to say because my full attention was on Adrien. I slightly pushed him playfully, telling him that now was not the time. Whatever happened last night remains as something that happened last night.

I was glad when he took his hand away and plopped it back on the table, beginning to eat his food again. I was glad that he had respected my boundaries.


Adrien kept giving me subtle looks all day and I almost yelled in glee when the final bell ring. It meant no more awkward encounters with the green eyed boy. I got up trying to get out before Adrien when I was roughly pulled by the waist in some random direction.

Adrien was now dragging me off to some random place in the school, and I hoped it was in a public area. When we finally stopped we ended up in some random classroom, and it was obvious what was going to happen before I could even comprehend.

Adrien slammed the classroom door before locking it, and I wondered where all this bravery had come from. I had never seen him like this, so cool and relaxed. He reminded me and more of Chat noir every day.

It was unexpected when Adrien looked up to me, and then squashed me into the door way just like last night. I leaned all my body weight to the wall, nervous of what Adrien really wanted.

"I see you've been hiding my love bites all day." He said all of a sudden. His other hand gently came up to my scarf and then he began to pull it off. The scarf fell breathlessly to the floor. "You also left the room before I woke up." I don't know how, but I was able to maintain all eyes on his.

"Listen Adrien I'm-." My breath was taken away when my neck was suddenly attacked. Adrien's leg had found its way to my core, allowing me now room to escape. "A-Adrien." I roughly pulled on the front of his shirt while putting my head down.

He stopped, probably to make sure that I was alright, and then he lifted my head towards him with one finger under my chin. "What? Did something happen?" He asked. His eyes showed slight confusion, and I felt myself wonder how such a perfect guy could fall in my hands.

"Last night... last night was..."

"A Mistake." I said.

"Amazing." He said.

We both said at the same time.

"Your right it was..."


"A Mistake."

We switched the terms around. I shook my head, deciding that I didn't want us to come up with a conclusion.

"I'm grounded now." I said quickly. Before Adrien could speak up I continued, "And, Last night was in the heat of the moment. I-you just broke up with Kagami- I was angry at myself." I giggled. "And besides, you've said many times before, we're just friends. And I'm okay with that. Truly."

It didn't seem like Adrien knew what to say, so I kept talking. "I confessed my past true feelings. And you-you..."

"I love you Marinette." He finally spoke up. I stared at him. He had said those exact words last night, but I thought it was just because of the moment we shared.

I felt my eyes began to tear up, but I decided to keep them down. "No you don't Adrien, you love Kagami." I said softly. My hand naturally made its way up to cup his cheek. "Last night was the best night of my life, but I know you have feelings for Kagami."

His hand softly gripped mine. "But I'm telling you that I love you Mari. Why won't you believe me?" His voice rose a bit higher feigning his emotion.

"I'm sorry Adrien, but I don't love you like that anymore."

It seemed like everything inside of him broke as he seemed to slouch a little. His gently grabbed my hand that was on his cheek into his palm as his rough fingers began to trace over my knuckles.

"I can't believe you can shut those feelings away. Just like how you said I still have feelings for Kagami. There is no way that my feelings aren't reciprocated." He said aloud. I shook my head and brought the hand that he was holding to my side.

"I have to go before I get grounded even more, goodbye Adrien." I planted a small kiss on his cheeks with my tippy toes, and then left him in the classroom by him self.


A/N: GUYS I LOVE YOU!!!! Anyways, I've been trying to find some good werewolf books because the next book I'm gonna write is gonna be called. Drumroll please....... Alpha Adrien .

I asked what type of books you guys would have in my last one and I saw a few for werewolf, and because I'm so obsessed with werewolf books I think this should be good. :)... Anyway please leave some good book recommendations as I'm starving for more lol.

Feel free to leave any constructive criticism, I really enjoy it. It shows how much I can grow as a writer, and makes the book more enjoyable for you guys!

Anyways! Love you guys!

You are always loved.

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