Spidey One-Shots

By yohoo_3000

28K 480 725

One-shots about anything and everything related to our friendly neighbourhood webslinger. More

Together (Pt.2)
Again (Pt. 2)
Again (Pt.3)
Again (Pt. 4)


1.5K 24 56
By yohoo_3000

I love how Peter's standing off to the side, so proud of himself.

This one was requested by Power_7u7, whom I once again thank for reading my content. While I will do as requested, a certain version of this had been a previous plot sketch of mine, so expect some of my own ideas here and there.


It was supposed to be a normal day, but you know how it is with Peter Parker. The 'Parker Luck' never lets him get what he wants in the way he wishes to.


Peter was tired. Very tired. 

He had spent all day working on the finer points of a new invention with Tony Stark, his father. They were both working on a treatment for cancer, since Peter had suggested that they work on it. He said, and I quote, "You own about a hundred hospitals in New York alone. Why not do it anyway?"

Liking the idea, the genius enlisted the help of Bruce Banner, who, excluding Peter and maybe Helen Cho, knew more about biology and anatomy than anybody else in the tri-state area, and of course, Helen Cho herself.

Bruce had volunteered to work in his own lab: the rock music that was customarily blasted in Tony's lab wasn't the optimal environment for the rather peaceful scientist. Helen volunteered to join him. While she did not hate the older Stark, she wasn't really a fan of him, either.

Peter and Tony then set about designing their weapon of choice: a time gun. Tony figured that if the cancerous cells could be reduced to the point where taking them out would be simple, it would be very helpful for those already in critical stages. So, with the focused beam, the cancerous cells could be reversed to a negligible point and then removed. So instead of running the cells through time, which would be time travel, they would run time through the cells.

So here he was, humming out 'The Monster' as he finalized some calculations. (A.N. Rihanna's great and so is Eminem.)

"Dad, I'm finished"

"Okay, kiddo. Be with you in a sec."

DUM-E, Tony's trusty robot assistant, held the gun's muzzle as Tony placed the trigger in place.

You see, the funny thing with guns these days are that they always accidentally misfire.

Well, that's exactly what happened.

Tony must have placed a bit too much pressure on the trigger, because for a second, a blast was seen heading in Peter's direction and in the blink of an eye, he was gone the next.

Panicking already, Tony ran over to where he once stood.

"PETER?!" he called out as he looked around.

He did not expect to hear a very childish  yet somewhat familiar giggle.

He then looked down to see Peter's clothes, and a suspicious looking rock-blob-thing with hair.

"Peter?" he called out tentatively. The rock-blob-thing with hair moved to show a face.

Oh, wait. 

Never mind, it's Peter.

He instantly recognized his son (which was good). 

He then realized that the shooting mechanism was too wide, hence he had turned into a baby entirely (which was not so good).

He made a mental note to fix that later, but for now, his son was far more important.

"Hey Bambi, come to daddy." he said as he picked Peter up. "JARVIS, please get me some baby clothes for Peter."

"Of course, sir. I assume the 'Iron Man' themed onesie would take most preference?", asked the A.I. sarcastically. (A.N. Bear with me here. Tony manages to recover JARVIS after Ultron. I did this since JARVIS would be more experienced with Peter's mannerisms as a baby, having been there since his birth. This is a Peter Stark one-shot, for those who haven't got the memo yet. Besides, JARVIS has a special place in my heart.)

"You know me so well, J." responded a smug Tony.

"Oo-oo!" Peter yelled out as he clapped his hands happily.

"I am glad to see you as well, Master Peter." responded the A.I. in a soft, warm tone.

Peter clapped excitedly, making Tony laugh.

"Sir, the Avengers await your presence in the living room. Mrs. Stark also wants to know why she heard a sound she hasn't heard in well over a decade."

Tony sighed, "Look what you've done, bud. You're tiny set of lungs are gonna get me in trouble. You ready to go meet mommy?" he cooed as he poked the boy, making him giggle.

He smiled as he walked down the hall while continuing to tickle Peter, causing him to laugh louder and louder.

"I wonder what you're girlfriend's gonna say?"


Pepper wasn't having a great day.

So when she heard baby Peter when he was certainly not a baby, she thought she was losing it.

But then Natasha voiced the thoughts in her head.

"Is that...."

The trained assassin seemed almost hesitant to finish the thought. Scared, even.

"Oh my god," said Pepper as she realized that she was not going poco loco.

"Peter." said Steve (who had heard it with his super hearing), Natasha and Pepper in perfect synchronization.

"JARVIS, what did Tony do?" asked Pepper, almost expecting it.

"Mr. Stark tried to develop a machine to cure cancer, per Peter's request. He forgot to reduce the beam's focus, so now Master Stark is a baby."

Right at that moment, Tony walked into the room with Peter in his arms.

Any ill word that they had for the inventor died down at the sight of the happy, bouncing child.

Peter lit up in pure joy as he held out his hands in an attempt to reach his mother.

Of course Pepper snatched him up and began smothering him with love. 

She couldn't help it.

"Hi baby!" said Pepper with a wide smile on her face. Baby Peter let out a giggle, coaxing an 'aww' from the group.

The world's mightiest heroes continued to coddle the child until Tony spoke up.

"Does this mean I'm not in trouble?" asked a certain Tony Stark, only to receive glares of varying intensities.

"You're not off the hook, but for now, the focus is on Peter."

Peter clapped, and Tony's fate was sealed.

"Huh, you like that?" Pepper cooed. "You like it when daddy gets in trouble?"

Peter nodded, which received a lot of laughter and a round of applause from the room.

"What's going on?"

Everybody looked to the entrance to see Wanda Maximoff step through. Not knowing what to say, everybody just stared at Peter's girlfriend. 

Meanwhile, the severely downsized Peter had other plans.

Jumping onto the ceiling, he crawled his way to a position right above Wanda. He then dropped down into her arms and hugged her, burying his face into the crook of her neck.

Wanda knew this was Peter. His energy signature was a perfect match. Still confused, she didn't know what to do.

The others in the room merely continued staring at the interaction. JARVIS then decided to answer.

"A lab experiment had gone a bit awry, Ms. Maximoff. The final result is as observed."

"Who was responsible, JARVIS?" Wanda asked with a weirdly dangerous tone to her voice as she hugged Peter closer.

"My statistics show that while DUM-E is 32% responsible, Mr. Stark triumphs with 68%."

Clint gave a low whistle. "Betrayed by your own creation, Tony. That must hurt."

Wanda decided that now was not the time to fight the genius, seeing as she really needed to hit the ladies' room.

She walked over to Pepper to hand Peter over and head off.

There was just one problem.

Peter wasn't letting go.

Try as she might, she couldn't detach the spiderling from her person.

Trust me, she didn't want to let him go. But, she needed to answer nature's call, and that's not exactly something that you take a baby to accompany you for.

Finally, when Pepper did pry Peter off and Wanda rushed off, he began crying.

Now, Peter's crying was different to that of a normal baby's, as Pepper had learned in his actual childhood. Peter wouldn't bawl or screech or make any banshee-like noises.

Oh, it was much worse.

He would cry silently. Sniffles were all that could be heard, but the sight of him would leave even Natasha Romanoff heartbroken. 

And he was doing it now.

"Somebody DO SOMETHING!"

Pepper and the rest of the Avengers felt like crying themselves. They quickly tried to calm the child, but he was inconsolable. He kept weeping, and they had a vague idea as to why he was doing so.

In the span of those ten minutes, the Avengers would have chosen Ultron over the baby. 

The moment Wanda returned, Clint had to fight the urge to take baby Peter from Pepper's arms and hurl it at the sorceress. Seeing her, Peter held out his arms in her direction.

Wanda rushed towards him, but was halted by another object flying towards Peter's hands.

Namely, Thor's hammer.

Everybody in the room stilled. 


Would you look at that, Thor fainted.

Deciding now was not the time, Wanda used her magic to take Peter's fingers off of the handle. The hammer fell to the ground with another resounding thud. She then went over and took Peter, who immediately ceased his crying.

That calmed the room enough. 

Wanda then discreetly waved her hand towards the kitchen while she gently rocked Peter. The baby was playing with a strand of Wanda's hair as she walked about with Peter in her arms, mumbling nonsense to him. As she went out of the living room, she held out her hand as a red wisp of energy dropped a baby bottle filled with milk into her palm. 

Wanda looked towards the team.

"Do you want to-" 

"Keep him." said Tony and Clint as Pepper shook her head vigorously. They knew what would happen if they were separated again.

"We'll be in our room." she said before the elevator doors shut.

The team sighed as they collapsed on the couch.

"That kid's gonna give me grey hairs." Tony said, recalling how his son wielded the mythical hammer.

"I forgot just how tiring raising Peter was." Pepper concurred.

"His crying sucks my soul out every time." said Natasha, with the rest of the Avengers agreeing with her statement. 

"What took Wanda so long in the bathroom?" asked Clint, coming up with theories as to what hid behind the door of the girl's room.


After exactly fifteen minutes, Wanda had run out of things to entertain Peter with.

She first tried to play a couple of games, but all she had were board games, so that was scrapped. 

She showed him a couple of T.V. shows, but that got old for the tot pretty quickly.

She learnt that Peter had retained the energy of his original self, which in any being of any size, was not good.

Let alone a baby.

She then had a stroke of genius.

Hoisting Peter onto her hip, she took the elevator down to the intern labs.

Exiting the elevator, she moved around the labs, almost like she was giving Peter a tour.

Peter would point, and she would stop and show.


They had, of course, been stopped by the numerous female interns who found Peter's cuteness to be irresistible.

"You're quite the charmer, aren't you, my love?" she cooed at him as they left another.

Peter simply giggled in response.

One of them graciously handed Peter a Lego set with relatively bigger bricks, which successfully kept him entertained for an hour on the floor of the intern labs. Ph.D. scientists and interns alike would stop midway and join Peter in his construction efforts. Together, they managed to make a to-scale replica of the Empire State Building, with one brick to spare.

Peter immediately decided that it looked absolutely delicious, and decided to eat it up.

Thankfully, the brick wasn't small enough to be a choking hazard, but an intern dropped off a baby bottle filled with milk, so Peter left the brick.

Where they got the baby bottle from, in a multi-billion research and development center? 

Wanda didn't know, and Peter didn't care.

"So, where to next, baby boy?" asked Wanda, having reached the end of the intern labs.

Peter seemed deep in thought, which was a hilarious look on a baby, and then smacked his hand on the floor directory.

The private garage, to be precise.

"You wanna go out?" she asked him.

He nodded.

"Just what I was thinking. How about we get some fresh air? I know just the place."

Heading down to the motor pool, she picked out Peter's CLS and entered.

Only after starting the car did she realize one problem.

There was no booster seat for Peter.

Looking down at the superbaby in her lap, she decided to ask him.

"Peter, there's no car seat here. What do you want to do?"

Peter nuzzled into her chest.

Problem solved, she let Peter sit in her lap.

"Karen, can you drive us to the park?"

"Setting course for Cupertino." (A.N. Just kidding.)

"Certainly, Mrs. Parker." the A.I. teased as the steering wheel folded away and the car pulled out of the parking spot.

Peter, hearing Karen, stood up and placed a kiss on Wanda's cheek.

At least, that's what Wanda thought it was, since she had no other explanation for Peter's sudden urge to slobber all over her cheek.

Peter then clapped his hands and spoke some gibberish.

"I think he wants his playlist?" Wanda guessed.

Peter clapped once.

"Playing your favorites, Peter. Let's start with this one." Karen said as Million Ways by HRVY began playing.


Peter had a blast at Central Park.

With a seemingly endless amount of space, the baby just crawled and crawled and crawled.

During one of his breaks, Wanda had caught him 'talking' to some ants near the base of a tree.

She thought it was cute.

So she made it her phone's wallpaper.

After the park, they drove about, shopping for some baby supplies.

 A quick trip to some high-end stores shortlisted earlier by JARVIS and one Walmart later, Peter had enough supplies to live comfortably for the week.

Karen eventually stopped the car at a clearing. Since they were a bit farther away from the city, the stars were shining bright.

Wanda got out of the car and laid down on it's roof, resting Peter on her.

"You see that? It's the Big Dipper, baby. There's Orion, and that's Leo. That, over there? That's Cancer the Crab. It's your favorite constellation because you renamed it 'Krusty', remember?"

Wanda pointed out the various stars and constellations to Peter as they stargazed together. She had no doubt that Peter already knew everything about them, but it did the trick in slowly lulling Peter to sleep.

"Let's go back, my love." she whispered to him.

Deciding that he had had enough excitement for the day, Wanda brought him back into the car. As they drove, Peter stared at the flashing lights and signs in silent wonder. The buildings shined bright as they drove along. This, coupled with the soft music playing, made that perfect late night drive atmosphere.

Karen slowly pulled into their parking spot in the garage. Wanda slowly exited the car, being careful to not jostle the tired Peter.

She carried him up to the living room, where the team had crashed after the day.

As Wanda walked in, their attention instantly shifted to the baby. Before they could say anything, Wanda used her powers to shove the popcorn in their bowls into their mouths.

It might have been a bit extreme, but she would kill anybody who dares to wake Peter up now.

Tony pointed to Peter's crib, which was really his web hammock in the corner of the room. Getting the gist, Wanda placed him in the middle of the hammock.

Tony then picked up the very ray gun he was working on this morning.

"I reversed the effect, so if I time it right, he'll grow back to his original age." Tony said as he took a deep breath and pointed the gun at Peter.

"Here goes."

He fired, and everybody watched as Peter grew to a seven year old, then an eleven year old and finally stopping at his age.

"Now, sir." FRIDAY said, and Tony took his hand off the trigger.

Peter was now back to being a sixteen year old.

Wanda was completely exhausted, so she jumped onto the hammock and cuddled up to him. 

Peter just kept sleeping, oblivious to what was going on. 

Tony dropped the gun on a nearby table and turned around to face the team.

"Movie night?" he asked, as if the situation was a mundane, everyday occurrence.

"I'm thinking 'Baby's Day Out'."


"You could make one where Peter becomes a baby and Wanda has to take care of him since Peter starts to cry every time she walks away. please"

Why, yes I can!

This one's for Power_7u7.

Love from me to you, 

Jace Lennon.


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