The New Girl From France -S.B


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(Still needs some editing, if you see a mistake feel free to comment!) Started: February 1st, 2021 Finished:... Еще

About Tatum Miller
1.) And so it begins
2.) the mouse
3.) the fullmoon heartbreak
4.) Sirius
5.) the kitchens
6.) did she hear?
7.) the Hospital wing
8.) Quidditch
9.) The Black Lake
11.) Hospital wing...... again
12.) the brother
13.) Caspian
14.) The Black dog
15.) her room
16.) remus's talk
17.) The news
18.) Hogsmeade pt. 1
19.) The dare ( sirius's POV)
20.) Hogsmeade pt. 2
21.) potions
22.) there can only be one winner
23.) the final match, and a party
24.) The massive hangover
25.) the dance pt.1
26.) the dance pt. 2
27.) The Truth, pt. 1
28.) The Truth, pt. 2
29.)The Final
30.) Paroxysm

10.) The quidditch game

133 4 0

Tatums POV-

Today was the day, we had a quidditch game against Ravenclaw!

People underestimate the Ravenclaw quidditch team, some people say 'their just nerds' or 'they all keep their noses in books, i bet they don't even train' or people say the team just sucks

I beg to differ, I've seen a little bit of the Ravenclaw practices, and I'm not going to lie I'm a little intimidated you them

But, Calvin is a chaser, that means I get to hit as many bludgers his way, as much as i want!

Walking into the common room, I sorted the rest of the team, except Sirius?

"Hey, tay" Marline and James chimed

"Where's Sirius?" I asked

"i think he's still getting ready, actually, do you mind going and getting him" James asked, with the biggest smirk on his face, he's been doing that when ever I'm talking to or about Sirius


"Oh! Tell him to hurry his ass up! Thanks!" James said, kinda in a sing song-y tone

Walking up the stairs, i just came from, and headed for the Marauders dormitory

"Hey, Sirius" I said, knocking on the door

"Come in!" He yelled, from inside

Walking in, I saw him digging in his trunk

But without a shirt on


"H-hey- um... James wanted me, to uh, tell that the rest of the team is ready, and I quote 'to hurry your ass up' "

"Oh, thanks- ha! Found it" he cheered, holding up his quidditch top, seeing as he had the bottom half

He threw on the shirt and putting the rest of the uniform on

"Ready?" I asked

"Yeah, lets go" he stood up from his bed, after tying his shoe laces, and headed over to me and opened up the door "ladies first"
He chuckled

I murmured a quick 'thanks' and headed out of the door, and down the many stairs

"You excited?" He asked, coming up from behind me

"Nervous, but excited"

"Ya know, being a beater has its advantages"

"How so?"

"Well, seeing as Calvin is a chaser, you can hit as many blugers his way"

"Not gonna lie, but I also thought of doing that" I chuckled

"Really" Sirius said, with the 'you didn't really do that" tone

"Yeah" I laughed looking up at Sirius "but I obviously wont hit all of them to him, I have to hit them to the other players"

"True" Sirius agreed, looking down at me, making brief eye contact, but i quickly looked away, for some reason, eye contact freaks me out

Once we made it down o the common room, of corse, James was the one to complain 

"What took you guys so long" James sighed " we have to be at the pitch in 30 minutes!"

"Ok, sorry, i couldn't find my jersey" Sirius surrendered

'Good luck guys!" Lily exclaimed "Alice and I will be down in 10 minutes!"

"Good luck!" Alice chimed, making her ay down the girl's stairs

"Thanks, bye!" I said, while being pulled out of the common room by Marlene

"Soooo, what took you so long to come back from Sirius's dorm?" Marlene chuckled, while whispering her sentence

"Not much, we just talked"

"Mhm" Marlene rolled her eyes

"What?" I giggled

"Oh please tay, I see the way you look at him"

"What's that supposed to mean" i now felt my cheeks heating up

"I mean, I heard him say he was looking for his jersey, that most likely means he had no shirt on, hence why you came down the stairs all flushed face, you must like him, at least a little bit"

I glanced up at Sirius to make sure he wasn't listening

He didn't seem like it, he was just listening to James's rant, or I hope he was

"Damn, you could be in Ravenclaw" I chuckled (still whispering), basically say that I had feelings for Sirius

Yes, I like, Sirius Black.

"I was right!!" Marlene said, not whispering

"Why are you right?" James asked, turning around                       

"Ease dropping much" Marlene said

"Its not ease dropping babe, you kinda yelled that" Sirius smirked, also turning around

"Well go back to your- whatever you were doing, this does not concern you" Marlene sassed

"Ok princess, whatever you say" Sirius, yet again, smirked

Did he hear me! Was he ease dropping?!? Oh Merlin, what if he knows!

Thoughts, like those, swirled around my head, until the team made it down to the pitch, just in time to finished getting gear on or tying back hair (in Marlenes case)

Ok, I have to kick those thoughts out of my head, I have to focused on the match

"Every one on their broom!" Cried the flying instructor

I hoped on my broom, flying up to my spot, bat in hand

Soon after the professor released the golden snitch, quaffle, and 2 bludgers

I noticed a bludger heading toward Phoebe, our seeker, quickly flying over,  I hit the ball in Calvins direction

The bludger actually hit him in the arm

He looked up in my direction, I sent him a quick smile and flew over to James, as a bludger was heading his way

After, I'd say, 10 minutes, Gryffindor had made 2 goals, making us have 20 points, that would make us 20 points above Ravenclaw

Seeing as Sirius blocked all their goals

I however, has managed to send a couple more bludgers Calvins way, i still hit them to other Ravenclaw players

I hit one to ont of their chasers, hitting them in the arm, causing them to drop the quaffle, that James caught, sending me a thankful look

Looking around, I saw a bludger coming my way

Reacting fast (seeing as it was a couple feet away from hitting me in the face) I just hit the bludger, not hitting it in any direction

Looking at where it was going, I quickly noticed it was heading in Sirius's direction, he still hadn't noticed

Flying as fast as I could his way, in attempt to get the bludger away from Sirius

I made an attempt to hit the bludger

But missed

Thankfully, I was still away from Sirius, so was the bludger

I was getting closer, making another attempt

Finally! I hit the bludger towards the Ravenclaw seeker, hitting them in the back, probably notifying Phoebe that the Ravenclaw seeker had spotted the snitch

Thankfully, Phoebe had seen what I did and flew in that direction

The score now was 50 to 20, Gryffindor in the lead

Suddenly, I had a bludger coming for my head, again, this time I was to late and it hit me, right in the head

Falling from my broom, i think i heard something like 'Gryffindor has won!' From the commentator

I swear I had been falling for an hour, when a strong pair of arms caught me, I'm guessing bringing me to the ground, but that's all i got, before I blacked out


Waking up, I was hit with a bright white room, with sun shining through the windows

"Ah, you're awake" Madam Pomfrey, the school healer, chimed, heading over to my bed, with a bottle in her hand

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked, now with a raging headache

"Here, this will help with the headache" Madam Pomfrey said, handing me the bottle "I'd say you've been out for about 2 days now"

"Yeah, it was a pretty bad hit from that bludger" said someone

I now realized that Sirius was beside my bed, sitting in the provided arm chair

"Yes indeed" madam Pomfrey confirmed "you have a concussion, but nothing I cant fix" she said while walking back to her office

"How do you feel" Sirius asked, I forgot he was there


"Meh?" He chuckled

"Yeah, ya know, when you're not great, but not horrible" I laughed, but quickly stopped, as it made me head hurt even worse

"This one here" Madam Pomfrey said, pointing to Sirius also coming back from her office, with another bottle, probably another potion "has not left your bed side since he brought in, after you're quidditch match, congratulations by the way"

I turned to Sirius, feeling blush creep onto my cheeks

"You caught me?"

"Funny story actually, Calvin caught you, but I-"

"Sirius insisted on bring you to the hospital, he basically ripped you out of Calvins arms" interrupted James, now coming over to my bed "like Pomfrey said, he hasn't left your side since you came here, I had to bring this brat food, of every corse" James chuckled

"You poor baby" i cooed, feeling better after Madam Pomfrey gave me another potion

"How long have you been here?" Sirius asked

"Long enough" James fake puked

"What's that supposed to mean"

"Ohhhh don't act like you to weren't totally flirting with eachother" James grinned

"Ooh Merlin" Sirius groaned

I looked over to Sirius, notice it his cheeked were bright red, not waning to embarrass him more, I gave him a quick smile

"Now now, I suggest, Mr. Black, that you go sleep in a proper bed, and eat some food in the great hall, now that your friend is awake" Madam Pomfrey commanded

"Yes ma'am" Sirius said getting up from his chair "I'll be back later" he whispered, a little to close to my face

After my face turned the darkest shade of red, humanly possible, Sirius smirked at me but left without another word

Great, he probably knows that I like him now

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