His Ice Princess

By ivnshi

341K 8.6K 1.6K

Luna has been known as a famous ice skater since she was little and now, she's known to be one of the younges... More

Shine Bright : MOONLIGHT
special chapter
Valentine's Day special (15)
special chapter
a small thank you!
author note
special chapter : Happy 40K reads!!
Special Chapter : 110k reads


8.6K 240 78
By ivnshi

Kira's pov

It was a Thursday. 루나씨 had to go to taping. She's very busy these days. Us three had been practicing and training.

The thing is, practicing in the dance room isn't the same when Luna isn't there. We hadn't got to chill down that much but we were able to watch I-LAND.

I also helped with the choreography of the dances that will be performed in I-LAND. All of us in the group are busy because of one survival show.

We haven't really see each other in the day time and we only get to see each other at night. Sometimes, Luna would come home at like 12 midnight or sometimes 1 in the morning.

I'm worried about her. She also has her exams coming. She should be preparing for that but she's busy judging in the show.

I'm currently at school. Yes, I have classes right now. It was my last class of the day before I could go home.

I just decided to listen to the teacher so I could go home earlier.

Time Skip to the end of the class ~

Finally school just ended. I got into the car and headed home to the dorm. I had to get ready since I was going to go to the office.

Currently stuck in traffic. I'm just scrolling through my phone. Just then, my phone started ringing. It was Mina unnie.

I answered my phone. "Mina 언니, is there a problem?" I asked the girl on the other side of the phone.

"It's Luna! Come to the hospital right away!" Mina 언니 said worriedly on the other end. I got concerned and asked her for the address.

I gave the address to the driver and we made our way to the hospital. I'm worried about 루나씨. What exactly happened to her?

Flashback to some time earlier in I-LAND ~

3rd person's pov

Luna had to go to I-LAND to evaluate the I-LANDERS. She got into the entrance and it started rotating.

The I-LANDERS were confused when they heard the entrance beep. They decided to look at who was going to come.

Luna appeared in their sight. The girl smiled and walked out of the entrance. She walked towards the dance room.

She got inside and was greeted warmly by the I-LANDERS. "Hello everyone. How's practice going?" Luna asked them while standing beside ZICO.

"They haven't showed the performance yet" ZICO informed the girl. Luna just nodded. "Everyone get into position. Let's start the evaluation!" Luna said while clapping her hands.

Everyone got into position. Just then, Heeseung informed the two judges something. Luna hoped it wasn't the same thing Jay told her earlier.

Sadly, Heeseung said they won't do the stunts as well. Luna gave a sigh out. "Ah okay" ZICO replied while looking at the girl worriedly.

The music started playing and the I-LANDERS started performing. Just like the Grounders, their formation crumbled when the stunts came.

Luna was just watching the clipboard she had. She was sad to see that neither of the two groups did any of the stunts.

The performance ended. Luna looked at the I-LANDERS. "Have you guys practiced any of the stunts?" Luna asked them the same questions she asked the Grounders earlier.

"We focused on learning the steps first as well as the song" Heeseung explained to Luna. "Was there even spare time to practice the stunts? Or did you all just completely focused on the choreography of the dance and singing it?" Luna asked without even stuttering.

They kept quiet. ZICO haven't seen the girl angry before. He was definitely scared of Luna right now. Luna just let out a heavy sigh.

"I assume that's a yes since I didn't got a reply. Let's focus on the stunts" Luna said and started tying her hair back up.

Interview moment -

Luna - It was a little disappointing. I thought that they would practice the stunts but they didn't, not even once. For me, if they practiced the stunts then it meant that they trusted each other fully. Now that tomorrow they had to perform, I don't know if they can practice the stunts with enough time but I hope they do. This teamwork test really shows if they trust each other with their whole being.

End of Interview Moment -

Luna and ZICO started guiding the I-LANDERS with the formations of the stunts. Heeseung was holding on to the girl's hand.

"Can you manage it now Heeseung 오빠?" Luna asked the older male. It was the first time she addressed the man formally.

The guy wasn't used to an idol calling him with honorifics. "I'm okay now Luna 선배님. You can let go" Heeseung informed the girl and she nodded.

Heeseung was balancing on top of the pyramid with the help of the other I-LANDERS. They got to practice the stunt parts.

Just then the evaluation ended. Luna was bidding good bye to the I-LANDERS when she felt dizzy. "Luna are you okay?" ZICO asked the girl, noticing that something was wrong with her.

Luna nodded but then, she fainted. Luckily, ZICO was quick and caught the girl. The I-LANDERS were surprised to see the girl faint.

Medical crew came inside and they placed the girl on a stretcher. ZICO turned to the I-LANDERS who were concerned of the girl.

"She'll be fine, don't worry. Just continue practicing for tomorrow" ZICO informed the boys and exited with the medical crew and the unconscious girl.

Bang PD saw what happened and they immediately got a car so they can take the girl to the hospital.

They arrived at the hospital and Luna was brought to a room immediately. The executive producer was concerned about the girl.

He contacted her manager to inform her and her other group members. Bang PD was just waiting for the doctor's news about the girl.

Just then, Luna's manager, Miss Yana and the other three girls arrived at the hospital. "Pd Nim!" Krystal said running towards the male.

Bang PD stood up from his seat. "Krystal..." the older male said. "How's Luna? Is she okay?" Krystal asked the male worriedly.

Why did Luna fainted? No one knows...

- 끝 -

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