Take an Extra Step, GOH the E...

By YukiKazeko

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This book is part of a series. If you have not read the other books, then you won't understand what's going o... More

Chapter 0: How New Beginnings Begin
Chapter 1: The End of Kirsten Kazeko's Life on Earth
Chapter 2: The Actual End of Kirsten Kazeko
Chapter 3: Together, Goals are Made
Chapter 4: An Eventful First Day of Pokemon Education
Chapter 5: The Personal Trial Information Revealed
Chapter 6: Find Me within the Memories (A Thanksgiving Special - Part 1)
Chapter 6.1: Find Me within the Memories (A Thanksgiving Special - Part 2)
Chapter 6.2: Find Me within the Memories (A Thanksgiving Special - Final)
Chapter 7: Yuki's Answer to Her Personal Trial
Chapter 8: Yuki's First Battle and a Surprising Twist in Fate!
Chapter 9: Greninja's Feelings
Chapter 10: Greninja's Conflict
Chapter 11: Greninja's Decision
Chapter 12: Yuki's Response
Chapter 13: The Beginning of a New Move
Chapter 14: A Tip from an Unexpected Source
Chapter 16: Pop Quiz! Can Yuki Prove Her Worth... and... More?
Chapter 17: It's About Time! Let's Head Towards the Location of the Grand Trial!
Chapter 18: The Information of the Grand Trial Revealed!
Chapter 19: It's the Beginning of Our Grand Trial! LET'S GO!
Chapter 20: Working Our Way from the Ground Up
Chapter 21: Fighting the Darkness
Chapter 22: Under the Rocks, the Trap was Set
Chapter 23: It's Time to Go All Out! The Conclusion to the Grand Trial!
Final Chapter: A Thank You Gift Under Lunala's Sky

Chapter 15: Surprise! It's Parents Day~!

82 2 0
By YukiKazeko

(Yuki's POV)

Greninja and I got back late. We were... not exactly the happiest bunch. It didn't take much to realize that what Zeraora told us... was right. When Greninja tried to put power into his fists, it became rapped up in water, BECAUSE his natural typing is Water. Alongside the fact that I think we were kinda just winging it... I can see water being associated with going with the flow. Either way, that weird event of a move creation... has no current potential of actually being a move, so I rather not even think about it at the moment.

I didn't eat too much, just a Galar Apple. (Watching Zeraora devour so many apples made me want to have one. Back in my old world, I only liked Gala Apples. I'm surprised this world has them!) I decided to hit bed right away, as my brain was hurting from coming up with so many ideas with very little information...


"...E'S WHAT?" I heard Ash seemingly panic, instantly waking me up at who knows what time.

"Calm down, Ash." I could hear Kukui tell the raven haired trainer.


"Peapal make matakes, Ash." I said, easily half asleep by my incorrect, sleepy words. I got up from the couch and began folding the blanket. "Matakes are wat takes up humun..."

Ash began to giggle a little. "Morning, sleepy head."

I felt a hand-no: webbed hand mess with my already messy bedhead. 'You're right: Mistakes are what makes us human.' Greninja said what I said, but actually clearly and not in a half asleep tone. 'Is that a saying from your world?'

Still waking up (feeling so tired for who knows what reason), it took me a moment to reply. "I dot know, Ninja..." I blinked a few times, now actually awake and realized I called Greninja by the nickname I gave my Greninja's back home. Dammit, I promised myself I wouldn't call him that, despite looking like my dream Pokemon! He was originally Ash's and I don't want my personal wishes to get in the way of them possibly regaining their Ash-Greninja form! I tried to cover up my mistake. "I don't know, Greninja. I just thought of it one day and began using it. I mean, it's something I wholeheartedly agree with. No one's perfect, after all. But..."


"I can imagine it's more likely an actual quote from someone else. I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of such a line." I look back at Professor Kukui. "What's this about Parents Day?"

Ash looked at his Alolan Father Figure, still slightly annoyed, but now more understanding. Kukui sighed. "With everything that has been going on, I forgot that the school's Parents day is tomorrow. Ash's mom is coming again."

"And she doesn't remember anything!" Ash was extremely worried. "I just... it feels weird knowing these events happened already, but it's all new to mum..."

"Then why not just let her remem-?"

"NO!" He snapped back before I could finish the sentence. "I've never dragged her into my Chosen One messes before and I'm not gonna start now!"

My face expressed a frown, before going back to a caring and understanding one. "I understand. If you don't want her remembering, then she won't remember. I mean, we both have to agree for it to happen."

I could see a smile appear back on his face. I then looked at the clock and it wasn't that long before we had to leave for school. Was I really that tired?

"I think you should stay home today, Yuki." Ash commented, almost as if he was reading my thoughts. Before I could protest, he continued with his thought. "You should be well rested for Parents Day. I know your parents aren't here, which means you're gonna feel stressed and possibly jealous, right?"

He hit the mark, 100%. I'm actually kinda jealous... despite being 24 in a 10-year-olds body, I kinda want that experience. I mean, it wasn't until I turned 24 that me and my family began getting along. I'll, for sure, feel stressed because of why I feel the jealousy...

"I have an idea." Kukui chimed in, handing me some money. "Why not make dinner tonight? His mom will be here tonight. Of course, she'll be sleeping in a hotel, but I thought that maybe we should have a meal together."

"That's a great idea, Professor!" Ash's eyes beamed with excitement. "You're cooking is unlike anything I've had before. I'm sure mum would enjoy one of your special dishes!"

I just nod, not sure how to verbally respond. I've only made food a couple times for them. Is my cooking really all that different?

Everyone left the house, besides Greninja and I of course. I looked at my friend, realizing something. "How are we going to hide the fact that Ash can now understand Pokemon word-for-word?"

The ninja frog put his webbed hand to his face, completely understanding my worry. 'I don't know, Yuki. I don't know.'


It was 1PM Alolan Time, meaning there were two more hours until school ended. I finished buying everything needed for the meal I was planning to make. I decided to make one of my favorite dishes: Lobster and Crab. Of course, this world doesn't actually have true lobsters and crabs... I wonder if I've been eating Pokemon this whole time...

I also bought the items to make coleslaw, salad, and some Snowball Cookies. What are those, you ask? In short: It's basically a chocolate chip cookie covered in powered sugar. I was kinda craving the cookies my grandma who should still be alive made all the time. Also, if there's one home-baked treat I perfected, it was the home-baked cookie.

After putting away the food, I decided to give this house a nice cleaning. During this time, Greninja actually found a use for the move we somehow created. He motioned his hands into fists and had water around them. Then, he put the cleaning soap into a bucket and put his hands in it and cleaned the windows without physically touching it. I found this extremely funny for some reason. Thanks to this, I was able to focus on drying everything. By the time school ended, the entire house sparkled.

"We did a good job, Greninja."

'That, we did.'

We looked at each other and both did a smile just like Ash's signature smile. That's when we heard the door unlock, with Professor Kukui and Ash walking though the door. Following them was Delia Ketchum, Ash's mom. She surprisingly didn't have Mr. Mime with her!

"Welcome back Professor Kukui and Ash!" I cheerfully said with a smile.

"Glad to be back." Ash smiled as he walked up to me. "Mum, this is Yuki Kazeko. She's from the Galar Region."

From Galar? Oh yeah, we never talked about a story to make up regarding my identity in this world... at least he picked the region I would of wanted.

"She's also a student at the school, but classified under something called 'Special Student.'" Ash then looked at me. "Yuki, this is my mum."

I felt very nervous. I was afraid I would screw up somehow and give his mom a bad impression. After all, I'm sleeping under the same roof as her son! Also, what's a 'Special Student?'

She walked up to me and held out her hand, to shake. "Well Yuki, it's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you as well, Ms. Ketchum." I took the hand to shake.

"Please, call me Delia." She requested with a smile.

"Ok, Delia." I felt weird saying her name, but it felt more natural then Ms. Ketchum. I then look over to Kukui. "When should we have dinner? I'm planning on making something that needs time to prepare..."

"Hmm." The Professor began to think. "How about 6PM? That sound good, everyone?"
Seeing nods, I decided to start cooking early. Ima be honest, I don't know how to cook fresh seafood...


Somehow I winged it and cooked editable (and very good) full Lobsters, crab legs, and crab cakes. Alongside this, I made the coleslaw and salad. The cookies could wait until later...

Everyone ate their meal, chatted, and the Delia Ketchum left for the hotel she booked. Once she left, I went onto the couch and slumped down, exhausted. "That was sooooooooo tiring..."

'Tiring?' Pikachu, who decided to sit on the coffee table while everyone else finished cleaning up, asked.

"Yeah. Believe it or not: I didn't have many opportunities to physically hang out or chat with anyone outside my own family." I covered my face with my hands, remembering a general feeling I felt most of my life. "Let's just say trauma can keep one away from society..."

'So I take it you aren't used to entertaining people, even if it's just a single mother?' Greninja asked me, unfolding the blanket I've been using and putting it on top of me. Guess he noticed I'm about to pass out... can't hide much from him.

"Yeah..." A yawn escaped from my mouth. "It wasn't even just that. I had to make sure Ash's mom didn't notice... we could understand... Pokemon..." This is when my eyes could no longer stay open.


(No One's POV)

The sun rose on the next day. Ash and Yuki, alongside all their Pokemon, got ready for Parents Day. Yuki learned from Kukui that a Special Student is someone who choses to continue education in some form or another. It's officially written down that she completed her studies in another region, which is why she's granted permission to skip school without repercussions... well, it's no lie she finished school. After all, she is 24 at heart.

Apparently, the special student status meant she kinda had to... teach a class for Parents Day... to 'prove her education status was correct.' Finding this out at the very last second made Yuki scramble to think of something she could do that wouldn't give away her knowledge of how the world worked. Lucky for her, Kukui already had an idea in mind: Aura. It was something that was known, thanks to Sir Aaron, but was also not known, because no one has seen it since Sir Aaron's time. (Well, if you exclude Ash and some people he's met along his journey.)

Although Yuki knew this wouldn't fill enough of the time she has to teach, Professor Kukui had put her slot as the last thing for the day, which meant they could end it with a battle. They decided it would be two different battles: Ash's Riolu VS Professor Kukui's Lucario (under Yuki's command) and any Pokemon of Ash's choice VS Greninja.

The two got to the school and saw the many parents of the class mingling and talking to each other. When one of the parents asked Yuki where her parents were, she decided to claim they passed away. (It was the easiest excuse to make, as she doesn't even know what happened to her world once she left it. She won't be updated until the events are over, after all.)

The day went normally (excluding the parents standing in the back, watching their kids interact with the lessons.) There was even a moment where the parents got to join their kids for a Q&A game. This is when Yuki decided to leave the room to gather her thoughts (...also, because she was jealous and couldn't withstand seeing the parents have fun with their kids any longer.)

Right before that exercise was over, Greninja popped into the room Yuki took a break in. 'It's almost time, Yuki.'

"Thanks, Greninja." Yuki said, before heading to the door where the ninja frog stood. "Before I forget, I'm gonna claim I can understand Pokemon though Aura. I don't think I can personally hide that any longer... and unlike Ash: I've actually been training a bit. Ya know: to get over my fear."

The Kalos water-type nods, understanding her point. The two walk back to the classroom.


"Alright everyone, it's time for our Special Student to teach something." Kukui began. "Now parents, she normally doesn't do lessons, because despite the fact she graduated, she's always learning something new here. Today, Yuki Kazeko will be giving a special lesson on Aura. Give her a Helping Hand!"

The room claps as she walks back in, alongside the parents giving surprised looks at the same time. This wasn't something they were expecting.

Yuki explained the basic history of Aura: the Aura Guardians, the ones who hunted said Guardians, and a little of Rota's history. (She was panicking inside, worried some of the knowledge she knew wasn't accurate... she found out later on she was right.) She even gave a small demonstration of her own Aura, alongside explaining the risks she takes when using Aura. (Mostly how it can easily tire her out if she doesn't balance out how much she releases at once.)

Once she was done, they went outside for a demonstration battle between Lucario and Riolu, showing off how the two Aura Pokemon also used their Aura in battle. Yuki lost this one, mainly because Ash put a Focus Slash on Riolu beforehand and after using three Sword Dances and a Close Combat... yeah: Riolu used Counter and it was over.

This got everyone watching wanting to see another battle, which was what Kukui was hoping for. (It made the switch in focus a little easier for him.)

"Alright you two, it seems we have time for one more battle. You think you're up for another?"

"Yes, Professor!" The two excitedly said.

"Ash, don't hold back." Yuki said to him. "That means no restrictions on Z-Moves."

"You sure?"


The two went back to their sides. Ash held a Pokeball while Yuki looked at Greninja.

"Let's do this, friend!" The two gave each other a pound before Greninja jumped onto the field.

Ash, on the other hand, had a grin on his face. "Time to make him proud of our secret training. Go, Cinderace!"

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