Fern x Reader

By doingyourmom3000

9.5K 248 113

this dude needs more love🤨☝️ last chapter is from July 2021..started working on this again tho recently More

Stuff About This Fanfic
What happened..? part 1
What happened..? p.2
Do No Harm
Harm Still Has A Way
Update ig??? idk just a AN
Islands, The Invitation
Adventure Time! Y/n and Fern addition
A Party, Part 1
A Party, Part 2
Whats going on?
im back👋🏽
Patience St. Pim

High Strangeness

653 20 14
By doingyourmom3000


late at night

??? POV:

Tree Trunks snores filled the room while  mr.Pig and Tree Trunks slept.
Treetrunks and Mr.Pig held hands while sleeping. how cute.

Mr.Pig woke up, looked at Tree Trunks and smiled at her. He sat up and got tape.

Mr.Pig lifted her trunk and taped it to the top of her head to stop the snoring.
Once it work he smiled at her and went back to sleep.



There soon was a glowing patch on the wall and a...alien came out and looked around. they then put their head under treetrunks pillow causing her to say
"Ooohh..! its youu!" she was smiling

the alien went out from under her pillow and said, "meh" in a happy voice, as it cant speak english. "meehhh!" Tree Trunks said back, soon enough the alien picked her up by her head and held her upside down while walking into the light.

As soon as she walked in she said, "Hii everyoneee" Her voice was in slow motion.

There were tons of aliens everywhere. As soon as she finished talking maybe 5 or 6 aliens went to her and hugged her while giving some kisses.

2 Aliens opened a curtain to reveal a green alien bug with some yellow elephants with a alien face.

"mmyyy babiess" Tree Trunks said revealing that she had alien babies.

There were 5 of the babies and they were all dancing happily.
The green bug was eating a giant carrot.


??? POV:


Mr.Pig woke up to see that Tree Trunks wasn't there.He was confused.

"Mash potatoe?" he said in a confused voice
He left their room to check the other rooms in the house
"Pie pie?"

He went to Sweatpeas room and he was sound asleep. he smiled then taped his nose up like Tree Trunks before...

"OK Bye!!" Tree Trunks had said. Mr.Pig heard and went back to their room.

"Hey, where'd you go?" He questioned
while Tree Trunks was smiling
"I-I think i was visited by aliens again. Every few years, they stop by to show me my hybrid children." Tree Trunks said happily.
"Haha...What?" Mr.Pig was confused.
"Dont be jealous of my alien consorts, Mr.Pig. I love you the most"
Mr.Pig chuckled and said, "alright sweety, love you"

Mr.Pig kissed Tree Trunks and turned off the lamp, "Hey so are you gonna come with me to Princess Bubblegums firework show?" Tree Trunks face changed from seeming happy to annoyed, " No, she wizzed on out wedding. Im sorry, but shes a fat fish in the sand."
"...i wanna see free fireworks, though, and i want you to come with me" Mr.Pig said in a happier voice.
"Eh, all right." Tree Trunks responded

and so they went to sleep.


??? POV:

Y/n was making breakfast with Jake, they were making bacon pancakes.
"Makin pancakes, makin bacon pancakes-" Jake was singing

Once Jake finished his song Y/n asked, "Hey..are you guys going to the princesses firework show?"
Jake stuffed some pancakes in his mouth and said, "Oh yeah- of course"

"Oh nice! ill probably go after getting dressed- save me somewhere to sit!"
Y/n said happily.

Jake went to set Finns and Y/ns plates on the table while Y/n went to go get Finn.



Y/n knocked on his room door, "Oh hey! im coming!" Finn responded while opening the door
"Jake is setting up the plates. I thought i'd come and get you" you smiled a bit at him while he blushed slightly.
"got it! i-ill go down now!" he gave a bigger smile and went down quickly while you followed and took your time.

Finn and Jake were having a conversation by the time you were there.
"Dude stop!"
Jake was laughing but quickly covered his mouth when he saw you.

"What going on?" you were confused
"OHHH NOTHING!" Finn replied quickly
"hm...If you say so Finn." Jake was still giggling..

You were interested so of course you said, "So...what so funny, Jake? what happened while i was up there? im curious..i mean- why cant i know?"

Finn looked at jake as if he was begging him not to tell Y/n
"Finn hererr...just uh- said a joke. thats all. ahehe" Jake answered suspiciously

"eh whatever" Y/n was getting bored and so they shrugged it off.


Soon enough everyone was done eating. "Hey guys, you can leave without me since im still in my pajamas! " Y/n walked to their room as they were speaking

"oh okay, Y/n! see you there then?" Finn was quick to reply.

"Yeah of course"


By the time Y/n was done getting dressed everyone was gone...or so they thought.

Y/n was about to go down the latter but thats when Fern came down from the treehouse roof.

"Heyy Y/n!" Fern went to lean on the treehouse wall but missed and almost fell.

Y/n giggled a bit

"Soo...I was wondering if you wanted to go to PBs firework show with me or uh..something." Fern asked while actually leaning on the treehouse wall this time.

"Yeah of course! I was heading there anyways so I dont see a problem"

"Well, we should get going!" Y/n exclaimed


??? POV:

As Y/n and Fern were walking towards the candy kingdom, the trees began to become cotton candy trees...It was silent and peaceful while they were walking but someone broke the silence

"Hey Y/n..I wasn't even gonna go to this until i found out you were. I just didn't think jake would want me to go with him and Finn. I've noticed how uncomfortable he gets around me..."

"I'm sure Jake wouldn't mind, he's just getting use to everything. Plus, Finn totally would've let you go with them. He see's you as family, y'know?" Y/n said in a attempt to comfort Fern.

Y/n then got distracted.."Oh look, we're here! we should go to PBs show"

"oh yeah, of course."



??? POV:

As they were walking they noticed Jake had transformed into a a giant chair that held Finn, BMO, a cup, a weapon, and a snail. The snail was waving.

"Lets sit on the grass?" Fern asked
"Sure! I dont mind" Y/n then smiled at him

Tree Trunks and Mr.Pig sat near Y/n and Fern.

Princess Bubblegum picked up a microphone and said, "Science rules!"
while walking towards her chalkboard.

she whispered something...but it was hard to hear.

Cinnamon Bun yelled, "Fireworks!" which caused the princess to turn her chalkboard to the other side.

The other side revealed lots of things but the most noticeable one was the thing that looked like her. She pressed a red button and shot it in the sky.

"Whoa-ho-ho-ho! Whoa!" Mr.Pig exclaimed while clapping.

A blue light went over Tree Trunks and she disappeared.

Mr. Pig turned to see Tree Trunks, but she was gone. "Ha-ho- Hey, wheres my wife?" he questioned.
but she was gone.

As he went to look for her, Finn and Jake invited him to sit with them and so he joined them.

Soon enough, Tree Trunks was back...but she was upset.

"Hey, you blind, cream-faced, lonely lighthouse keeper. Stop hurting my space men with your goo!" She was upset with Princess Bubblegum.

"What? How did you - -"

"Keep your probes out of my star children." Tree Trunks was standing on her back legs and was pointing at Princess Bubblegum.

"Tree Trunks, you dont know what you're talking about." the princess said while walking away.
But Tree Trunks followed after saying, "Don't you condescend to me, you false idol!"
She then stopped following after her and yelled, "You probed the wrong famiglia!"

Mr.Pig then followed behind Tree Trunks and put a hand over her shoulder.

People were just looking at Tree Trunks being upset.

"I wonder what she means, didn't the princess just do fireworks?" Y/n said to Fern
He just shook his head in agreement.

Jake and Finn were starting to leave when they noticed Y/n and Fern.

"Oh hey Y/n! Hey Fern!" Finn greeted them.
"Heyy...I thought you were gonna sit with us Y/n" Jake was confused

"Oh uh..I was but then Fern invited me to go with him, So I sat with him" they explained.

"Okay! Well don't worry about it. But Finn here was worried about you...heheh...." jake was holding in his laugh

"No I wasn't!" Finn hit jake and then they continued to walk

"Hm...wonder what that was about"
Y/n was visibly confused. They didn't want to just assume anything either so they decided they would ask about it later.

"Anyways...Wanna hang out with me?"
Fern asked Y/n nervously, "Of course! Where to?"
"I was thinking we could go in the woods, just hang out? I dont know...it doesn't sound fun but-"

Y/n cut the grass boy off and said, "Dude, I dont care if its fun or not! I already said yes so lets go" Y/n then held his hand, "Come on, lead the way"

A darker green showed on his cheeks "heheh...yeah! lets go"
he said, still holding their hand.

"I like just walking around, especially in the woods..It's real nice out here"
Y/n had said in a attempt to start a conversation. They still didn't know what to talk about with Fern, he's basically a whole new person.

Fern then replied with, "Oh um..yes! yeah! It's great out here. I mean I love adventures, but a calming walk is great too."

Fern then changed the topic, "I have a question, Y/n. What do you think about me now? Like with this grass body and everything...Weird question, I know but I feel like im just some weirdo now. I can't do most things that I would do before. I can't even eat my favorite food or breath!"
He squeezed Y/n's hand and he was looking down as he stopped walking.

"Fern..." Y/n wasn't sure what to say to this so they winged it, "You're not a weirdo or anything bad like that. You're amazing dude, and from everything i've seen, you have good intentions. But uh...It's getting late so let's head back to the treehouse." Y/n felt....akward after him just.....well...randomly asking something like that? who wouldn't feel strange after such a question

"Yeah..let's go i guess" He then awkwardly laughed and let go of Y/n's hand.

The walk to the treehouse didn't take too long but Fern felt like it took ages. He had lots of things going on in his head currently, i mean if you were a clone of yourself wouldn't you be overflowing with thoughts? wouldn't you have tons of questions? wouldn't you feel like you couldn't be as good as the original you?

Fern was lost in thought, he had regretted asking you to go on a walk with him. He felt like he should've took more time to figure himself out.

Y/n had noticed that he was thinking but they didn't want to say something. They were scared that they'd say something wrong, so they just softly held his hand.
Y/n didn't exactly know, but that action....put him at ease.

Fern squeezed their hand but before they knew it the were in front of the treehouse and the sun was setting.

As soon as Fern noticed that they were at the treehouse he mumbled "Um....well i'm going to the top of the treehouse" he then let go of their hand and left

Y/n could barely make out what he said, they shook their head and went to the treehouse living room.

Finn and Jake were playing video games.
"Hey guy's, we're back" Y/n said as they walked to the couch and plopped themselves down next to Finn. They were tired from all that walking..

Finn and Jake were VERY into the game but told BMO to pause.

"Y/n! It took you two forever to get here, what happened?" Finn had asked

Y/n explained, "We just took the longer way back..thats really all, but I am pooped. It felt like we were for...for like ever! Not in the bad way of course but it was tiring"

Finn wasn't paying much attention, but he was looking down while Y/n talked.
He then looked straight to the wall in front of him and scooted closer to Y/n, they noticed of course but didn't seem to mind.
Y/n layed their head on Finns shoulder as they were dozing off.

Then they realized they were dozing off and shot up, "I should go to my room..im pretty tired and its like 8, this seems like a reasonable time to go to bed! see you dudes tomorrow."


This chapter could probably be better n stuff so im sorry if it wasnt up to your expectations [cry]


Should I make Y/n warm up to Fern slower or quicker?? I feel like im going a bit too fast but then again i have to remember that Fern has fuzzy memories from when he was Finn and in this story Finn has a small crush on Y/n (i think at this point of the series he isnt dating flame princess so that should be fine but correct if im wrong)

Next question! Should Y/n go on that trip that Finn,Susan, Jake, and BMO (i think thats everyone) goes on to find his mom?? i have LOTS of ideas for both but this story could be longer or shorter depending on which one i write about.

I really dont know if i should have Y/n go on that trip or not so please lmk what you guys think! im leaning towards writing about Y/n going on that trip but i wanna make sure you guys have a say in it too :)

okay thats all!! have a good day/night

EDIT: I want to start writing the next chapter but i still want to figure out what you guys would rather read about [cry] - may 7th

WORDS: 2443

April 29th, 2021

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