"Are We Supposed To Be In Lov...

By gothic_samwich

45.5K 877 2.5K

"Are we supposed to be in love?" "Or are we too different for each other-..?" The day that the Soldier named... More

Intro :^
Chapter 1: The New One
Chapter 2: The Zebra and The Pony
Chapter 3: (No name yet :'()
Chapter 4: Secret
Chapter 5: The "New" Boss
Chapter 6: (I don't know again T^T)
Chapter 7: It's About Time
Chapter 8: Bunny
Chapter 9: (idk, frick-)
Chapter 10: Wrong idea
Chapter 11: Getting Ready
Chapter 12: The Party to The Sleepover
Chapter 13: The Past
Chapter 14: Ýæņđəŕə Ťøřçhəř¿¿
Chapter 16: Back At The Outpost
Chapter 17: (._.)
Chapter 18: The Return
Chapter 19: A Sad Goodbye, For Now
Chapter 20: Now They Know
Chapter 21: Scott's Perspective
Chapter 22: (This chapter is random and short so no title .w.-)
Chapter 23: Goodbyes
Chapter 24: New Home, New People
Chapter 25: Sammy? (The Last Chapter)

Chapter 15: The Aftermath

1.4K 27 146
By gothic_samwich

(Ok this chapter has more sensitive swearing than normal (normal as is fuck, damn, etc. :P)
(That's my warning-)
(Now go read the story so don't hate me/the characters for what happened last chapter)
(I'm talking to you, Oreo :/)


~A couple hours later btw :^~


Poley's POV

"Hey Doggy-?"


"Don't you think we should go check on Soldier and Robby? I'm worried something might've happened to one them-" I explained. Since Robby was going to kill Soldier, I'm worried Soldier already died, or knowing Torcher is a yandere- something bad could've happened to Robby too-

"Your right, there's many possibilities of what might've happened- Hey girls! We're heading back to the mall!" Doggy told everyone. Mousy, Mimi and Bunny nodded as we walked out of the room.


~Time skip~


We walked through the mall, it seemingly more dark than usual. Maybe bcuz all the lights were off and the only light showing was the natural light coming through doors and windows ._."

"Why're all the lights off-?" Doggy mumbled. I shrugged. Suddenly Doggy gasped and hugged me, hiding his eyes with one of his hands. I blushed, not knowing why he did that.


Well shit- ._.

Why do I have to like the guys that are straight, and already have girlfriends-

I looked around and realized where we were at in the mall. I glanced over in the corner where the broken robot legs, and blood was. There was a knife too, that I didn't see before-

"And this is why we don't go to murder sences-" I said, leading Doggy away from the area. He let go of me when we came up to an escalator.

We looked around upstairs, but not much was here, and it was darker. Suddenly Doggy pointed at something grey on the ground.

"I-is that-?"


Robby's head-

Doggy it picked up and examined it. It was broken in many places from being ripped off the body, and from being thrown on the ground.

"I can fix this-" I mumbled. Doggy stared at me.

"Your just gonna fix him for you! We know how you act around him, your just gonna reprogram him for you!"

He knows ._.

Well now I'm not gonna-

"No-" I shook my head.


"Wait, where's his body?" Doggy interrupted me. He looked around before going into Robby's room. The door was broken and splattered with oil from Robby. His body layed close to the doorway.

"This is like a robot murder sence!" Doggy frowned and handed me Robby's head.

"Why? Because of the oil-?"

"Exactly," Doggy walked away.

"I'm gonna go find Torcher and Soldier, if they're still here-"

"Ok," I sighed. I opened the door and set his head next to his body. How was I gonna fix Robby without Doggy's tools ._.


~Time skip~


After a while, I was finally able to get Robby turned back on.

"Eh- what happened-?" He looked around the room.

"You were decapitated-" I mumbled. He rolled his eyes.

"Soldier probably did that to save his life- I was gonna kill him."

"Actually- Soldier wouldn't do that- By how small he his, I'm assuming he's pretty weak, and he never stabbed Mousy, it was Torcher. So since he'd never kill someone, I don't think he would kill you-"

"Wait what-" Robby looked confused.

"Torcher killed Mousy?!"

I nodded.

"But hey, she's not dead, she's doing well-" I smiled, trying to move away from the topic.

"Thank god-" Robby sighed.

"Aaand-.. You're lucky Mousy's my friend- or I would've reprogrammed you to like me instead of her-"

He glared at me and backed away.

"I'm just saying-" I shrugged.

"Hey Poley, I'm gonna need your help-" Doggy mumbled, standing in the door way. Soldier was hugging him tightly, tears running down his face.

"He won't let go of me, and he won't tell me what's wrong-" Doggy frowned.

"Well since Soldier's here, is Torcher here too?"

Soldier flinched when I said Torcher's name.

"I dunno- I haven't seen him-" Doggy frowned.

"We'll have to go look for him then-"

"When I find Torcher-" Robby started speaking, but couldn't finish becuase of Soldier flinching at Torcher's name again.

"Why does he keep doing that-?"

I shrugged.

"Soldier, what happened between you and T-.. him-?" Doggy asked.

Soldier blushed but stayed silent.

"If you aren't gonna talk then you need to let go of me-"

"N-no-" Soldier mumbled.

"He speaks!" Doggy said, surprised.

"Now tell us what happened-"

"I-I can't-" Soldier cried. The rest of us were confused.

"Why?" I asked.

"Ok, if he doesn't want to talk, then he doesn't want to talk. Let's just go find Tor- I mean that boi-" Robby said, walking out of the room. Doggy nodded and followed Robby, Soldier still clinging to him.

"Ok then-" I said following them.

Not long after, Soldier pushed Doggy into Mousy's room.

"Hey-!" He complained.

"Why'd you do that-?" I asked and followed Doggy inside. Soldier and Robby stayed outside the room.

Torcher was passed out on the floor. He had blood on him, some dried and some fresh, and there was a book nearby, also being covered in blood.

"I-I hit him w-with that b-book-" Soldier mumbled.

"Why?" I asked.

"B-because he wouldn't s-stop-..."

"Stop what-" I asked. Soldier went over to Robby and hugged him. Robby frowned, obviously not liking the hug-

"H-he wouldn't s-stop... t-touching me-" he said nervously.


Wait a minute-


"Oh god-" Robby giggled. He pushed Soldier off him.

"Sorry for laughing-" he laughed again.

Doggy stayed silent. I don't think he understands.


"Ok, nevermind that Doggy- and thanks for telling us, I guess, Soldier-" I said. Doggy rolled his eyes, and Soldier nodded, going over to hug Doggy again.

"Ok we-"

Doggy's phone rang, interrupting me.

"Sorry- hold on-" he said, answering it.


Doggy's POV:

"Hey Doggy!"

"Hi Bunny-"

"Uhh, do you happen to have Soldier with you? Alive-?..."


"Great! Bring him over here, Mousy wants to talk to him,"

"Oh ok, cya soon then-" I said, hanging up the phone.

"Bunny said Mousy wants to see Soldier so we're gonna go-" I stated, leaving the room, Soldier still clinging to me.

"Ok cya-" Poley mumbled. We went outside, got in the police car, and drove back to the hospital. When we got there, Mimi was waiting for us outside. She ran over to us and hugged Soldier as soon as he got out of the car.

"I want to apologize to you, Soldier. I'm sorry for accusing you of attempt murder to Mousy. We really should've been smarter. Please forgive me- us-!" Mimi explained. Soldier nodded.

"He forgives you, he just won't say it-" I walked over to them.


"Because he doesn't want to talk- I don't know why-"

"Did something happen to him-?"

Soldier hugged Mimi's arm and looked away from us. Tears filled his eyes.

"Uhh, I don't want to upset him again so I'm not gonna say anything right now- I'll tell you later-"

"Alright, let's go inside then- and Soldier, can you let go of me-" Mimi tried to push Soldier away.

"Nah, he's really clingy right now. He's been hugging me ever since I found him in the clothing department. Then he hugged Robby when I pushed him away. Then me again, now you-"

Mimi stared at me with confusion. She shrugged and dragged me and Soldier inside, all the way to where Mousy's hospital room was.

"Soldier! Come'ere come'ere come'ere come'ere!" She waved her hands violently at Soldier. He smiled nervously and walked over to her. Mousy hugged him tightly.

"H-hey Mousy-" he mumbled quietly and hugged her back.

"He speaks again!" I whispered to Mimi. She giggled.

"I-I'm sorry I-I couldn't-"

"No no no don't be sorry, it's ok! I don't know what your being sorry about but don't apologize! There's nothing to be sorry about! So how are you? I heard Robby tried to kill you-" Mousy exclaimed quickly.


Mousy's POV:

"W-well-..." he started speaking, but shook his head and looked away. I was worried now. He seemed hurt mentally and emotionally, not including the fact he's hugging my arm, and was hugging Mimi's when he came in-

"What happened-" I asked him again. I got up from the hospital bed and stared at him. Bunny gave me a new pair of legs thankfully, so I was able to walk again.

Bunny smiled and nodded, leaving to room. She was probably gonna go tell the bear that I was able to stand again.

"Y-you see- I-I-..." he still couldn't speak. Doggy walked over to us and he whispered to me.

"Hopefully you don't understand this like me, but he said Torcher wouldn't stop touching him. He had to beat him with a heavy book to escape him."

"O h -" I said. Unfortunately I did understand. Aw, now I feel really bad ;-; what happened to him was honestly worst than what happened to me-

"Well- I do understand- unfortunately- And I'm sorry for what happened-... Torcher is really being a cunt isn't he?" I rolled my eyes. Everyone looked extremely surprised that I just cunt.

"Mousy- did you just-" Doggy frowned.

"What-? Am I not allowed to cuss? I'm 18! Not some 6 year old! I can say whatever I want!"

"We know, we just-" Mimi murmured.

"That was some harsh cursing, I didn't even know you knew that word-"

"Well I do-" I smirked. The bear doctor came in, interrupting us.

"Mousy, you are free to leave," he said, then left himself. I smiled and dragged Soldier out of the room since he was still fucking hugging me qwq"

Mimi and Doggy followed us. Before we exited the building, I saw Bunny talking to the bear. She was wearing a soldier uniform.

"Where is she going-?" I pointed at her. Doggy ran over to her and I followed, still dragging Soldier along.

"Well, I'm going back to the Outpost, I was in charge while Torcher was gone, but I had to leave because of you, ya know?" Bunny explained, apparently heard me talking about her.

"Oh o-"

"W-wait, who did you l-leave in charge while y-you were gone-?" Soldier asked. He interrupted me ;-;

"A soldier named Ace. He seemed worthy of being boss for a few hours. He listened to me well, followed all the rules, and stopped the other soldiers, Scott, Sarah, Connor, etc., from fighting."

"O-oh ok," Soldier grinned nervously.

"So are you going back there yet, Soldier? The days I had planned for you apparently ended with a sour note, so-"

"Y-yeah, I'm ready to go back-" he mumbled. He finally let go of me, and went over to hug Bunny's arm XD

"Ok, cya all later then! We'll be going now," Bunny started walking away.

"Wait Bunny!" I said, running over to her and Soldier.


"Can I keep your dress?" I twirled around.

"I think this grey looks nice on me, plus, it reminds me of Robby :>" I blushed.

"Ooo :> Then yeah you can keep it," she smiled. Mimi shook her head.

"Ok, we're leaving now, bye guys," she and Soldier waved and left.

"So- are we going back to the mall-? We kinda need to uhh- clean up-" Mimi said.

"Uhh, yeah I guess- you coming Doggo?"

"Yes, but don't call me that again-"



Sorry it took longer to get this chapter out ;w;
I hated that I felt sick writing this chapter so I waited TwT"

Word count: 1936 words

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