Spidey One-Shots

By yohoo_3000

28K 480 725

One-shots about anything and everything related to our friendly neighbourhood webslinger. More

Together (Pt.2)
Again (Pt. 2)
Again (Pt.3)
Again (Pt. 4)


2.4K 44 70
By yohoo_3000

This one's for you. Enjoy!


Peter was feeling lonely.

You can't exactly blame him for it either. Christmas was in a week and he was feeling nostalgic.

If you haven't understood yet, Peter Parker didn't exactly have the most ideal childhood, with his parents' passing and later becoming a teen superhero only to lose his uncle.

The same 'Parker luck' tended to trickle into Christmas. Having been a mere toddler, Peter couldn't remember if he had ever celebrated Christmas with his parents, let alone remember how it was. After Uncle Ben's death, Aunt May had to work multiple jobs to keep up with the bills, so while she did try her best to celebrate with what little they had, Peter never really got any presents or could never really afford the ingredients needed to make delicacies.

He couldn't celebrate Christmas.

Well, this is how the Avengers made sure that changed.


Pepper was heading to the kitchen, trying to decide on what to make.

Who might she be making what for, you ask? Well-

"FRIDAY, when is Peter coming?", questioned the anxious CEO.

Huh, seems like you have your answer.

"Peter will reach you in exactly three seconds, ma'am.", responded the ever reliable A.I.

Wait, three seconds?

Her thoughts were answered with Peter exiting from the elevator.

"Oh, baby!", Pepper exclaimed, pleasantly surprised, as she hugged him.

"Hey mama", said Peter, voice muffled.

She pulled back and held him by the shoulders at arms length to look him over. Satisfied that he had no injuries, she looked at his face.

Only then did she see that expression on his face. It wasn't sadness or anger, it was...nostalgia.

"Something wrong, baby?", Pepper asked slowly, so as to not rush or intrude. She gently guided him to the counter and headed opposite to make him a snack as he 'debriefed' her.

"It's nothing, really. It's almost stupid of me-"

"Darling, if there's one word that can never be used to describe you, it's that. You're not stupid, honey. Just tell me what it is. I'm sure you have a valid reason for this."

"Well, it's just that...Christmas is in a week, you know, so everybody at school was talking about what they were gonna do with their families and how they were gonna spend the break and what presents they hoped to get and then there was me, who never really had a family long enough to celebrate Christmas with to begin with.", Peter vented. 

He didn't really care much about it at this point since it had been years since he had celebrated Christmas. 

It was still shocking to Pepper how nonchalant he was about the entire thing. She was reminded just how mature beyond his years Peter really was and despite his childish excitement, standing before her was a boy whose childhood had been brutally robbed from him repeatedly. 

Even Tony, who had seen Peter on live feed since he entered the building (courtesy of FRIDAY) and the Avengers, whose interests were caught by the announcement and the holographic feed displayed before Tony, were stunned by the boy all the same. 

"Poor baby", cooed out Natasha as Wanda stood up to go meet him.

As she left the room, she used her powers to drop a note into Tony's lap.

"We better make this the best Christmas ever.", he read the note out loud.

"Damn right we will", said Sam as he already began planning for the holiday.

"Avengers, let's make Peter's Christmas", called out a determined Steve Rogers.


It was five in the evening when Peter left with Wanda.

The Sokovian-born telepath insisted that she go home with him. She told the others to not stop their planning on her account, so they decided to do just that.

You're just in time. It seems like they're done, too.

"So, final round. Clint, what's your assignment?", Tony repeated.

"Mistletoe.", replied Clint.


"Christmas Tree decoration.", stated a somber Steve. The super soldier looked like he was going to go to war with the amount of seriousness oozing off of him. 


"Decorating the Tower and entertainment management."


"Cooking with Sam."

"Still surprised you both volunteered to do something together.", said a still slightly disbelieving Steve. He knew how much his best friends hated each other and were often at the other's throat for some petty reason or the other. To see them co-operating like this was...unusual, to say the least.

"Well, this one's for Peter.", said Sam, recieving nods of agreement from everyone in the room. Their youngest member was literally the most hardworking, enthusiastic and dedicated Avenger. He was the very thing that held the team together and brought out the best in everyone, even if he didn't know it. This was the least they could do for the webslinger.


Why was Pepper Potts in an Avengers meeting? I don't know...she's Pepper.

"I'll be in charge of our little shopping excursion.", she said with a sly smile on.


"Um...I'll be helping with tree decoration?", said the nervous scientist. Even though he was borderline worshipped as a god in the science community, the smol bean was still a flustered mess when he became the center of attention.

"Okay, Thor?"

"I will revel young Peter with stories of my childhood.", boomed the god with a huge grin, as if he had just won a prize or something.

"Cool, the others can help out wherever they want or is needed, I'll spoil Peter and Wanda will...actually, I don't know what Wanda will do. Meh, anyway.", finished Tony.

In order to finish their tasks unseen, Peter was told to stay away and not come to the tower for a week. Pepper had told him that there were various meetings going on this week concerning the Avengers and that Tony wanted to keep Peter's Avenger status under wraps. An 'ace up his sleeve', if you may.

Peter accepted the explanation and Wanda's declaration of joining him made him happy enough to forget about it.

"So everybody remembers their assignments, nice. Oh, I'll be paying for any and all expenses, of course."

"I wonder how the lovely couple are doing.", mused Natasha.


"You gonna keep staring at me?", asked an amused Peter.

"Yup.", replied Wanda shamelessly.

As you have probably deduced, Wanda had been staring at Peter. All evening.

In her defence, she loved seeing Peter do...anything, really. She was so in love with the webslinger that she didn't mind what she was doing as long as it was with him.

So on their drive home, Wanda stared at him. She loved how he'd hold her hand over the console and gently kiss it when they would reach a red light. She also loved his smooth driving and how he rushed over to her side so that he could open the door for her. Yes, Wanda was a sucker for Peter, his gentlemanly ways and all of the little things.

Quick backstory: Tony had gifted Peter a car of his choice, knowing how enthusiastic the boy was about them. The boy, after overcoming his insecurities on getting a car more expensive than his entire apartment building, freaked out. He even made a bunch of modifications and was able to make it fully electric and use seawater as fuel, which Tony had never thought of. 

Wanda loved how innovative he could be. His ability to give new life to an object with his ideas was something she was never going to stop being amazed by.

Now at home, Peter and Wanda were in the former's room. Peter was at his desk, finishing up his assignments while Wanda sat cross-legged on his bed. Wanda was staring at him. She loved the expressions on his face as he worked.

"Well, you can take a picture, it'll last longer.", Peter sighed out as he closed up his books and went to Wanda, sitting in front of her in a similar fashion.

"I don't need a picture.", she said as she grabbed him by his chin and pulled his face closer to her, " You belong to me.", she finished as she kissed him. 

"Mm-hm.", mumbled Peter, put in a daze from the kiss.

Wanda laughed. Even though her boyfriend was a superhero with genius intellect, she loved how dorky he was.

It almost balanced him out perfectly.

"Hey guys", said May, knocking on the door as she poked her head through it and the doorframe.

"Aunt May", Peter breathed out, hugging his aunt.

"Board game?", she murmured into his neck, carding her fingers through his hair.

"I am so not playing Monopoly, though. That game is cursed. It should've been renamed to 'Family Feud' a long time ago. Steve Harvey can even be the Monopoly Man!", May jested, earning a laugh from all of the occupants of the room. 

For a second, May and Wanda briefly made eye contact. They smiled at each other.

Oh, he's gonna love Christmas

Well, I sure hope he does.


"Is everybody ready?", asked a totally not excited Tony.

Of course he wasn't excited, he was the Iron Man. He doesn't get excited for these things.


Anyways, the others were, if their ever so slightly bouncing figures were of any indication.

"Yes, Tony.", they all responded.

"Okay, Peter returns to the tower tomorrow. Does everybody know what they are doing?"

"Yes, Tony.", they all responded, again.

"Are all of the decorations and the menu set?"



"Dude, you're more of a dad than I am.", said Clint as he walked off. The resident archer-assassin stubbed his toe as he walked out with the others, choosing to instead hop out while holding the poor foot, cursing along the way.

Tony paid no mind to his pain, having been shocked still by that statement.

The Avengers happened to notice this.

"Tony?", called Natasha.

The genius turned around with a wide, borderline face-ripping smile on his face.

"I'm a dad", he whispered out in absolute joy.

Yeah, he'll be okay.


Wanda woke up.

That's about it. She was too lazy to open her eyes.

When she finally did muster up the strength to do so, she saw that her head was on Peter's chest.

She was in Peter's room.

A quick glance at the clock told her it was six in the morning and that today was the twenty-fourth.

Wait a second, twenty-fourth? OH YEAH! It's Christmas' Eve!

She slowly turned her head to see Peter still asleep. Smiling, she threw her leg over him such that she was now straddling him. Resting her weight on his waist, she cupped his face and gently kissed him. 

Let's just say that did the trick.

"Good morning, baby. Merry Christmas' Eve.", Wanda said as she placed light kisses on his jaw.

Peter groaned out, but in a very good way.

"Oh yeah, it's Christmas' Eve today."

"Come on. Carry me. We've got plans.", she said, smiling lightly.

"We do?", asked a surprised Peter.

His girlfriend only looked at him expectantly. Peter pouted as he got up and carried Wanda to the bathroom.

"Oh darling, you have no idea what's in store for you.", laughed out Wanda.


"Peter, Mrs. Potts has an event planned for five minutes from now.", was the first thing Peter heard when he stepped into the Tower. 

Before he could respond, Pepper exited from the elevator.

Seeing the couple, she smiled at them as she walked towards him.

"Hey Peter, I need you to come with me. How long has it been since we've spent time together?"

"Sure, mama. Let me just say bye t-", Peter was cut off as Wanda's lips met his, completely derailing, crashing and nuclear bombing his train of thought.

"See you later, love.", the Sokovian telepath waved as she walked into the elevator, which closed after her.

The dazed teen was gently guided back to his car by Pepper, who was smiling even more from the interaction.

"You gonna be able to drive, baby?", asked Pepper, only slightly mocking him.

Very slightly.

Anyways, Peter nodded in affirmation as he climbed back into the car.


"Why are we here?", Peter asked as he helped Pepper out of the car, who had given up convincing the boy that she could function like the average human being and accepted the treatment, amused. After all, even Pepper Potts was vulnerable to a gentleman.

Oh yeah, she had brought him to Fifth Avenue.

"For Christmas shopping, honey", said Pepper as Peter closed the door behind her.  After swiping two fingers over the badge on the bonnet, the futuristic Benz began driving off, in search of a parking spot. It was a feature added during Shuri's visit, but that's a story for another time. (A.N. If you want this story, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Comment here. ==>)


"I know you already bought them gifts", cut off Pepper immediately, "but I wanted us to do some shopping. Just you and me. We can buy whatever, it's on Tony. He specifically said this."

Pepper pulled out her phone and scrolled around for a bit before projecting a hologram of Tony's face.

"Kid, if you don't come home with at least fifteen bags with stuff for you and only you in them, I'm going to take away your Star Wars plushies. I mean it, Dum-E's wanted R2-D2 and C-3PO for a while now."

"So, we're gonna do some shopping and find you some new outfits, hmm? Make you look nice for your woman.", the most powerful woman on God's green Earth said as she flicked some imaginary dust off of his shoulder.

Oh boy.


"Welcome back, Peter. I hope your shopping spree was enjoyable and fruitful.", chimed FRIDAY as Peter and Pepper walked into the building, Peter for his second time today.

"Thank you, FRI. Yes, it was.", said Peter as he gestured to the two trolleys filled with bags from various designer stores while facing the camera.

He really did mean it, though. Peter had a great time with Pepper, it was a lot more fun than originally expected. Pepper got him acquainted with the A-list brands and even introduced him to her friends in the stores, who all hated him.

Correction: They didn't hate him, they loved him.

With his amazing manners and equally amazing looks, he was an absolute hit at every store and was asked to return as soon as possible. 

In between stores, the duo stopped at some restaurants and took a bite or simply walked along the boulevard, laughing and just enjoying the company.

Apparently, the C.E.O. of a Fortune 500 company didn't go shopping with a mere teenager very often, since people often stared and double-takes became a common occurence. 

Anyways, that was all done, so here they were.

Pepper insisted that she could take care of the bags and asked (read: commanded) him to go to the common living area and unwind. Having been asked to do so, Peter did as requested.

"Hey kid, how you doin'?", asked Bucky as Peter collapsed on the couch next to him.

"Hey Bucky, I'm fine." came the muffled response from a cushion.

"маленький паук.", said Natasha as she sat next to him and placed his head on her lap.

"мама паук.", responded Peter as he climbed into her lap and placed a kiss on her cheek. Choosing to stay where he was, he burrowed his head into her neck and  wrapped his arms and legs around her.

Natasha, who was loving the cuddle time with her pseudo-son, held him tighter as she ran one hand through his hair and the other over his back in a soothing manner.  

"You wanna help me bake, baby? Bucky and Sam are cooking in the kitchen and you know how much I love your cookies.", she asked after a few minutes, breaking the silence.

"Okay," he responded. 

Natasha got up, carrying Peter to the kitchen. 

For all of his super-strength and powers, Peter was abnormally light. He literally weighed the same as a backpack, no matter how much he ate. Due to this, the team never really minded carrying Peter. They knew his familial issues and smothered him in love. You would see him sleeping while piggybacking on any of the Avengers, even Agent Hill and Nick Fury (turns out the director had a soft spot for the well-mannered spiderling). Sometimes, Wanda would carry him through the penthouse, or Sam will take him flying, or Rhodey would patrol with him on his back.

The carrying was done most by the other women, though. Be it Carol, Hope, Pepper, Shuri (who was roughly the same age but still loved to mother him), Natasha, Valkyrie or even the cold-hearted Okoye, Peter could be found in their arms whenever they stopped by. 

Anyways, Peter was set on the counter as Natasha went to get supplies. Bucky and Sam smiled at the teen as he sat there. Peter beamed back at them.

Coming back with all the supplies in hand, Natasha set them on the counter.  Peter hopped off and instantly grabbed the bowl and began adding ingredients. Twenty minutes later, a tray full of perfectly arranged, perfectly sized globs of cookie batter was pushed into the oven.

Turning around, Peter grabbed his phone and quietly asked FRIDAY to play a song. Natasha, meanwhile, quirked an eyebrow.

The beginning of "Over Now" by the Weeknd and Calvin Harris began floating out of the walls as Peter grabbed Natasha and pulled her into an intricate dance number.

In the kitchen.

Nonetheless, everyone was impressed. Peter even managed to pull Bucky in and shortly after, Sam too. Seven minutes later, everybody was jumping around to "Sucker". (A.N. They're the Jonas Brothers. I've listened to them for a long time now.

The bell on the oven rang out. After calming themselves down, the cookies were taken from the oven and passed to Vision. Peter did this whenever he baked anything since Vision couldn't be persuaded by the other to give it to them (being an A.I. with the Mind Stone and all that jazz) and since he couldn't consume food, he wouldn't eat it himself either.

Peter decided to come down after freshening up.  Stepping into the elevator, he shot up towards his level.


Peter came down just in time for the feast. There was a little scuffle on who should sit at the head of the table. Tony thought that he was countering Steve quite well and Steve wasn't even fighting Tony.

"Tony, I was pointing at the fork."


"I need a fork, I don't want your chair.", Steve said with a small smile.

"Oh.", said a now clearly defeated Tony.

"Well, who'll sit here, then? 'Cause I wanna sit with my wife and kid.", said the genius, proudly pointing at a seat between Peter and Pepper.

"FRIENDS, WHAT A JOYOUS EVENING IT IS!", boomed out Thor in his indoor voice.

"Well, there's my answer. Hey God, why don't you sit at the head of the table?"

"Thank you, Man of Iron. That is very kind of you."

Everyone dropped the matter immediately, being in too good of a mood to ruin it. Everybody was wearing sweaters, even though they were inside. Pepper and Natasha insisted on teaming up and knitting Peter a Spider-Man jumper which he was commanded to wear the whole evening. Peter himself really didn't mind it. The sweater was comfy and felt nice to wear.

 After their awesome feast, Peter was pulled to the living room. Everyone was doing their on thing, with Steve and Bucky quietly talking in the corner, Thor 'revelling young Peter with stories of his childhood' as Wanda dozed in Peter's arms, Pepper talking to Tony about something, Clint and Sam somehow quietly fighting over a cushion, Natasha watching them fight and Bruce...well, Bruce was conked out on the couch, already in a deep sleep.

Don't ask. It just happens.

A short while later, Tony offered to start movie night, which is what ensued. The Christmas edition of this occassion featured classics like the Home Alone series, How The Grinch Stole Christmas and The Polar Express.

After the festivities, at around twelve, everyone gathered around the tree.

The gift exchange was very wholesome, to say the very least.

Bucky received a photo album from Steve, which was filled with pictures of Bucky and pre-serum Steve, some motor oil from Sam to 'keep that arm moving smoothly', a fruit basket from Pepper and a cute sweater, a sketchpad and a personalized arm sleeve from Peter.

Steve recieved a head slap from Bucky, an orange and a salute from Scott, the same fruit basket from Pepper ("Oh, she's giving you fruit too? Sorry, Cap."), a popsicle from Tony, a sweater from Wanda, a plaid shirt from Natasha ("It was trending in the senior citizens' section") and a new sketch pad, some art supplies, an action figure and a sketch of the Brooklyn Bridge from Peter.

Natasha recieved a book from Steve called "The Man in the High Castle", a pair of biker's gloves from Tony, a box of chocolates from Bruce, a spa voucher and a couple of moisturizers from Pepper and last but certainly not least, a blanket, a new pair of boots, a picture frame which had spides and spider webs carved intricately into the edges and a photo of Natasha kissing Peter on the cheek as he beamed at the camera, and a bonsai tree (don't ask how it was wrapped) from, well, you guessed it. 

Vision received a USB stick from Clint, a DVD from Sam and a recipe book, a new apron, a handcrafted wooden utensil set and a card from Peter, which read "I love you, Mr Vision".

Sam recieved some sphagetti from a smirking Bucky ("What the hell am I gonna do with some uncooked sphagetti?" "I don't know, cook it?"), a new console, some FPS games and an RC car from Peter, which he surprisingly loved so much that he cried ("I've *sniffle* w-wanted this for so long") and a replica of the Captain's first shield from Steve. (A.N. The RC car idea is based on another story, but for the life of me, I can't remember which.)

Pepper got a 13% stake of Stark Tower and a miniature version of the giant puppy of Christmas' past from Tony ("It wouldn't fit in the Tower"), a new pair of shoes from Natasha, some earrings from Wanda, a COVID-19 vaccine from Steve (A.N. Nah, I'm joking about the vaccine. But stay safe people.), some tea leaves from Bruce and, once again, a locket, a "World's Best Mom" mug, a vinyl record of her favorite song and a pen from Peter. 

Why the pen, you ask? Well, turns out that was Mary Parker's pen.

Peter wanted his new mother to keep it, reducing Pepper to tears as she hugged her son and placed kisses all over him.

After that bout of emotions, it was Tony's turn.

Tony got a screwdriver from Bucky, Clint and Sam, his favorite ground coffee beans from Steve, some perfume from Pepper and a pair of sunglasses, a smart watch and a robot which said "You're the best dad ever!" from Peter. All of them were handmade by Peter. Tony, the ever proud dad he was, wore the watch right away and tucked the robot and the sunglasses away. 

Bruce got some flowers from Pepper, a stress ball from Tony and a pair of glasses from Peter. Peter explained that they were made super light and had a tracker which let Bruce know where his glasses were.

Wanda got some new clothes from Pepper, some perfume from Natasha, a book on meditation from Steve, a framed photo of Clint and a pearl necklace from Peter along with a photo he had managed to recover.

It was of her and her deceased brother, Pietro.

She kissed him for quite a while. Long enough for the others to question whether he would ever get the chance to breathe again.

Thor got a buffet voucher from Pepper, some flowers from Bruce, a bottle of aged wine from Tony, an antique Nazi armband from Steve and a box of poptarts from Peter. 

To be completely honest, I think he was happier to recieve the poptarts from Peter than to get the artifact or the alcohol.

Finally, it was Clint's turn. None of the other Avengers really knew why Peter had requested that Clint's turn come last, but they heeded his wish. Well, kinda.

Clint got a Hawkeye-themed loungewear set from Tony and Natasha, two buckets worth of slime from Bucky and Sam (no, they didn't pour it on him or anything, they just gave it to him), a new set of plastic arrows from Wanda ("where did you get these?" "Target") and a surprise from Peter.

Peter ducked out of the room and ran off, leaving a slightly awkward atmosphere behind. He came into view a few seconds later, but he was completely empty handed, confusing everyone.

He then gestured to the hallway.

"Peter, what are yo-", whatever Clint wanted to say had died out in his throat.

Coming into view were none other than Laura, Cooper, Lila and Nathaniel Barton. Clint's wife and kids.

Peter had reunited the Bartons for Christmas.

"DADDY!", was the unified cry as the three kids barreled into the superhero. The man went down, hugging all three of them as he sobbed, which was understandable, having not met his kids in nearly two years.

He then finally stood up to come face-to-face with his wife and pulled her into the embrace, making it a family hug.

It's official: Peter was trying to make them all cry.

After many thank you's, everybody settled back down. 

Everyone knew beforehand that Peter would throw gifts at them left and right, so they agreed to completely spoil him rotten. Sam gifted Peter the copy of the recipe for his mother's most prized soup, Clint gave Peter the first arrow he had ever used, Pepper gave her boy the newest LEGO set and a new, do-it-yourself robotics kit (she didn't tell him that it was a NASA rover that experts were having trouble putting together. What he doesn't know, won't hurt him), Natasha gave him a skateboard, Bucky gave the kid a motorcycle (which was vehemently protested against by Pepper, but she was later calmed down by Peter), Steve gave Peter some of his war memorabilia, Vision gave Peter a handshake (which was a big deal, since the android was learning human gestures), Bruce gave him a signed copy of his new book, which Peter had helped him make and was listed as co-author of, and Tony gave him-

"Heads up!"

Tony tossed him a key chain.

With three smart keys on it.

One he recognized as the keys to his present car. The other two were Mercedes ones too, but-Oh.

"No way.", said Peter, looking up at the genius-dad in disbelief.

"Merry Christmas, bud.", he said as he gestured to the screen, which showed a brand new, red AMG GT-R with blue highlights and the matte black G63 AMG. (A.N. Best cars to ever exist, apart from the Porsche 918 Spyder. Sorry for being so obsessed with cars, but it's just a passion of mine. Besides, it says that Peter is a huge fan of cars in the comics, considering he isn't the biggest fan of air travel. Anyways, back to point.)

Peter was jumping up and down, but then Tony dropped some papers into his lap.

Peter had to read the first one thrice over because of how excited he was, but when he finally did, he was floored.

"W-w-wait, what?", Peter stuttered.

"It's what it says, kiddo.", said Tony. He had never been more sure of anything in his life.

"You know that we want you to take over Stark Industries someday", started Pepper, grasping onto Tony's arm, the nervousness plain on both of their faces. "Because we love you. So we decided that when we do eventually pass away or relinquish control, all power and assets of Stark Industries will be owned by you. This includes the companies under it, our fixed assets and the Avengers."

"What we're trying to say is", Tony concluded, "you are the heir to Stark Industries."

Peter was now in tears. He stood up and pulled both of them into a hug. 

Everyone looked on as the happy family had their moment. 

Until Tony glared at them.

No words were needed, everybody joined in on the hug.

That is until Steve broke the bubble of love and security.

"Hey guys, where's Wanda?"

Everyone began looking around for Wanda, even Peter. He was so engrossed in finding her that he didn't even hear the elevator door open.

He did hear what came next, though.

"Hey, precious."

Oh boy.

Peter turned around, very slowly, to see Wanda standing in the elevator.


"I need some help with the mistletoe.", Wanda said in an alluring tone.

She pointed upwards, where sure enough, there was indeed a bunch of mistletoe.

"I've got your presents waiting upstairs, but are you ready to unwrap this one?", she cooed, holding her hand out for him.

The teen slowly walked towards her, with Tony and Clint giving out wolf whistles as background, which they got slapped by the ladies for. (ouch)

Peter finally reached the elevator and took her hand. He was yanked towards her as Wanda pulled him into a low dip and kissed him.

With the stereotypical roles reversed and the show over, the elevator doors began closing as the couple continued to make out, only getting more heated by the minute.

There was no shortage of cheers, wolf whistles and applause from the Avengers, though. This time around, the female members joined in on the applause, commenting how cute and flustered Peter was.

"FRI, make sure they leave that elevator", called out Tony, earning a round of laughter.

So even if the entire event was pre-planned, they had tons of fun and Peter would never know.

Because that was what they were: a team. One that looks out for each and every member, no matter what. They were a family.

They were the family that Peter yearned for, and he finally got.

They were his family.


I apologize for the long wait.

My wife's parents were assumed to have contracted COVID, so we had quite the scare. It was a nerve-wracking week, but they tested negative in the end, so all's well.

Thank you for 500+ reads. I love you.

I tried out a new format for this one. Did you like it? Is it too rushed? Let me know. ====>

I'm getting quite a lot of requests to make a car-centric one-shot, since I'm into that stuff. Would you like to see that happen? ====>

I'm also getting some requests for more mature content. Would you like to see that here too? Let me know privately or right here. ====>

That's it for now. See ya!

Hugs and cookies from me,

Jace Lennon


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