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A ROMANTIC FANFICTION "You never saw me. You only ever saw only ever saw El..." - Before the Battl... More

You Never Saw Me.
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Thank You.
The Wedding Date | šØš§šž-š¬š”šØš­

Two Hearts, One Home | šØš§šž-š¬š”šØš­

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5 Part Series
of Mike & Y/N's
life together after
the book's epilogue :)

surprise surprise, i'm back!!

guys the domestic fluff in this one is enough to kill you, istg. it gets a little flirty, kinda steamy, but nothing too much!

hope you guys like this one, i loved it <3

4 years later..

| M A Y , 1992 |

H a w k i n s , I n d i a n a

Two Hearts, One Home.

It's so crazy how fast time goes by. One minute, you're a baby and then the next minute you're packing your backpack for the last day of high school. Hell, one minute you're learning how to ride a bike with your father guiding you, then the next you know it you're suddenly stuck in an alternate dimension. But that's life.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once and a while, you could miss it.

Time cheats us, but love anchors us.

Time knows no bounds, and it obviously waits for no one.

How'd she end up here? Now twenty-two years old, looking at herself in the mirror, contemplating every decision and experience in her life that led up to this very moment—


A knock at the door jolted Y/N out of her dramatic pre-ceremony epiphany before she turned around to see the source of the voice duck their head in quickly.

"Everything alright here? It's almost go-time."

Y/N nodded, shaking her thoughts away as she smiled weakly. She was nervous, no doubt.

"Yeah, I'm as alright as I can be." She shrugged, adjusting the straps to her dress. "How's the groom? He run away yet?"

Will chuckled, stepping into the room to close the door behind him. "Yeah right, you know he's waiting at the altar practically drooling just at the thought of you." He rolled his eyes.

Y/N chuckled, shaking her head as she took another look at herself in the mirror. Will made his way over to his adoptive sister, fixing up her hair she styled herself.

He rested his hands on her shoulders, smiling softly at her in the reflection. "You look great."

"Oh, please don't cry, Will. You know it'll start a chain reaction." Y/N frowned, turning around to face her brother figure.

She saw the expression Will had drawn on his face, one that all older brothers instinctively have. It's the sad look they hold whenever it's clear that their younger or older siblings are growing up.

No, he didn't look sad. He looked mournful. He mourned the passing of their childhood they're officially leaving behind.

"I'm sorry..." Will sniffled, his eyes already watering. "I'm just, I'm so happy for you. I'm so proud. I can't believe we're already here."

Y/N smiled, her own eyes watering at the sight of Will getting emotional. Over the years, her and Will really bonded as siblings. And knowing her adoptive brother, she knew that he was about to cry.

"Blah blah blah, all that other good stuff. But more important than that, I think we all know the worst part is that you're leaving me." Will managed to chuckle through his tears, making Y/N laugh too.

"Oh please, you're acting like you're not in a relationship either." Y/N shook her head smiling. "If I remember correctly, it was you who left me first."

Will chuckled, "Yeah, but this is different! You're actually getting married, I just—"

"Ran off without me." Y/N pouted playfully, to which Will rolled his eyes.

"You know exactly why we did." Will rolled his eyes, shoving Y/N playfully at the shoulder. "It's different for me and Rich, people don't exactly approve of our relationship."

Over the years, Will eventually returned to Maine in search of his friends he made there. When he found Richie, they had grown closer and closer as they grew into adulthood, and one thing led to another, they became partners. Y/N even threw them an unofficial wedding, which they both appreciated so much.

"I know, I know..." Y/N shook her head, smirking, "...Will and Richie sitting in a tree—"

"Oh fuck off, we've been together for a couple years, I think we're well past sitting in a tree together."  Will smirked, nudging Y/N as they both broke out in a laugh.

"Wow, and you're really starting to sound like him." She chuckled, shaking her head.

They both laughed, eyes crinkling and mouths held in a wide smile of pure antic. A true laugh only specific to siblings, it seemed.

Their laughs stilled, leaving the air empty between them in the room as they stood. Will looked at her with happy, but sad eyes. Y/N didn't need to use her telepathy to know what Will's look meant.

"Will, it's okay. I'm gonna be just fine." She smiled weakly.

Will was worried about her.

Not only because she was finally all grown up, but because she knew what was inside her. He knew the Mind Flayer was still a threat, and it was brewing inside her behind a wall she's created to keep him at bay.

Y/N had control over the Mind Flayer, absorbed his power, and now shared a consciousness with him. But she was in control.

But Will was worried about how long it would be until she grew tired, and the Mind Flayer took her and her power. He was scared for her.

"I know, I just..." He paused, "You know I worry about you." His tone insinuated the creature of another world currently residing in her.

Y/N could feel an uncomfortable shiver run down her spine. She knows exactly what Will is talking about, and it worried her too.

But why would she spend her time worrying about what might happen, instead of appreciating what is happening for her right now?

She's getting married, and everyone she loves and cares about has shown up to see her. She'd much rather appreciate that, then worry about anything else.

"Will..." Y/N smiled weakly, taking a step forward to hold her brother's face in her hands. "You worry too much. Take a load off tonight, relax, live a little, drink, dance, eat, sneak off with Richie for all I care."

Will raised his eyebrows in an equally weak smile, trying to put on a brave face to cover up his concern for his sister. She placed her hands on his shoulder, smoothing out his dress suit.

"Just please have fun tonight, okay?" She smiled, tilting her head to the side as she fixed his collar.

"For me."

Will took a deep breath, clearing his throat as he tried to compose himself again. He nodded, sniffling while Y/N smiled gratefully. She pulled him in for a hug, their tight embrace provided a sibling's comfort that Y/N needed.

They pulled away, Y/N patted his back, "Now get back out there and make sure Mike knows he has to cry when he sees me." She joked, hoping it made Will smile and it did.

Will nodded, rolling his eyes playfully. "Oh please, you know he's already a mess."

Y/N chuckled as Will made his way to the door of the bridal room, opening it to leave but halfway he stuck looked back in. "Y/N?"


"When you get out here, everyone's seated and ready so..." He paused, looking as if his next words were serious and full of meaning.

Only to open his mouth with a wink, and say, "Don't trip and fall."

Y/N scoffed, playfully offended before she walked over to the door to hit a smiling Will on the shoulder, shoving him out.

"Get out of here!" She laughed, closing her door behind him.

She was then left in a silent room once again, alone with her thoughts looking towards the future. A future she was now going to share with Mike. She smiled at the thought. She didn't think she'd ever get to this point in her life.

Another knock at the door startled her out of her thoughts, turning to see who peeked in.

With his eyes closed, it was her father. "You ready to go, kid?"

"You can come in, dad."

Hopper opened the door slightly to walk in, closing it behind him before seeing his daughter for the first time in her wedding dress. He was not a man to get teared up easily, but when it came to his daughter, there was no holding back the waterworks.

"Wow, look beautiful, Y/N." Her dad smiled with teary eyes, "You look just like your mother did."

It was Y/N's turn to cry again for the second time, not caring about her makeup. She walked over to embrace her dad in a warm hug, his suit wrinkling as she buried her face in his shoulder.

"Thank you dad..." She looked up to try and clear her tears.

She pulled away to get a look at her dad too, "You clean up pretty well too, I guess." She teased.

Hopper rolled his eyes, smiling as he quickly wiped away a few run away tears. "Yeah well, it's not like either of us like getting all fancied up."

"Tell me about it." Y/N chuckled, gesturing to her dress, "But I mean, Joyce picked a pretty good suit, huh?"

"Better than I would've, I'll tell you that."

There was a comfortable silence, one that let the moment of her wedding day finally sink in.

This is her wedding day.

Her actual wedding day. And she's getting married to her best friend since grade school.

And her father was realizing it too. She almost saw his eyes too late, but she caught it just in time to stop him from crying.

"Dad, come on." She groaned, seeing how her dad was on the verge of crying. "We both hate crying, you're gonna get me started—"

"I'm sorry, it's just," He chuckled, shaking his head as he reached to quickly clear his tears.

"I'm just...happy. I'm happy that I get to see you grow up, to get to be here on probably the second most remembered time of your life—"

Y/N laughed, "What was my first most remembered time then?"

Hopper's eyes suddenly grew serious. They were clouded with regret. "Our lovely stay in the upside down, and Russia's finest suites."

He joked through broken words, earning a faint smile from his daughter.

They had both been through so much grief and horrible times, that the good times seemed far and few between. Y/N had been half expecting something to go wrong today, but she knew today was going to be a good time.

Y/N pulled her dad in for another hug, a tight warm embrace that only a parental figure can provide.

"I love you dad..." She murmured in his shoulder through glossy eyes. "We made it."

They had been through so much agony, so much pain. And it broke Hipper's heart that his little girl had to go through that at such a young age.

But here she was. Now a strong, independent woman who knew what she wanted. With a power incomprehensible, and a heart that knew what she was doing.

Hopper blinked away the tears that formed in his eyes at the thought of his little girl growing up.

"I love you too, Y/N/N." He hugged her tighter. "Thanks for everything."

'Everything.' His words echoed in her mind as they had a telepathic link. 'You've taught me so much, kid. You're so strong, and I'm so proud of you.'

Y/N's tears threatened to spill as she heard his words in her mind. 'I'm proud of us.' She said back. 'Love you and everything, but you're squeezing me too tight.'

They finally pulled with a laugh, making their
tears clear away as they smiled.

Hopper sighed, exhaling as he looked behind him at the door then back to his daughter. "You ready?"

Y/N sniffed her tears away, composing herself. With a nod, she smiled. "Yeah."


"Pull it together, Wheeler."

Mike's fidgeted with his hands, growing more and more nervous as he waited for Y/N to walk down the aisle. He felt a harsh nudge to his arm, and looked to his side to shoot a glare at the source.

"It's gonna go fine, quit stressing." Billy said with furrowed brows.

Mike rolled his eyes, "Oh, I'm so sorry for being nervous on my own goddamn wedding day."

Billy smirked at this, adjusting his now more subtle blonde hair. "Why are you even nervous?"

Mike shrugged, adjusting the cuffs of his suit sleeves. He took a look around at the wedding ceremony setup, seeing everyone he loved and cared about so much sitting down to be here for him on his big day.

"What if something goes wrong?" He said with a slight twinge of worry in his voice.

"What if everything goes right?" Billy shrugged, looking straight ahead.

Mike sent him a 'are you serious' look. "How poetic."

Billy chuckled at Mike's sarcasm, "Just shut up and wait for your girl. Everything will go fine, Wheeler."

Mike looked back at his surroundings, noticing how much effort him and Y/N both put into making this happen. It was a lovely outdoor reception, Y/N insisted on it happening near the river she grew up near. He smiled softly to himself at the thought.

"And even better," Billy leaned in a bit, "I'll be able to tell you I told you so."

Mike rolled his eyes, shifting his weight on either leg as he heard the familiar wedding ballad begin to play. Y/N.

Doubts and worries flew through his mind as he waited to see Y/N. What if we rushed into this. What if I pressured her with that ring a couple years ago? What if this isn't what she wants? What if the wedding isn't right? What if I can't do this? What if she doesn't want me? What if

But then, there she was.

Standing at the end of the aisle, with her arm linked with her father's, she stood tall and confident in her beautiful attire.

As soon as Mike's eyes locked with Y/N's from across the area, all his worries melted away.

He instantly calmed, and knew exactly at that moment, that this is meant to be. They're meant to be.

She began to walk slowly down the aisle with Hopper, giving him a small smile as they couldn't seem to pull their eyes away from each other. Mike took this opportunity to think a sentence, hoping her telepathy picked up his thoughts.

'You look so beautiful, my love.' He thought to her.

Y/N's cheeks instantly blushed as she heard his thoughts in her mind, her smile growing as they shared a look only lovers seemed to be able to communicate.

He hadn't noticed that tears began to form in his eyes, a warm feeling blossoming in his chest. He still gets butterflies seeing Y/N.

He felt a small nudge on his side again, hearing Billy whisper with a smirk, "Told you so."

Y/N took a minute to look at everyone as she walked down the aisle, appreciating everyone who came to support them. She saw friends, and when she walked up to the front row, she saw Joyce sitting in the front with a warm smile along with Karen and Mike's family on the other side of the aisle.

She saw Nancy, Jonathan, Robin, and Steven all seated up front.

She looked ahead of her at the altar, seeing her friends all lined up. Max and El stood on her side, dressed as her bridesmaids along with Will. She saw Billy, Lucas, and Dustin all standing on Mike's side as his groomsmen. All her friends, her family, here with her today made her so happy.

Even Murray made an appearance. Ha.

And when she and her dad finally made it to the alter, Hopper placed his hand on Y/N's arm that was linked with his.

He looked at Mike with a small smile, "Take care of my daughter." He moved to give Y/N's hand to Mike's.

To give his daughter away.

"Always." He said with a sincere look in his eyes, his fingers lacing with Y/N's.

Hopper stood down, nodding once.

He turned to go over and sit next to Joyce in his designated seat in the front row who waited for him with a proud smile, lacing his hand with hers as she pressed a kiss to his cheek. Murray placed his hand on Jim's shoulder, as if to say good job.

Mike and Y/N held hands as they stared at each other with such a deep loving look. They exchanged a short amount of vows, because they said all they needed to with Y/N's telepathy.

She told him all she wanted to say, and she could hear all he wanted to say. It was perfect, like their own little private exchange of words. It was special to them.

The pastor asked for the rings, in which Lucas reached into his suit pocket to grab the set. He handed the handmade rings to the pastor, giving a pat on Mike's shoulder.

Mike lifted Y/N's left hand, gently sliding the ring made by Hopper, on her finger. It was a beautiful silver, made from the original promise ring that Mike gave her years ago. Y/N insisted that she keep it as close to the original as possible, because she loved it that much.

He lifted up her hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to her ring finger.

And in turn, Y/N slid on Mike's wedding ring onto his finger, aware of his eyes studying her face while she focused on putting on his ring.

They locked eyes once again, butterflies fluttering in both their hearts.

And before they knew it, they heard, "You may now kiss your bride."

Mike wasted no time pulling Y/N closer by her waist with a smile. His lips connected with hers softly, deeply, while his fingers held onto her hips while he dipped her slightly.

Mike kissed with such a loving motion that had Y/N weak to her knees, that if he wasn't holding her, her legs would have betrayed her.

They pulled their lips apart, Mike looking down at her with loving eyes while Y/N sent a dazed smile back at him while he set her back on her feet.

The crowd erupted in cheers at their newly labeled newlyweds, but Y/N and Mike just found themselves swimming in each other's eyes. In their own little bubble.

"God, I love you so much..." Mike whispered with loving eyes.

He reached down to lace their hands together, lifting her hand to press a kiss to her ringed finger.

Y/N smiled happily, "I'd sure as hell hope so if you put a ring on it." She joked. "I love you."

Mike chuckled, turning to face the crowd, lifting their intertwined hands in the air as they moved to make their way down the aisle.

As they made their exit, they stopped once they reached the venue inside. Once they were behind closed doors and had a moment to themselves, Mike held Y/N's face to kiss her once again.

Y/N melted into the kiss, her hands holding his while they held her cheeks. They laughed against each other's lips, pulling away to lean their foreheads against each other's. Their eyes were glittering with excitement, smiling widely.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time." Mike laughed, "I just married the girl of my dreams."

"I've dreamt of this since I was a kid," Y/N chuckled, turning his hand that stroked her jawline to press a kiss to his palm. "It's everything I wanted."

Mike reached to press a soft kiss to her lips. "I'm yours, Y/N Wheeler." He smirked.

"And I'm yours."


Later, after the ceremony, came the reception.

Full of laughs, dancing, talking and catching up. It was a great time. Y/N and Mike made their rounds as the newlyweds, occasionally getting stopped by a few people.

Billy came up to congratulate his little-brother-figure with a pat on the back. He had a smug smirk on his face, "You know how I love to be right, Wheeler."

Mike rolled his eyes as he chuckled, "Yeah, I know, asshole."

"Congratulations, man." Billy said with a laugh, then turned to Y/N with a sincere smile, "You both deserve it."

He ducked his head before turning to waltz back to talk up whatever single girls came. Billy was the same in many ways, but so different in others. He viewed Mike as a little brother, very protective of both him and Max. Pretty much the entire group of kids.

But he was a better man nonetheless—just with a couple of the same habits.

As everyone came up to say hello, they all had the chance to catch up with the couple.

Max and Eleven came over, congratulating them with hugs and loud talk. Max sported a short haircut, while Eleven grew her hair practically to her wait. They caught them up on their journey of traveling together, seeing the world that Eleven never got to see. "It's been so nice seeing the different cultures. It's a big world out there."

Max and Lucas are still together, going 5 years strong—she said she's still waiting for Lucas to pop the big question. They even planned on going back to California to open a skate shop together on the beach.

"It's gonna be called, 'Tubular', according to Lucas." Max smiled as she spoke.

Dustin and Lucas came up to extend their congratulations with wide eyes of excitement for their childhood friends. Dustin sported a nice short haircut, a curly toft atop his head while Lucas let his hair grow out atop as well, both looking dapper.

Dustin and Suzie got married a year ago, but she couldn't make it to the wedding due to some important science course she had entered in college. They're very happy, and the distance hasn't affected them much now with long distance telephone calls.

"God, it's so romantic. Just like how we used to call each other by radio in high school!" He said excitedly, showing off his glistening pearly whites.

Y/N could tell that Dustin and Suzie would have a great life together, and her precognition already told her their children would be the cutest curly heads she ever saw.

Lucas told Mike and Y/N he planned on proposing to Max on their anniversary coming up in a couple weeks before they head over to California.

He asked their opinions on the ring ideas he had. "Max is definitely onto me. She keeps hinting at it, but she can't know yet! You two better sleep your mouths shut. But anyways, which rings?"

Will came up next with Richie, hugging both Mike and Y/N. He had caught them up on what was going on back at home, how they're both doing great in Maine—and how they hope to move back to Hawkins soon.

"So we can be closer to my niece and nephews, of course." He joked, hinting at Y/N and Mike's future kids. "I'm kidding obviously...or am I."

"They can have our old DND boards."

At the mention of kids, it got Y/N thinking about their future. It was officially starting at that moment, on this day.

And she had never been more excited to see what her future brought her now.


Sun. Morning. Bright. Day. Things to do.


Sun means morning. Morning means the day has started. Day means she has things to do. Things to do means she has to get up.


Morning. She is not a morning person.


Y/N stirred underneath the covers of the bed, feeling a pair of broad arms slither around her waist to pull her closer.

"Love..." She heard a whisper in her ear, "It's almost noon, babe."

"That's so early..." She groaned, hearing a soft chuckle from beside her. She turned onto her stomach, burying her face in her pillow. "It's Saturday." She muffled.

"I know, babe..." She felt the ghost of his lips against the bare skin of her exposed back. "But don't you want some birthday breakfast?"

He pressed a soft kiss to her lower back. "Pancakes?" Kiss. "Waffles?" Kiss. "With syrup?" Another kiss atop her shoulder blade.

She groaned, turning to meet her husband's smug smirk. "Syrup, you say?" She smiled sleepily.

"Yeah..." He trailed, gently brushing her hair out of her face. "How's that sound, birthday girl?" He reached to press a kiss to her nose.

"Sounds...acceptable." She joked. "But I don't wanna leave this bed, I'm so tired."

Mike chuckled, a smug look on his face. "Last night really tired you out, huh?"

Y/N giggled, burying her face in the covers. "Oh shut up."

Her husband smirked, "That's definitely not what you were screaming last night—"

"Michael!" Y/N burst with a giggle.

"That's more like it—"

"Oh my god!" She chuckled, throwing a pillow at him with blushing cheeks.

"I'm kidding," He surrendered, "But not really."

Y/N shook her head, ducking her blushing face back into the pillow.

Mike pressed another kiss to her shoulder before he stood up, making his way to actually put some clothes on. Once he did, he made his way to the door of their bedroom, looking back at his wife.

His wife.

"Better come down quick or else I'm gonna eat everything." Mike warned, a smile etched in his words. "Before it's even made."

"I'll be there in a minute." Y/N said from the pillow, her words muffled. "Promise."

"Take your time, babe." She heard him say sincerely before he closed the door.

Y/N lifted her head from the pillow turning to see the door had closed. She took a look around at their shared bedroom, seeing the window opened to reveal the beautiful forestry of the nearby trees. The sun shone through the branches, casting rays into the bedroom.

She loved it.

She got up slowly, swinging her feet around to touch the carpeted floor. She looked down to see clothes scattered by the bed, smirking to herself as she recounted what happened last night.

Mike had spoiled her yesterday by going places all day. He had even organized a nice picnic by the lake near their house.

Even though her birthday wasn't until today, he insisted on celebrating yesterday through the day—and well through the night—hence the scattered clothes on the floor.

Actually come to think of it, through most of the month.

She had no idea what he had planned for her 24th birthday, but she was so excited. Especially since he had cleared his schedule at work for yesterday and today.

Mike worked at Hawkins Middle, funding the AV club in both Hawkins Middle and High School.

'Once a nerd, always a nerd', Y/N would tease him by saying.

She knew the party would say the same thing, and that made her smile. She wished they could be here for her birthday, but she knew they were all off doing their own things.

They hadn't all been able to get together in one place in nearly 3 years.

But she at least wished at least one of them would call her to say hi at least. It was her birthday, after all.

It made her sad to think of it like that, but she understood that everyone else was living their lives just like her and Mike were. She just wished.

She looked down at the nice button down shirt that he wore yesterday, which was now on the floor. She picked it up, slipping it over her head and buttoned it up.

She went over to the restroom, yawning as she reached for the light switch lazily.

But instead of flicking it on, a sudden spark of electricity sparked between her finger to the switch. Her eyes widened, not knowing why or how she even did that. She didn't mean to.

She then looked over at her tooth brush, extending her hand to reach for it before it automatically darted for her hand with her mind.

"What the hell..." Y/N furrowed her eyebrows.

For the past couple years, Y/N had worked on using her powers less so as to not become too dependent on them for everything.
She never used her power for such small tasks like grabbing her toothbrush or turning on a light switch.

She didn't mean to make the toothbrush or the light switch do that. Is something up with her? Is it affecting her power?

To test a theory, she stared at the faucet, using her mind to try and turn on the water with her telekinesis. The water began flowing, but not a second later, the water sprayed with too much force out of the faucet, spraying everywhere.

She reached to turn off the faucet by hand, making the water stop its assault.

She paused, breathing heavily as she looked at herself drenched in water.

Something was wrong with her power. But what was causing it?

She dried herself off, composing herself before she made her way downstairs, feeling like a cartoon character floating to the source of the smell of the food her husband was making.

She saw Mike standing by the stove, flipping some pancakes with his back facing her. She made her way over to wrap her arms around his torso, pressing her lips to his shoulder.

"Something smells super good."

She felt Mike chuckle, placing the cooked pancake onto a plate where the rest of them were.

"My cooking always smells good." He teased, placing the spatula down to face Y/N.

"Sometimes." She teased right back, looking up with a smile. "But I'm only here because I was promised syrup."

Mike wrapped his arms around her lower waist, pulling her closer to him while she clasped her hands behind his neck.

"You're wearing my shirt." He noticed with a small smirk on his face. "Such a tease."

Y/N leaned up to press a quick kiss to Mike's lips, "Only for you."

Mike rolled his eyes playfully, tracing lazy circles on her hips while he held her waist. He leaned down to press a real kiss to Y/N's lips, deeper with more meaning. "Happy birthday, my love."

"Thank you, babe." Y/N pulled away with a dazed smile. His kisses always take her breath away.

"You're gonna love what I have planned." He said excitedly, letting her go sit down at the kitchen bar counter while he served her a plate.

Y/N smiled as he placed the plate of pancakes and waffles in front of her. "Oh yeah?"

She realized she didn't have the syrup bottle, and looked across the kitchen to see it sitting on the counter right next to Mike while he looked for a plate—still talking. Without a second thought, the syrup bottle came flying at her, right into her hand with a thud.

"What was that—" Mike turned to ask what just flew past him, before he dropped the glass plate in his hand to send it to the ground. It shattered by his feet—the glass flew in the air, cutting his feet a bit.

"Shit!" He hissed.

"Dammit!" Y/N groaned, shaking her head.

Again, she didn't mean to do that.

It was like her power was more...sensitive today. Like she didn't need to do much work at all to get her power to do what she wanted. She had no idea why it was acting like this all of a sudden.

Her precognition told her that Mike was hurt, making her look down at his feet to see a couple cuts along his foot from the glass.

"Oh, babe, I'm so sorry." She got up, immediately moving to try and go over to help Mike before he stopped her.

"Stop, wait, you're barefoot and there's glass all over the floor—"

But before he could finish, Y/N's mind was already working to brush the glass into a pile, out of the way for her to make her way to Mike.

She kneeled down to examine his feet, thinking she could just go and get the first aid kit before her power—this time, her healing power— took control yet again. All it took was one brush of her hand, and the bleeding cuts on Mike's foot disappeared as if they were never there.

She exhaled as she stood up again, shaking her head as she placed a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose.

"Babe, hey..." Mike spoke, placing a finger under her chin, "Hey, what's wrong?"

It wasn't unusual to see Y/N using her powers, but she just seemed jumpy and a little worried about something today. Mike didn't know what the problem was, but he knew her body language so  well that he knew something was bothering her.

"I don't know..." She shook her head, "I guess my power is just...weirdly sensitive today. It's so touchy. I don't know what's wrong with me today."

Mike reached to move her hand from pinching the bridge of her nose, seeing her confused eyes look up at him, "Babe—"

"And I didn't think it was a big deal but then I just made you drop a plate and you got hurt—"

"Baby, it was just a couple scratches. It's no big deal, Y/N, it's okay, I'm fine." Mike shrugged it off, genuinely confused as to why she thought something was wrong. "Don't worry about it, babe. You're probably just having an off day, maybe you're coming down with something."

That made sense. Sometimes, when she got a really bad cold or flu, her power would act weird—almost like it was today.

But her precognition made her think otherwise. It told her something else was going on, but she couldn't tell exactly what it was.

But she brushed it off, hoping it would go away later today.

"You're probably right," She shrugged. "You're sure you're okay, though?"

She looked down to check for any more scratches, then up to examine his face. Mike chuckled as he held her hands, nodding. "I'm fine, babe. Honest."

Y/N sighed, her telepathy picking up that Mike wasn't in any pain, so she healed everything up.

"Now go eat, you have a big day ahead of you."


Throughout the day, it was indeed a big day. Mike took her all over town to spoil her yet again, taking her to lunch and bought her flowers at the local vendors market. It was a perfect day, a great enough one to distract her from her power malfunctions.

It wasn't until Mike took her to a nice restaurant in town, that Y/N's mind drifted back to her power acting weird.

Mike parked the car in front of the nice establishment, opening his door to close it before he trotted around the car to open Y/N's door for her. She smiled at Mike, said a small thank you, but her mind couldn't help but wander.

She couldn't be sick. She wanted to believe Mike when he told her that to make her feel better, but her precognition told her otherwise. Her precognition told her that it was bigger than a simple cold, and it worried her even more.

Was it trying to warn her? Was it trying to say something was about to happen? Was it...the mind flayer?

"Babe..." Mike interrupted her thoughts, "You've got that 'lost in your thoughts' look again." He held her hand between them, running his thumb along hers.

Y/N blinked, trying to refocus herself into the present. "Sorry, I'm just...I'm trying to figure it out..."

Was the mind flayer going to do something? Was she going to die? Was she really coming down with something?

"Y/N," Mike stopped them before they walked into the restaurant, the moon lighting Y/N's worried complexion. "You're okay. Everything's okay, and everything will be okay. I don't want you to worry anymore, I want you to have a good time tonight, okay? Please..."

She could tell that Mike was genuinely concerned for her, her telepathy picking up on his mind's worry directed towards her. She didn't want him to be scared for her, he didn't want him to have to worry about her overthinking.

So she nodded, agreeing to drop it. "You're right, you're right. I'll drop it."

Mike smiled weakly, leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead. He knew how deep she could lose herself in her thoughts sometimes. He knew her so well, it infuriated Y/N sometimes.

"Okay..." Mike smiled, giving her hand a squeeze. "Come on."

They walked into the restaurant together, Y/N looking around at how nice it looked inside. Everything looked very expensive.

And it worried her again. What if her power started acting up in here? And things got ruined?

She had been so worried about things, she hadn't even realized Mike told the waitress, "We're meeting a large group. They should already be here."

But when Mike guided her towards the back of the restaurant, her worries washed away at the sight of who had been waiting there for them.

"Happy birthday!" They all yelled.

Everyone. Everyone was there.

The party, the babysitters club, Hopper, Joyce, everyone.

"There they are!" Hopper exclaimed.

They all looked so different, yet the same. It warmed her heart to see them again, her eyes were so bright.

It had been years since she's seen them all in one place, and her heart soared. "Oh my god!" She smiled wildly, exclaiming as she covered her mouth.

"Surprise..." She heard Mike whisper in her ear, smiling at the look of pure joy on Y/N's face.

But then, as her excitement grew, the wilder her power went. With her yell of excitement, suddenly, the entire restaurant's lights above flickered on and off before they finally shut off.

It left them in complete darkness, leaving Y/N more than confused.

"What the hell was that?" Dustin exclaimed.

"The power went off." Lucas noted.

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock." Max nudged him.

"But what happened?" Will wondered.

And that's when it hit Y/N. She realized what must have been wrong with her.

She wasn't sick. She wasn't going to die. The mind flayer wasn't an issue. It was her.

"Mike..." She whispered under her breath, turning to face him in the darkness.

He looked surprised at what had just happened, knowing she had done it by accident. "What's wrong?" He asked, worried she was hurt.

She hesitated, "I know what's wrong with me." 

"What do you mean?" She felt his hand reach in the darkness to hold hers, feeling better once he found her hand. He squeezed it in reassurance.

Y/N paused, licking her lips as she searched for the right words to say while everyone at the table talked about what just happened.

Y/N looked at Mike with a pause. There really was no other way to say it.

She smiled nervously, "Remember what we've been doing a lot of lately?"

Her telepathy picked up on what Mike was thinking when she said that, and a clear picture of them having a great time last night popped into his head.

She could practically feel Mike's smirk in his words, "Yeah..."

"Well..." She trailed.

Her telepathy sent a message telepathically to Mike, and he heard it clear as day. I think I'm pregnant.



we have 3 more one shots on the way! wonder what happens next for y/n and mike hehehe👀

the next one shot is just a bunch of domestic adult mike wheeler and y/n, ur gonna love it!


stay tuned!! love you all so much xx

let me know if you'd wanna see more one shots of Mike and Y/N's future together!!


November 20, 2021
at 4:28 PM.

6761 words

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