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A ROMANTIC FANFICTION "You never saw me. You only ever saw only ever saw El..." - Before the Battl... More

You Never Saw Me.
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Thank You.
Two Hearts, One Home | šØš§šž-š¬š”šØš­

The Wedding Date | šØš§šž-š¬š”šØš­

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5 Part Series
of Mike & Y/N's
life together after
the book's epilogue :)

surprise surprise, look who's hereee!!
i just think that the fluff between mike & y/n in this one-shot is just—

7 months later..

| S E P T E M B E R , 1988 |

H a w k i n s , I n d i a n a

The Wedding Date

"God, is it stuffy in here? I feel like I can't breathe, goddamn."

Hopper tugged at the collar of his suit, his undone cufflinks and loose tie evidence that he was too nervous to even notice that he wasn't ready yet. Y/N chuckled at her dad's jitteriness, reminding her of the night her dad planned on proposing to Joyce almost six months ago.

Now, seven months worth of planning-filled-with-stress later, today is the day Jim is finally going to marry Joyce.

"Dad, you're fine," Y/N chuckled, reaching up to do his tie. "It's normal to be nervous, you know."

Her father winced, looking around him as they stood in his room as Y/N helped him get ready.

Jim and Joyce had decided on a small, secluded wedding. Something just for the two of them and the people they love and care about surrounding them on the long awaited day. They planned on having the ceremony on the dock at the lake by the cabin, where Y/N and Hopper loved to fish together.

And the place where Y/N got control over the mind flayer in her head. When she technically became the mind flayer itself, sharing its conscience.
Speaking of which, she finally told Hopper about her now shared conscience with the mind flayer, but only him, Joyce, Mike and Will knew because they were the only ones that would understand her. She's finally got control of her life again, and she's never been happier than she was now.

"Everything is ready, right? Everything is good to go?" Hopper asked his daughter worriedly, adjusting his cuffs as Y/N finished tying his tie for him. "Joyce is okay? How is she?"

She nodded, "Yeah, Joyce is almost done getting ready at Mike's house with Karen." She smiled at her dad's blush at the mention of his bride-to-be. "Everyone else else is ready and waiting at the dock. All you have to do is make it to your own wedding on time."

Hopper chuckled nervously, shaking his head as he shooed her away. "Yeah, yeah. Now you go get ready, I'm good."

"Okay, I'll be right back," She smiled, hands smoothing out her dad's tie. "And since you've been nervous, go over your vows again, I put them on your nightstand."

As her dad's 'best man' so to say, and his eldest daughter, she was elected to be the ring bearer and to stand next to him at the altar. So with that responsibility, came the other small ones such as remembering to remind the groom the simplest of things as well as helping him to not lose his head.

She backed out of his room, pointing to her dad's nightstand by his bed. Hopper smiled thankfully at his daughter. "You know me too well." He shook his head with a huff, "Now go! Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, I'll wait for you on the porch."

Y/N chuckled as she walked out and to her own room, closing the door behind her to start getting ready. She walked over to her bed, seeing the nice yet simple dress she had planned to wear. This is a rare occasion in which she wears a dress, because normally she'd hate it. But today, she felt generous.

She did her hair as best she could tame it while also applying a small amount of makeup since it is a wedding and everything. She decided on some simple mascara, eyeliner and strawberry lipgloss to finish. However, true to her nature, she slipped on her beloved sneakers to match her dress.

Before she decided she was done, she went over to her jewelry dish, and picked up the wedding rings that were her responsibility, and placed them in her dress pockets. She loved that the dress had pockets.

But before she left, she couldn't forget to get her own ring from the dish, the promise ring Mike gave her a year ago.

She doesn't usually wear the ring in front of her dad because she knew that he would freak out, so he didn't really know about it, but today she was wearing it for the special occasion. And just because she loved it. She smiled softly to herself as she slid it on her finger, remembering that night Mike gave it to her.

She took a quick look at herself in the mirror, deciding she looked pretty good. She walked out of her room, seeing El and her dad were already waiting for her on the porch of the cabin. She walked out the door, catching the attention of her dad and adoptive sister both dressed up and ready to go.

Hopper's chest fills with pride, smiling proudly as he admires his daughters. He walks over to pull Y/N in for a hug, kissing the top of her hair with a smile. "You look beautiful."

Y/N smiled at her dad's teary eyes as he took a step back to soak in the moment. "You both do. I love you both so much, thank you going through this with me—"

"Oh, save the crying for the wedding." Y/N joked, earning a giggle from Eleven and a chuckle from her dad.

"Are you ready?" Y/N asked, stepping closer to see if he had gathered himself.

Hopper took a moment to compose his nerves, taking in a deep breath before exhaling through puffed cheeks. He smoothed out his suit, turning to his daughters. "I look alright? I look okay?"

Y/N turned to look at El, telepathically asking her what she thought, while knowing Hopper was freaking out at the silence. El gave her a nod, in which Y/N turned back to her dad. "Of course you do."

Hopper smiled with relief, nodding once. He walked over to his daughter, offering them each an arm to loop through his own. And once they were both at either side of their dad, they looped their arms with his and began walking to the wedding together.

And it wasn't long before they made it to the wedding setup. Chairs were placed in rows facing the lake ahead, people were standing and conversing as they waited for the ceremony to start. There wasn't an insane amount of people, but it was a good chunk of who they felt were important to be here.

It was a beautiful wedding setup.

And again, it didn't take long for Hopper to be called over and pulled away to talk to people, him being the groom and all while El was immediately taken to the snacks table by Max. Soon, it was just Y/N, standing there and admiring the feeling of being in a peaceful set up for the wedding, enjoying it. Everything was so nice, everyone was dressed to impress, and the people she cares about most are here with her in support of her dad's big day.

Her eyes swept over the groups of people dressed in their formal clothes. It was so weird to see her best friends dressed like this, in suits and dresses. She saw her friends, she saw the babysitter's club, she saw some of her dad's old friends from the station, she saw some of Joyce's friends from work. She saw everyone she cared about, and everyone her dad and Joyce cared about.

The groups of people were bustling with conversation, Y/N's telepathy making it difficult to hone in on every topic. People's voices echoed in her head as she searched the crowd. She was looking for one in particular, one voice she wanted to hear more than anyone else's. Until then, she heard it.

And her eyes froze when she found them locked with someone in the crowd as she glazed over the people. He looked great, he cleaned up very nicely. His eyes light up at the sight of her from across the room, already excusing himself talking with someone before he raved his way through the people to make his way to Y/N.

"There's my girl.." Mike said with a smile as he approached his girlfriend, swooping her up to twirl his arms by her waist.

She laughed in his arms as he set her down, taking a step back to completely drinking her in.

"You look.." He was speechless. "Really beautiful."

"Why thank you." Y/N chuckled bashfully, placing her hand on her boyfriend's suited shoulder, "You clean up pretty nice too, if I say so myself."

It was true, of course they both looked nice. Mike was clad in a tightly fitting suit, the dress shirt underneath the blazer had a few unbuttoned buttons. In his breast pocket was a simple delicate flower, which matched Y/N's dress.

His longer, curlier hair was volumized with a little bit of mousse to tame his wavy curls — a piece of advice he got from Billy.

Y/N smirked, seeing Mike give her a mischievous wink. And before she knew it, he quickly and skillfully snaked his hands around her waist, pulling her close to him. He lifted a hand to hold the tip of her chin between his pointer finger and thumb, the cold metal from his matching promise ring tickling her skin.

He guided Y/N's chin upwards so that her lips met his in a fiery slow dance. She smiled against Mike's lips, reaching her own matching ringed hand to hold his wrist gently as they kissed.
They could never get enough of each other, and even almost two years into their relationship, butterflies still erupted in their stomachs from each other's touch.

But remembering that they were in public, and for Hopper's sake, decided to keep the kids as PG as possible. But that was hard for them.

Y/N reluctantly pulled away from Mike's lips with a soft sound, her eyes fluttering open to meet her boyfriend's loving gaze. His hand cupped her cheek, his ring pressed against her skin while his thumb stroked her jawline as he allowed himself to just soak in this moment with the girl he loves.

Y/N's eyes wandered Mike's face, absolutely adoring his freckles and moussed curls that fell over his own brown eyes. But as her eyes trailed to his lips again, she realized she forgot she had worn lipgloss.

And that most of it had carried on to Mike's lips.

"Babe—" She giggled, not even able to finish with her face falling into Mike's shoulder as she laughed. Mike furrowed his eyebrows with a smirk, "What, was my kissing that bad?"

Y/N shook her head as she lifted it again, eyes level with her boyfriend's. She reached her finger to tap his soft lips, an apologetic look on her face, "I forgot I was wearing lipgloss..looks like it got kinda messy."

Mike realized what she meant, their kiss must've been deeper than they thought because now his lips carried most of her lipgloss. He laughed, shaking his head as he pecked her lips again. He ran his tongue across his bottom lip, humming while furrowing his eyebrows as he tasted it.

"Mmm...strawberry?" He smirked, trailing his hand to her bare shoulder and down her arm, sending shivers through her body before he laced his fingers with hers, their promise rings clinking together.
He ran his thumb over the backside of her hand, feeling the metal of the ring he gave her, making his heart swell.

"Yup.." Y/N nodded playfully, a bright smile on her face.

"My favorite." He winked, leading her by the hand to the show her off to everyone.


The ceremony was about to start. People were seated, and those a part of the actual ceremony were in their rehearsed places just like they've practiced. Y/N stood at the front of everyone, right beside her dad who stood at the altar nervously. She was his best man slash ring bearer, and she had the rings tucked away in her dress pocket. Yeah, if she was going to wear a dress, pockets were the dealbreaker.

She glanced over at El who stood at Joyce's side of the aisle beside Karen. El was picked by Joyce to be her maid of honor seeing as though she was adopted for a brief period of time after Hopper and Y/N disappeared, so it only seemed right to be on this side.

And it wasn't long before the traditional music announced the bride's arrival. Joyce, in her stunning yet simple dress that spoke true to her nature, walked down the aisle. She looked beautiful as always.

Y/N resisted the urge to tease her dad as he allowed a single man-tear to slip down his face, just absolutely beaming. Y/N smiled at the pair, knowing that they were perfect for each other, and meant to be. She was happy for them, and loved to see them happy together.

To have a love as strong as the kind that Joyce and Hopper share, it has withstood the strain of broken relationships with other people, loss, post traumatic stress, and interdimensional worlds.

And Y/N believed that was the kind of love that she shared with Mike.

She turned to look at the row of seats in the front, meeting Mike's eyes who were already trained on Y/N. He smiled at her as he sat in the front row, a blush sprinkling her cheeks.

And when the vows were exchanged, and Y/N succeeded in her job of safely delivering the rings to the couple, she couldn't help but feel emotional and nostalgic. The vows were sacred between them, filled with passion and love that Y/N hoped she would experience at her own wedding.

And when they shared their 'I do's', Y/N's eyes met with Mike's from across the seats while she stood at the altar and he sat. His eyes poured all the love he had for her into her mind. Thanks to her telepathy, Y/N was able to communicate with him without words.

I love you. The three words echoed in Mike's mind but in Y/N's voice, filling him with warmth and smiling back at her.

He mouthed, 'I love you so damn much.'


As lovely and beautiful as the ceremony was, the reception was wildly laid back. The adult drinks began to show up, people began to unbutton their tuxes and women slipped off their heels to be more comfortable. It was now just a time to congratulate the newlyweds, and have a good time celebrating.

As soon as the reception started, Y/N immediately made her way through the groups of people to reunite with Mike once again, their hands lacing instinctively. They made their rounds, talking to all their friends and catching up with the members of the party and the babysitter's club. And one time, Y/N even caught Billy nudging Mike teasingly as he pointed to Mike's hair, as if to say, 'You're welcome.'

Y/N and Mike continued to make their rounds, everyone approaching Y/N asking her how she's been, and they've been so worried about her, and how odd her and Hopper disappearing was.

As uncomfortable as the questions were, Y/N was immediately calmed by the feeling of Mike's hand against the small of her back, tracing figure eights on her skin. His touch alone made shivers shock through her body.

And as they made their way through conversing with people, they finally got to the couple of the hour. Hopper and Joyce were practically attached at the hip, laughing and smiling at each other as they spoke to everyone. They had been talking to Murray, who from what Y/N could hear, was claiming that him and his 'advice' was the reason they were getting married in the first place.

Y/N and Mike made their way over to them, in which Y/N engulfed her dad in a hug.

"I'm so happy for you both.." She smiled as she pulled away, going in to hug Joyce as well before stepping back to Mike's side again.

Hopper smiled at his bride, then back to his daughter, appreciating everything she's done for him to pull this all together. With their telepathy, there wasn't much they had to say out loud. They knew what the other meant to say, because it was in their minds.

Y/N's hand laced with Mike's again, and her boyfriend also wanted to extend his congrats, "Congratulations, Hopper. I-I mean, Mr. and Mrs. Hopper—I-I mean sir. Congratulations to you both."

Hopper chuckled at Mike's nervousness around him, brushing it off. "Thanks. Everything went great, thanks to Y/N over here with her obsessive party planning skills."

Y/N playfully scoffed, shaking her head. "Just because I watch a lot of rom-coms with cheesy wedding scenes, doesn't mean I don't have taste."

Joyce laughed at that, nodding. She was most appreciative of all, thankful that Y/N helped her with planning her own wedding. "Please, you have no idea how much your dad used to love the movie Romeo and Juliet when we were in high school—"

"Joyce!" Hopper exclaimed, making them chuckle at each other.

Like father, like daughter. Both sharing a secret love-hate but mostly love for rom-com movies.

Joyce brushed it off with a playful smile, "But seriously, thank you. You did so great."

Y/N brushed off the compliment with a simple wave. She was never really good at accepting compliments.

But it was then that Mike lifted their intertwined, ringed, hands to press a kiss to the backside of her hand before saying, "You did." He reassured her.

Y/N smiled at his gesture, but her face instantly fell once she saw Hopper's eyes trained on Y/N and Mike's intertwined hands.

Well, more specifically, the matching rings on both their ring fingers.

"Uh.." He drawled, "Mind telling me where the hell those came from?" He pointed at their rings.

Like she expected, her father's protective side prevailed, which was what she was afraid of. She never wore the ring around her dad because she knew he would freak.

"Mike, what—" He gestured between their hands, "Wanna tell me where my daughter got what looks like an engagement ring from—"

"Dad," Y/N chuckled, reaching to place a comforting hand to his shoulder, "It's not an engagement ring. It's a promise ring."

That seemed to calm Hopper a little bit, but his protective side was still apparent. He honestly just did not have the energy to argue with an eighteen year old teenager who proposed a promise ring to his daughter.



Now, it was Y/N's favorite part of the entire night.

"Time to cut the cake!" Hopper announced, obviously too excited for this too.

Everyone gathered around the couple, ready to see them both cut the cake.

With Joyce at his side, they both placed their hands on top of each other as they guided the knife down the side of the frosted cake, pulling out a slice of their own to share. And with their own forks, they looped their arms to feed each other their bite of cake, goofily smearing it all over their faces. Everyone clapped for them, cheering for them as the rest of the guests got a slice of cake for themselves.

Mike and Y/N got their own slices of cake, and made their way to a table to eat, where all their party members were already seated and probably bickering about something. Mike and Y/N sat, and ate, talking with their friends and catching up since things with their senior year of high school have made it harder to talk often.

And somehow, even with their high school years coming to an end, they still talked about things they would as if they were in middle school again.

"You're kidding, there's no way He-Man was better than Thundercats. You've lost your damn mind." Dustin argued, Lucas was obviously trying to win an argument.

"He-Man is just a better superhero over all, he's super human, not a weird cat-human person.. that's just wrong, man." Lucas shuttered, earning a chuckle from his girlfriend, Max. Yeah, they've actually been going steady for a while now.

"You guys have serious problems." Will joked, "Should've just stuck with the board games." El laughed at this, nudging Will with her elbow.

"Well, how about the Sword of Omens, hmm? Bet your precious He-Man doesn't have anything like that." Dustin countered Lucas, aggressively stabbing at his cake.

"You're obsessed." Lucas rolled his eyes.

"And you aren't?" Max countered, earning a surprised look from her boyfriend.

"You all are." Mike chipped in, earning glares from the other side of the table.

"Shut up, Mike!" They all snapped back with synced voices, making Mike laugh hysterically.

Y/N chuckled at the entire exchange, appreciating this time with her friends. Mike was just about finished with his cake, and when he realized this, he was just about heartbroken. He looked to his side to see Y/N still eating hers, seeing that she still had some left.

He reached his fork to her plate to try to break off a piece, only to feel her ringed hand slap his fork away, defending her food.

Mike frowned, "Babeeee, shareeee." He whined, pouting his lips to try and convince his girlfriend to share her damn cake with her own boyfriend.

"Hell no, this cake is all mine. Sorry, babe. Actually not really."

But in the end, her boyfriend's puppy eyes and pouty lips were hard to resist. She allowed Mike to share her cake, both of them taking turns playing around and feeding bites to each other.

But with them still sometimes being the immature best friends they were, they both began to smear the bites of cake on each other's lips.

They laughed as they 'accidentally' missed their mouth as they fed it to the other, knowing they just wanted to mess around. And it wasn't long before frosting smeared around Y/N and Mike's lips and chin, laughing as they stared at the other's messy face.

Without a care in the world of where they were, they leaned in to playfully kiss off the cake frosting from their lips, making them laugh even more when they realized that it actually just made the frosting smear even more.

But they kissed anyway. What do you expect? They're young and in love. Perfect rom-com.

And if people didn't know any better, Mike and Y/N would look like the newlyweds themselves with how they were acting with each other.

Because in many ways, they already were.


"Please welcome to the floor, Mr. and Mrs. Byers-Hopper for their first dance together."

The music slowed to a low melodic song, welcoming the newlywed couple to the middle of the grassy area, lit up by strings of bulb lights and lanterns. Y/N smiled to herself as she watched her dad and Joyce so happy together, dancing and not a care in the world. So long as they were happy.

And as they had been dancing, now came the time when the bride and groom invite anyone else onto the floor to dance with them. And in their case, Hopper pointed to El and Y/N, waving them over to join him for a slow dance. Y/N felt Mike tap on her thigh before she got up to meet her dad and adoptive sister on the dance area.
They danced together, either of Jim's arms dedicated to twirling either of his daughters around before hugging them both in a slow dance.

And when the time came for just Y/N to share a slow dance with her dad, she knew he might just start crying. She held her dad's hand as they danced together in a comfortable silence.

But they weren't actually just dancing in silence.

They communicated all the words and feelings they needed to with their minds.

"I'm so happy for you, dad. It makes me happy to see you this happy." She smiled, looking up at her dad with a proud smile.

Hopper smiled back, nodding, "As long as you're happy, I'm happy."

Y/N nodded, knowing that he was referring to seeing Mike's promise ring on her finger. "I'm really happy dad.." She answered honestly, knowing that with her telepathy, her dad could sense that she was being completely honest.

"Good.." Jim smiled, wishing his daughter wasn't growing up so fast.

And that's exactly what his telepathy told Y/N in her mind. He knew what a promise ring meant, and knew that the day that the ring would lead to would happen soon.

"But I'm not ready for you to grow up yet.." He whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"We got plenty of time, dad." Y/N smiled, and she truly meant that. They were safe now thanks to her, and nothing else would ever bother Hawkins as long as she was alive. She's got more power now than anything that's ever terrorized Hawkins before.

"I guess people really weren't kidding when they say kids grow up fast." He joked.

"Come on, it's not like I'm the one getting married today." She chuckled. "I should be saying that to you." That brought a smile out of her dad.

"Excuse me.." A voice spoke up from behind Y/N, getting their attention. "Can I cut in?"

Hopper was hesitant at first, but nodded, giving Y/N one last kiss on the forehead. He turned to look at the boy one more time before walking away, sending him the I'm watching you signal with his fingers.

And then, Mike stood in front of Y/N, a small smirk curled at his lips, "May I have this dance?"

"You may." She smiled.

Mike silently asked if it's okay to put his hands on her waist, to which she replied with an obvious yes. The slow song continued on to start a new one, Wild Horses by The Sundays, began playing, one of the most perfect slow dance songs.

"The wedding was beautiful. You did a great job getting it all together." Mike smiled, his hands tracing lazy circles as they rested on Y/N's hips.

She smiled bashfully, "It was really nice..the ceremony, the reception, the cake cutting, the bouquet toss.."

"You did really well, my love." Mike added, pressing a light kiss to the tip of Y/N's nose.

She smiled, draping her arms around his neck, allowing her fingers to play with his loose curls. "I want my wedding to be like this. Calm, collected, lighthearted and not too serious."

Not 'my.'


Mike heard her words in his mind. "As you wish." Mike smiled in response, quoting their new favorite romance movie they watched together.

"Did you just quote The Princess Bride?" She asked with a smirk.

He smiled, "Duh."

"Could I love you more?" Y/N nuzzled his nose with hers, their lips ghosting over each other's.

Mike knew in that moment, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Y/N would be the woman he marries. Sure, the promise ring is a materialistic confirmation, but the fact that he could just feel it in his intuition that she's the one for him, is another feeling entirely. It felt amazing.

"I can't wait for our wedding." He muttered, his words brushing her lips as their foreheads leaned together. "I can't wait to marry you.."

Y/N blushed, twirling one of his curls around her finger. "Me either.." She leaned closer to close the gap between them, allowing their lips to melt into each other's taste.

What a perfect end to a perfect day.

What a rom-com type ending..


wow okay, that was fucking adorable. EYE think so.

that was only the first one shot out of five! so there's four more where this one came from!

the next one shot will be set about maybe 5 or 10 years in the future? idk but it'll be in the future.

stay tuned!! love you all so much xx

let me know if you'd wanna see more one shots of Mike and Y/N's future together!!


April 1st, 2021
at 1:39 AM


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