Rainbow Six Siege (Ela Bosak...

By aegis1st

111K 1.7K 710

The White Masks...it didn't start as a terrorist organization, you created it to help people...you could say... More

The White Masks
A Boring Life
Exclusive Tour
Settling In
It's been a while
Making Friends
The Heist
The Party
Bomb Threat
Shifting Tides
An Old Friend
Cerberus Vs White Masks
First Date Ever
The Black Dragon
The Program
Void Edge
No Rest
The Information Dealer
Next Step
Shocking News
Time For A Change
Museum Siege
First Encounter
A Bold Request
Wolves in Japan
Enemy Ace
Rescue Mission
New Work Environment
Behind The Mask
The Reunion
The End of a Threat
Biological Affair
The Start of a New Life
VIP Mission: Captain's Wife
Author Note: Legacy
Legacy: Big Bad Wolf
Legacy: Assassination Attempt
Legacy: The Strongest
Update: Remake?

Business Meeting

966 31 8
By aegis1st

Friday, February 19, 2021
Wolves HQ
(Y,N) PoV

It has been two days since Ela and Yumiko left with Vy to spend a week in the wilds. I was a little bit worried about the girls because Vy sometimes do dangerous things and I don't know if their countries taught them how to survive animal attacks. I was standing up behind my desk looking at the window. From the window, I could see the jungle where Ela was.

"Hey Cap!" Suddenly the door of my office opened and Grace entered my office like if it were her room.

"How many times do I have to tell you. Knock before you come inside," I said. She obviously ignored that and took a sit on my chair and put her feet on my desk

"You are not going to believe me but...I forgot," Grace chuckled, and I rolled my eyes

"What brings you here?" I asked her as I pushed her feet off my desk and took a sit on top of the desk 

"Oh yeah. Guess what? Our Wolves on the field encountered Kali's private organization, Nighthaven. Well, long story short...Kali is not happy about us screwing up her contract," Grace said. I looked at the ceiling and remember the last time I saw Kali. I chuckled and looked at grace

"I am going to act like I'm interested in this topic because you came to see me. So What did we do to enrage Kali?" I asked Grace 

"The one who hire us also hired Nighthaven, this rich guy wanted to see who was the best private organization and since we won the competition she got angry," Grace said and I rolled my eyes. We are a private organization and just as Kali does, we also offer our services, we mostly offer protection or send Vy to deal with wildlife problems.

"She wants to meet you and talk about a partnership," Grace added. I looked at the window again and smiled 

"Sure, why not. I am bored today," I said. My comment made Grace stands up from my chair 

"Are you out of your mind? What if it's a trap?" Grace shouted at me 

"I know. Isn't that exciting?" I happily said 

"Kali is part of Rainbow and you know our relationship with Rainbow. Let me remind you, we are terrorists for them!" Grace yelled. She was concerned more than angry 

"Now that we are talking about Rainbow. Where is Yun? I have a job for her," I said 

"Are you even listening to me?" Grace asked me 

"I heard you and your shouting Grace and I appreciate your concern. Which is why you are coming with me," I said and her eyes widened in surprise 

I stood up from where I was sitting and headed towards the door to exit my office. I understand Grace's concern and I am glad she cares about me but I have to address this matter personally because I know April had something to do with this. I like April she always has done things by the book and I'm pretty sure Harry too but this book of theirs is the reason why I have a metal arm. I arrived at Yun's computer room and there were a bunch of people gathering around one computer, Yun was sitting down on her desk when she saw me, she called the attention of her co-workers and they all looked at me and they quickly headed to their respective site of work. I walked towards her but not without looking at what they were doing. They were playing Fall Guys.

"I am sorry Captain, I told them that they could take a break," Yun said. I was happy that she is taking her job here seriously just like Grace is doing. 

"I don't mind you guys playing video games, but I expect you guys to finish your job first," I paused to look at the game, I noticed their character had a wolf skin and that made me chuckled 

"I want the guys that were gathered here to stand up, now," I ordered and they did. They were pretty scared

"I supposed you were done with your assignments?" I asked them 

"Yes sir!" They answered and I nodded and told them that they could continue playing. 

"What brings you here?" Yun asked me

"I am going to this meeting with Nighthaven but not without leaving you some work," I said

"Dude, are you seriously going there? They will kill you!" Yun said and I rolled my eyes

"That's what I said too!" Grace said

"Anyway. Yun, what do you know about the royal family of Denmark?" I asked her

"Nothing because I don't care. Why you ask?" She asked me back

"I was watching the news the other day and I heard about a terrorist attack that occurred there while we were handling the white masks in Poland," I said

"Do you think the white masks are there too, like among their ranks?" Grace asked and we just looked at her.

"The white masks have gone quiet ever since we kicked them out of Poland and The Netherlands, they are doing things more quietly now and if they are on Denmark the Wolves are going there too but I need information," I said and Yun nodded

"Grace is coming with me, by the way. I'll make sure she is back so she can help you," I said

"Be careful out there Sis," Yun said

"Don't do anything stupid until I get back," Grace smirked at her sister

"How can I? You are taking all the stupid with you," Yun smirked back

Grace and Yun's relationship put a smile on my face. Even though they are from different parents they get along well, probably because both are annoying... But they are mine so I don't care. Now that I put the nerds to work I'll call Aruni and Chelsea for this mission. I left the computer room and while I was walking through the hallway on my way to the hangar when suddenly someone bumped into Me, I looked down and saw Ela's niece. She looked at me and in an attempt of running away from me, she fell but got up again and ran to hide behind her grandmother. Hibana's mother was showing her around.

"How are you guys doing?" I asked looking at Ela's mother 

"Where is Ela?" Ela's mother asked me, her voice filled with anger 

"I don't know. She is a grown-up woman, and I don't babysit adults. You are her mother so you should know," I answered her question then sighed 

"She is out there with the ghost division doing stuff I don't know," I said

"She is injured!" The mother shouted, I rolled my eyes and kept walking ignoring her 

"I know your kind, you are just acting friendly towards us then you'll stab us in the back!" She added and I stopped 

"Zofia Bosak asked me to find her daughter, if for you 'being evil' means to save you when I just could have let you die in that island then no I ain't evil. I am the devil! Ela works for me now so deal with it," I was now facing Ela's mother waiting for her to open her mouth but she didn't so I smirked and left but I heard Hibana's mother talk

"The Captain has done so many good things for me and Yumi, even though he doesn't have to he still helps us," Those words made me smile. I'm glad to hear someone is grateful 

Vy PoV 

It has been two days since those girls came under my wind and here is what I know, the Asian lady. She is cool, as for the polish girl...She seemed like a bad girl but she is also cool. I read in her file that she has problems listen to her leaders but her current behavior struck me as odd when I order her to do something she proceeds to do what she was told. Like she is trying to drop that bad girl attitude she has.

"Hey Vy. Where is Ela?" One of my men asked me and I sighed

"I'll go look for her," I said as I stood up from the rock I was sitting on

I asked her this morning to go fishing so we can eat later but she hasn't returned, they know about survival because they were taught that so right now they are just hanging out with me and my people. I tracked Ela to the nearest river and when I laid my eyes on her she was sitting on a rock looking at the sky.

"Hey Polish girl, are you ok?" I asked her getting her attention. I refuse to call her by her name. I don't want to get attached to them 

"Oh fuck! I forgot the take the fish back to the camp," She said as she kicked the rock next to her. I got closer and noticed he was drawing something

"It's ok. You are fine, no that I care or anything, it's just I don't want the animals to eat you, I don't know where that body of yours has been and I don't want them to get sick," I said. I was expecting her to get angry but instead, she chuckled 

"If you protect the wildlife in here why do you want to eat these fishes?" She asked me and I chuckled 

"I like how the fish taste, that's all," I said then sit down right next to her 

"So what are you up to, girl?" I asked 

"I was just drawing this amazing landscape and thinking about stuff," She said

"Good for you then!" I clapped my hands and then stood up and started walking back to the camp but I noticed she stayed, I shrugged and continued walking when suddenly I heard her crying. I stopped in my tracks, turned around, and instead of comforting her, I slapped the back of her head as hard as I could and she groaned in pain. If she is crying might as will give her a reason to cry harder 

"What the fuck Bosak? you are a grown-up woman, crying is for babies!" I yelled at her 

"You know...I thought you were tough but you disappointed me. When I read your file I thought you were a badass woman, a rebel so to speak. I like those and the captain does too. They offer a new perspective to our organization but I guess I was wrong with you," I said. She was laying on the floor then the wind started blowing harder than normal when I looked up I saw one of our ships flying by. I looked down at Ela 

"Come. We are heading back to the camp," I turned around again and headed back to the camp. I don't care if this time she doesn't follow 

(y,n) left me a note on Ela's file, he says that Ela used to be better and now she is sad because her ex died knowing that Ela didn't support him. (y,n) wants me to see if I could get that girl back. I can't promise I can but I will try. 

Time Skip
Nighthaven HQ
(Y,N) PoV 

"We are approaching the coordinates Captain," Our Pilot said 

"So team Rainbow used to be your old place of work?" Chelsea asked me and I nodded. We landed and as soon the door opens Chelsea put on her helmet and turned invisible, we walked out of the ship and I noticed Harry, April, and Kali in front of their people. Some operators of Rainbow were here too but I didn't care. 

"I am glad you took our offer," April said. Just like I suspected...This was her doing

"I thought this meeting was between you and me Kali," I said 

"It is. Since we are currently working for Rainbow this meeting also involves them," Kali said and I rolled my eyes. They couldn't see me doing it because of my mask 

"Whatever, let's get this over with," I said. We followed Kali to the meeting room, along the way I got the chance to the facilities, they didn't impress me. I wasn't sure Why Ash and Thermite are here but I don't care. What I noticed was that Aruni and Thermite were looking at each other

We arrived at the meeting room and Harry started talking about how we should work together, I wasn't really listening. Grace noticed me not paying attention so she pulled out her tablet and started writing, she was acting as some kind of secretary, I grabbed her tablet and turned it off. I asked her to come with me to make me some company not to be my secretary, Appa was also listening to them and Chelsea..well she must be around somewhere. 

"To conclude if we join forces you'll have the permission to do what you are doing but this time it won't be considered as an attack," April said 

"I'm not sure if you are familiar with someone called 'Taylor Dagran' He was Ela's ex-boyfriend and also a white mask member. Ela was unconsciously telling the white mask what you were up to through her boyfriend," I said and they all looked at each other. The look on their faces made me realized that they weren't aware. I asked Dokkaebi to show them what the wolves knew

"All the recruits you have until today are white masks members," Grace said. And now they were scared 

"No way..." Harry said

"If what you are saying is true why they haven't attacked us or at least kill Harry?" Ash said 

"Ok first of all. I am not talking to you woman so shut up and second of all. Denmark is another white mask stronghold and I am planning to attack it," I said 

"Markus, their leader, knows how important is the royal family on Denmark, and as soon as our Captain attacks... Rainbow will fall," Grace said 

"You saw this coming?" Harry said and I smirked 

"Since the moment (y,n) died. But don't worry, We will work together," I stood up and made my way to Aruni, I placed my hands on her shoulder 

"What are you doing?" Aruni asked 

"I'm putting Aruni in charge of this operation. During this operation, she will find out if you guys are worthy of her time and skills. Depending on her decision I'll know if you guys are worthy of mine," I said 

"Why aren't you coming to deal with this yourself?" April asked me 

"Are you saying Aruni is not enough?" I told her and she remained silence

"Once they are dealt with we will work together. In the meantime, good luck," I said

I stood up and left the meeting room. The reason why I sent Aruni is that the white masks don't know her, they won't suspect anything. She won't be alone, I'll send Chelsea with her. She will keep Aruni safe. Aruni could also use the time to catch up with Thermite. Before I left the base Six was trying to convince Grace to go back with them but she stayed with me. That made me happy, Grace and all of my people know that they are safe with me. 

This day had a good ending I guess. On our way home I started wondering if Ela was alright. I really one the old Ela back, right now she is sad because I died but she needs to harden her spirit, she needs to know that she doesn't need me to keep herself safe. When she returns to the woman I used to love I'll show her my face. After that... Let's see what happens. 

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