Our Flor

By Cely-124

303K 6.7K 1.4K

"I loved you like there was no tomorrow yet you left like yesterday didn't mean a thing" All my life I wished... More

Stuck with you
Reunited Part 1
Reunited Part 2
Hugs and Kisses
Settling in
Moving in
Meeting Mafias
What the hell
Open up to us
Him and I
Him and I : part 2
Were broken
Understanding you
Date me
Mind your business
Excuse me
Telling my family
Thanks for being one of my calms
I hate my birthday because..
I love you
Played again
The unknown
The ball
The aftermath
Alive or Dead
Waking up?
Update/and release date


12K 269 71
By Cely-124

Elanoras POV:
The next morning:
What the fuck am I even doing here .
My exact thoughts when I see people gathering waiting for me to read the speech of my dead mother who's in a casket next to me.Good thing Lucas is with me .

"My mother was a horrible person a shitty mother as well I may add .She had addictions which slowly in time consumed her .End of the story she was a horrible person who's going to hell , and she deserves it .Thank you everybody",

I spoke sternly as I had an emotionless face .I walked down the stairs of the stage where I was immediately met with Lucas giving me a "I'm so proud of you" look on his face .I just smiled and with that we left to the police station to meet up with the social worker.

"You happy",Lucas asks his attention still on the road ahead.

"Not really just wondering",I said to him while facing the window which had snow falling making everything seem slow motion.
We finally made it,I was nervous as hell im meeting my dad again after 13 years .

"Just breathe Elanora your going to be fine okay just breathe"

Lucas says to me sensing my nervousness.I just smiled to him looking directly into those foresty green eyes that always seem to cool me down.

When we entered the station I saw the social workers back to me as I stared at my sperm doner.

My papa, I saw his eyes soften when meeting my cold eyes.The only thing I could do was run to him even though part of me resents him ,but the moment I looked at his stormy eyes I couldn't take it anymore.

I ran from my spot into his arms who were ready to engulf me in ,his pine wood scent hit my nostril .I didn't know I had tears falling down my eyes till I hiccuped loudly. When he settled me down I took a moment to look at his face which had only changed a little bit he had some white hair now .He had the biggest grin ever when looking at me I felt my heart swell with love .He looked at me again as if believing I'm not there,he once again engulfs me in a hug and whispers in my ear only for me to hear.

"Papa", I say sadly to him

"I missed you princess,I can't believe I have you back in my arms,
I love you so much ,I'm never letting anyone take you away from me again",
he mumbled quietly in my ear with guilt and sadness in his voice.

"I missed you papa I needed you so many times I love you so much papa",
I muttered out quietly to him ,his hold on me only tightened.

It's not until we we're rudely interrupted by the social worker clearing her throat.She looks at us with tears in her eyes .

"Sir you may take your daughter home now",the social worker mutters out with fear laced in her voice.Its not until I look up and see my papa with cold emotionless eyes that I see why she's scared.

"Ok thanks ,I'll be leaving now with my daughter ,thank you again for giving me my daughter back",

he said with cold emotionless voice .
I see Lucas inspecting my dad with a very intense look on his face .Determined it set on his green foresty eyes.As if sensing someone looking at him my papa looks at Lucas and full on glares at him.

"Papa this is my best friend Lucas",
I say  nervously to him because he's literally having a full on glare challenge with a very determined Lucas.

"Nice to meet you sir I'm Lucas ,Elanoras best friend and only friend",Lucas utters quietly to the 6,2 giant in front of him.He slightly shorter than papa by like 2 inches.My dad just looks at him with clenched jaw ohh god why is he mad.

"I don't like you but if you ever hurt my princess I will kill you",my papa snaps at Lucas who looked scared as hell,could you blame him,my papa looked scary as hell he looked pissed.Steam basically coming out of his ears.

"Yes sir I have only good intentions with your daughter she's been my best friends for years now I will never hurt her I promise and I give you my word",Lucas states out sternly but you could see the fear in his eyes as he looks at my papa.

"Come on sweetheart you still have to surprise your brothers", papa softly says to me .

"Ughh they don't know ,do they like me?do they hate me?I mean do they remember me?Do you like me—,I was cut off my blabbering when my papa full on laughs at me .I take a look around to see what looks like guards ,they have surprised eyes widening when they saw papa laugh.Have they never seen him laugh or what.

"Awww your so cute baby",he said looking at my frown face laughter is the only thing you heard I turn to my right and see Lucas laughing at me as well I just give him a frown as well.

"So where are we going papa",I asked as he fully sobered up from his laughing tantrum.Im still mad .

"Italy il mio amore",(my love)Papa excitedly voices out to me.I turn to look at Lucas who's giving me a frown .

"I can't move I'm not leaving Lucas here",I say looking at papa directly in the eyes as we made our way out of the police station.He gave me a "sympathetic" look on his face.

"Elanora it's fine you go to Italy I'll be fine here welll— I cut him off by saying and turning to look at him better.

"I'm not ever leaving you Lucas even if it means me dragging your ass to Italy with me ok I need you in my life your to important I will not leave you here your coming with me to Italy",I say looking directly at him.

"Mmm", my dad clears his throat making me turn around and see he's throwing daggers at Lucas who's looking down at me.

"He's coming with me wether you like it or not papa",I muttered through gritted teeth

"FINE but hurt her and your dead and don't touch her",papa says through gritted teeth .

"Let's go home I need to pack papa here's my address", I say giving him a paper with my address on it more like Lucas address I basically live with him.

"Come in the car with me princess i don't want anything happening to you",he said giving me puppy eyes I couldn't resist to.

"Ok fine" ,I say to a very exciting dad looking like he just won the lottery that made my heart swell with love.

"I'll see you at your house", I say to Lucas who I'm now hugging.Till I feel a tug on my shirt and I feel myself fly towards papas chest .

"You can go now ,will see you there ,no need to go all touchy now", he said to Lucas through gritted teeth .

Once Lucas got into his car papa pulled me to him and sat me next him in the car.

"I love you princess your brothers miss you so much they haven't been the same since you left" he mutters out quietly to me .Wow i though they didn't like me ,I guess they did miss me ,I missed them especially my twin who I remember clearly because he was always with me when I was younger,Esteban.

"I missed them to papa I'm really happy to see them again"

"Princess where's you're mom",papa asked with curiosity dancing in his grey orbs

"She's dead papa",I say through gritted teeth .

"When did she die",he asked

"Last week Friday found dead in a ditch overdose",I say coldly to him .He was taken back by my bluntness but I didn't care I hated her so much.

"Ok baby tell me when your ready no pressure",he says with sadness in his eyes

"Thank you papa I will tell you one day why I hate her so much",I say truthfully to him

All he does was nod at pull me more into him kissing my temple.Once we arrive I get off the vehicle with papa beside me ,he looks impressed by the house.

"It's a really nice house",papa says to me still looking at the house in front of us .
Lucas comes out and opens the door for me and papa.

"I'm gonna go pack papa the kitchens over there if you're hungry I'll be upstairs finishing packing",I say with a small smile.

" I'll help you princess",he says with love swirling in his beautiful grey eyes .

"You don't have to papa",I say softly to him

"I want to princess we can finish faster",he says smiling .

"Ok",I say and walk past Lucas who just says "I'm gonna go finish packing" I simply just smile at Lucas who gives me grin back.

I walk with papa next to me who's looking around .Once we make it to my black room which has a painting I painted of the galaxy on the roof.

"Wow it's beautiful did  you do it princess",he asks admiring the roof .

"Yes I did",I say trying to hide my blush

"It's beautiful baby your talented just like your brothers",he says smugly
Once we finish packing I put everything in three luggage's plus my backpack which has my books and art supplies.We make it downstairs and wait for Lucas to finish.I decide to make food.

"Papa I'm gonna make some pasta ,would you like some?",I ask as he sits in the tools.

"Yes baby I'll help you", he says smiling from ear to ear.All he did was make jokes and make me laugh ,he didn't really help but still managed to make me smile through it .I noticed he's not a very good cook

"Ok", I say as we start getting everything done.
Once I'm done cooking I serve 3 plates ,as I see Lucas walk down the stairs towards the kitchen or should I say more specifically the food.

"Papa I'm gonna give some of the guards food I bet they haven't ate",I say to papa who's looking at me with proudness and happiness .I start to make my way with plates for the 5 guards, my dad has with him.I go and give it to them ,the look at me like I'm crazy .

"It's pasta ,thought you guys would be hungry",

"Wait do you guys like pasta I can make something else just ask the whole kitchens free",I say to them

"Thank you mam it's really nice of you",they say at the same time .

"Call me Elanora",I say as they give the fist genuine smile since they saw me or well the first smile.

"Progress my dudes"I say to them making them laugh at my jokes.

When I get back to the kitchen I see papa and Lucas fighting over the pasta . Seriously there's plenty to go around .Children I'm saying childish people.

"Guys hurry up and eat so we could sleep we have an early flight tomorrow",I say to both of them as they finish there pasta quickly .

"You guys could stay here my dudes good night" I say a to each one of them leaving them in separate rooms.

"Princess can I sleep with you tonight",my papa asks with hope in his eyes.

"Yes papa come on but wait I'm gonna go tell Lucas good night",I say to him all he does is groan and roll his eyes.

I head towards Lucas room and knock "come in"
I hear him say I walk in and he's in bed with his phone on.I walk to his bed .

"Good night Lucas I love you" I say as I kiss his cheek .

"Good night princess",he says back while kissing my cheek.

I go back to my room and see papa laying down I get under the covers with him while I lay my head on his chest .

"Good night papa I love you",I say to him

"Good night princess I love so much",he says back to me .

"Papa promise you'll never leave me again", I say
with vulnerability in my voice .

"I promise I will never let anyone hurt you again il mio amore",(my love) he says sadly and sternly back to me.And with that I let darkness consume my whole body as I am in the hands of my lovely papa .

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