Enforced Police Procedures of...

By RobertHelliger

314 6 0

The 21st Century is now full of laws. Across America, Colt Roach, a New York Police man, is on patrol to enfo... More

Chapter Two-Inferiority complex
Chapter Three-Stop the madness
Chapter Four-Survival
Chapter Five-Epilogue

Chapter One-Feminist Bad Women

107 2 0
By RobertHelliger


NPR radio interview with author Suzanne Venker, (2014), about how feminism is terrible for women, right in the media section.

Warning: It is rated Mature.

You must be 15 years and over to see and hear it.



Candace watched the Anti-Feminists Association, or AFA protestors launch their vitriolic tirade against The System...

...And caused some of the NYPD Officers to beat them down with batons.

"Go away, you pigs!", Shelly Abobert, the Leader of The Lesbian Rights for Change, (or LRC), shouted...before she was sprayed with a hose...And her rantings ended in a flood of gushing water across the red dress.


Colt walked to the gate.

"What's the hold up? I got a job...".

"Some group of lesbians hate the NYPD for enforcing laws on them. And they're pissed off. Candace was about to call to complain", Police Enforcer Bob West, said. 

"I thought she wouldn't be into the radicals".

"She's not! Besides, the lesbians are wanting same-sex marriage in all US states. And it's like a  warzone".

"Deal with them".

"Okay. But the last lesbian I interviewed, kicked me in the balls".

"Arrest the bitch. Do your job, Bob. 'Bye!".



Candace wore a orange singlet.

Her ample breasts turned guys on.

But not cops.

Colt burst inside.


"Colt! You arrived to drill me about procedures".

"Listen, honey, I won't let you mess things...Is that a singlet?", he asked.

"Yes! I wear it because I love it. If guys ogle my breasts...maybe I'll be like Julia Roberts in 'Erin Brockovich'", she answered.

"Let's talk. Have some coffee...And two burgers. And discuss....rationally...how a woman I love is involved in this mess".

"This mess is because of the enforcement of womens' rights in the 21st Century". She sighed; Colt's short black hair was cut military-style.

"Feminism is a staged act, honey. It feeds discontent on the citizens. Feminists even discontinue calling them feminists. There's no movement like the 1950's...1960's...and 1970's; there's a slowdown in the 1980's, 1990's, and '00's; there's...nohing. Maybe some websites that promote feminist idealism...And rights...

..."And people read books on the subject. But now it's...over. I correct peoples' laws as they hoon around on the freeways...or if couples make out. They should get a cheap Motel...Or Hotel...And there's laws on low clothes".

"Well, girls should pull their jeans up".

"Do I have to enforce the new laws without girls reacting badly? It's a job. And I intend to do my job". And he wrapped his arms around Candace's slim waist with his strong hands.

"Not here!", she told her boyfriend.


And he kissed her full on the mouth...

...And hoped she wouldn't get too hot under the collar...

...Once the action heated up.


"Shelly, you can't demand action if the pigs shut us down", Amber Holly said. She waved the Lesbian Rights for Change, (LRC), flag at the police from the open window of the office. Her long black hair glistened in the New York sun; her green eyes also gleamed in the brightness. Her face was lined; her black skirt had been covered in new black stockings that protected her slender legs; her pink blouse covered her breasts; her black leather boots was in the military-style; her gaze was electric, as she stormed towards the pigs with her baton in her small, right hand.


And she grabbed the weapon...and thwacked an armored pig in the face. The police officer screamed, then fell downward to his death in a pool of blood.


The New York Correction Coffee Shop,

Monday; 9.1.2015,

9:00 AM

"You don't have to tell me the police aren't on the job, Colt; you don't. But I need to have you discussing the legal ramifications about the corrective procedures. Otherwise, we're in the shit. We can't go to Lowell Guest, my lawyer, and tell him that there's new laws about low cut jeans. Or that women are exposing too much flesh...or riding their bikes naked. Or arresting members from the punk band Top Heavy in their studios...because of their lyrics".

"Look, a lot of people...whether they're famous...or not...don't give a damn about us; they give a damn about them".

"And you're just...".

And a waitress smiled at them.

On her left breast was her name: BRENDA

She smiled.

"What do you two like this morning?", she asked.

"Two cauppuchinos in a mug. No sugar. And two hamburgers with the lot", Colt stated. BRENDA wrote everything down in a fancy pen, then noticed his gun.

"I'm a cop".

"Figured, and you're that feminist bitch. There's a lot of rage in New York you know. African-Americans aren't going to talk to white cops in the South...or Mid-West. They see cops shoot kids of color, and you're supposed to take it with a grain of salt; you shoot colored kids and they hate white cops; you arrest people and they call their lawyers because of police brutality. There's cops who don't know the law and are on YouTube acting like dickheads. We can't enforce the law because of laws".

"Call Chief Maet...or Mayor Colin Granger in City Hall".

"Yeah, and they'll tell me not to be a vigilante".

"Just tell them what they want to hear. Laws in other states have a sense of disunity. There's no standards; there's nothing...And that scares me Colt...more than anything".

And Candace shook her head in dismay.


Brenda headed to the window.

"Don, what the hell's going on? They're ruining the city; they're horrible. Can we work in this environment?".

Don Sanders, the Owner, shrugged.

"We have customers, Brenda. They're not going to trouble anyone. Unless, they're wearing low cut jeans off 131st Street; unless, they're wearing shirts...or blouses...or dresses. Or they're on cable...or social media...and mess things up".

"Times have changed. You have even more restrictions; you have more trouble. My wife, Carla, won't let our daughters out before 11:00 PM, because they could be murdered, raped, kidnapped, or worse".

"Maybe they're going to join Middle Eastern terrorists because of the Islamic way of life is exciting; maybe they want to marry those soldiers...and wear the hajib...and have ten children...And they can go on the Internet to vent rage against the West".

"The American Government has its rules; the NYPD, LAPD, and other police agencies have increased responisbilities. Because of the way President Forsythe has taken care of things in the First Term in Office in The White House, his Democratic Government, has been diluted by the %94 majority of Republicans...who misuse their rights to enforce their own power trip, that borders on maniac behavior".

"The system is corrupt. So is the banks. Or the cops. Or politicians. Or Wall Street. America is a Third World country; America is dead".

"How can you say that? I mean, the system is here to help us. In the old days...". Colt stopped; Brenda served the coffees.


"Thank you!", Colt and Candace said.

And they stared at the bill: Two coffees. $US6.00 + tax of $US2.00.

And she walked away...

...And Colt took out his wallet...

...And took out a $US50.00 bill..

...And gave a large enough tip for the service.


Shelly was enraged.

Her face was lined; her eyes dropped to the beige carpet.

In her mind, the pigs were everywhere.

"Cass, I won't...Hey, are they going to use their batons on us? They're ramming the doors; they're ramming...".

And then the doors burst open...

...And total chaos erupted.


New York Riot Prevention of Lesbian and Gay People, or NYRPLGP, Head of Security, Rande Opller, a 32 year old African-American Officer, gazed at the destruction of the door.

"HOLD IT! PUT YOUR ARMS UP...NOW!", she yelled.

Shelly opened her desk drawer.

And she fired her .9mm gun into Rande's throat. Blood splattered downward. And, when she fired twice more, Rande's body thudded onto the carpet...

...And stained it in fresh blood.


Colt's Galaxy phone rang.


"It's me, Bob. A African-American policewoman was killed. A Lesbian Rights for Change member used a .9mm gun to kill her. The black community is protesting her murder. And the gay community are talking to the police...And everyone is up and running. Look, if you're too busy...". Colt took a deep breath.

"No! I'll deal with it. Candace and I are leaving now. I'll be there in 15 minutes. Good bye!". And he pressed the END CALL button...

...And he put it into the deep, right, pockets of his blue colored trousers...

...And he whispered to Candace...

...And they left the busy Restaurant together not as a happy couple...

...But as one who was pale as death because of the racist murder in the offices of the lesbian group, whose membership was now low in numbers due to the foul mood that America was in...especially in the Deep South...where violence consumed the elderly people who fought in the Civil Rights Movement from the mid 1940's...and throughout the 1950's...and 1960's...when the Black Panthers spread tension in the air...And President Kennedy...his brother, Attorney-General Robert "Bobby" Kennedy, Reverend Martin King, Jr., and Muslim leader Malcolm X, attempted to find a new path for Americans...until their deaths drained the country's soul of goodness...in amongst the growing darkness.


The crisis began to show itself when Davis Gavegin Jr., a Right Wing extremist, lodged a complaint at the news that President Forsythe was inviting immigrants to America.

"The President is continuing to rely on the assumption that he is The One. Hell, he thinks we fought the good fight in World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam. And the 'Star Wars' programme under President Reagan in the 1980's, fuelled the 'Space Race'. There's nothing more to do in space after the tragedies; there's...nothing...

..."The political wing of the Republican Party over the one term President is beyond help. You see, Washington, DC, enforces the laws; you see, The White House is full of puppets. Puppets on strings; puppets who thrive on crimes that make Watergate...and The Pentagon Papers in the early 1970's, look like the corruption could bring the President down, like President Nixon in August, 1974; like every President  Nixons afterward...

..."And do we have the new 21st Century President coming to aid us? Does he care? No; no. He thinks...and acts like he belongs in The West Wing. Yet, Vice-President Donald Campbell, Jr., is not going to face the black communities in Harlem...And say: 'We failed'. There's a failure in Government; there's failure all across the country...

..."And do we care about our wives? Or our children? Do we follow the black's view of racial enforced violence in their communities? The answer is that white cops shoot to contain the threat whether the perpetrator has a gun...or a toy gun...Or held up Harry's 7-11 store with a rifle. Or that there's a ID program on the database that tells the cops who they want to arrest because it's on their files...

..."And what about the 'Watch List'? Are the FBI, CIA, NSA, and DOD, as well as the USAF, and USAMC, all watching for suicide bombers on Military bases? Or on planes where Air Marshall can enforce their laws on us? Or, if our kids secretly go to The Middle East because they were radicalised on  the Intenet by terrorists? Can we fight them? And what about the sieges across the World by violent, agitated, idiots? Can we sit on our asses...and pretend that nothing out of the ordinary in 2015?...

..."The World is gone mad. There's no New World Order; there's just enforcement. The hierarchy can be abused by cops...and other groups...to force people to go with their own agendas; there own way of life...

..."And that, to me, is the issue. You can't win against them; you can't. The fractiousness of the cops is tantamount to insubordination. In other words, their laws pertain to what they can do; not what they can order...

..."In other words, you won't download material of Government policies. You can't download music; you can't download movies; you can't download anything, unless you do it legally. Nothing can be done without consequences; without results...

..."In US states, wearing a flag that promotes anti-diversity is a crime. Naming your baby after Hitler...is a crime; wearing clothes that is low-cut is a crime; computer hacking is a crime; verbally abusing the cops is a crime...But abusing The President isn't a crime because it's under the First Amendment...

..."And what does that mean? It means the President is open to abuse because the law says US citizens are within their rights to do so? Welcome to America, Ladies and Gentlemen". And he took a sip of water from the glass...

...And his supporters cheered as his speech ended in triumph.


New York Correction and Enforcement Center for Bad Women, (NYCECBW),

Lower Manhattan,


9:00 AM.

"I told you Colt, we have all women who are bad. They're biker lesbians; they're serial killers; they're tax avoiders; they abuse cops; they say 'Stuff you, pigs!', if you see them texting on their Galaxy phones; you see teenagers sexting. And we charge them with porn charges, because the pictures are on social media...

..."And they're on the US Sex Offenders' Registry", Sharri H. Erwin, a 41 year old Jewish lobbyist from New York, said.

And Colt shook his head.

"I knew this day would come. You can't do what you like now. Send kids to prison with rapists, murderers, psychos, mad scientists, and smart accounts. And crooked lawyers. And you know what it means now. Now it's chaos".

"And if they go to the Middle East to fight us?", Sherri asked.

"We'll shoot them dead...and bury their bodies in the ocean. Not in American soil. The terrorists kill people on the Internet. And they demand everything. But, like the sieges recently, we'll kill everyone. Permanently", Colt answered.

"That is unconstitutional, Colt. I won't be killing law abiding Middle Eastern families because Islamic terrorists hate the Western laws; terrorists enforce Sharia law on women if they're unfaithful; if they moved away from upsetting their husbands".

"We we're doing to not stopping these groups from having private money to create World War III...or IV".

"And you can tell the President not to act out of line. Because he is a wasted man. Isreal won't kow tow to the Palestine aggressors; Isreal is just in our actions. Besides, we're not harming the World's trouble spots; we decide who we want to let into the settlements. America, Australia, the UK, Canada, South Africa, and Europe, and in Asia, all want peace. Enforcing the laws to fit the crimes is demeaning to groups; to races; to prisoners. To people who are raciallly profilled because they feel that they're scared of Jews; to people who are scared of African-Americans; to people who hate white people, because of their belief in God...

..."Burning down the Synagogues...or Mosques...or Churches...is a polticial statement of hatred; burning down the social fabric is a damning indictment of society now. But, over the decades, and back centuries, human rights was, and always was, a power struggle. Protesting over abortion;  murder; men and women issues; childbirth; Orwellian Big Brother scenarios; selfie sticks. Those things are dangerous!".

"Technology for the dumb".

Sherri adjusted her blue suit.

Colt smiled.

"Got a date?".


"Oh, so Jewish women don't date Christian men".

"It's not that. There comes a time when the forces control what you do. The World is dead. Groups of the right-wing agendas use their websites to focus on what crap they want to feed the masses; left-wing agendas by moderates, is stymied by Republicans in America; Democrats are useless. The same is with Prime Minister Abrahamowicz. He is popular because he doesn't use force, unless Isreal is threatened, as I said".

"Oh, I got to go, Colt. I have a 2:00 PM meeting at the Isreal Consulate in New York. Shalom!".


And he walked away from her...as she got into her black colored limousine...And headed to the heart of the city...And left Colt feeling like he was going to have a lot of work to do cleaning up the messes everyone made.


The Leaders of of the Female World, (LFW);

Los Angeles, California,

1:30 PM.

Betty Coer blinked.

She ate her pie in silence.

"Are you going to eat that, or stuff around thinking we have the upper hand?", Kise Fawcett, the Head of LFW, said.

"I'm eating. You so anorexic that belittling me won't win the war against the cops. The highway is dangerous".

"Look, can you stop the lobbyists?".

"Yes, but they're not going to decide on how...and why...the laws affect us. There's nothing inherently...valuable...in the concept of preventing an attack on the lobbyists. Unless, you want to have sex with Mal Hawton".

"Mal is sleazy".

Betty, who wore a expensive blue blouse, black stockings, and wore high-heeled shoes...rolled her eyes.

Her long, black hair glistened in the mid-afternoon, Lower Manhattan, sunlight; her blue, sparkling, eyes, was a mirror to the soul.

"He touched a PA's secretary last month. Sexual harassment is still going on in 2015...like it was in 1985".

"Times haven't changed; people change".


Betty shook her head.

"That was Minde Shader. She filed a lawsuit against Mal in the Los Angeles Supreme Court when the case was shut down by Mal's lawyer, Ed Hader".

"And she won?", Betty asked.

"Yes! $US26.88 million dollars. Plus $US1.4 million for delaying tactics by him. Judge Suber banged down his brown gavel in his right hand...And that was it. She won! Of course, Mal was broken. He fled to Melbourne, Australia. He is enjoying early retirement. And he is now living it up in a Marina...And chilling out", Kise answered.

"And now?".

"Now...we have bigger fish to fry. The lobby groups are bad. They're not meant to demand us to relent; they're not meant to take the negative view of how we're taking action. But today's women are homebound like in the 1950's; like they're happy with a husband...two or more kids...A nice home...And so on...

..."And they're not afraid to be slaves to the grind. Modern women aren't striving to do anything. They let their men take control; they let men dominate. It's not like they want to Stepford women, like the Ira Levin novel; they're not robots; they're women".

"So, do you think we can confront Ellis F. Shawfoer, Jr.?".

"Yes, since he has the more incentive to play his cards right. There's a battle of consciousness that can't be ignored".

"And you're sure about the outcome?".


And she made herself a cup of coffee...

...And both women discussed the beginning of the new war, as they stared at the map of their enemies' place in LA.


New York,

Lower Manhattan,

3:30 PM.

Colt walked up 131st Street.

The 7th Avenue traffic of walkers, angry yellow colored NYC cab drivers, and NYPD officers...all created a deafening buzz that fuelled the rage that coursed through modern, 21st Century American society...And didn't let up.

And, as he reached New York Police Headquarters, he knew that the job of enforcing the law...was now going to get even more troublesome.


Candace's apartment,

Lower Manhattan,

6:00 PM.

Candace yawned.

She sipped more coffee.

Then she rested her feet on the sofa in her moderately priced apartment...

...Then fell asleep.


Page 2.

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