The Hidden Enemy

By sistersbyheart2

370 36 10

As the Winchesters and the girls prepare for the upcoming demon attack, Sam starts to notice that Shela is ac... More

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28 3 1
By sistersbyheart2

Later that night, Dean had gone to sleep suddenly exhausted for the night. Shela's eyes opened as she leaned over and grabbed the pendant. Casually, she sat up and placed the pendant on Dean's bare arm. In a low whisper, Shela began reciting a spell and watched as the anti-possession tattoo on Dean's chest began to glow dimmer and dimmer.

"Don't worry sweetheart," Shela said in a whisper. "It'll all be over soon," Shela pulled the pendant away and placed it around her neck. Getting off the bed quietly, Shela walked out of the room not realizing Sam was right by the door.

"Kristo!" Sam whispered and screamed in her ear. Shela flinched and turned around revealing the black eyes of the demon.

"Sammy, you know it's rude to eavesdrop," says Shela.

"Don't call me that Ruby," Sam said to her.

"Really? That whore? You got the wrong name Sammy," Shela said as she used the telekinetic abilities to pin Sam against the wall. "Don't you remember that blonde bitch you saved after she fell from a seven story building?"

"Ugh Meg that's even worse, stay away from me and stay away from my brother!" Sam warned.

"Or else what will you do? You and your brother got yourself pulled into this one," Meg said. "Especially after you met your little girlfriend and her friend you should have seen it coming Winchester,"

"Stop stalling I know why you're here, your daddy sent you," Sam declared he wasn't stupid and knew that the demons were trying to stop the prophecy.

"Oh do you now?" Meg said. "You know it was a lot harder to get to Shela than you think but you Winchesters left her alone, and you know what, she's screaming in my head right now like you wouldn't believe," Angry at her words Sam felt the urge to throw her across the room with his psychic abilities. Seeing how angry he was, Meg smirked evilly. "Let's see how they deal with this," Meg released Sam and faked falling on the ground in pain, she screamed loudly as fake tears began to come down from her eyes at the same time they had gone from black to brown. Dean and Kristina bolted awake and raced out of their rooms only to see that Shela had been on the ground and Sam had been standing over her.

"Sammy! What did you do?!" Exclaimed Dean as he ran over to Shela.

"No, I didn't do anything, she's a demon!" Sam yelled.

"You guys know me! I would never lie! Sam pushed me all I wanted to do was get a glass of water and he was there!" Shela exclaimed as Dean helped her stand up. The necklace around her neck glowed briefly as Dean suddenly looked weak, he had assumed that it must have been because of how tired he was.

"Sam enough, there is no demon if there was I'd feel it," Kristina argued she was unsure which side to take and that left her on thin ice.

"That's because Meg is blocking your abilities! She is trying to get you to turn on me!" Sam argued back.

"Sam, that's enough!" Dean yelled no longer acting like himself. "Meg would never dare show herself in this place! It's covered in iron!" Meg turned toward Kristina with pleading eyes it was the only way to isolate Sam so he wouldn't have anyone to turn to.

"Don't tell me you're going to believe him over me," Meg said. "We always said that men wouldn't come between us," Kristina took a sad glance at her best friend and then back at Sam. She was so torn between sides that she couldn't dare to speak, unfortunately Sam took her silence as his answer.

"So after everything that's happened you're not going to believe me?" Sam asked both angry and upset by the fact that she didn't believe him anymore.

"Stop this, I don't want us to fight and we're all tired, let's just forget it," Kristina cried she hated all this conflict and just wanted it to stop.

"Sam you need to take a chill pill," Dean said. "No one here is possessed your imagining things," Dean held onto Meg's hand as the necklace glowed again zapping more energy.

"You're missing my point here!" Sam yelled he was getting desperate now "That isn't Shela!" Sam declared pointing at Meg.

"I'm not going to listen to this," Says Dean. "Sam your losing it, now if you don't mind, Shela and I are going to take a walk and when your calm let us know," Wrapping his arm around Meg, Dean walked out of the bunker with her at the same time Meg turned and smirked evilly at Sam as her eyes went from brown to black then back to brown.

"First you attack my best friend then you accuse her of being a demon?" Kristina asked while she hated conflit now she was pissed at him.

"Kristina, I know you're mad but you need to know what's going on!" Sam said. "Meg was sent here by Azazel to stop the prophecy from happening," he continued. "Haven't you also noticed that anytime Dean was around Shela that he had been getting weaker by the second?"

"Yes but I don't know, in fact I don't know what to believe anymore!" Said Kristina "My life wasn't like this before," She continued "Where I had to make a difficult choice like picking sides," She finished and everything that's happening was too much for her to handle.

"I know that it's difficult, but you were possessed before too!" Sam exclaimed. "You know what it's like to be possessed. I've been trying to tell you that Meg and her father are planning something," Sam began to explain. "This is the demon's way of interfering with the prophecy,"

"Sam this is a lot to take in and I want to trust you, I will trust but before I do I need you to look me in the eyes and tell me you're telling the truth," Kristina said to him, she didn't want to fight about this anymore she just wanted answers. Sam looked Kristina directly in the eyes, he had been worried not just for them or for Shela but for Dean to.

"I am telling you the truth, Meg is possessing Shela and if we don't stop her then we're all dead," Sam said. She was silent for a minute before she responded trying to take all the information in.

"Hold me," she said hugging him. Sam wrapped his arms around Kristina and the two stayed in place for a little while.

"We're gonna get through this," says Sam. "I promise,"

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