My Itty Bitties

By ItsSwapPapyrus

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A box has been left at your doorstep. thinking that someone must've given you the wrong mail, you take it ins... More

1. Mystery Box
2. Skeletal Dolls
3. Edge the...Doll?
4. Trip
5. Insolent Human
6. Dear Friend
7. Roommate Vs Bitties
8. Hoody Travel
9. Osteologist
10. A Game Of Chess
11. Cherry Red
12. Bitty Control
13. Mountain side
14. Captured
16. Trouble brewing

15. The Squatter

4K 258 178
By ItsSwapPapyrus

The man continued to sway slowly. Eyes narrowed as he glared down at you. Matching his stare, you took a step back and sat on the armchair. Crossing your arms as you continued the hostile stare.

The man blinked, cursing to himself before he tried to move again, only to tangle himself a lot more. "shit- kid, c'mon let me down." He said, somehow able to prop himself on his knees. Both of his feet were slipping out from the net, though.

"No." You say, keeping Blue and Papyrus away from his view. It was better for him to imagine you as a crazy person than give him the opportunity to hold them against you again.

"I'll get you go.. until you explain how you got here, how you found this place and.. who are you?" Despite the questions, the man only scoffed and tried to move again, only to have his foot slide through the hole. His pants rolled up due to the ropes, making your nose wrinkle is disgust before looking at him once again.

Seeing that he had no choice but to comply, he grumbled a "fine."

Swallowing thickly, you nodded softly and leaned forward. Giving Blue and Papyrus the chance to go down by your back and hid between the chair and your thigh, enough for them to go down your leg and find somewhere to hide for a bit.

"How about you let me down and we talk like civil people?"

Narrowing your eyes, you shook your head. "I don't know you, how would I know that you wouldn't try to attack again?"

He growled, swinging side to side for a second before slowly spinning around. "because I have motion sickness, not to fucking mention that hanging here is messing with my vision." He hissed, rubbing his eyes with his thump and finger, seemly dizzy.

"Not to mention.. you have some type of witchy power on your side." He reasoned, using his free hand to hold onto the net. Slowly growing green in his face.

You perked up in interest. So he didn't spot any of your bitties? You narrowed your eyes, letting yourself wander in search of each bitty. Red and Edge was hiding behind the flatscreen. Blue and Papyrus somehow ended up behind a potted plant, slowly creeping their way towards the door frame. Eyelights trained sharply like cats on the swinging man.

Sans was no where to be seen, but with the blue hue on the ropes along with the occasional flicker on the net. He was somewhere close.

Biting your bottom lip, you nodded slowly. "Fine.. but I'm armed if you try anything."

"Sure, kid." The man wheezed softly, growing a bit more green as Sans  began to slowly let him down. Somehow, that action alone made the man even greener as he tightly shut his eyes.

Once safely back on solid ground, he slowly stood up. Stumbling a bit as he patted his chest.

Tensing up, you sat straight. Hands in your pocket, tightly holding onto the keys of the house and your vehicle. Making sure that each key was inserted between each of your fingers.

You still didn't trust this guy — but you trusted the others.

Shakily breathing out, you gestures the man to take a seat as far as he could from you. Once seated, you kept your eyes on his hands, watching his actions for any hostile movements.

"Er.. well.. may I have some water?" He asked, coughing softly into his fist. An uncomfortable look appearing over his eyes as he looked around the room.

"...later.." you muttered, leaning back to appear aloof. Pursing your lips, you told him to introduce himself. Still searching for anything dangerous he could use against you.

"Um..I'm Alexander Jones.. this cabin is used for my family holidays. Although.. we've been renting it out from an old couple for a few years." He stated, although albeit reluctantly. He cleared his throat, all of his hostility earlier was gone, only showing sheepish embarrassment. "Up until recently, we've been saving the money to permanently buy it off of them. They haven't contacted us for a long while but we make sure to keep up with yearly rental charges."

Pursing your lips into a thin line, you moved to be more comfortable. seeing this, Alexander stopped talking.

Rubbing your arm for comfort, you lightly shook your head. "They.. both passed recently."

His expression fell, the confusion whipped away from his eyes as he glanced around warily. "oh.." he muttered, clearing his throat. "I am sorry for your loss. We haven't gotten a notice about it.. uhm, are you the new owner?" he asked nervously, clasping his fingers together as he nervously twirled his thumbs.

"Perhaps.. Depending on your answer." You say, lightly bouncing your leg in concentration. "Why did you come here?" You ask, lightly tapping your temple in thought. Eyes sharp on Alexander while he continued to avoid your eyes.

"Uhm.. I guess it's because i needed to get away from my parents?" he muttered loud enough for you to hear, a long sigh coming from him as he leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "Their marriage has been.. rough since few summers ago, i usually come to squat here for a few weeks then go back." he explained, leaning back as he sighed loudly.

Pursing your lips, You shake your head and get up. You knew he couldn't stay here while you were here, it was too risky with your bitty-band. You also had to find a way to.. fix the situation with Levi.

You're going to be pushed about it first, though. There was no way you we're going to let him off the hook so easily.

Exhaling softly, you glared at the squatter. "Unfortunately I'm not looking to let this place go. It isn't really a 'holiday' cabin to rent out.. this is a hunters cabin." You say slowly, scratching your cheek.

"We know! We just.. it was within our budget. Besides, this cabin isn't all too bad." He said, glancing around the room with a fond smile. It dropped into a frown as he rubbed his face. "I fucked up any chance of buyin this place, eh?"

Pursing your lips into a thin line, you nodded slowly. Being attacked right after you find a squatter was never ideal — you were grateful that the bitties where more than capable to look out for themselves. That didn't meant you'd stop taking care of them while they're barely the size of a new born.

Alexander cursed softly. "Let me make it up to you. I'll do yard work, I'll clear out the weeds and-"

"Thank you, Alexander." You say stiffly, cutting him off mid-sentence. Your hold on your arm tightening. His movements were too fast, too hectic, would he try attack you again? Taking a small breather. You lightly shook your head. "I had already said I am not interested in letting go of this cabin just yet. But you and your family are more than welcomed to keep on renting it for the holidays."

Alexander stood slowly, running his hand through his hair with a light raspberry. "Alright. Alright, you're the new owner by heritage.. it's only right that your word is final."

His words took a hard jab at your conscious, making you wince lightly as he went upstairs to father his things, mumbling underneath his breath the whole time.

Sighing loudly in relief, you fell back onto the couch with your arm draped over your eyes. A soft groan coming from you as a long day crashed in bulk.

You were so tired of everyone's bullshit. First Edge and Blue's bones break - unable to be healed unless if it was the same type of magic they had, Papyrus woke up out of the blue — which only meant that Stretch might take much longer to wake up from his state. Not to mention, Hange was backstabbing you the whole time!

When would have she strike? When you let your guard down around her so they she can finally do her experiments?

"Whatever, they're not any of my concerns anymore." You hiss softly, glaring up at the ceiling. "If they have a damn problem about it, it's their fault for going against me."

"ya loose in tha' head?" A small voice growled close to your ear. Startling you out of your ramble as you shot up. A small help escaping your mouth as a sharp object pressed onto the bottom of your spine, forcing you to sit even straighter. "i dun like tha' looks of ya but fer sum stupid reason.. boss likes ya."

You quickly got onto your feet, looking down at Red. He laid where you had laid previously before he surprised you, his sockets were closed - his bulky body adding weight onto the pillows as he twirled the bone club in his hand. Snickering you're himself when you sighed and gave up the spot.

"if ya ever try ta do sum backstabbin of yer own... be sure ta remember who ya dealing with, k sweetheart?"

"Duly noted." You say, rubbing the area Red had nearly punctured with his bones. A light frown on your lips as Red continued to relax onto your spot — a small red-translucent magic bubbled from his mouth before popping. You watched as it formed again, popped again, formed, popped...

Wrinkling your nose, you rolled your eyes - however you froze at Alexander staring at you weirdly. An awkward smile appeared over your pink lips as you waved slowly.

Alexander frowned but waved back, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder, indicating that he was leaving. You nodded quickly, you would have said it was nice to meet him but..

It.. It really wasn't all that great.

When Alexander left, Blue ran out of his hiding spot in a blur of grey and blue. Wide stars appearing in his dark sockets as he looked u pat you. Papyrus sprinted after Blue, easily catching up with the small bitty due to his longer legs.

"WOWIE! YOU HANDLED THE SCARY HUMAN LIKE I WOULD HAVE!" Blue shouted from the floor - glancing over to the couch then back at you. He walked over with Papyrus and gripped onto the fabric before hoisting himself up. One arm after the other.

While you were glad he was healed up, you weren't comfortable with Blueberry attempting to climb everything so soon — however, the victorious 'MWEH!' From him was enough to shatter that worry away.

That familiar swell in your chest made you shut your eyes, forcing the adoration down a notch.

"Where did Sans go?" You ask after taking a few exhales, glancing around the room for the sleepy bitty. "Where's Edge?"


"Papyrus, honey, I don't mind gender neutral pronouns." You say, glancing at the bitty for a second then returned to looking around for the two bitties.

"OH! OKAY, I SEE YOU! WINK-WINK." Papyrus giggles that familiar 'Nyeheh' before scurrying off, leaving a small trail of dust in his wake. You shook your head softly, unable to stop the genuine smile showing on your lips.

Papyrus was as adorable as Blueberry. The two in their own equal levels.

"I'm going to trust-"

"don care!" Red growled, covering his ears and turned away. Grumbling to himself about missing sleep. Furrowing your eyebrows, you thought back onto the ride onto the mountain.

Blue and Papyrus were playing I-Spy, Edge was on your phone, Sans was sleep in your hair, Stretch was still comatose.... That left Red. Was he keeping watch that whole time?

Taking a seat once again, you pursed your lips into a thin line. Trying to find the words you wanted to say, words that he could believe without fearing for the worst.

Yet you didn't know what to say.

You knew you couldn't pick him up. He didn't trust you. You had no right to pick him up and expect that he doesn't bite you. Looking at your injured hand, lightly tracing the bandage from the incident.

You shouldn't have expected him to be Edge that night.

Taking off your sweater, you slowly placed the hood over Red. Freezing at the smallest movement, the cutest noises, in fear of being caught. You didn't know how it would end and frankly you didn't want to know.

Slowly standing up, you walked out of the room in hurry.

Completely forgetting Blueberry - his gaze glued onto Red as he frown to himself.


With the sun long gone from the sky and painting it a deep blue. Speckles of white twinkled, creating shapes and stories from legends and myths. A full moon stamping the earth in a blue hue.

In the warm cabin, you began preparations for dinner. It was late but it was dinner nonetheless, plus McDonald's wasn't fulfilling. Looking in the refrigerator for an idea - Cheese, butter, bread and ham. Nose wrinkling softly, you pushed the door closed and moved to the cabinets, beginning to search them and seeing more than what you needed for a decent meal... but they required time.

Sighing softly, you sat on the counter.

"This is going...terrible." You mutter underneath your breath. Leaning back with a frown. Now that you're calm and relaxed, you have time to think about Levi.

Did he really break a long friendship with you? He sabotaged it so perfectly at you ran away from him. Was that his plan all along? Why the effort? If he had told you, you would have understood and left him alone.

No petty— No. You will not victimized yourself. You thought sternly. The guilt about running away wasn't for you. You ran away for them. How long would have it been if you stayed? If you eventually let Hange experiment on them?

The thought of it alone only made you fell sick. You were selfish thinking that situation was yours only, it was there's and you let a personal friend abuse them. That last one psychically making you nauseated.

Taking a few breaths in to relax. After a moment, you hopped off the counter and began preparing dinner. A simple beef stew.

"you're being silent." Sans spoke, appearing on the counter. His hands in his pockets as he peered above at you. One of his browbone raised slightly in question.

You jumped slightly, blindingly twice to focus on Sans' sudden appearance. You smile nervously, giggling softly before sighing. "No- I meant, I know..I was thinking about... Stretch."

Sans' eyebrows furrowed deeply. "hey.. he's gonna wake up, we all did." He said while patting your hand.

Biting your tongue, you nodded slowly then took your hand back and dusted them off, going back to cooking your beef stew. 

"buuut i can see that ain't it." Sans said, appearing on your shoulder. His boney hands tangled in your (colour) hair. Grabbing the ends of your hand and placed it on his skull. Chuckling to himself before shaking his head.

"Can I just make stew without questions?" You ask, roughly chopping up the carrots with a frown. Softly sighing to yourself at Sans' patronizing giggle.

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