Expecting the Unexpected (Bak...

By LadysDaze

793K 35.7K 25.9K

"Hey... you like fucking coffee?" Had you known that Bakugou's request toward you as you both held onto your... More

A Warning Before Reading This Book
A Warning to Future Readers... Again
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 13
Week 16
Week 18
Week 20
Week 22
Week 24
Week 26
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 33
Three Months
Six Months
Eight Months
Nine Months
Eleven Months
Fifteen Months
Seventeen Months
Twenty Months
Twenty-Four Months (Part 1 Finale)
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 13
Week 18
Week 21
Week 25
Week 29
Week 33
Week 40
Birth (Part 2)
Newborn (Part 2)
Month 3
Month 6
Month 9
Month 12
Month 15
Month 18
Month 21
Month 24
Month 38
Month 39
Month 40
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #9
Bonus #10

Month 1

6.6K 352 246
By LadysDaze

Month 1

"Let's go play, Tsuro!" Katsuko called out happily, trying to undo the straps that held her little brother in the baby seat.

Katsuro muttered a few incoherent words, looking to not know what was happening. He watched his big sister and yawned as she struggled to set him free. From the couch, you got up and came towards your daughter.

"Ko." You knelt down. "Katsuro is still too little to play with you right now."

She looked at you with a pout and crossed her arms. Her impatience to start to play with her brother had grown over the last few weeks. So much so that you felt as if you were watching Katsuko more than your newborn.

"But he talks now!" Katsuko told you.

"He's just making baby sounds." You told her. "He doesn't know how to talk, or understands us."

"Is he dumb?" Katsuko asked.

You inhaled softly, trying to not chuckle at her... interesting thought process. You reached out and gently rubbed her messy ash-blonde locks. Katsuko giggled and pulled your hand away.

"He's not dumb, he's just a baby. Babies have to watch and learn before they can do anything." You told her.

Katsuko's eyes lit up. "So if he watched me... he might be like me!?"

"You watched your father a lot as a baby... and you're just like him." You smirked. "So what do you think?"

You couldn't contain your giggles at Katsuko's reaction. You saw your daughter's eyes light up. Her little body going towards her brother and sitting down in front of him. Katsuro looked at his sister, sputtering more babbles.

"You're going to be my clone! So pay attention!" She declared and started explaining whatever came to her mind.

You went back to the couch and watched your two little babies talk, or attempt to. Katsuko looked to be getting frustrated that her brother could not give her a high five, and thus was trying to teach him.

She certainly had taken up the role of big sister over the past month. Katsuko seemed unable to do anything without wanting Katsuro to tag along: from eating food, to playing, to even bedtime. She wanted her brother with her.

Her attachment, while cute, made you worried that she was getting a little too involved with Katsuro's development and upbringing. As if on cue, Katsuko came dashing towards you and jumped up on the couch beside you.

"Tsuro is hungry!" Katsuko declared and reached for your blouse.

Her little hands chopped open the buttons and let her see the bra you were wearing. She attempted to reach for the undergarment, but you stopped her this time. Your hands grabbing hers and making her give you space.

"Bakugou Katsuko!" You raised your voice. "We do not touch others without their permission!"

Katsuko pouted again and crossed her arms. "My brother is hungry! And you are his food!"

You inhaled slowly. "Katsuko... if he's hungry he'll let me know. Babies can't eat whenever they want."

Katsuko looked at you with an all too familiar glare and then she hopped down from the couch. You redid your buttons and then looked to where she had gone. You found your answer when the fridge opened.

Getting up quickly, you saw your daughter by the fridge, trying to get the milk on the top shelf. Her plan was to use the other racks as a step and crawl up to the top. You were about to scold her again when one of the racks snapped in half.

You dashed forward, quirk coming to life by accident. Your arms wrapping around your daughter as shielding her from the heavy food and drinks that came flying down. Your back was hit and your head immediately started pounding.

The sounds of footsteps came running down the hallway and your husband emerged. He had been taking a much-needed nap from pulling an all-nighter at the office. But it seemed the sounds of a screaming Katsuko and crashing had startled him awake.

"Mama?" Katsuko asked, seeing the pain on your face. "You okay?"

You inhaled sharply and nodded. "Yes... I'm just fine."

You let Katsuko go and she ran off to check on her brother. But while your daughter was easy to trick into believing you were fine, your husband was not. He came over and took you into his arms. You were uneasy on your feet and thus had to use him for support. He held you close and rubbed your back.

"She's a handful, huh?" He chuckled.

"I might need to tag out..." You whimpered. "I used my quirk and the infection isn't gone all the way yet... so I have a migraine now."

He nodded and helped you to the bedroom. After closing the door, Bakugou made his way back out to the living room. Much to his displeasure, Katsuko was back in the kitchen again.

"What are you doing, brat?" Bakugou looked at her. "And where is your brother?"

Katsuko showed him several bath towels she had gotten and how she was using the nice towels to soak up and smush together the broken grocery products. Then she pointed to beneath the kitchen table. Katsuro was happily sleeping, despite that his sister had just dragged his baby seat from the living room to the kitchen.

"I clean and watch Tsuro." She stated matter of factly.

Bakugou sighed and knelt down to help her. The father and daughter worked together, though it was mostly the father cleaning. By the time you woke up, the kitchen was clean, and Katsuko was occupied once more. This time not by her brother, but by a movie your husband had put on.

You and Bakugou looked at each other, and despite how you were not a mind reader... you could tell exactly what he was thinking. Katsuko needed to see her friends again and soon... as she was getting too attached and troublesome trying to take care of her baby brother.


The following day, Katsuko was still up to her new tricks. She had attempted to make Katsuro a meal, only to be told he was too little to eat toast. Then she tried to give him a bath, which was stopped by her father in the nick of time. So when the doorbell rang that evening, you and Bakugou were ready to take a break from watching your daughter attempting to parent.

Bakugou followed Katsuko as she answered the door. Her red eyes grew wide and her face morphed into a huge smile as she saw who was out before her. Dressed in their night clothes and holding small bags were Hiroki and Yuuto.

"Why are you here?!" She cried.

"Sleepover!" Hiroki smiled brightly.

"Surprise." Yuuto nodded.

Katsuko grabbed the hands of her friends and dragged them inside. Leaving only the boy's mothers on the doorstep. You sighed, waving Uraraka and Momo inside. Both cooed gently at little Katsuro in your arms.

"Ah! He looks even more like Bakugou than Katsuko did as a baby!" Uraraka clapped her hands.

"I agree! It must be the boyish looks that were passed down!" Momo nodded along.

At the new noise, Katsuro opened his eyes and lifted his head from where he had been sleeping on your chest. The baby boy studied the two ladies before him and then babbled a tiny bit before laying his head back onto your chest and falling back asleep.

"As calm as you though!" Momo swooned. "And his eyes are as beautiful as yours!"

"I remember how hyper Katsuko was and little Roro seems to be the opposite!" Uraraka joined in.

"That's enough!" Bakugou emerged from somewhere else inside the house. "We're taking your dumb boys for the night, so get out and do whatever shitty things you morons do when you have no kids!"

"Our one-year-old daughter is still home with us, Bakugou-san," Momo informed him.

"I thought we outgrew the hurtful nicknames, Bakugou-kun." Uraraka shook her head. "We're almost in our thirties, y'know."

Bakugou growled and looked towards you. "Get 'em out. It's already noisy as hell with three three-year-olds in here..."

He walked away to make sure the kids were not destroying his apartment and you sighed. He certainly was regretting proposing this idea, but you both knew Katsuko needed a night with her friends.

"As grumpy as ever." Uraraka smiled.

"He wouldn't be Bakugou-san if he wasn't." Momo hummed.

"He certainly wouldn't be." You chuckled. "Tell Midoriya and Todoroki I said hello. See you both tomorrow morning."

Momo and Uraraka said their goodbyes and left. You wandered to the living room, seeing your husband setting up the sleeping bags while the kids argued about what movie to watch.

Katsuro babbled on your chest and looked up at you. You smiled down at him and gently stroked his soft blonde locks. Smiling, you went towards the freezer and took out a few cartons of ice cream, followed by lots of toppings.

"Who wants to make ice cream sundaes?" You asked and watched as all three kids turned their heads towards you.

"Me!!!" Katsuko dashed to you.

"M-me too!" Hiroki was quick to follow.

"Me." Yuuto walked calmly, but you could see the craving for the sweet in his steps.

You winked towards your husband, telling him you had spared him a few minutes to set up the sleeping area before the kids returned. Your gaze returned to the kids, scooping each up their flavors of choice and then letting them decorate themselves.

By the time the sundaes were done, each looked like a sugar-covered mess: sprinkles, chocolate sauce, nuts, you name it... the ice cream was smothered in it.

The kids all went back over to the living room, each taking a seat on their sleeping bags and talking amongst themselves. Bakugou watched them like a hawk, making sure none of the sundaes got on his nice furniture sitting near the kids.

"Watch this!" Hiroki called out, touching his spoon.

The utensil floated upwards and the ice cream fell from the spoon. As Bakugou was about to scream, Hiroki managed to catch the ice cream in his mouth. Katsuko and Yuuto clapped in awe. Bakugou clicked his tongue. Leave it to Deku and Round Face's kid to be a show-off...

"My turn..." Yuuto spoke softly.

He put his own bowl down and looked at it. Slowly he covered his two hands together frost started to come out between the cracks. When he opened his hands up, a small replica of his ice cream bowl had been made out of ice.

"Wow!" Katsuko screamed. "You can make stuff out of ice!"

"You got a mix of your mom and dad's quirks!!" Hiroki looked just as excited as Katsuko.

Yuuto nodded. "I only have ice though. Mother is happy... she was worried about fire."

"What about you, Ko?!" Hiroki looked towards her. "Did you get your quirk yet?!"

Katsuko huffed and shook her head. "Mine is taking forever!"

"It could take another two years," Yuuto told her.

"My dad got his quirk when he was fourteen... so maybe even longer!" Hiroki informed her.

Katsuko's face paled. "I don't want to wait that long! I want my quirk now!"

Bakugou sighed, letting the kids talk. He furrowed his brow. When he was her age... he didn't have his quirk yet either... but it was worrying that the two other little shits had theirs. He was the second kid in his class to get a quirk, and most of Katsuko's class had developed theirs by now.

You had told him that quirks were manifesting earlier now and he wanted to believe you... he really did... but, some part of him felt as if... something was wrong.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw you were coming towards him. A gentle smile on your face. He nodded towards you and allowed you to place a sweet kiss on both his cheeks.

"Relax." You smiled at him. "She's got it in her genes... her quirk will come sooner than you think."

Bakugou huffed, gently caressing his son's head. He hoped you were right because Katsuko was not the only one impatiently waiting for her quirk to manifest.

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