Out of His League: Book Two (...

By jsteph0214

419K 17K 3.5K

"It's always been you, Phoenix. You are the one who makes me the happiest. Just being in the same room as you... More

Character Introduction
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Seven

5.7K 241 84
By jsteph0214

Valentine Martinez (Vee):



Phoenix and I made our way over to the front door where Kole stood with two cases of beer in each arm and Sam beside him.

"Hi guys," I said, smiling.

Sam walked towards us, giving me a hug. "Hey, Scar!"

"Watch those hands, Sammy," Nix joked with a raised brow.

"Aw, don't be jealous. If you want a hug too, all you have to do is say so," He went over, trying to put his arms around him before Phoenix had him in a chokehold.

"No one wants your grimy ass hands on them," Nix and him were both laughing.

I shook my head at the two. "Children."

Kole came over. "Hey there."

My lips curved into a smile. "Hello. Jeez, do you think you have enough beer there?"

His brow lifted. "Nope, but I can run to the store and get more if I need to," He smirked.

I let out a chuckle, looking up at him like he was crazy. "Oh, good, I was really worried there for a second."

Ryder chimed in. "Around here, beer is in its own major food group."

"Huh, I don't remember being taught that back in elementary school," My brows softly knitted together with a hint of a smile.

"That's because you don't learn about it until college," Ryder spoke in a joking manner.

Kole nodded. "Yep, don't worry, Scar. I will take you under my wing and teach you the updated food groups."

"Is pizza on there?" I wondered.

He let out a laugh. "Fuck yeah, it is."

I chuckled at his words. "Then I am all ears."

"For what?" Nix asked, slipping his arms around me from behind.

"Kole is going to teach me the new and improved major food groups of college, apparently," I said.

Nix shook his head. "Great, and the next thing he'll be teaching you is how to get wasted and break tables."

We all erupted in laughter as Kole furrowed his brows. "Hey, it looked a lot sturdier than it was, okay?"

"That poor table never saw it coming," Sam laughed. "It looked like someone had driven a damn tank over it, flattening that shit like a pancake."

Ryder smiled. "Well, Kole is a fucking tank, so that's an accurate description."

Everyone looked over at Kole, nodding their heads in agreement. He was tall and broad-shouldered. If I ever saw him before I knew he played baseball, I would have figured he was on the football team.

"In Kole's defense, babe, I already know how to get wasted, so that only leaves the destroying furniture thing," A subtle smirk appeared on my lips.

Nix's chest vibrated against me as he laughed. "For our poor apartment's sake, let's skip that lesson."


The doorbell rang again as I felt slightly anxious, waiting to meet another girl in the group. My track record with girls hasn't been the best since I can remember. I would find out pretty quickly that most of them would only be friendly towards me to get to my brother or Nix, but it didn't matter much because Luke, Jack, Mia, and Lily were all I needed. They have always been my best friends. But at least I don't have to worry about the wanting to be my friend to get to Ry or Nix since Vee is dating one of their teammates, so her intentions should be good.

Ryder went to open the door before Jesse and Vee appeared. "What's up, guys?"

"Oh, thank god, I have to pee," Vee frantically ran inside, pushing past Ryder towards the hall bathroom in a blink of an eye.

"Hi to you too," Ryder shouted, chuckling.

Jesse walked in, shutting the door behind him. "Talk about an a great first impression, huh?" He looked over at me with a smile.

"I think it was pretty fitting for her, honestly," Kole chimed in as the rest of the boys nodded.

A small laugh escaped me. "When you gotta go, you gotta go, so no judgment here."

"Yeah, she and I went on a jog before getting ready to come over, and she ended up chugging my water bottle and hers by the end of it," Jesse shook his head.

"Didn't get enough exercise at practice?" Nix raised a brow.

Jesse shrugged. "Sometimes it's nice getting in a workout with the nice view around our place instead of seeing all your ugly asses."

"Don't lie, you totally love looking at my ass," Sam joked as everyone laughed.

Vee's voice trailed down the hall. "No, that's just all your sad little groupies in the stands."

Sam playfully narrowed his eyes. "It's never too late to join them, Valentine."

"I told you the next person to call me that would get my foot shoved up their ass," She raised her brows, pointing her finger at him as he retreated behind Kole.

Nix laughed. "He either likes the idea of that, or he's just an idiot."

"Both," Ryder, Kole, and Jesse spoke at the same time.

"Jesse, come get your girl! I have too much to live for," Sam let out a nervous laugh.

He put his hands up in defense. "And get dragged down with you? No, thanks. I don't like living in the doghouse."

I shook my head, smiling. "You must have some experience there."

Vee looked back at me. "Oh, girl, one time he had a very long vacation there after repeating the name of another woman in his dream beside me."

"Oh, shit," Ryder turned to Jesse. "What was the name?"

"Betty," Vee said.

All of our faces twisted in confusion and curiosity as Jesse sighed loudly. "Betty White."

"Dude," Kole nearly died of laughter while we all joined.

Sam piped in. "What the hell were you and Betty doing in that dream?"

"She just made me a fucking cake, I swear! It wasn't even bad," Jesse explained quickly.

Vee lifted a brow. "Mhm."

"It was a really fucking good cake, and you were the one that made us watch Golden Girls before bed!"

She rolled her eyes, chuckling. "Because it's a good ass show."

"It really is," I agreed while my shoulders shook, taking in the funny story.

Vee walked over to me with a sweet smile. "Hey, I'm Vee. It's short for Valentine," She glanced back at Sam, giving him a small death glare. "But I like to go by Vee," Her hand reached out towards me.

"I'm Scarlett, but I like to go by Scar," The corners of my lips curved up, shaking her hand. "For the record, I think Valentine is a fucking cool name."

"Thank you. My parents couldn't pick a name for me until the day I was born...on Valentine's Day," She softly chuckled. "Only a few special people call me that," Her eyes wandered over to Jesse before looking back at me. "Sorry for rushing past you a second ago. I was so not trying to be rude, but "someone" forced me to go running before we came over. And I think I inhaled an entire lake of water after wishing I could go back in time when asked if I wanted to go."

"I hear you. The last time I went on a run with Phoenix was the only time in my life I let that happen. He never broke a single drop of sweat as I had to take multiple breaks looking like a swap creature before he dragged me and my shaky noodle legs home."

She let out a contagious laugh. "Oh my god, I think we are the same person."

Nix spoke up. "We literally ran a mile, babe."

"It was a mile too long then," I added.

He shook his head, smiling.

"A girl that understands me. Thank god. Nix, you got a good one," Vee said.

Phoenix grinned. "I already knew that."

"So, uh, about those nachos," Kole eyed the kitchen.

I chuckled. "Everything is ready, so go ahead and dig in!" As soon as I said that, Kole and Sam nearly fought to get in there first.

"It smells amazing. Next time I will help out or bring something if you want. I can make a mean grilled cheese," Vee offered.

Ryder nodded. "It's true, but for some reason, they taste the best during a shitty hangover."

A smile appeared on my face. "Sounds amazing, and I would love that!"

"Yay," She said, linking her arm with mine. "I'm so happy to have another girl in the group, especially one that means so much to two guys I know," Vee looked between Ryder and Nix before we started to follow in after Kole and Sam.

As we walked, I heard Phoenix whisper over to Jesse. "Is the doghouse that bad?"

"Dude, it's the worst," He replied.

"It's okay, Nix, just make sure not to dream about Betty White, and you'll be good," Ryder joked loudly.

Vee and I both looked at each other, bursting into laughter.

"Hey, eavesdroppers," Jesse yelled out.

"Baby, you two whisper like you're doing it into a microphone," Vee shook her head.

All of us ended up grabbing plates and piling our food on them. The boys except Sam and Kole were in the living room, putting the game on as Vee and I were making margaritas.

"You sure you don't want one Kole?" I arched brow.

"Yeah, I don't drink girly drinks," He sipped his beer, watching Vee and I make them.

Sam shook his head. "Pshh, whatever. You're missing out."

"Yeah, Scar even got these cute little umbrellas to go on top," Vee held it up, trying to persuade him.

He shook his head, chuckling. "Tempting."

I pour some more tequila in the glasses. "Just a little splash."

"What kind of measuring system do you have in your head?" Sam laughed. "That was the largest splash of alcohol I have ever seen."

Vee chimed in. "Looks like we use the same system. We are definitely meant to be friends."

We all laughed while finishing up our drinks and food before heading into the living room with the others.

"Have no fear the party is here," Vee lifted her glass up, sitting next to Jesse.

Nix was on the recliner as I pouted. "Did you want to sit alone?" I asked.

"No, I saved a spot for you," He smiled and put his plate on the side table, pulling me down onto his lap as I sat across him with my feet hanging off the side of the chair.

"Aw, you guys are so cute," Vee said as Jesse put his arm around her.

Ryder snorted. "Just wait till they get all handsy. It will become less cute."

"I'll be waiting for it," Sam said as Ryder punched him in the shoulder.

Everyone chuckled, rolling their eyes at him.

Jesse took a sip of Vee's drink. "Jesus, are you sure that isn't just straight tequila?"

"No...just a splash of tequila," Vee smirked.

His brows raised. "Uh-huh. Well, I have a feeling I will be driving us home tonight."

"I also have that feeling," She said as we both started to laugh.

Phoenix chimed in. "And I have a feeling we are going to have our hands full with these two."

My eyes met with his, softly smiling. "Oh, for sure."

The corner of his mouth slowly curved up before placing a kiss on my lips.

"When Lily visits we will all be in trouble with those three," Ryder added, stuffing his face with nachos.

"And Mia," I said as he nodded. "You guys won't even know what hit you."

Vee smiled. "Can't wait to meet them!"

As we sat there eating and waiting for the game to begin, I thought of how the girls would love Vee. She was funny, sweet, and had a sassy side to her just as much as the rest of us. It didn't seem like she had a mean or judgmental bone in her body with how she talked either.

By the fifth inning, the Ray's were demolishing the Yankee's. It was the icing on top of the cake for the guys after stuffing themselves silly with food.

"Anyone want a margarita? Or another one if you're Vee or Sam?" I wondered, sliding off of Phoenix onto my feet.

Sam nodded while finishing off a beer he was holding, "Yes, I'd love another."

Ryder turned to him. "You're so going to get plastered."

"Am not," He furrowed his brows.

I shook my head, chuckling.

"I'll take one," Kole spoke up.

"Oh shit! He wants a girly drink after all," Sam yelled out, making us laugh.

"Whatever," He rolled his eyes.

Vee stood up. "I'm going to have another too, but I will come help."

"Okay," I smiled. "Oh, do you want an umbrella in yours too, Kole?"

The guys all glanced at him as he sat up straight, trying to be confident. "Yes, make it a blue one."

We made our way into the kitchen again while the dummies in the living room poked fun at each other.

"They are ridiculous, but you have to love them," Vee said.

"Unfortunately," I teased, grabbing a new glass while we both giggled.

She stood beside me as we put together the ingredients.

"So, how long have you and Jesse been together?" I asked.

"It's been since the first semester of freshman year, so almost two years."

I gave her a soft smile. "Wow, that's awesome. Did you guys meet in a class?"

Vee let out a chuckle, shaking her head. "No, I actually met him in my dorm room one night."

"What?" My head tilted to the side.

"He was trying to hide from a hookup gone wrong with a girl that was known as crazy Laurie on our floor. I had my door open, and he rushed inside while I was writing an essay. After the awkward first few minutes of him trying to explain, we talked until the coast was clear and eventually started dating weeks later."

"That's an odd yet really cute story," I said, pouring some lime juice into the drinks.

She shook her head, laughing. "It was definitely memorable, but nothing like yours and Phoenix's story."

My head turned towards her. "Our story?"

"Mhm," A smile crossed her lips. "The falling in love with someone who you grew up with. You know...I probably shouldn't tell you this because Jesse and I swore to each other never to bring it up, but times have changed recently  to where I think it would be okay."

"Bring what up?" A quizzical brow lifted.

She took a sip of her freshly made margarita, leaning against the counter. "When Jesse and I first moved in together, we had a housewarming party that became a little wild, not so surprisingly," We both chuckled. "And Phoenix had drank a lot that night...like he was gone. We ended up finding him nearly passed out in our bathroom by our bathtub when we were going to bed."

I nodded, listening intently and hoped this wouldn't be a horrible story about him that I could never unhear.

"Jesse went in to check on him as he sat up against the wall, looking like he was going to be sick. The first slurred words out of his mouth were "none of them are her" as he shook his head. I asked who he was talking about, and then he proceeded to say, "I can't get her off my mind. I keep comparing everyone to her, but no one comes close. Why does it have to be her? Why the one I can't fucking have?" Jesse and I were obviously very confused until he told us why he couldn't be with the girl," Vee smiled. "He said that she was Ryder's little sister and that she could never be his or he would destroy everything...Scarlett was her name."

My mouth fell open. "He said that?"

"Yeah, we were taken by surprise with that confession too but didn't want to cause drama by telling anyone. Plus, when Nix woke up, he didn't remember a thing...at least we never talked about it again."

"When was that?" I wondered.

"Mm, that was last October. A couple weeks before Halloween," She said as I picked my jaw up, feeling my heart nearly melt. "Drunk words are sober thoughts, right?"

A small chuckle escaped me. "Apparently...but it looks like he was able to get the girl after all."

"And thank god for that!" She put up her glass to mine as they clinked together. "You can tell he is so much happier now that you're here. There were times he seemed lost...I can see a change in him since I last saw him, though, and I know it's because of you," Her kind words made my smile grow bigger.

Just then, Nix's voice echoed towards us. "Hey, you two ever coming back? You have impatient customers," He spoke jokingly, walking towards me.

Vee rolled her eyes, picking up the glasses. "Well, I expect to be tipped damn good having to deal with their annoying asses," She gave me a wink, walking back out.

I turned around as Phoenix sweetly wrapped his arms around my waist. "You two seem to be getting along well."

"Yeah, she is really sweet. I think we are going to be great friends."

"I think so too, and I told you that you were going to fit in with everyone. It's just way too hard not to love your beautiful self," His eyes crinkled at the corners.

My mind drifted off to what Vee told me about Nix and how he admitted those feelings that he had been hiding away just last year. While at the same time, I was pining over him, thinking the only way we could be together was in a dream. It's sad how we both lived our days, feeling like we would never get the one we truly wanted when all along we could have had them if we weren't so afraid.

"Baby," His voice pulled me out of my thoughts as my eyes admired the handsome face in front of me. "What's with that look?"

A soft smile formed on my lips. "Nothing, just thinking how much I love you."

He slowly lowered his head down just before our lips met. "I love you too," The words sweetly rolled off his tongue.

"We better get back in there before we miss the rest of the game."

"Hey, are you having fun?" Phoenix asked, pushing a stray hair behind my ear.

I smiled, nuzzling my cheek against his hand. "Mhm, I am. Being around everyone helps me forget how much miss Nevada and the others for a little while, but I still wish they could be here with us. It's strange not having them nearby."

"I don't know. Not having Jack around is so much more peaceful," He joked as I lightly swatted his chest. "Kidding, but you'll see them soon, baby. And we're living life with no regrets, remember?"

"No regrets," I repeated while getting on my tippy toes to peck him on the lips. "As long as I'm with you, I will never have any."

Phoenix and I made our way back into the living room as Sam stood over by the bookshelf in the corner, holding up a picture frame. "Hey, I have seen this, but I totally thought that was a boy next to you, Ryder," He said as everyone broke out in laughter.

My brows knitted together, walking over to him before I snatched it out of his hands. "I don't look like a boy in this."

He raised a brow. "You're wearing a baseball hat that has your hair shoved in it and a t-shirt that goes to your knees with large athletic shorts."

"That's because we were at Ryder's first middle school baseball game, and I dumped soda all over myself, so I had to wear his extra clothes," I spoke in my defense.

Ryder snorted. "Yeah, you did look more like my brother that night, though."

I scowled at him. "Now that I'm thinking about it, why is this the only picture you have of us out here?"

"Because it's one of my favorite pictures," Ryder grinned, gulping his beer.

Vee chimed in beside Jesse on the couch. "Don't listen to them. You looked adorable."

Nix slipped his arm around my shoulder. "You were cutie then, and you're still one now."

"More like a hottie now, but yeah, I agree," Sam added with a goofy smile.

Nix rolled his eyes as I quietly chuckled.

We spent the rest of the night having an absolute blast with each other. I got to know more about everyone in the group, and it only made me love them even more. They make you feel so comfortable being yourself while having you nearly in tears from laughter. And I can't wait for the others to meet all of them someday soon.

"Bye, Scar!" Vee drunkenly yelled out, pulling me in for a big hug. "I'll miss you!"

Between the seven of us, Vee, Sam, Kole, and Ryder were the ones that lost track of how many drinks they had, leaving Jesse, Nix, and I as the only sober ones.

"I'll miss you too," I softly giggled as Jesse wrapped his arm around her to keep her balanced. "I'll see you next week for the game."

Her face lit up. "Oh my god, yes! We need to go together!"

Jesse shook his head. "Babe, you guys already planned to go together several times tonight."

"We did? Oh, we have to put that on the calendar then," She told him.

Nix and I laughed at the two as they walked out the door. "Thanks for coming, guys. Drive safe," Phoenix said.

Jesse looked back. "Will do. Have fun with those three in there," He let out a chuckle as they disappeared down the hall.

"Fun isn't the word I would use," I said, closing the front door.

We went back to the living room to find Ryder missing, Kole passed out on the floor with only his boxers on, and Sam lounging back on the couch while eating the last of the guacamole from the bowl with a spatula.

"What the fuck happened here?  Nix's forehead creased, looking confused. "Where are Kole's clothes, and why is he on the floor?"

Sam shrugged. "He said he was hot, and the next thing I know, he stripped down and sprawled out right there."

I couldn't help but laugh at the scene in front of us. "Wait, where is Ryder?"

"He called Lily in hope of some good old late night phone sex," He blurted out before shoving the spatula full of guac in his mouth.

"Oh god, I didn't need to know that," I grimaced as he let out a very wasted round of laughs. "Well, we should at least give Kole a pillow or something."

Phoenix sighed loudly. "I guess we have to let them sleep over."

"Yeah, we aren't about to let them drive like that," I pointed between Sam and Kole.

Sam lifted his brows. "I love sleepovers!"

Nix and I chuckled as we walked over to grab a couple of blankets and pillows for them.

"Here, Sam," I handed him a fuzzy blanket.

He gave me a cheesy grin. "Thanks, gorgeous, and hey, if Nix snores too loud, there is always room on the couch," He patted the cushion just as Phoenix chucked a pillow at his face.

"You should really go to sleep before he smothers you with it next," I smiled, shaking my head.

"She's a wise woman," Nix added.

Sam placed the now-empty bowl down on the coffee table. "Yeah, okay, I am a little tired," He put the pillow down, laying back on the couch. "Nighty night."

"Goodnight," I said as Phoenix turned off the lights before slipping his arm around my waist.

"God, I am so ready for bed," He let out a yawn.

My brow arched. "So, no round two then?"

His head perked up, looking down at me. "There was a round two offer on the table?"

A small smirk formed on my face. "Nixie, there are as many rounds on the table as you want."

I watched as his brows raised. "In that case," He pulled me inside our room, shutting the door with his foot as his lips came crashing down on mine. I wrapped my arms behind his neck, feeling his hands roam down my body, grasping my ass roughly.

"Mm," A quiet moan escaped me before I pulled away breathlessly. "Give me one second. I need to go to the bathroom, and then I'm all yours."

His stormy eyes stared down at me as he groaned. "Fine, but make it fast, baby."

I nodded, running off to the bathroom.

Before I came back, I brushed my teeth quickly because it smelt like gross nachos, and I wanted to be minty fresh for him, but when I walked into the room, I found him knocked out on his back on the bed with his limbs spread out like a starfish.

Damn...look how far we have come, Nixie.  We were once two lost souls, wishing on a life together, without a clue that someday we would be living with each other. That one day, I would walk into the room we shared and see you fast asleep in the funniest way, feeling overwhelmed with the love I had for you. A love so strong that it would never fade away.

The sweetest smile spread on my lips, watching his chest slowly rise up and down with every breath.

When I was a little girl, I once asked my mom how you were supposed to know you were in love. She told me that I would know I truly loved someone when I got teeny tiny butterflies in my belly whenever they were around and that I couldn't help but smile like it was Christmas morning just at the mere thought of them. The thing was that as she described what love was like, one boy flashed in my mind that made me feel those things. It was Phoenix, and to this day, he still gives me those same teeny tiny butterflies in my belly, and my smile has never been bigger or brighter all because of him. The love of my life...the only one my heart has and will always belong to until forever.

~Author's Note~

Hey guys!

So, there won't be an update this coming Friday, but I will be continuing the Tuesday/Friday schedule starting next week. My daughter and my mom both share the same birthday which happens to be Valentine's Day. It's an extra special time for our family because of that so I'm a little busier than normal amongst other things going on in my life.

I hope you enjoyed chapter 37 and I will see you all back here next Tuesday for more of Scar and Nix's story!

Love you all,

Jenna S.❤️

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