Izuku the legendary Huntsman.

By Jrbarrett2020

19.6K 581 507

What happened? That question rang through Izuku's head. The last thing he remembered doing was watch T.V. I... More

Welcome. To the game!
A day in and making mistakes.
A big jump.
Initiation time!
First day of school.
Paparazzi Bunny.
Blight of Blake Belladonna.
The Volume one Incident.
The talk!
A series of unfortunate events. (And Yes I'm counting the Pie Ruby!)
Such Cins.
Forgiveness is just the start!
The Truth Revealed... Mostly.
His Nature.
As If He Was Never There.

Telling the... Truth? Very very slightly.

940 28 89
By Jrbarrett2020

Izuku Midoriya: Level 83! 

Title: Ozpin's apprentice/Co-leader of Team RWBY... RWBIY.

x2 Intelligence x2 Wisdom X2 Strength.

Strength:290 (870) 
Perception:100 (150)
Endurance:104 (158)
Intelligence:143 (286)
Agility:202 (606) 
Luck:180 (540)
Vitality:200 (600)
Wisdom: 286 (2240)

Passive effects.

Steel muscles. Your base strength stat is over one hundred.

(+ .5 overall strength.)

Wise man. Your base wisdom stat is over one hundred.

(x2 multiplier to overall wisdom.)

Dice: v3

You have more than two hundred luck!? How!

x3 to your luck stat. Lucky you.

Aura heal.

Active effects!

Aura armor!

Aura level 65!


Thief's touch. (Lv63.)

A thief's hand allows you to steal from someone's pockets with a 95% chance of succeeding.

Stealth. (Lv76.)

When you use stealth you are less likely to be detected by 97%, costs (1) MP (Per 8 Minutes.) Attacks dealt while in stealth deal 4.5 x damage.

Izuku woke up and blinked the images away.

"Uhn." Izuku groaned. Opening his eyes he looked around. 

"You have been stricken with Exhaustion. Nausea is common."

'Yeah fuck you as well.' Izuku thought. 

"What... what happened?" He looked around. 

"You drained you magic." A voice said and he stiffened. 

Turning he saw Ozpin, Qrow, and Glynda standing there.

"Huh?" He faced the three of them. "How did I-" He gasped and grabbed his head in pain as memories flooded back into his mind. 

He lied back onto the cot given. 

"UGH!" He cried. "Is this what a hangover feels like Qrow?" Pain flowed through his body. 

What happened to his pain resistance huh?!

'What happened when I blacked out?' He asked himself. 

"Cinder!" Izuku said sitting back up. "That's right!" He looked at the three of them. "W-What happened to Cinder and her team?"

"... Due to the damage you caused to them they had to return back to Haven." Ozpin said. "They wont be able to return in time for the Vytal Festival."

Izuku sighed in relief. 

'I still haven't gotten any rewards though.' He thought to himself. 'She might come back. Either that Or I'll get it after the Vytal festival.' 

"Do you have anything you wish to tell us?" Glynda asked in a soft voice.

'Okay...? That's new.' Izuku thought as he heard the tone. "Am I in some sort of trouble?" He asked. 

"Not legally." Ozpin said. "But... Yes... yes you are."

Izuku sighed. 

"Are you a spy sent by Salem?" Ozpin asked in a dangerously low tone.

"What?" Izuku asked confused. "No! Why?"

"You do know her then." Ozpin said. "So you are an agent." 

Izuku's eyes widened. 

Quest update!

Convince them you're not an agent of Salem!


"I don't work for Salem!" Izuku yelled standing up. "I promise! I swear!" 

"Tch." Qrow scoffed. 

"How are we supposed to believe you Izuku?" Glynda asked. 

"Because I'm not lying!" Izuku yelled. "I've never lied to you three about anything! Cinder is the Agent of Salem!"

"...Glynda." Ozpin said. 

Glynda waved her Crop and a wave of water crashed into Izuku leaving him sputtering and gasping for breaths.

"What does Salem want?" Ozpin asked. 

"I-I swear I don't work with Salem." Izuku said.

This wasn't how it was supposed to go. 

He wasn't supposed to be getting interrogated. 

Another torrent of water hit Izuku. 

After a few seconds of coughing and gasping for breath Ozpin asked another question. 

"How do you know what you know then?" He asked. 

"..." Izuku said as his head was against his chest. "I..." 'Lies! Lie! Lie your ass off!' "I... see things. In my dreams I mean."

Ozpin held his hand up stopping Glynda. 


"I... I see her eyes." Izuku Lied. "And she talks. I hear her talking to people. Sometimes I see from her eyes. One of the people I always see is Cinder."

"Hmm." Ozpin said. "And you're certain."

"...Yeah." Izuku said. "She talks to her about the Maidens." 

"Does she know who they are."

"Just Amber and Someone named Raven." Izuku said. Qrow's eyes widened. 

Ozpin rushed forward quickly grabbing his arm. "You're certain of this. She said that exact name." 

'Oh crap.' "U-Uh yeah." Izuku said. "She said that Amber was stuck under this castle. And That they couldn't find Raven."

Ozpin looked at Qrow. 

"Izuku it seems we've misjudged you." Ozpin said. "I apologize for the measures taken."

"No." Izuku said. "If you really wanted to apologize you wouldn't have done it in the first place." Izuku ripped his arm from Ozpin. "I'm going back to my team."

"Izuku." Qrow said. 

"What?" Izuku asked. 

"..." Qrow looked at him. "Keep Ruby safe please." 

Izuku didn't answer as he left the room. 

They had a big day today. 

He walked into his dorm and looked at the four girls who were staring at him. 

"What happened Izuku!?" Ruby asked looking at his drenched form. 

"Ozpin happened." Izuku growled out. "I don't... can we not talk about it please? I just... wanna get this done today. Also..." He pointed at Sun and Neptune. "Why are they here?"

"Cause we're annoying." Sun said with a nod getting a high five from Neptune in agreement.

"Whatever." Izuku said. "I'll go find Roman and Neo and make sure they aren't doing anything."

"I'm with you!" Ruby said hugging him.

"No you go with Wiess." Izuku ordered. "And be sure to go there in person. It'll be harder to trace. Blake and Sun go to the Faunus induction meeting. Neptune with Yang. Go to your guy."

He grabbed a change of clothes. 

He looked at his cloak. 


Ability- Negated due to water log. -50 agility. 

Izuku pulled the useless cloak off and grabbed some clothes from his dresser as well as his spare hoodie. 

On his back was his folding scythe. 

He hated his life.

Izuku stealthed into the large abandoned factory. 

He looked around and saw Roman talking to Neo. 

He dropped to the ground silently and walked over to them. 

"Hey." He said. 

Roman turned and aimed his cane at Izuku.

"Oh it's just you kid." Roman said. 

Neo smiled brightly and jumped onto his back. 

"Hey Neo." Izuku said. "Alright so... you're planning on the Faunus thing tonight right?" He asked. 

"How did you know about it?" Roman asked. 

"Cause I know to much." I shrugged. "Anyway. Is there anyway I could convince you to not do it and turn yourselves in?"

"Not gonna happen green." Roman said. 

"Oh come on." I say. "Pretty please?" 

Neo was stiff on his back. 

'Well I can at least take one away from everything. If I can get Yang to not have a personal grudge against Neo Robin will be forced to save her from Adam!'

"Well I'm taking Neo for the night then." Izuku said sticking his tongue out. 

Roman raised an eyebrow. 

"So you two are dating." He said. 

"W-What?!" Izuku sputtered blushing profusely. "No! No! Not at all!" 

"Whatever." Roman waved off. "It's just a gathering recruitment. Nothing I can't handle myself. Go have your date or whatever."

"It's not a date!" Izuku yelled.

Roman smirked and looked at them. 

"The way you're holding her suggests otherwise."

"+20 Desire Neo"

'Thank you system!' Izuku responded sarcastically. 

"Let's go Neo." He huffed and walked out. 

Neo and Izuku sat on a building and he pulled out his scroll. 

"Hey~" He said into it. "I got one of them out. You'll probably be against Roman though." 

Neo blinked at him.

"Oh this whole thing is so Blake can take down you and Roman as well as the White Fang." Izuku explained. "I was trying to get Roman out to. But he can handle himself as he said." 

She looked at him and shrugged. 

He smirked. 

She stuck her tongue out. 

Izuku returned the gesture.

+20 Desire Neo.

Neo scooted closer to Izuku and wrapped her arms around his left arm. 

He blushed and coughed slightly. 

"U-Uh well..." Izuku said. 

Neo set her head onto his shoulder and grabbed his hand.

Izuku at this point was completely stiff unknowing of what to do next. 

"So um..." He said awkwardly. "How does joining my side sound?"

She glared at him slightly. Her tongue came out again. 

"Awe come on." Izuku said. "We have Ice cream?"

Her eyebrow raised slightly. 

Izuku smirked. 

"What will Neapolitan do now!?" He asked in a narrative voice. "Basked with the decision of joining the light and getting ice cream but being unable to stay a villain of society!"

She swatted his arm. 

"Ow..." He mumbled. "How about..." He turned and flicked her nose. 

She looked at him. 

'Uh oh.' Izuku thought just before he was shoved to the ground. 

Neo landed on him. 

She had one of his arms pinned to the ground. 

Some pink strands of hair were setting on his face as they faced each other vertically. 

"Uh...?" Izuku said. 

+30 Desire Neo.

Slowly Neo started leaning towards Izuku. 


Izuku shot up and grabbed his scroll. 

"What's happening?!" He asked. 



Izuku and Neo looked at the giant robot as it ran down the street. 

"Back to our opposing sides we go." Izuku said winking at Neo as he dived off the building.

+20 Desire Neo. 

Izuku turned and landed on his aura covered heels. 

"In pursuit!" He said into the scroll as he grabbed onto a passing car. Izuku looked into the window. "Catch up to that Robot!" He yelled to the driver. He reached into his pocket and threw two thousand Lien at him. 

He looked at it eyes wide before speeding up.

Izuku pulled his folding scythe and unfolded it. 

Soon they caught up and Izuku jumped onto the Robot. 

"Green!?" Roman said from inside the robot. 

"Oh hey Roman!" Izuku said. "Been a while we should catch up!" His scythes blade glowed a dull purple and he sliced the arm of the robot. 

"IZUKU!" Ruby yelled in excitement. 

"Hey girls!" He said. "The cavalries here!" 

"Get him Tiger!" Yang yelled beside her. 

Izuku activated his semblance and kicked the running robot off of the passing bridge below. 

He landed and shakily stood. 

"Whoo..." Izuku said. He turned and popped his wrist. "That hurt..." 

Item Hoodie has been irreparably damaged. 

Izuku ignored the note and looked at the four girls who had run over to him. 

"So..." Izuku said. "Let's go break his toy."

They nodded and all of them jumped off of the bridge, activating there auras. 

They landed and chased after the standing robot. 

"Alright!" Izuku said. "Frozen fire!"

Yang and Weiss shot forward. As soon as Yang jumped Weiss froze the ground. 

Yang punched the giant robot back. 

"Damn brats." Roman muttered to himself. 

"Ready Ruby?" Izuku asked holding one end of the ribbon. 

"As ready as I can be." Ruby said jumping onto the makeshift slingshot. 

Weiss turned and formed a glyph under Ruby even from the distance she was. 

"Fire!" Ruby yelled. 

The glyph vanished and Ruby was sent flying towards the giant robot. 

The Robot shattered as she hit it and Roman was sent rolling to the ground. 

"Ah I just got this washed." He mumbled. "Alright you five. Enough is enough. I didn't want to send Neo after you but I guess I have to. Neo."

Izuku pushed everyone back as the world shattered and Neo's umbrella blade missed them by a hair. 

"Hey Neo." Izuku said pulling out his scythe. "We've never actually have fought have we?"

She shook her head. 

'I'm so dead.' I thought looking at her level. 

Neo. Level 241








Izuku gulped. 

"Guys." Izuku said. "I'll hold her off as long as I can." 

"Are you sure?" Yang asked and Izuku nodded. 

"None of you guys could take her on." He confirmed and ran towards his friend. 

"Alright!" Izuku said using Blink to get behind Neo and swung. His team went after Roman. 

She turned and matrix ducked under the blade easily. 

I blinked again this time shooting at her. 

She deflected the shot gun slugs with great ease. 

Her look said 'You have to try harder than that.'

Izuku shot himself towards her. 

Pulling out a fire dust crystal he crushed it and used his cinder spell. 

Fire sprung up from underneath Neo who's eyes widened. 

She jumped back as a tube of flames engulfed where she had previously been standing. 

Some of her skirt was singed. 

She looked at Izuku with a fearful look on her face. 

Izuku froze. 


She knew he wasn't going to actually hurt her right?

Why was she scared?

This wasn't right.

Izuku blinked still.

"Neo...?" He asked uncertain taking a step forward. 

She shattered out of existence and Izuku saw Roman had as well.

He fell to the ground. 

"Izuku?" Ruby was by his side in a second. 

"Ruby..." Izuku said. "We.. I..." Izuku looked at his team. 

He shrugged her arm off of him and used Blink to teleport away.

"Izuku?!" He heard his team say. 

Shakily he stepped sideways. 

He looked at his Mana. 


'Why am I so dizzy?'

"Maybe it's the overwhelming guilt from the ambiguity of your actions?" The system suggested. 


Izuku shook it off and tried using blink. 

"Ability Blink can not be used as something is loading."

'What?!' Izuku thought. 

"HEY!" He heard before he was tackled. 

"Ow!" Izuku yelled as Ruby was hugging him down around his waist. 

"I've got him on the ground!" She yelled. "Someone help me tie him down!?"

Izuku growled at the four of them.

"Izuku you have to tell us what's going on with you." Ruby said quietly. "You've distanced yourself."

"... I can't tell you four anything." I said. "I know... you all don't want to hear it but..."

"No!" Yang said her hair exploding outwards. "You need to listen to the four of us! We've been following your lead since you mysteriously appeared in Ruby and I's life! All it is with you is secrets and fucking lies! We're... We're supposed to be the people you rely on the most! And you just... Throw us out after you don't need us."

"That's not true." Izuku whispered. "You four... are so far ahead of me."

"Stop it!" Weiss said loudly. "Stop... underestimating yourself. You've done so much for this team."

"No I haven't!" Izuku said. "I've... I've done nothing but slow this team down. I can't... I can't let anything happen to any of the four of you."

"What do you think we feel when we see you coming back every morning covered in blood with your clothes soaked in sweat." Blake asked. "You asked me to not doubt myself. And that you trusted me. Stop denying us that right for you. You refuse to let the four of us trust you."

"You can't trust someone who you don't know!" Izuku yelled. 

All of them froze and Izuku gulped. 

"None of you know me for who I really am." He continued. "I'm not strong. I'm not fast. I can't use clones, I can't make Glyphs. My semblance is healing wounds into scars no matter how small the cut. I'm literally someone who just takes what I get. I took... from all of you. Your growth to be better because I was selfish and didn't want to go to... Vacuo."

"Izuku that's not-" Ruby said sweetly before Izuku stood up. His magic swirled around him and he snapped the rope holding him down.

"It is that Ruby..." Izuku said. "You were supposed to be the leader of this team. I wasn't supposed to be there to help you against Roman in that dust shop! Roman shouldn't even have an inkling of me because I shouldn't exist here!" Izuku eyes widened and he took a step back. "I-I didn't... I..." Fear swept across his face. Turning he started sprinting away using both his aura and his magic to enhance his movements.

"Not this time!" He heard.

He saw red blur of petal shoot in front of him.

Mid jump he spun and pulled out his mechanical folding scythe.

He swung at Ruby.

She dived to the side not expecting the strike but Izuku had known she would do that.

Before he could use his gun to blast himself away he felt a punch land on the small of his back.


'Your weak point has been struck!

Auto aura used!

Status effect 'Shattered Aura' You may no longer use aura until it recovers past five percent.

-2,400 HP

HP {3,600}

Effect burn has been dealt.

-10 Hp every other second.

Izuku flew into the ground cratering it and most definitely a few of his ribs.

He rolled for what felt like minutes before coming to a stop.

"How dare you try and hurt Ruby!" He heard Yang yelled before someone stomped on the same spot she had previously shot.

"A-AGH!" Izuku screamed in pain. "STOP!"

-20 HP x2 weak point x2 Critical attack of opportunity x2 afflicted to a burnt injury.

"Yang!" He heard and suddenly the pressure on his back vanished.

Shakily he tried to move before a foot stomped down on his arm.


-{800} HP.


Health is getting below recommended levels.

"AGH!?" Izuku screamed in pain as the bones in his arm were easily shattered. Tears streamed out of his eyes.


"He's trying to get away!" She tried to say.

"No!" He heard a separate voice say.

He felt arms wrap around him and flip him around.

He couldn't see anything from the tears streaming out of his eyes. But from the black he saw it was Blake.

"J-Just stop..." He cried softly. "I-I'm sorry... I can't take it anymore..."

Blake looked down at him confused.

"I just wanna go home..." He cried more. 

Not Vacuo.

He's never actually seen Vacuo.

He wanted to see his mom again.

Taste her katsudon.

He wanted to apologize for trying so hard to be a hero that it had nearly caused them to go bankrupt. 

Why did life love being cruel to him so much?

First it was his quirkless nature.

Than his dads vanishing.

Then U.A.

Then this?

"Why?" Izuku asked softly as tried moving out of Blake's grip but she held tight. "Why can't I ever win?"

Rain started to pour from the sky quickly going from just droplets to bucket loads

The four girls looked at Izuku with Pity filled eyes.

Izuku could feel the stares.


Why couldn't he stand the four of them looking at him like that?

Izuku closed is eyes and let the feeling of sorrow and darkness consume him.


Sorry for the wait.


I guess I haven't posted in a while.

And for those of you asking I will be posting the next chapter of Izuku the Assassin soon.

Can I get art please?

It would be amazing!

See you later!

Or not.


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