hating me for loving you {h.s}

By boxerryy

29.5K 535 1.3K

*STORY CONTAINS MATURE & EXPLICIT CONTENT* Phoebe Stone & Harry styles started their lives as childhood frien... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.

Chapter 15.

1.1K 17 47
By boxerryy


  She knew I was lying that whole time, and to be honest, I wanted to set her off like that.

  I loved her hand on my throat, squeezing enough to make me harder than I ever have. I just couldn't give in, I needed her to treat me how I've always wanted.

  I needed to drive her crazy like she always does me.

  To be honest, it was hard to not kiss her right then and there, I could tell by the way she kept staring at my lips, then licking her own, that she wanted it too.

  We've held out for many years, it wouldn't hurt either of us, but I know we both enjoy the thrill of it all.

  The thrill of tension and teasing, how she got to see how submissive I got. And she's lucky, I'm only like that for her.

  If she told me to get on my knees and worship her I would, I'd do anything she wanted me to.

  I don't know how she has that kind of power over me, but she has no idea the kind of power I'll have over her in a little bit.

  If she ever thought she'd get away with all the hell she put me through tonight, she's wrong. And I'll tease her just as much, not laying a part of my lips on her lips.

  I have other plans for my own lips.

  And it'll drive her more than insane.

Hopefully she'll still be wearing that lace top, it drove me absolutely fucking inanse. More than I already was.

  Her body... I've never had the privilege to look at it like that, but just by what she did, I think I can do that from now on. I've never taken the time to actually appreciate her figure, how perfect she was in my eyes.

  No body is perfect, not a single one. Every figure has its flaws and imperfection,  even mine. And all humans need to take in the beauty of it all, how much female bodies go through. I know it's not easy to be a woman, and if men could just take a second to think about that, something would at least be better in that sense.

  I did see the Victoria's Secret bags when I walked in, but I didn't think anything of it, only because she's never worn anything for me. And, she shouldn't have to. Feeling good in her own body is important to me, and I'm glad she felt confident enough to wear it in front of me.

  I just hope she hasn't taken it off yet, I have plans.

  Even thinking about my plans has me shifting in place.

  She left me harder than ever, so I'll leave her just as infuriated.

  The little stunt she pulled, ordering me around and shoving me on the wall just to push me back down on the bed, pretending she was gonna kiss me.

  My mind side-tracked in that moment, something different completely taking over my body. I had to shower afterwards, too sweaty and hard to leave myself alone.

  Moaning her name has the best roll on my tongue, I need more of it. I've never been able to do it out loud, and now... I can't even explain how crazy it makes me. I need her to always feel confident around me when she's feeling some type of way.

  In the car before we arrived at the studio, I noticed how dressed up she got, so I did the same. Only to impress her, I always feel like I need to in a sense.

I could tell it did things to her, shifting in the passenger's seat as I kept my hand on her inner thigh, circling my thumb to add friction, I know she felt something.

  And something set her off, and in the moment I had no idea what I had done.

  But after sitting in here while reading, it's because of the nightmare. I completely ignored it all day, and I didn't realize how much my mood affects hers. How she acted was different than I'd seen, but that doesn't mean I didn't like the assertiveness.

  I just can't physically get the words out, I can't get this secret out. I'm trying to push so hard for her, which only resulted in her getting mad at me. And the reason I didn't stop her was because I deserved it.

  But the way she handled the situation... I don't want that rush to end. That adrenaline made me see her in different ways, and I can't wait to make her feel the same way.

  It's been three hours since her little stunt and my shower, I've been sitting here, trying to distract myself by reading, but she's the only thing on my mind.

  Soft beads of sweat are already forming, nervous and excited to do this.

  I'm not gonna kiss her, she doesn't deserve it. She called me the brat, but did she realize how fucking hard she turned me on, and just left?

  I know I shouldn't have told her I felt nothing, but I could tell it gave her more motive, and I needed to see what she'd do next.

  I never knew she was so naughty. My little angel, but she's the biggest devil.

  Fuck, even thinking of her gets me off.

  I think I've waited long enough for everything to settle, and I know she isn't asleep because I can hear her voice coming from downstairs.

Everyone agreed to play Uno tonight, game nights have always been our thing. We have them at least once a week, always spending hours until we're usually drunk, and it turns into a huge dance party on top of the tables.

  But tonight, I won't need a drink to keep myself going. Phoebe is my drug.

  All I need to do is remind myself of what she did tonight, and my own motives are all set.

  I finally headed downstairs to join the rest of them after Mitch texted me saying they were ready. Deciding to start off easy with P, I went down with no shirt on and sweatpants, just what I was wearing when she pulled her own little stunt.

  Walking down the stairs, I found everyone to be gathered around the table, Sarah already dealing cards, putting a pile out for me, right next to Phoebe.


  Just what I want.

  I sat down in the seat next to Phoebe, leaning my other hand around her chair, pretending to stretch, but I kept it there.

  "No shirt I see.." She glared at me, licking her lips as she stared down my body.

  "It's hot in here." I teased her with her own words, causing a roll in her eyes. She did this to herself, she should've seen it coming.

  I was submissive for her in the moment, but that doesn't mean I won't bite back in the end. I'll always win her over.

  I picked up my stack after Sarah was done dealing, making sure Phoebe wasn't cheating by looking at my cards at the same time. I got dealt two wilds, one +4, a blue 7, a red 1, and two yellows consisting of a 2 and a 6. I'd say that's a great hand for Uno.

A few minutes went by of normal chatter and playing, nothing happened until I decided in my head to use my +4 on P when she had an Uno that quickly.

  "Yeah, not so quick." I glared over at her with a smirk, seeing her reaction as I laid down my card.

  "You fucker!" She yelled and swatted my shoulder, laughing right after while picking up 4 cards. "Of course you'd do that." She continued, sorting her new cards in her stack. While leaning down, I could see the lace top under her zip up, her breasts almost spilling out of it perfectly. I had to adjust my eyes to look somewhere else before anyone else could notice that I was staring.

  "Just playing the game, angel." I whispered while leaning down to her ear while no one else was watching, giving her earlobe a tiny nibble. She shifted right when I did that, moving her head, trying to pretend that nothing happened and it didn't affect her.

  A reverse card was played by Adam, turning it over to Phoebe.

  I already know she's gonna give me payback, she's deciding on which one's the best to choose. She took a sip of her wine, placing her card down.

  A draw 4. Of course.

  "Fucker." I hissed under my breath, drawing four as I was about to have one card left. Out of instinct to set her off, I placed my hand on her inner thigh again, watching her lick her lips to keep anything coming from her mouth.

  I kept a hold on her thigh, scratching up and down, just on the inner part, feeling the chills arise all over her body.

  Soon enough, Mitch won like he always does, that could be the perk of just being quiet. Watching everyone's moves and figuring out how to win the game every fucking time.

Throughout the game, Phoebe found her little ways to tease me back, she just doesn't know how she's gonna be punished for it.

  She's so obsessed with the chase of tease, she doesn't even think about what's coming her way because she's so caught in the moment.

  I can't wait any longer, and maybe that's why my feet are already carrying me to her bedroom. Thank god Ashlyn fell asleep in a different room, I honestly couldn't give a care about which one it was.

  Fuck, I just want to rip that jacket off of her, that's all I can think about.

  It'll be hard to hold back, but I know soon I'll kiss her. I'll do more than kiss her, but that's only when she stops being a brat.

  I don't know what gave her this different personality tonight, but I hope it sticks around for a while, it'll be nice to bring out in situations like this.

  Let's just hope she's a good girl tonight.

  Still shirtless, which I know will drive her insane like I want, I finally reach her door. I don't even bother knocking, she didn't knock on mine.

  I found her to be bent over, making her bed as I messed it up from sleeping in it earlier today. What a fucking sight.

  I know she heard me come in, only because she looked back to see me, then bending down a little bit more to give me a view in a pair of my sweats. I don't know how I didn't notice downstairs, but I see it now. And fuck, she's beautiful.

  She had all her makeup off, her hair down to touch just under her breasts. She took her free hand, wrapping it around one side of her hair, moving it all over her shoulder to give me a good view of the back of the lace bra once more.

  And shit, she does it all on purpose.

  Focus, Harry.

  Before she could bend back up, I walked over to her, stopping her by placing my hands on her hips, her ass now resting on my growing erection. I know she can feel it, I'll remind her.

  "Don't fucking move." I said sternly, her breathing became heavy by the second. She stayed still, though. "You feel that?" I pressed my erection against her clothed ass again.

  "Mhm.." She bit her lip, still looking at me over her shoulder.

  "That's how you left me earlier, you think that you get to do that?" I asked her, but got no response. She's truly asking for it. "Fucking answer me, Phoebe."

  "Yes, I get to do that." She whispered, only turning me more into the devil I am in the bedroom. She's never seen this side of me, but with her response, I think she wants to find out.

  "Stand the fuck up." I ordered her, and she complied, staying in the same spot as she stood up. I stood right behind her, my breath in her ear. "Tilt your head to the side." She complied once more. "So fucking beautiful."

  I ran my finger along the vein on her throat, soon enough connecting my mouth to just below her jaw, causing a reaction out of her. I know she's needed some relief, just not with her own hands.

  "Fuck..." She moaned, completely distracting me with how hot her voice is moaning that word.

  "Do you like that? How good my lips feel on your skin?" I asked as I breathed it into her neck, sending waves throughout her own body.

  "Yes... Unlike you, I can admit it." She became sassy, just how I knew she would. Does she really think she's still in control?

"Shut the fuck up, pretty girl." I spit out, gripping her waist with more power, making her grunt as I did so. I know she's wanted this for so long, and I'm ready to give in.

  My movements are harsh and determined, my hand now softly dragging up her throat, causing her head to tilt back onto my shoulder. My fingers dragged down till I met the middle of the bra, where the middle of her breasts laid.

  "Fuck, Harry... I can't take this. I haven't been touched in so long." She whined, so I backed away with a devilish grin.

  "Who said I was gonna get that far? And... I couldn't take it earlier, suck it up." I brushed my hair out of the way with my hand, watching as she pouted, looking at my body as I began to sweat.

  "Fuck you, I hate you." She crossed her arms, leaving me with what I wanted in the first place.

  "How do you expect..." I started, walking inches toward her once more, but this time, I led her to a wall, just like she did me. "To get all this treatment..." I gripped her waist with one hand, my other connecting with her raw throat. "After you left me like that... Almost kissing me... Then just leaving." She finally hit the wall with a tiny thud, her breathing unsteady as I went down to kiss her chest, close to her breast.

  "I had to put you in your place." She grunted at me, which only caused me to harshly grasp her jaw, enough for there to be a bruise, but I know she wanted that.

  "Little Phoebe... Put me in my place?" I pouted my eyes at her, leaning my face inches in, my lips almost touching hers. "Looks like I put you in your place, angel."

  "Looks like you have." She kept a straight face, her heavy breath hitting my lips as she continue to be a little fucking brat.

  "You're a little fucking brat, aren't you?" I grunted, resulting in her nodding her head. "I need words, say it."  I was getting drunk on her touch, her love.

"I'm your little fucking brat." Phoebe muttered, and I pulled her by the band of my own sweatpants that were on her body, pulling her forward to almost meet my lips.

  "Good girl." I mumbled in a whisper before lifting her up by her thighs, wrapping her all around my waist, but her back still against the wall for more support. She wrapped her hands around my neck, her face above mine. Her hair all on one side of her shoulder, distracting me from my real plan. I looked up to her, licking my lips as I was ready. "Good fucking girl." I licked my own lips.

  I know I promised to not do it, but all I said in my mind was fuck it.

  Why hold back if we both want it, we've both been dying for it, killing for the feeling of ecstasy faded onto each other. Her lips look so ready...

  I had to.

  And I crashed my plump lips into hers.

  I already know I'm fucking addicted to the taste, the feel, the way our lips moved in sync like we've been kissing for eternities. But in reality, it's our first time, and I don't think any of us give one single fuck anymore.

  The tension broke, only love showing through our actions. I've fantasized about this moment for weeks, months, years even. I've spent so long wondering what it would feel like with her lips stuck to mine.

This is the feeling I've waited for, and I know she's been wanting it too. I know this was her goal, to get this out of me tonight, she just had to drive me over the edge to actually do it.

We're hooked up on the feeling.

  And now I won't be able to stop.

  We eventually let each other's lips go, my hands still on her ass as I led us over to the bed, sitting down so she could sit on top of me, her hands now on the sides of my face.

  "Holy fuck..." She panted out, and I don't know how she's even talking right now. I'm completely speechless.

"You taste so fucking good, Phoebe ..." I managed to huff out, watching a devilish grin appear on her beautiful fucking lips as I went back in for more, addicted to the taste. "I can't believe I just kissed you."

  "Neither can I, but I'm glad you did. Showed me how much of a weakness I am to you..." She pet my jaw for a second. "Makes me feel unimaginable things." She whispered.

"Did you want that? Was... was it okay for me to kiss you, angel?" I hesitated myself, I don't wanna do something totally wrong. I know I've been trying to be playful and rough, but I actually need her to let me know if this is what she wants right now, to kiss me.

"Yes, H... God, yes." She looked at me with her beautiful hazel eyes, glimmering from all the excitement and shock. "I tried so hard not to kiss you earlier..."

"So kiss me now." I mumbled.

  Our mouths collided for a few seconds, I moved my own to her jaw, planting wet kisses all over as I made my way to her throat. My hand covered one part of it, holding her in place as she lent to the side from my kisses on her throat.

  "Harry, fuck." She moaned as I kissed the top of one of her breasts, leaving a small hickey, marking my spots. "Your mouth feels so fucking good." She panted. I stopped, but my breath was still heavy, I looked up at her because she's still above me, looking her straight in the eyes.

  I know she likes the control, I know she likes when I'm the one looking up at her.

  "You like that? My mouth? Is that the unimaginable feeling?" I asked, licking my lips to try and taste her more.

  "Need more..." She tilted her head back, her breasts giving me the best view in this bra.

  "Needy girl..." I gasped out, pausing as I took the time to drag my finger between her unfortunately clothes breasts again, pulling her in by the empty space in the middle.

  I'd say that's a hot fucking sight.

  "I can't believe we're doing this." She said as I was focused on her and her only.

  "I can't either... I never thought I'd have you like this, P..." I panted out, my hands gripped on her waist. "Now I never wanna stop." I looked up at her with hungry eyes and blown out pupils. She has me right where I've wanted to be.

"So shut up and kiss me." She didn't even give me a chance to respond before she grasped my face and pushed her mouth on mine.

  She's mine now, and I never want her lips to fade away.

  My hands on her body, I never want her to drag them off.

  I never want her to stop being my good girl.


Song: All To You - Sabrina Claudio.

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