Highlight | BTS x OC

By Alphathyx

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[Completed: 28/03/2021] Romance | Drama | Mystery | Fiction BTS x OC Book 1 - Hana attends Atlas Academy of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapted 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapted 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88

Chapter 31

714 51 23
By Alphathyx

Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve

For the rest of the week everyone in the Dionysus household prepared in their own ways honing their own skills but most of all did activities together to get along better. By the Monday, the lot of them were so comfortable with each other they basically acted like family amongst each other.

As predicted, the forecast was pretty accurate and they were snowed in during the week but it was slowly lightening up and clearing out. They were relieved because snow storms were dangerous.

Hana and Jungkook had literally become best friends and roommates. Yoongi would literally catch her, Jungkook and Taehyung playing video games til the late hours in the night. This could be said the same about Yoongi and Namjoon. The two enjoyed similar hobbies such as reading and were really into music production so the two were always seen together. Jin would sometimes join Hana and the others since he too loved games, but he also bonded well with Yoongi over cooking for everyone the last few days. To say the least, the two felt fairly accustomed to living there already.

"Looks like we can finally go home soon." Yoongi said while watching the news. The snowfall was easing and the temperature was increasing a little.

"Awh man but living here has been so much fun!" Hana pouted and laid on her side, resting on the pillow on the couch.

Namjoon and Jin chuckled with Jungkook and Taehyung smiled at her, "yeah it's actually been really fun having the two of you around." Namjoon sighed.

"Yeah and it's been great to finally have someone in this household that can cook with me." Jin sighed disappointedly.

"Hey we're not leaving yet, don't miss us too much already." Hana rolled her eyes and teased, "by the way we should do something fun tonight! I'm thinking.." she thought for a moment looking around.

"Let's have a big sleep over!" She squealed.

"Hana, you can't just plan stuff like that at someone else's home." Yoongi expressed while shaking his head disappointedly.

"You mean like all of us sleep in the same room?" Taehyung questioned.

"Hmm, I guess we can since it's getting warmer, we can all sleep out here in the living room. Maybe watch a movie?" Namjoon suggested seeing how Hana's expression lifted.

"That's exactly it! Doesn't it sound fun? Oh I've always wanted to do this." Her eyes sparkled.

Namjoon and the others exchanged a look, "well if everyone's up for it, I don't see why not." He flashed a gentle smile, dimples on display.

"Yeah it's fine by me. I love movies." Jungkook shrugged and Taehyung was pretty excited for it too.

"Yeah I guess I haven't had a sleep over in a while, sounds fun." Jin agreed.

"Great! Yoongi?" She turned to Yoongi and seeing that smile plastered on her face, Yoongi absolutely couldn't turn her down. He sighed before nodding.

"Yes!" She jumps up and excitedly dances making the others laugh or chuckle at how silly and cute she was. "We can make popcorn and maybe watch a scary movie or something all huddled up! Oh I've always wanted to do something like this." She got up and excitedly made her way to the stairs before poking her head out, "all of you have to wear PJs you got it!" She squealed her way up the stairs and into Jungkook's room.

"Hana must really like sleepovers." Taehyung mused.

"She's never actually had a proper one." Yoongi piped up, "In fact Hana always dreamed of having those girly sleep overs you see on television but unfortunately for her, she never had the chance to experience it even once in her childhood." Yoongi sighed.

"How come?" Jungkook asked.

"Well, As you know Hana and I basically grew up together. And through knowing her since young, she never seemed to get along with the girls. They always used to pick on her at school for never being free to play with them and even in high school she was too fixated on dance to ever befriend anyone." Yoongi sighed.

"That's why you and Hobi are so protective of her." Jin smiled at him.

Yoongi shrugged, "I guess so. She met Hobi when we joined the academy. The two were two peas in a pod when they first met and I got along well with him too." Yoongi smiled, "Hobi is very smart. He realized really quickly that Hana struggled with befriending people and her very naive character tends to attract bad company or people who want to take advantage of her. So he stepped in and looked after her during classes and school. Girls pick on her less now, well, besides that bitch Aera but she picks on everyone." Yoongi scoffs.

"Wow—" Jin nodded in understanding, "I get it now."

Jungkook was deep in thought, he never took Hana as someone who was vulnerable but he guessed it's because she was very focused in her craft she never had time for a social life. It made sense, because he was like that for a while too until he Taehyung and Taehyung introduced him to these boys.

"Man it must've been tough for Hana." Taehyung sighed deeply. As someone who depended on a social life, it was tough for him to imagine.

"Well'p we better get ready then. I wouldn't want to disappoint her first sleepover."  Namjoon chuckled getting up.

"I'll go prepare the popcorn then. Kook, why don't you choose a movie and Joon and Tae, why don't you help set up the mattresses and blankets?" Jin announced.

"I'll help them too." Yoongi got up and smiled to them.

Jungkook entered the room, hearing Hana sing to herself in the bathroom as she showered. He chuckled, she had a very sweet voice but of course shower singing wasn't actual singing. He used this time to rummage through his dvd collection in his drawers, deciding to look for a variety of films. They of course could just use Netflix or any other subscription platform but this was if they wanted something else that wasn't on a platform.

Not long after Hana emerged from the bathroom, all fresh and clean with a pair of long flannel PJs on. Jungkook glanced up at her and snickered.

She looked appalled from his sudden laugh at her, "what?" She looked down at her PJs and then back at him weirdly, "do you have a problem with my pajamas?"

Jungkook just chuckled and shook his head, "no, but I can tell you really like your food." He smirked at her. She wore pajamas that had pattern of jam on toast, pancakes, milk and butter.

She crossed her arms and pouted, "Food prints are always cute thank you very much! If you have a problem with my breakfast pajamas then don't look at them." She huffed. Realising he was looking through a drawer of many disks, she suddenly got interested.

"Ooh are those movies—? Wow you have so many!" She was instantly distracted as she squatted next to Jungkook. He observed her as she flicked through the movies, her eyes sparkling when she found one she liked or hadn't seen in a while.

"You have such an amazing collection! You must really love films." She smiled up at him, and he was suddenly in a daze meeting her sparkling eyes before shaking it off. His attention went back to the stack of disks he had in hand.

"Uh— yeah I collected them since young. DVDs are hard to come by these days." He cleared his throat and got up. "Anyway could you take these down? I'm gonna shower." He shoved the stack of disks to Hana and immediately left to the shower, leaving Hana dumbstruck.

She looked down at the pile of disks, chuckling seeing the first on the pile, 'Ju on' the famous and most classic of all scary movies. She happily went out the room and down the stairs, a lingering smell of butter filled the air as she stepped in the open layout living room, she gasped.

The boys had set up the living room, as the most comfiest looking space she has ever seen. The coffee table had been moved out of the way and mattresses were set amongst the large couches. Pillows and blankets were all over the place and Jin had prepared bowls of popcorn but that wasn't all.

"Oh my god! You guys actually dressed in pajamas!" She gasped. Jin was in blue and white striped long sleeve flannel with and alpaca character all over. Namjoon just had a jumper and flannel PJ pants and so did Yoongi except he threw on a sweater on top. Taehyung had a matching pajama set, it looked silky and he had a robe wrapped around him too.

"Wow you guys really went all out." She gasped, "thank you so much." She was so touched by the effort they put in.

Yoongi walked towards her and pat her head. "Here let me take that from you." He took the pile of dvds from her and placed it by the player near the television.

"Get comfy Hana, pick wherever you'd like." Namjoon smiled sweetly at her and she immediately went towards the comfy pillows and blankets, settling herself as she sighed in content.

"Where Kook?" Taehyung asked from one of the couches.

"He should be done soon, he's just taking a shower." She smiled. "Ah see—! Just in time." She nodded behind Taehyung towards Jungkook who was dressed much like Namjoon and Yoongi. Everyone looked sleep over ready as her eyes glittered in happiness.

Yoongi could only smile to himself at her very obvious joy. "So have we settled on a movie?"

"No, I asked Hana to bring a bunch down. But we can always pick something from Netflix if no one likes the selection." Jungkook shrugged and settled beside Hana.

Jin and Namjoon finally gathered to the living room and all of them were comfy and set up. "Didn't you want to watch a scary movie?" Namjoon asked.

Hana started nodding enthusiastically, "can we?" She smiled widely.

"But aren't you scared of them?" Jin asked curious, but Hana just shook her head.

"Well, I don't know. I've never watched one before." She shrugged.

Yoongi breathed out a sigh, "then how do you know you're not scared of them?"

"Because it's just a movie." She nonchalantly said.

"How about we start with a thriller?" Jungkook suggested. None of them seemed to complain and Hana was just excited to watch a movie with everyone.

Jungkook went to choose one of the disks from the pile he had, it was a thriller based off a group of friends going off to the mountains at a ski lodge to enjoy a trip together. It started pretty tame and mild and Honestly it wasn't scary at all.

"I know this is supposed to be scary but I can't help but be irritated at some of the characters." Hana whispered and narrowed her eyes.

"Just you wait." Jungkook chuckled.

And he was right, people started disappearing and it was getting frightening. They found a friend dead outside of the lodge just at the foot of the door as if almost reaching safety but someone or something had got him first.

Hana started inching closer to Jungkook, Yoongi was beside her and he seemed to inch closer to her too. Jungkook glimpsed at the both of them, his mouth tugged up a little seeing how nervous they were getting. He turned back to watch the movie.

Taehyung however was watching Hana from time to time, he questioned himself as he stared at her features. Why did he not feel the same as when he would watch her perform. He couldn't comprehend it, she was literally the same person but he felt no pull to her, she was just Hana, his friend but when she danced, A strange possessiveness enraptures him.

He wanted her all to himself.

But why not now? Why not when she was her usual self laughing and talking to him. He was too lost in his thoughts until shouts and screams jolted him out of it. He looked back up at the Television then back to the group of them. A jump scare must've happened and he could see all of them huddled up on the mattresses now. Yoongi was literally cowering behind Hana while she was literally leaning over Jungkook while he smiled widely at the television. Namjoon and Jin were literally peering from in between their fingers.

He must've missed a lot because he didn't understand what was happening in the movie at the moment.

Hana cowered but blinked up once the jump scare was over. She was literally leaning into Jungkook next to her and she could feel his chest rumble as he chuckled.

"I thought you said you weren't scared?" He whispered. Looking up at him, he wore a smirk on his face as he glanced down. She shot him a look before straightening up again.

"Yoongi." She whispered at him. He was still hiding behind Hana. "Yoongi the jump scare is over now."

Yoongi immediately shot up and cleared his throat straightening himself out. "I knew that." He shifted his eyes around before settling them back onto the tv. Hana just rolled her eyes at him.

They continued to watch but then suddenly the snow storm picked up in the movie, the lights went out and they were trapped in the lodge. Scuffling and noises were heard as the group of friends cowered in fear.

Rattle rattle

Hana jumped in fear. That sound didn't come from the movie and she knew that the sounds were a little too surround sound for her liking. The snow storm was suddenly bad outside for them as the wind whistled through the cracks of the windows. Jungkook could feel Hana freeze up.

"Hana, it's just the wind—"

Everyone suddenly screamed as the television and lights went out. Hana quickly grasped onto Jungkook tightly and Yoongi grasped onto Hana, the lot of them huddling up.

"It's just the storm everyone, the breaker will come on soon." Jungkook spoke evenly, he seemed like the only one who's as calm right now. Even Taehyung freaked and came to bundle up with Namjoon and Jin who were terrified.

"But it's just like the movie! There's a snow storm and—"

Rattle rattle

Hana squeaked again, scared by the sudden strange noise she couldn't complete her sentence. Jungkook started rubbing her back soothingly.

"Hey we're going to be alright, the eye of the storm is probably passing through and then it'll be all over." Jungkook tried to calm her down.

Rattle rattle

"But then what is that noise!?" Jin squirmed.

Jungkook slowly got up but Hana clung onto him, "wait! Don't go!" Jungkook just sighed.

"Someone needs to check on what sound that is."

"B-but what if it's the wendigo!" She looked up at him worriedly but Jungkook just laughed.

"Hana, there's no such thing as a wendig—"


Jungkook froze in place as did everyone.

Who the hell would be out in a storm like this.

"W-who is that." Hana and Taehyung stuttered.

Ding dong ding dong

"Someone's ringing the doorbell." Jungkook whispered. The ringing became more insistent.

"We know that dipshit!? But who could be ringing our doorbell in this hell?!" Taehyung whisper shouted at Jungkook until loud banging on the door started.

Jungkook immediately went to the kitchen store room and took out a baseball bat.

"Kook! What are you doing?!" Namjoon hissed at him wide eyed.

"Well someone's got to check who the hell is outside!" Jungkook hissed at him, "unless you want to do it?!"

"Jungkook's right, it could just be an innocent person needing shelter from the storm." Taehyung attempted to reason.

"But what if it's not?!" Hana screeched. The banging on the door and ringing of the doorbell got more insistent.

"Shh." Jungkook shushed them up as he went to the door slowly and carefully. He shifted the blinds by the window to have a peek who was outside. His eyes widened and immediately lowered his bat and leaned it on the side.

"Kook what are you doing?! Are you crazy?! They could be a bad person!" Jin hissed at him.

"They're not." Jungkook immediately flung the door open and two figures quickly ran inside the house and Jungkook quickly closed the door behind them. Everyone screamed and the two figures screamed as well until the breaker came back on and everyone was in full view.


Everyone was in some form of strange Karate stance ready to fight while Jimin and Hoseok looked completely snowed over.

Hana gasped and quickly went up to them, "oh my god! Someone get them something hot to drink. Quickly come here!" She took their coats off and quickly dragged them to their blanket fort. Covering them in comfort and warmth. Jin was quick to make something hot for them and handed them mugs of hot chocolate.

"Why the hell were you guys out there?!" She asked in complete concern. Yoongi came by with hot packs and she immediately used them to warm Jimins ears by sandwiching his head in them. Yoongi did the same to Hobi. Jimin flushed seeing how close Hana's face was to his, showing him so much concern.

"W-well the snow wasn't actually too bad and we thought we'd just drop by for a moment but then the storm picked up suddenly and we were stuck out there. No one was answering the door and the storm was getting worse." Hobi explained.

"Why didn't you just call us?" Yoongi hissed at them.

"We did! But none of you answered." Jimin retaliated and Hana realized she left her phone back upstairs. From the looks of everyone in the room, they all seemed to have left heir phoned either on charge or somewhere else.

"Shit— sorry." Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed.

Jimin sighed heavily, "thank god you answered the door Jungkook. Any longer out there and I swear I would have gotten frost bite."

"But you guys shouldn't even be out here. Everyone was told to stay in." Jungkook crossed his arms and looked at them sternly.

"Kooks right." Namjoon piped up. "Even if the snowstorm died down a little, you guys shouldn't have come out." He wasn't happy with the two of them.

"Yeah.. sorry it was a stupid idea." Hoseok apologized and dipped his head low. "I just thought it would be nice to visit everyone."

Namjoon sighed and nodded, "well, looks like the two of you will have to stay the night now." He noted. "Luckily we were in the midst of having a sleepover so the two of you can sleep down here as well.

"Is that what you guys were doing?" Hoseok asked, now realising the mattresses they sat on and the blankets that surrounded them.

Jimin put his hand over Hana's as she still held up the heat pads for him. He gave her a warm smile, "I'm alright now Hana, thank you."

She smiled at him kindly back returning the gesture. "I'm just glad the both of you are safe." She sighed.

Jimin looked up at the television, seeing that it was still running the movie, "oh is that why the lot of you screamed when we entered?" Jimin nodded to the film.

The wendigo's were out in full display terrorizing the lodge of people.

Hana raised her eyebrows at the scene before snorting, "wow. It's so much less scarier now that you know how they look like." She scoffed.

"It's a thriller." Jungkook shrugged. "It's hardly scary. Just cheap jump scares." He chuckled.

"Yeah but you had to choose the movie about a snowstorm and a group of friends being trapped in a lodge did you." Namjoon scoffed at him.

Jungkook just settled back in his seat next to Hana. "I didn't even think of it." He shrugged.

Jin, Namjoon and Taehyung either rolled their eyes, sighed or did both at the same time.

"Why don't we watch something pleasant right now. To lighten up the mood?" Yoongi suggested quickly. He obviously had enough of scary movies and things tonight, he looked ready to pass out honestly.

"Sure." Jungkook got up before he heard that noise again.

Rattle Rattle

Making everyone shudder.

"I-if T-that noise wasn't Jimin and Hobi, then what would it be?" Taehyung whispered.

Hoseok immediately screamed and cowered under the blanket clinging onto Jimin. Hana knew Hobi was the worst at these sort of things. As much as he was a sunshine boy he was terrified easily by anything.

Everyone else listened for the sound again, since the house was so open it was hard to discern where it was coming from.

Rattle rattle BANG

Jungkook shot his head up.

"It's coming from upstairs—"

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