
By Lemon_Lima

79.6K 2.3K 489

Felicia Hardy is a young CIA operative with more secrets than the entire government combined. And it's not un... More

Chapter 1: The Hellfire Club
Chapter 2: Groovy Mutations
Chapter 3: Cerebro
Chapter 4: Euphoria
Chapter Five: From Russia with Frost
Chapter 6: Divulgence
Chapter 7: 214782 and 214783
Chapter 8: X Mansion
Chapter 9: Past, Present and Future
Chapter 10: Training
Chapter 11: Wine and...
Chapter 12: Let the Games Begin
Chapter 13: Patroness Is Born
Chapter 14: The Future
Chapter 15: And So It Begins
Chapter 16: Go F*ck Yourself
Chapter 18: Peter and Aurora
Chapter 19: Operation Free Dadneto
Chapter 20: Old Wounds
Chapter 21: Rockabye
Chapter 22: Fear of Falling Apart
Chapter 23: Never Enough
Chapter 24: I'd Love To Change The World Pt.1

Chapter 17: Don't Be Suspicious

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By Lemon_Lima

As the sun sets and the moon rises Felicia and Raven enter Trask Industries, Raven under the disguse of Trask himself while Felicia uses her her telepathy to appear invisible to everyone around except for Raven. 

"I thought you'd be getting ready for your trip, sir?" The sectartary asks adressing Raven in diguise as she and Felicia walk towards Trask's office.

"I just came to grab a couple files." Raven answers nonchalantly. "Is that a new scarf? It's nice."

"Thank you." The secratary replies as Raven and Felicia continue walking.

As Raven and Felicia walk up the stairs to Trask's office Raven transforms back into her lovely blue self and Felicia stops using her telepathy. 

Once in Trask's office Raven begins searching through Trask's desk drawers while Felicia goes straight over to the large painting of Trask behind his desk knowing that what they're after wouldn't be lying unprotected in a desk. Felicia then pulls the painting as if it were a door and finds a hidden safe behind it. With out uttering a word Felicia looks to Raven before steping out of the way and letting Raven do her thing. 

Raven transforms her thumb into Trask's and unlocks the safe gaining access to the treasure trove of files. The two women then enter the safe and quickly begin searching through Trask's personal files, including blueprints for the Sentinels. 

"Find anything?" Raven asks as Felicia stares unblinking at a report, tears rolling down her cheeks as she reads. "Felicia?" 

"Huh?" Felicia mutters as she comes out a trance like state quickly rubbing the tears off her face. "No, I haven't found anything." 

Raven looks at Felicia quizzically for a moment before looking through another file. 

"No!" Raven gasps quickly grabbing Felicia's attention. 

"What?" Felicia asks as she quickly walks over to her friend. 

"Look." Raven replies handing Felicia a folder of autopsy reports. 

Felicia flicks through files of the mutants Trask's experimented on saddened by the tragic fate of her mutant brother's sisters before stopping on one particular file. 

Felicia gasps in horror dropping the folder on the floor not expecting to see such a graphic photo of her former friend splayed out, their neck and chest cut open exposing their throat and lungs. 

"Banshee." Felicia weeps softly before turning to Raven. "Come on, we better leave now if we want to keep up with Trask." 

"Wait." Raven replies grabing Felicia's arm stopping her from leaving. "Why, are you so keen on finding Trask?"

"I'll explain later, now just isn't the time." Felicia replies before using her telekinisis to put the room back the way at was when they first arived. 

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