Destiny of Demons

By newbiegac2015

3.3K 293 39

Married life is never easy. Parental responsibility is never easy. But add in the paranormal and a pandemic... More

Horses and Home-Schooling.
What am I?
What lingers..
We want Answers
Fire and energy
A loss in a family echoes deep.
Stone tape?
The Steeles
How far?
Our Souls.
The Fear.
Turmoil of the past.

Getting away.

201 21 0
By newbiegac2015


I love Vegas, I always have. From it's bright lights, tourism and conservation areas of Red Rock, there was something for everyone.. They say New York is the city that never sleeps, and I think Vegas is exactly the same. 

But as I drive towards California towards our little family vacation, I can't help but feel relieved and excited. I know in my heart that this is the best idea for us right now and can't stop the smile that pulls on my face. 

"Hmm." Maria hums laying her hand on my thigh. "What has gotten you so happy?"

"A break, with the people I love and being near the sea." I answer, glancing over quickly. 

I spot the dark circles under her eyes as well as the darkness that sits behind her pupils. It makes my mood dampen slightly, but I keep my smile fixed and lay my hand over the top of hers. Whilst I think that it's a good idea that we are getting away, I can only hope that its the right one. 

Looking in the rear view mirror, I spot Theo with his tablet balanced on his knees watching his TV show, obsessed with the cartoon superhero dogs. Gracie was beside him, curled up and asleep, thankfully not being sick, although I will have to factor in a pit stop to let her stretch her legs.

"So.." I begin looking at Maria again. "What do you want to do?"

She tilts her head. "We can play I spy..."

I laugh "I mean workwise."

"Oh. Well I haven't worked that bit out yet. I need something that is flexible, something that can fit around Bubz and you."

"You know.." I begin. "I'm always looking for staff at the museum."

She mulls it over. "That isn't a bad call. Although what if someone finds out?"


"Us.." She answers looking back at Theo. "It's been four years and nobody knows we exist, apart from the crew, close friends and your mom. My parent's aren't included obviously. They are over seas."

"Does that bother you?" I ask worried that maybe I was part of this problem. Had I made her feel insignificant? 

"No. No I prefer it. Especially with your fans... No offence."

I smile slightly. 

"You have some lovely, lovely fans. But there's a few bad acorns, Aaron has mentioned some in the past... I also read the one in your book. The whole restraining order against that guy.. Yikes. No,  I'm happy that we are, I wouldn't say kept a secret, that seems dirty..."


Maria smiles "Yeah, yeah I guess you could say that."

"So, we don't have to rule out the museum entirely, there's many different things I could have you doing."

 "I won't say no, but that isn't a yes too. I just, I don't know how to explain it." She answers, almost sounding defeated. 

"Come on, talk to me.."

"I don't want to be a kept woman, but won't I kind of be one if I work for you?"

"No, because you would be working. You'd be earning that money."

"Hmm, guess you're right. We can stick that on a maybe pile." She responds, giving my thigh a squeeze.

"You do that."

I'd like to think it was as easy as that, but I know it isn't. She wants independence, a life away from me and Theo. Like I have when I am working. There's Work Zak and Home Zak. Two very different contrasts, and who am I to say that Maria can't have that too?

Maybe my mom could find another antique dealer? Get Maria set up with them, she has experience, is pretty good at spotting the true money makers and I know she is good at sales. I file that thought away for when we get back to Vegas. 

Looking over at my wife, I feel a pang of guilt, for not seeing this sooner. I have been so caught up in my own life that I hadn't stopped to consider the implications. I was a nightmare when the stay at home order was placed over Vegas. I truly drove her mad being at home all the time, but not once did I stop to consider how she must have been feeling. Our little boy is amazing, I wouldn't change a thing about becoming a parent. Well maybe not having the constant worry, but other than that, it was an absolute dream. But I too also needed some time away from him, a few hours with adult conversation and hard grafting. Something Maria had been denied off..

I need to do better... I need to do more. 


If there was any other place I would chose to live in America, it would be California. Mainly for it's beaches. As we pull up, I'm taken by the crystal clear water, clean beach and view across the coast.  

"Woah." Maria says from beside me. 

"Woooooah!" Theo repeats, although I'm sure he isn't aware of what we are taken by.

I'm about to suggest that we get out, when Maria's face pales. Her eyes locked onto the mansion that sits behind the beach cottages. I frown and look at the house before looking at her. "What's up?"

Every ounce of colour has been washed from her face, replaced with white.


"I-" She is about to say something when Theo announces he wants to get out and she shakes her head. "Never mind."

I give the mansion another take before getting out the car, making a note to ask her about that later...

I meet the owner, who knows exactly who I am because of the show, and tells me that if I want anymore locations to come and see him as he hands over the keys. Whilst it is tempting, I have to remind myself of why we are here, but before we leave, I will ask.

Jogging back to the car, I repeat the directions I was given and drive down to the cottage, it doesn't take long to find ours, settled at the end, almost secluded from everyone else, which is perfect for us. Parking at the side, I finally let out one excited 4 year old and Gracie, who both bolt for the garden which wraps around the cottage, closed in by a stone wall and gate. Meaning neither can escape without us knowing it. 

"This is beautiful." I sigh looking out at the sea again. 

"It is, isn't it..." Maria sighs, before looking across to Theo who is going wild at the idea that there is a goal post for him to play football around the back. 

I laugh. "Looks like someone is going to love this place to."

Unlocking the front door, Theo and Gracie run inside to investigate, leaving me and Maria to unpack the car. Once that is done, I secure the gate and head inside to see what the cottage holds for us. 

I cross my fingers that the cottage is the same as what was advertised online, through travelling, I know that it isn't always the case and sometimes you find some unexpected surprises. I shudder at the thought and follow the sound of voices. 

"Mommy look!" Theo gushes. 

Entering into the lounge area, I'm taken by the wall off glass, giving us an uninterrupted view of the coast. Sat opposite is a large cream couch, with cushions stacked neatly around it, inviting you to sit down and admire the view than be sucked in by technology.

It's beautiful.

The floors are polished oak, which is further accentuated by the wooden beams that hang over our heads, giving that warm cottage feel, whilst also looking high class with the panoramic views. 

The cottage stated that it was open planned, and sure enough it is, to my left is a kitchen with cream cupboards and oak work surfaces, there's a few appliances on the side such as a coffee maker, toaster and a microwave. As well as a welcoming basket of treats on the end, which Theo has spotted and is curiously poking at it. 

Maria, is quick on the mark, finding a plate and plucking out a pastry, making Theo sit at the table before he eats it. 

"You sit there bubz, whilst me and daddy go and unpack, okay?" 

"Okay. Gracie can stay with me." 

She smiles, before herding me out the living area and down the hall to grab out bags. "He is going to love it here. So am I, I can't wait for sunset tonight."

"Me either. Right, this looks like Theo's room." I guess, seeing the bunkbed. 

The room is mostly white with hints of blue from the bedding and pictures that are on the wall. We both unpack his things, setting them up for him to find, even sticking his tablet on charge because we both know he will want to play on it later.

"I.. It's for my own piece of mind." Maria answers plugging in the baby monitor. It's not a camera one, just a sound one and I don't comment because I know how much she worries about him. Once his case is sorted, we head to our room a couple doors down from Theo. 

"Oh my god." Maria sighs as we both look at the wall of glass which seems to have been extended from the lounge area. "Look Zak."

Our room is similar to Theo's, the majority of it being white with the blue accents tying in, but what is different is the view. I know there is an en-suite too, but I don't bother looking for it. Abandoning the bag, I walk over wrapping my arms around her waist and settling my chin on her shoulder. "You like it?"

"I love it." 

"Good. Think you will be able to clear your mind here and enjoy it?"

Her hands hold mine. "I think so." Turning in my arms, she tiptoes up and gives me a kiss. "I love you."

"Love you too." I tell her, hoping this helps her as much as I want it too. 

I have still got to ask her about what happened outside the mansion, but for now, that can wait, because we have our bags to unpack and a holiday to enjoy.

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