Silly Me

Bởi Artist_530

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Silly Me
Christmas 2012- I wanna talk about Egg Nog :)
Pee Pee Time!! :D -.- ... :D
It scares me when.. Part 1
It Scares Me When... Part 2
I Wanna Talk About Thanksgiving Dinner Although Its Over!!.
Today I'm Gonna Talk About Chin Hairs
How I Fell Into The Tub/ 99 % Complete
Successful Writer(S)
How I Fell Into The Tub/ 99 % Complete
It scares me when.. Part 1
It Scares Me When... Part 2
OMG The World's Ending! OR NOT!
Successful Writer(S)
Today I'm Gonna Talk About Chin Hairs
I Wanna Talk About Thanksgiving Dinner Although Its Over!!.
Christmas 2012- I wanna talk about Egg Nog :)
Pee Pee Time!! :D -.- ... :D
Silly Me

OMG The World's Ending! OR NOT!

24 2 0
Bởi Artist_530

This is something that gets me fired up. I'm prepared to ramble on and on about this stupid topic that stupid people keep bringing up.

Now I broke my glasses but I taped it back together but it keeps falling off so I'm typing looking through one glasses lense with the other handing off my nose.

So the topic today is: 'The World Ending'.

Well people, I'm here to tell you that the world is NOT going to end. Not today, not tomorrow, not next year not ten years from now, not a thousand years from now.

You see stupid people on T.V. screaming their heads off every year saying that this year is the year the world is going to end?

No stupid people no!

They're rushing to grocery stores stocking up for the world to end. Now does that make sense? What are you going to do with all that food if the world is 'supposedly ' comming to an end?! I bet this was planned by store owners.

Store owner: Haha, lets just broadcast all over national T.V. that the world's going to end and our sales are going to go through the roof. We will tell them this every year and the idiots will fall for it everytime!

This is making me angry. And my glasses keep falling off. I'm hunched over the keyboard dehydrated and determined to type this thing because I've procrastinated writing this long enough.

So if you're one of the people who believes that the world is going to end, how does this make you feel? Huh??! Make's ya think dosen't it? Answer Me! ... lol.

But the point is people, that the world's not going to end anyyy time soon!

Merry Christmas and a Happy new year (2013) Whoop whoooppp!! =)


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