!!discontinued version!! 《Cha...

By h0pelessly_d3voted

514 30 712

IMPORTANT: This is a discontinued version. My writing style has changed and it was no longer very comfortable... More

Quick A/N


72 2 58
By h0pelessly_d3voted

I stood at the front of the class, the first one in. No one was there yet, but I still spoke softly to dad. He told me about the students, what to expect and the like. Students soon started trickling in, and most threw a curious glance towards me. I ignored them, and instead continued talking with dad.

Finally, everyone had come in and sat in their respective seats. I glanced around the room, taking in information about each student. One in the back with odd hair, the red-haired shark teeth, dark haired kid with freckles, blonde spiky haired with red eyes, and then the ones that didn't look human. Most looked at me curiously and then my dad confusingly. The bell rang, signaling the start of school. Dad stood then moved to the podium at the front of the classroom.

"Sir! You're here early!" A boy with blue-ish hair and glasses exclaimed.
Dad sighed, then gestured to me. "We have a new student who will be joining us. She transferred here from America. Reiley, take a seat."

I quickly took a seat behind the red haired shark teeth kid. Dad lazily praised the students on a training they had done the day before speaking directly to the blonde kid and freckled kid.
"Now let's get down to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice, but today, I'll have you-" He paused and I could feel the tension in the air. "Decide on a class representative."

The class seemed surprised by that. It made me wonder what happened on their everyday basis for them to respond this way. Immediately after the sense of relief left the class, some stood and claimed they wanted to be class representative.

Finally the kid with glasses stood and announced that they should have an election to decide the representative, then turned to Dad and asked what he thought. I looked at him, and held in a laugh as I saw him zipping up a sleeping bag.

"I don't care, as long as you decide before homeroom is over." With that he fell over and I couldn't hold my giggles.

"Reiley, there is no reason to laugh." I heard him call and my laughter got louder. The red haired kid in front of me turned around and introduced himself as Kirishima.

"Well, Reiley is my last name so if you want to call me Kira, that's cool."
The kid with the glasses conducted the election for class representative, and I didn't know who to vote for so I didn't vote for anyone. In the end, the freckled kid got three and a girl with black hair and eyes got the deputy representative position. Their names were Midoriya and Yaoyorozu. Midoriya seemed nervous and scared about being chosen for class representative. I smiled at that. Alona was like that when she got chosen, but she did just fine. The smile quickly fell from my face when I remembered what happened to her. Dad gave us the rest of class off and we talked. Kirishima and a few others were asking me what America was like and how it was moving here.

Soon, lunch was starting. Kirishima and the kid with the black lightning bolt in his yellow-orange hair, who I learned as Kaminari offered to have me sit with them. I glanced at Dad, who was listening in to the conversation and saw him nod, so I smiled and accepted. They led me to the lunch room, which was very different from American cafeterias. We all got lunch and were sitting at the table chatting away. I told them I was born in Japan, but when I was five I moved to America. Then I came back here. Denki asked about my quirk and if I was single. I told him of course I'm single, but I'm not looking to be with anyone and would like to focus on my schooling first.

"What is your quirk?" Kirishima asked after I skipped over the question.

"Fine. Its shapeshifting. I can shapeshift into any living thing, not including plants."

Suddenly, an alarm rang. We all jumped. "There has been a level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly."
There were surprised murmurs all around the cafeteria and then the stampede began. People began rushing through the halls, pushing and shoving. Next thing I knew, I was separated from the guys and pushed against the window. I looked out and saw a large group of reporters around the main entrance, my dad standing there with another hero.

I turned as much as I could and started telling people to spread the word, there was no villain, it was just the press, they had to look out the window to confirm, but once they saw I was right, they began to tell others. There were just too many students to calm the frenzy. Next thing I knew, one of the students from my class was floating and began spiraling to the wall. He would crash and could potentially get hurt. I jumped and kicked off the window, shifting midair into a large bird, not registering my destroyed clothes. I quickly flew over to him and caught him.

"Oi! What the hell are you trying to do, kill yourself??" I barked, well, tweeted angrily.

"EVERYONE!! It's ok! It's just the press!" He yelled out, ignoring me.

"Ah, so someone else isn't pig-brained like the rest of these idiots." I mumbled. The students looked out and saw the press and saw that the police had arrived.
"Now calm down, and quit panicking!" I continued. "And kinda move out of the way so I can land. He isn't as light as he looks." My wings were straining trying to keep us in the air.

They parted and I quickly lowered to the ground, letting him go and landing myself. Unfortunately, when I shifted, my clothes were destroyed so I couldn't shift back. A girl and Midoriya ran up to him, and Kirishima and Denki came up to me. "Aren't you gonna change back?" Denki asked.

"No I can't. My clothes got destroyed when I shifted." I said. Soon a teacher came and told us all to go back to our classes, so I flew back. My dad was there and when he saw me fly in, he shook his head.
"You destroyed your clothes again, I see."

"Sorry, this kid needed help. I had to."
The kid walked in right then and he frowned. "I had it under control."
"Yea and you would have crashed into the wall and potentially hurt yourself." I cocked my small head.

"Well, you know what to do." Dad spoke up. I nodded to him. It was something we had arranged in the event I needed to use my quirk and couldn't change into my hero costume, which I had specifically designed to not get destroyed when I shift. I flew out of the room and through the halls to the teacher lounge. I quickly punched in the code and moved to my dad's stuff in the corner. Unfortunately, a teacher walked in while I was pulling an extra uniform out of the bag I had him stash there.

"Excuse me, who are you and what are you doing in here?" She asked.

"Oh, sorry. My dad works here and I asked him to stash a bag here in case I had to use my quirk and my clothes got destroyed. I had it cleared with Principal Nezu."

"Oh, really? And how do I know that that is true? That you didn't just use the press to get inside? Who's your father?"

"I'm not supposed to say, but Aizawa knows I'm a student here. Can I get him?" I asked.

"Who is your father?" She persisted.

"I can't say. Only him, principal Nezu and I are supposed to know." I continued resisting.

Soon, I heard a knock and Aizawa walked in. "Kira, everything-" He paused when he saw the other teacher.
"Thank you. Can you tell her I'm a student here? I don't want to tell her who my dad is." I said and gave him a look.

He sighed and turned to her. "Yes, she is a student here. She is in my class. Now will you let her change so she can return to my class?"

She seemed skeptical, but nodded and left. Dad looked at me. "So that's what was taking you so long."
"She was being quite annoying." I attempted to gather my clothes into one of my clawed feet, failing miserably.

"At least you have English right now." Dad said and grabbed the clothes. He led me over to the restroom and placed the clothes on the counter inside.

"Thank you." I replied.

He nodded and then left, telling me to change quickly as he closed the door.

I closed my eyes and felt my quirk take over my body, shifting back to my naked human form. I sighed when I felt my hands, closing them into fists before restoring them to their limp positions and I could feel the cool linoleum under my feet. I quickly got dressed then made my way back into the classroom.
Walking in, I saw our teacher, the Pro-Hero Present Mic. He had a paragraph on the board, written in English. I smiled, as it was the language I was fluent in and spent the last ten years speaking daily.

I quickly made my way over to my seat, smiling back at Kirishima. I noticed Mic didn't say anything to me, just nodded. Maybe Dad told him where I was. Quickly reading the paragraph I sighed when I came across a mistake. I looked around and then slowly raised my hand.

"Yes, Reiley?"

I frowned when I heard mom's name, but remembered that I was to use her name, not Dad's. "You have the wrong they're on the board. The passage reads, Their going to go shopping at the mall when it should be used as they are. Their is the possessive version." I paused, switching languages. "When writing a place, such as 'move over there,' you use the spelling t-h-e-r-e. When its possessive, such as 'Their phone,' its t-h-e-i-r. For saying things like 'They're holding this, they're going shopping, so on and so forth, you use the contraction of they are, which would be spelt t-h-e-y ' r-e." I finished, hoping my explanation made sense.

"You are correct. Thank you, Reiley, that was my mistake. Very nice English, by the way."
I frowned. Of course it would be good English, I spent the last ten years of my life speaking it daily, everywhere I went.

"Wow, she has a nice body and can even correct the teacher, is she a goddess?" I heard someone mumble from across the room. I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable with the attention it brought me. To my relief, the door opened to reveal my dad. He walked in and Present Mic ended his lesson. Dad told us about a field trip we would be taking soon, a training exercise. I wasn't going to lie, I was excited. This would be where I could show the full extent of my quirk. Dad asked me to stay after class, then dismissed everyone. I waited until everyone was gone to stand and move to the front. I smiled at him, and he relaxed, opening up to me more than he does with the students. Then again, I am his daughter.

"That was a cool first day."
"Good. The students aren't giving you trouble?" He asked.

"No, There was a weird comment after I corrected Present Mic in English but its fine." I replied, tossing my messenger bag for a backpack over my shoulder. Dad wanted to stay after to get some paperwork done so he let me go soon after and I walked outside to see Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina waiting outside for me.

"Hey, you guys didn't have to do that." I told them, smiling that even on my first day, I made friends.
"We just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out." Kirishima smiled.

"Yeah, we could show you around, or just go to the park and study." Sero continued.

"Come on, it would be fun!" Mina exclaimed

"Alright. But let me call my dad, tell him what's going on." I pulled out my phone, and knowing he was in the classroom, I nodded my head, silently telling them to keep moving. I pressed the phone to my ear, waiting for him to pick up.
"Kira? You just left, you could have come back." Dad's voice flowed through the other end.

"Hey, dad. Some of my classmates want to hang out, is that alright?" I asked quickly, trying to get the call done in case one would overhear and they would recognize his voice.

"Of course, just be home before dark. I have patrol tonight, so I will be out late. There is still food in the fridge, but in case you need it there is some money in the drawer by the fridge. You have the key right?" I could hear dad's small smile when he spoke.

"Of course. And yea, I'll be home before dark, don't worry. Don't stay out too late. I'll leave some food for you in the fridge when I get home. Love you."

"Love you too, Kira. Now go have fun." The call ended and everyone was looking at me.

"He said I can, I just have to be home before dark." I told them.
~~~~time skippy brought to you by Denki's braindeadness when he overuses his quirk.~~~~

I laughed as I unlocked the door, waving goodbye to my friends. It felt nice to call them that. We had a good time. I smiled as I pulled out the polaroid camera and some of the pictures I had taken. We had come back to the apartment so I could grab my camera, I begged them to let us. Thankfully, they didn't want to come inside, because if they did they would have seen all the evidence that our teacher is my dad. I quickly made my way to my room, then grabbed the photo album off my desk and slid the photos into empty slots. I heard a ding of my phone, and thought it was one of my friends or my dad so I quickly grabbed it. When I saw it was from an unknown number I frowned and read the text through the locked screen.

I'm coming for you...


Well then. A big thanks to my friend Suga for making the cover. I hate cliff hangers, but they leave you wanting more, and that's what I hope I did... Anygay, I hope you enjoyed! Comment like and share, Just kidding lol.

Love yall and stay golden!

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