Bakugo stood in the hallway waiting for his match to start, thinking over what happened before. Things were getting complicated with him and Kira, and he was confused with his feelings towards the teenage girl. There was something about her that made him want to give her the world, but he didn't know why or how he could even do that. It was different from his other relationships with his friends because he felt he could just let go and ignore the anger and frustration at himself for a while.

Meanwhile, Kira was sitting in the stands staring at her hands, deep in thought. She was thinking about Bakugo, and if he asked her on a date, would she accept? She could feel her heart say yes, but her mind was still weary with everything that happened with her and Jordan. Kira looked up when Lída nudged her with her elbow, gesturing that the match was about to start. Kira took a deep breath in, pushing the thoughts of Bakugo out of her mind. 

The match started in a flurry of explosions. Uraraka kept getting in close, only to be blasted by Bakugo’s explosions. Bakugo wasn’t going easy on her, Kira could tell. Kira almost forgot to breathe as she realized Uraraka’s strategy while the concrete platform kept getting pieces broken off. Looking up, her suspicions were confirmed as she saw the growing collection of debris floating above the stadium. Kira cursed under her breath, that wouldn’t be easy to dodge, and even if he blasted it, it would take a lot to keep the explosion controlled so the debris doesn’t go after the spectators or injure the girl. While Bakugo did have the hotheaded attitude that made most think of him as a villain first, Kira knew him enough to know he wouldn’t want to bring the spectators any harm. 

Kira felt a vibrate in her pocket, and pulled out her phone. There were a couple texts, but the one on top caught her attention the most.

We need to talk. -M

Attached was a picture that made her heart stop. It was a picture of her and Bakugo in the hallway before his match. 

She opened the message, typing a quick reply. Kira noticed Lída watching her as she typed her reply.

"You gonna tell me about that?" Lída asked.

Kira took a deep breath before replying. "Not yet. I gotta figure some things out, and then I'll tell you."

Kira turned back to the arena, staring blindly down, not fully registering the battle between her two classmates. It was over a few minutes later, Bakugo declared the winner and advancing to the next stage.

Lída stood, giving me a short nod as she left to prepare for her match. I knew it would be over soon after it started. All Lída had to do was sing a little bit and then it was basically decided.

Which she did just that. Poor Hatsume didn't have time to do anything because of Lída's quirk. When the match started, she immediately sang a quick tune, the chorus to American Pie, and Hatsume began to dance around the stage, occasionally dropping to the floor dramatically. The match ended when Hatsume stepped outside the line, accidentally, as Lída hadn't realized it. Knowing her, she would've let Hatsume just prance around for a little while longer, but Lída didn't protest out loud. 

By the time Bakugo arrived back in the stands, Kira was getting ready to leave.

"Oi. Changeling!" Bakugo called out to the girl, who stopped and turned around to look at him. "Give him hell. The jerk deserves it."

Kira smirked. "Of course I will. Now let me go fight."

Bakugo returned the smirk, plopping down in his seat and taking a drink of water from the bottle sat in his holder. He figured you had gotten it for him, and he was grateful. The water he needed, his arms hurt from that massive explosion. He didn't want to do it, but if he hadn't used such a powerful explosion, he could have been crushed or the people in the arena could have gotten hit by the debris. The girl was stronger than he originally thought and, her thinking was quick. She was serious on the whole hero thing.

Either way, it didn't matter because he won, which meant he was one step closer to his goal of becoming the NO. 1 pro-hero.

Bakugo was pulled from his thoughts as he watched Kira and the jerkhead from 1-B waltz onto the stage. He hoped that you would be able to taunt him into crossing the line, because if he got a hold of your eradicate quirk, things could get very messy.

Kira walked onto the stage, fully stretched and ready to shift at any moment. She knew she would have to stay in the square, but this was going to be difficult for both of them, Kira because she couldn't get close to Monoma, and Monoma because she won't let him near her.

He was a creep anyway, choosing to flirt with her. Kira didn't fall for it, and as soon as Midnight let them, she shifted, her clothes shredding, and  large wolf paws pounded on the floor as she darted forwards, only to dodge Monoma and attempt to lush him towards the end without getting him to touch her. That's when she got the idea.

She half shifted back, changing her animal to some reptile to cover her body, and she left the scales to fade into her normal hands. Kira immediately gets to work on her plan, and she sees an opening. Darting forward, she lunges when she is close enough and places her hand on the back of Monoma's neck, pulling the teenage boy while her eyes flashed a bright red. Monoma smiled, opening his mouth to give a snarky remark, but no words came out. Instead, his eyes widened and he began to scream as he felt his quirk slowly disappear. He fought her, trying to get out of her grasp, which caused Kira to put more effort into her own quirk. She felt something began to run down her face, and soon had the metallic taste of blood seep into her mouth.
With one final push of her quirk, she removed her hand from Monoma's neck, pushing him away.

Her ears rang, and she felt lightheaded as the world around her spun. She shook it off, turning to find her opponent sprawled out on the ground. When her ears cleared, she didn't know until Midnight walked up to the boy and checked him, finding him unconscious, then turning to the silent crowd. "Monoma is unable to continue the match! Kira advances to the next level!"

The silent crowd erupted in a fury of cheers, making Kira reach for her pounding head. She fell to the ground,  cradling her head as her eyes clenched shut. Soon she felt a gentle hand on her, and she was being laid down onto a gurney and led to the makeshift recovery room.
I deeply apologize for how long it has taken me to upload~
AnYgAy, I am celebrating my 18th birthday, and 300 reads on Changeling! Thank you all for the reads, I know it's not a lot but it's a milestone for me. (Its the most reads I've ever had on a book of mine)
I've been working on this and a few other new books, but I'm not publishing the others until I finish Changeling.
AnYgAy, I will be working on the next chappy, hope to have it up soon, as I have a bit more free time right now.

Love you all and stay golden, my sunshines ♡

!!discontinued version!! 《Changeling》 「BakugoxOC」Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon