The Link // Maze Runner Fanfi...

بواسطة blakespage

398 37 2

Ellie, the toughest person in the Glade, has been looking for a way out of the hellhole for years. Three, to... المزيد

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
authors note

chapter six

16 1 0
بواسطة blakespage

It's been about 2 and a half years since I was stung and Newt broke his leg. We had about twice as many Gladers now and the place worked like a well-oiled machine. We had order and we did everything in our power to keep it. By we, I mean Alby, Newt, and I. Alby was the leader, with Newt and I following in second-in-command. Technically, I should've been the only one in second place, but since I was out in the maze so often, the job was shared between me and Newt.

"Do you want the Greenie to be a girl?" Minho asked on the run back. His question reminded me that another newbie would be coming up in the box today.

"Nah, that would just mess up the system. What kind of person do you want?"

Minho thought for a moment and shrugged. "Don't really care. As long as they aren't as loony as Gally. Wait, you are a girl. Wouldn't you have messed up the system?"

I laughed and shook my head as we turned, only two turns away from the Glade. "No way! Remember, I am the system."

He laughed as we finished the run and entered the Glade. Nobody bothered us as we went straight to the Map Room and quickly made a drawing of our run. It went quickly and in an hour, we were eating Frypan's chicken soup at a faded picnic table.

"Where's the Greenie?" Minho asked through a mouthful of carrot as Newt sat down next to me. He looked worn, but still managed to smile and point over to the Slammer. I finished up my dinner, cleaned my bowl, and set off to go meet the newest member of our family.

I was astounded to say the least when I looked through the glass at a young boy. He had brown curls, a rounded chubby face, and wide cow-like brown eyes. I pulled a key off the ring that hung on my belt and unlocked the thick locks that kept the rusty door closed.

"Hey little dude, what's your name?" I asked, swinging the huge metal door open and sitting on the edge.

"Ch-chuck. What is this place? Who are you? Why can't I remember anything?" he asked, his big eyes starting to fill up with tears.

I extended a hand down to Chuck and helped him out of the prison. He was chubby and way shorter than me. I was about 5 foot 7 inches now, so Chuck must've been 5 foot even. I noticed when he sat down that he inched closer to me and was slightly trembling. I slung my arm around his shoulders and sighed.

"Hi, Chuck. I'm Ellie. This is the Glade, it's our home. It's normal to not have any memories, none of us remember anything around here. This place isn't as scary as it seems. Come on, you'll need sleep for tomorrow."

Chuck followed me to the bathroom and seemed to ease up a bit at the normalcy of the boys. I waited outside for him and handed him a sleeping bag. When he had fallen asleep a foot from me, I stared at the stars and sighed. How could the Creators be so heartless and cruel to throw someone so young into a place so dangerous? It was leaving a baby to defend itself in a hungry pack of wolves. The image made me shudder. I rolled over to look at Newt and rested my chin on his chest.

"Protect him, won't you?" I whispered.

"Who?" Newt replied.

"Little Chuck. I mean, what is he? 12, 13 at most? Even we were older than that when we came. He's just a kid."

Newt shifted to face me. I bit my lip anxiously, but he only smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Don't worry, El. I'll watch out for the little shank."

I relaxed in his hold and quickly fell asleep. The next day in the maze, nothing had changed and I was more dejected than usual.

"Ellie, get your butt in here!" Minho shouted.

I turned and headed into the Map Room, where Alby and Newt had joined my fellow Runner.

"We want to run something by you," Newt announced. I nodded and sat down on one of the stools.

"We think you should stay back. I will take your place next to Minho as Runner and you will join Newt in the garden. You're still the Keeper and this is only temporary. We want you to hang back because Chuck doesn't really work well with any of us. He keeps asking for Ellie, the nice girl, as he calls you. We just want you to help him adjust to the ways of the Glade," Alby explained.

I raised an eyebrow and looked around at all three of the faces. Minho looked slightly disappointed, Newt looked happy, and Alby looked grave. Going out into the maze was hard work and I might need a break from it, but at the same time, I felt as if I was a nuisance by changing jobs. Finally, I agreed on one condition. My only demand was that when I could return to being a Runner, Minho would find a different job and I would go on runs alone.

When our little meeting disbanded, I went off to find Chuck and tell him the good news. I found him hanging out by the Deadheads and told him, semi-sadly, how I had been pulled from the maze and I would be in the Glade more. He was excited and clung to me all the next day, only leaving my side to do his job as a Slopper.

It was around mid-day. The sun beat down on my shoulders and I kept anxiously checking my watch. My eyes drifted over to the walls more than once, terrifying scenarios running through my brain. Newt nudged me in the ribs with his elbow.

"They'll be fine. Alby knows what he is doing. You already did so much work, go entertain Chuckie," he suggested.

I nodded and went off to find him. I found him scrubbing the showers and pulled him away from his duties. He smiled, probably grateful for the distraction. I led the way through the field, soaking up the sunshine and listening to Chuck talk.

"I don't really know much about you. Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked in his little kid way.

I giggled and shook my head. "No, unfortunately. I wish Newt was my boyfriend."

I said the last part out loud and slapped my hands over my mouth. Chuck giggled mischievously and took off running. I watched him waddle towards the garden before realizing where he was going. I ran after the boy, but with his head start, he reached Newt first. Before I could slap a hand over his mouth, he recited what I had accidentally told him. Newt seemed unfazed as he bent down and whispered something in Chuck's ear. The boy sniggered, dramatically winked at me, and scurried away.

"So you like me huh?" Newt asked with a devilish grin.

Unable to form words, I merely nodded. He smiled and laughed. That stupid shuckface laughed.

"Oh Ellie, you are so clueless. I've had feelings for you since I came up in the box."

I felt like cold water had just been dumped under my stiff body. Was I hearing correctly? Did Newt just say he has feelings for me? Before I could process the information, he pulled me into his side and kissed me. It was just like I had imagined, except very different. Gentle and slow, yet passionate and loving. When I pulled back from shock, he had a wide, boyish grin on his pretty face. The kiss, however unexpected, seemed to bring my words back.

"You fishface! You aren't even going to ask me out before kissing me?"

Newt chuckled and snaked his arms around my waist. "You have a point. So, Ellie, will you be my girlfriend?"

I smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek. "That's more like it, lover boy. Course I'll be your girlfriend."

Remind me to thank Chuck later, I thought to myself. He helped me achieve something I had failed to for 3 years. 

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