invisible // cth a.u.

By snowystyles

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Brooklyn Ronners is one of the smartest students at Murphy High School but her popularity is barely hanging o... More



339 14 9
By snowystyles


I just want to thank everyone for 1,000 reads on Invisible!!! It means alot that people actually read and enjoy my story :) And I love reading your comments so please continue to leave comments! Again, THANK YOU for reading this story! :)

"Well, well, well...Of course you'd be hanging out with her," Madison scoffed. "Thank goodness I broke up with you."

Within a couple seconds, her two minions appeared by her side. Calum didn't bother to reply, he only turned his face away and looked somewhere else.

I sighed, standing up from the table. "What do you want, Madison?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Oh nothing, just wanted to stop by to see how he was holding up only to see he met a new low," she said, peering down at him. "Can't believe he would go date my enemy right after we broke up."

"First of all, you don't know shit about what's going so don't go strolling on in like you know everything." I said, "Second of all, stop acting like Calum's the bad guy and you're the innocent one. You were the one who was unfaithful during the relationship yet you make it look like Calum's fault. Last of all, nobody cares about your new relationship. Literally no one. So stop going around and boasting about your new guy because frankly, no one cares."

She gave me a stern look, crossing her arms over her chest. "Well, you--um, I, you---UGH, GIRLS, WE'RE LEAVING," she shrieked, not being able to come up with a better comeback.

She walked away, her minions quickly following her. I smiled proudly, quite satisfied with my argument.

"Woo! Go Brooklyn!" Michael cheered as some people applauded me.

I smiled at them and returned to my seat. Everything went back to normal, as if Madison never even disrupted us in the first place. Soon the bell rang and we began to pack up and throw away our trash.

"Thanks..." I heard Calum say.

I looked up to find him in front of me, his nervous eyes casted at the ground. "Thanks for standing up for me..." he murmured.

I smiled, "No problem."

"Brooklyn! You coming?" Luke called from afar, waiting for me.

"Yeah, hold on!" I replied.

"Hey, how 'bout I walk you to class?" I offered as I turned to Calum.

"Uh sure...but won't you be late for your own class?" he said.

"Oh! Right! Gosh darn it, sorry," I said, face palming myself.

He chuckled before leaving, "See ya."

I waved good-bye before catching up to Luke.


Ever since we talked to him, we've grown closer as friends. Now, we sit together with the others everyday. Michael, sticking to what he said, continued to refuse to talk to him. And Luke being Luke, he copied Michael. Leah would talk to him here and there, but would still think he was scary. Fortunately, Calum didn't mind the fact that the others didn't talk to him that much.

We bonded over the past few weeks through break, Spanish, and lunch. We conversed and sometimes he would rant to me about ongoing problems in his life. He was a genuinely nice and cool guy. He also enjoys music and football. He's a pretty funny guy too! I was still puzzled over why Madison broke up with him, he seems like such a great guy.

"Attention everyone. Before the bell rings, I want you all to know that you guys have an upcoming project coming up--"

The whole class groaned, interrupting her. She paused for a moment before continuing, "As I was saying, you will have a project and it will be on something about Spanish culture."

The class groaned again. "Now, now. Don't worry, because for this project and this project only, I will allow you to choose your own partner--"

The class broke out in cheers and some let out relieved sighs. "But," she continued again, "please be wise and choose a reliable partner. Your grade depends on it."

And with that, she allowed the class to get up and move around to find their partners. Of course, barely anyone took her words seriously so many just met up with their friends. I sat at my desk, looking around for someone who didn't have a partner. It was something I always did when there's a partner thing involved. Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to find Calum. "Oh hey," I smiled.

"Hey, I was wondering if we could--"


Calum was interrupted mid-sentence and both of our attention shifted to the girl who appeared in front of my desk. "You're smart! Let's be partners!" she exclaimed, grabbing my arm.

I looked between her and Calum. Then, I gently pried her grip off my arm. "Sorry Susie, I already have a partner," I shrugged as she frowned, moving somewhere else.

" are we partners or did you only say that so she could go away?" he asked.

I laughed, "We're partners...unless, you changed your mind and don't want to?"

His eyes quickly widened, "No, of course not!"

"Class! I forgot to tell you guys that once you've found your partners, please move next to him or her. That'll be your new seats." Mrs. Gomez notified.

I smiled at him and patted the empty seat next to me. He returned the smile and moved his things over to the seat next to me.

Class ended and everyone started to leave. Calum was one of the first to leave since he didn't have a lot of things to pack up. I stuffed the last material into my backpack and made my way towards the exit, being one of the last ones to actually leave the room.

As soon as I stepped foot outside, I was pulled aside. I stumbled a bit before looking up. Calum stood there, holding both my arms to help me regain my balance.

"Oh, I thought you would be at the lunch line by now," I admitted as I held onto my backpack strap.

"And leave you behind? No way," he smirked, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Aw, how sweet of you," I teased as he playfully rolled his eyes.

Together, we walked to my locker and then to his. As I waited for him, he reached into his locker and pulled out something wrapped in plastic and threw it at me. Not paying attention, I jumped, startled as it hit my head and fell onto the floor. I bent down and picked up the item wrapped in plastic.

Looking up, I found him laughing his butt off. "Oh my god, you should've seen your face!" he managed to say through his laughter. "Sorry...not sorry!"

Embarrassed, I blushed furiously. Since his eyes were squeezed shut from laughing so hard, I took that chance to chuck the item back at his face. He immediately stopped laughing and bent down to pick the plastic-wrapped item up. Now, it was my turn to laugh.

"AHAHAHA OH MY GOD," I laughed aloud as he tried to hide his obvious smirk.

Slowly, his smirk disappeared. Glaring at me, he lowly spoke, "You're gonna pay for that..."

My laughter started to die out as an evil smirk began to grow on his face. "Uh oh" were my last words before I took off running away from him. As soon as I started running, I could hear his footsteps close behind me.

"Come back here!" he shouted as he continued to chase me.

Giggling, I shouted back, "You wish!"

I zigzagged my way through the semi-crowded halls, dodging my way around people. Reaching the end of the hallway, I quickly pushed through the emergency exit and rushed outside. Running out of breath, I slowed down and eventually stopped. Turning around, I found that he was no longer chasing me. He wasn't even there!

Confused and exhausted, I slowly started to make my way back towards the door. "Calum?" I called aloud as I neared the doors.


I screamed as two arms wrapped around my waist, startling me to death. I whipped around to find Calum with an amused smile as he chuckled.

"Jerk!" I exclaimed as I pushed him away.

He lost his balance and fell backwards but quickly grabbed my wrist, pulling me down with him. We landed on the grass with a thud and rolled off the small hill. Eventually, we stopped rolling and our laughter faded away. I found myself literally on him as we both stared at each other's face. As my heartbeat began to quicken, I rolled off him.

"Sorry," I muttered, laying besides him.

"It's alright," he assured before placing his hands behind his head.

We laid besides each other in comfortable silence. We both gazed and admired the beautiful blue sky streaked with white. It was so quiet that you could almost hear the birds chirping in the distance. It seemed as if the whole world was in slow motion, everything seemed perfect.

Eventually, I sat up, losing track of time. "We should be getting lunch right now," I started as I was about to get up.

Calum quickly sat up as well, wrapping his hand onto my wrist. "Wait, no!" he exclaimed, "Let's stay here."

"But I want food...." I mumbled.

"What did you think I threw at you back in the hall?" he chuckled as he handed me the previous item from earlier.

Slowly, I began to unwrap the mysterious item. I unwrapped it to find a sandwich. "Oh..." I said, "Where'd you get this?"

"Stole it from some kid." he shrugged, taking another one out of his backpack.

"Calum," I frowned, handing him back the sandwich, "go return it to that poor kid."

He pushed my hand away, "I was just kidding, geez. I made one for me and made an extra one for you."

"Aw, thanks," I smiled.

"No problem. Anyway, let's stay here. You have food now. Problem solved," he said.

"But the others..." I trailed off.

"Don't worry, we'll only be gone for one day. I'm sure they wouldn't mind," he assured, "Besides, it's so much more quieter and peaceful here. And we're together."

"But we're always together," I pointed out.

"Yeah, but now we're together. Alone," he said, emphasizing the last word.

Never in my life would I have thought that I'd ever be alone with Calum. It seemed quite impossible, him always being surrounded by friends and all. But now since things have changed, it was actually possible now.

"I guess we could stay.." I said as he cheered.

"Perfect," he smiled.

So, we ate our lunch and spent time together. We played 'I spy' and other silly games. Eventually, we found ourselves laying down in the green grass as we gazed at the sky, trying to make out pictures out of the clouds.

"That looks like a turtle," Calum said aloud as he pointed to one of the clouds.

"No way, that's totally a giraffe." I scoffed.

"How the hell is it a giraffe? Giraffes don't even have shells!"

"Well turtles don't have long necks."

"Yes they do!"

"Since when?"

"Since forever!"

"Okay, fine. BUT the neck is too long to be a turtle's neck!"







This went on for several minutes before one of us called the other a turtle and broke out into animal names.

"Well, you're a cheetah!" I retorted.

"Thanks for the compliment! I am the fastest animal alive," he stated proudly.

Rolling my eyes, I sat up finished with the conversation. I glanced at my phone before gasping.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Shit, we're late for class." I stated as I got up, brushing off the grass that stuck onto my pants.

"What?" he said as he sat up, looking at me.

"We're late," I repeated as I grabbed my backpack.

He scrambled to his feet, "Late? How late?"

"Like 10 minutes late, now c'mon," I said, hurrying towards the back doors.

He followed close behind as I pushed open the doors. We made it in a couple steps before the principal found us and took us back to his office.

After the small talk, I was finally able to leave the office. I closed the door softly behind me as Calum jumped up from his seat.

"Hey, how'd it go?" he asked.

"I guess it went fine...aren't you suppose to be in class by now?" I asked in confusion.

"I waited for you...Anyways, what was your punishment?" he asked.

"Saturday school.." I sighed, "you?"

"Whaaaat, lucky!" he exclaimed, "I got three detentions, plus Saturday school!"

"Well at least we're spending our Saturday together," I said, trying to light up the mood.

"I guess," he mumbled, "the principal likes you better anyway."

"Let's head to class now... before we get into anymore trouble," I said, ignoring his comment.

And with that, we parted our ways. I made my way to my fifth period class and entered the class. Everyone's eyes were fixated on me as I made my way to the front of the class to hand our teacher my note. After that, I found my seat and quickly got started on the assignment everyone was working on. Suddenly, someone plopped down their materials on the desk next to me.

The blonde haired boy sighed as he sat next to me. "Where were you during lunch?" he asked.

"I was with Calum.." I replied quietly.

"Oh..." he said, "of course you were."

I furrowed my eyebrows together, "What's that suppose to mean?"

"I'm just saying that you guys have been spending a lot of time together lately..."he said, trailing off as he focused on a math equation.

"Is that a bad thing?" I inquired.

"No...not at all," he murmured.

"Luke, just because I didn't spend lunch with you and Michael this ONE time doesn't mean that I forgot about you guys," I assured.

"Whatever you say.."


It's been about a week and we started our Spanish project. Calum and I settled on focusing on their traditions and special holidays. We arranged to meet up at his house after school to do some research.

The day went by pretty quickly and I found myself on my way to his house.

"Is this his house?" my mom asked as she stopped in front of a house.

I looked at the address and compared it with the address he gave me. "Yeah it is," I confirmed.

"Alright, have fun," my mom said as I got out of the car.

I nodded as I closed the car door. I waved good-bye to her before she drove off. I approached the door hesitantly, feeling nervous all of a sudden. I rang the doorbell and waited. As I waited, I pulled out my phone, texting him that I was here. Eventually, someone finally answered the door.

"Oh hey," Calum greeted before gesturing me to come in.

He was dressed in a pair of gray sweatpants and a graphic t-shirt, topped off with a beanie. I shyly followed him as he led me around. First, he led me into the kitchen.

"Mom, this is partner I was telling you about," he introduced as his mom stopped her kitchen work.

I waved before she wiped her hands on her apron, walking over to me. "Nice to meet you, Brooklyn!" she smiled as she shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you too!" I replied, returning the smile, "You have a beautiful home."

"Aw, thank you sweetheart," she said.

"Okayyyyy, we're gonna start on our project so we'll be in my room," he said before pulling me away.

He led me through the hallway. "Is that your room?" I asked, pointing to a closed door.

"Oh no, that's my sister's," he said.

"You have a sister?!" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah, older sister." he replied before turning to the right at the end of the hallway, "This is my room."

It was a small room with navy blue walls that were covered with posters. He had a messy desk by his bed and shelves filled with music albums and books. In the corner, I spotted a guitar.

"Whoa," I exclaimed as he closed the door. "You play guitar?"

His eyes widened, "What? No! That's's my sister's. She always leaves her stuff in here."

"Oh.." I said before setting my stuff down.

At first, we fooled around a bit, playing around with the things we found in his room and talking about random topics. Soon, we got to work. He was doing all the online researching and I was the one taking notes.

"Did you get that?"

"Hold on, I'm still writing it down."

"You write so slow."

"It's harder than it looks like okay?"

"Your writing is so small too. An ant can't even read it."

"Well sorry for trying to conserve paper."

"Your handwriting is so---"

"Jesus, Calum! Stop criticizing my writing, it's---"

I froze as I looked up, only to find his face a couple inches from mine. "Geez, you didn't let me finish. I was gonna say pretty," he smirked.

I didn't respond, still surprised over how close his face was to mine. Not sure if it was my imagination or not, his eyes trailed down to my lips and before I knew it, he was leaning in. I was frozen, I couldn't move as my heartbeat picked up speed. He got closer and closer until...

"Wait!" I exclaimed, backing away.

He looked at me, eyes clouded with confusion.

"I uh...I think we're um done for today," I said, quickly packing up my things and stuffing them into my backpack.

"But it's only been like an hour," he said.

"Um don't worry, we'll continue next time..uh yeah," I said, stumbling over my words.

"Brooklyn..." he said, reaching for me.

I avoided his touch and quickly left the room. I popped in the kitchen to say a quick good-bye to his mom before leaving.

"Brooklyn, wait," he said but I was already out the door.

"Brooklyn!" he called after me but I just kept on walking away.

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