The Nerd rejecting her Alpha...

By Miss_Naiive

508K 13.5K 987

~*~ In all those stories about werewolves, most of the recent ones involve Alpha's and their Mates, and are a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter four
Chapter 5
Chapter six
Chapter 7
Chapter eight
Chapter 9
Chapter ten
Chapter 11
Chapter twelve
Chapter 13
Chapter fourteen part 2
Chapter 15
Chapter sixteen
Chapter 17
Chapter Eighteen
Authors Note - Explanation
Chapter 19
Update about future chapters

Chapter fourteen

15.8K 494 19
By Miss_Naiive

Time slowed. I was falling into her eyes even as they began to shut, and as I cradled her head I knew it was my entire fault. A heart splitting roar echoed around the room and tears poured relentlessly from my eyes. My heart was breaking, I could feel it.

After years of her lifeless body resting in my arms, people started to enter the room. It was as if the world had switched to slow motion and yet everything was still moving too fast. I watched numbly as a group of medics ran over to the boy who stole my mate, whilst another group ran over to my beautiful mate and I. They made me let her go, and picked up my mate from my limp arms but I clung desperately to her hand until they had to take her to surgery, in the hospital, as if somehow that would stop me from losing her.

I paced up and down the corridor outside her hospital room. I needed to move, because every time I stopped I’d remember those last few minutes, the look on her face as my claws shredded her stomach, the final soft smile she gave me as she crumpled to the ground.

My legs gave out beneath me; my knees hit the ground with a thud. It was all my fault. I’m the reason my mate’s hurt, it’s my fault that she may be...

Footsteps hurried over and someone knelt next to me. I could tell by the whiff of their perfume that they were female. Her hand hesitated over my shoulder but I didn’t want anyone near, because all I could think was that they weren’t my mate.

I snapped at the girl, biting her hand until blood ran, and as she whimpered I rose to my feet and ran off. I could hear the person clamber to get up from behind me so I ran faster. I had to get out of here.

Silence was the first thing I noticed when I became conscious again. I couldn’t hear anything I should - not my heart beat, not the sound of footsteps or the beep of a machine. The only sound coming to my ears was the far-away trill of a mockingbird and a quiet breeze. I don’t know what I expected. I think I expected to die, or maybe I hoped I’d survive by some miracle. Either way, I w as not expecting to feel so .. good. Or be in a place like this.

The sky stretched above like a soft, blank and indigo blanket sprinkled with silver stars like scattered glitter. Below that and under my feet were miles of gently swaying green grass, so soft I thought I was standing on a cloud. Far in the distance, across my sea of green, I could just make out something that looked like a house. The whole place was so beautiful my breath caught

Pure energy coursed through my veins. I took a deep breath of the cool, clear air then reluctantly released it. With each breath of air that swept through my body I felt more alive. I felt like I could fly, and without conscious thought I rose onto my tiptoes and leant forward into the soft breeze. With a soft grin on my face I took two fast running steps and I was about to leap into the sky when a voice spoke from behind me.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you sweetheart.”

I skidded to a stop and turned to face the person, ready to ask what the heck they meant by that, but as soon as I clapped eyes on them everything flew from my head. Standing in front of me was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. They stood just taller than myself and wore animal skins, but everything else was changing. They switched appearance by the second, one minute being a dainty man with soft blue eyes, next a sporty girl with fierce green eyes, then switching again. They changed so fast that I could only catch a glimpse of each until they finally settled on the image of a red-headed male with freckles and amused green eyes.

“I – you – I don’t” I stuttered, unable to form any coherent thought. The man snickered and stepped closer to me until there was only a foot between us, an amused smile tilting his lips.

“Don’t worry, I don’t bite” he said with a wink and I found myself blushing. He let out another little chuckle as he looked off to the side, and suddenly my brain started working again. I took a deep breath and was about to start with my questions, like who was he and where was I, when he held up his hand and turned his head to face me again with a smile.

“I know what you’re going to ask so we might as well skip that part. I’m the guardian of this realm. It’s an in-between place, where people near death go to escape the troubles of earth. Don’t worry, you’re not dead, yet, but you will be soon if you don’t return quickly. That’s why i’ve come to fetch you, and that’s why I can’t let you fly. Once you leap into the sky there’s no going back.”

No going back? Back where? If he meant no going back to Earth then where exactly is this in-between place? I opened my mouth to ask but he interrupted me, again.

“Look, I know you have lots of questions, Gods know I did, but you don’t have much time! If we don’t send you back now then you’re body will become so weak it will essentially die, and your soul will be left here until it’s time for you to move on.” Sorrow and urgency filled his eyes as he told me this, so although I’d only just met him, and even though I still had so many questions, I took the hand he extended and was suddenly sucked into what felt like a wind tunnel.

The small patch of light grew bigger until it showed a girl hooked up to lots of machines, lying on a neat bed in a white room. Two boys stood at the end of her bed, one with blonde hair one with dark, and they seemed to be arguing about something, but before I could tell what they were arguing about I crashed fast.

I sat up in the bed with a gasp, my hand clutching my chest as I drew in deep breaths. In one single motion both of the guys stopped arguing and turned to look at me, like I had just performed a miracle. Despite the pain shooting through my chest and stomach I tried my best to grin, and I guess I did okay as they smiled back and rushed over. Tears fell from my eyes as I stared up at the two men I loved and Daniel gently wiped them away and kissed my forehead.

“Welcome back”

Hai there :) This chapter is dedicated to all of you amazing fans who've encouraged me, commented, voted, fan'd and stuck with me this long ! Thank you all :3
This chapter's not edited yet so please excuse any grammar mistakes until I can edit it :)

Sorry it's kinda short and not that greatly written. I had written more but I mostly write when I have time at night when I'm sleepy, so when i read through it all i saw SO many mistakes. So instead I'm gunna upload this bit and get to work correcting the rest and i'll post that as another chapter as soon as possible :)

And sorry for the mess around and lack of updates, but i've been really busy or ill so I haven't had the time to write properly :/ Gommenasai

Hope you like it ! As always please Vote, Comment and Enjoy ^_^ x

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