Let's play truth or dare


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What do you think would happen when Harry Potter, hermione Granger, Sirius Black, Remus lupin, Tom riddle, pr... More

Chapter 2!?
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
7th chapter
8th chapter
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1!?

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Harry screamed and sat bolt up. He was covered in sweat and breathing roughly.

"Harry!" Sirius was at his side. "Are you okay, pup?"

"I..." Harry swallowed looking around. They were a room with Hermione, Ginny, Remus, Sirius, Severus, Lucius, Draco , Bellatrix and Voldemort himself. "Damn, we were caught?!"

They'd set up a trap letting the Death Eaters in to Order Headquarters. He rubbed his head. He grabbed his wand and flicked it.

"Accio, Headache Reviler." Nothing happened. "Kreacher!" the didn't show up. "Winky!" no elf. "Snape!"

"I am not a House Elf!" Severus roared but handed over the potion regardless. "Your plan backfired!"

"and you're shocked by this why?" Harry asked standing up he rubbed his head again. " Honestly, I was shocked you even agreed to this in the first place!"

"ENOUGH!" Remus yelled coming between the two of them . "Harry, it was a good plan but apparently Sirius forgot about some wards on the House that have now trapped us all here with no magic, and no house elves." Hermione made a noise. "Yes, yes, Hermione we know. The point is only a Black can get us out of here and it's a Black from the outside that both sides actually get along with."

"I'll floo Andy then." Harry stumbled over to the Floo and threw some powder into the Floo. "Andromeda Tonks!" Nothing happened. Remus looked amused and stayed back watching. "Nymphadora Tonks! Narcissa Malfoy!" He turned back looking annoyed "I'm out of blood related Black's your turn, Siri."

Sirius nodded and took up chanting names of all the Blacks that were still alive Bellatrix soon joined him. Harry sat next to Hermione on the couch and rubbed his still pounding head. Finally he couldn't take it anymore.


He felt a wand on his forehead and a few words then the pain was gone he sighed and slumped against Hermione who caught him.

"I am no longer a Snake Face, Potter." Harry blinked sure enough Tom Riddle stood there looking like he was the same age as Severus, Sirius and Remus. " It would appear that ancient dark magic still works . " He pointed his wand at the fire place and Sirius and Bella quickly moved . The Dark Lord chanted but it didn't work. "I just used magic!"

"You used ritual magic." Harry moaned standing unsteadily. He began pacing around, " Yeah, I know what you just did and thanks my head always kills me when you're around. So is Ritual Magic the only magic we can use?"

Remus was staring fondly at Harry. Who gave up and sat down on the floor.

"Let's play a game!"

"A game, Potter?" Draco asked, "We're stuck and can't contact anyone!"

"I have plans in place in case I vanish. " Harry stretched "Dobby should show up after awhile and I'll just tell him to get one of the older Blacks to let us out. " he shrugged, "Lets play Truth or Dare!"

Hermione squealed and joined him on the floor.

"Oh, Merlin!" she stated happily, "I haven't played that game in so long!" she giggled, " Not since before Hogwarts. " she then went off to tell them all the rules. "Now we sit in a circle. " Harry watched as everyone sat and smirked. "Okay, " Hermione grabbed a bottle of Butterbeer. "Bottoms up, sugar addict. " Harry took the bottle popped it open and proceeded to chug it down barely breathing as he did so. Every one watched in utter fascination. When he was done he handed it to Hermione. "and that, Harry dear is why we don't allow you to drink."

"Snape, Truth Serum, if you'd please." He said with a lazy shrug. Everyone cocked an eyebrow. "What we have to know we're telling the truth. "

Severus sighed, "I have a potion kits hidden all over the room and house. " He went to the piano and opened he returned with a Potions kit and passed out vials. They each drank . "Why are we doing this?"

"Because we have nothing else to do." Tom said, " Who will start?"

Harry grabbed the bottle and set it down in the middle of the circle. He spun it and it landed on Draco. Everyone watched him sneer . It was worthy of any Slytherin.

"Draco." He purred, said boy drained of color . " Truth or Dare?"


"Perfect." Harry said, "Why have you had it out for me since the first time on the train?"

Draco covered his mouth but was forced to speak.

"Because I've like you from the first time I saw you!" Draco blurted, "I wanted you to be my friend but you chose the Weasel over me and it made me mad so I began picking on you!"

"I thought so." Harry shrugged. He seemed to think."Is this a test batch?"

"It is." Severus replied with a nod looking a bit shocked that Harry had figured it out. "You will actually be able to talk freely but we will still have to tell the truth."

"Draco, spin the bottle."

Draco quickly did what Harry said he was embarrassed by having to admit that.

Hermione became Draco's victim.

"Truth or Dare?"

Hermione frowned, then gathered her courage.

"I choose dare!"

Harry smirked again and Tom cocked his eye brow at the boy. Somehow he had ended up on his other side.

"Really?" Draco asked, blinking then recovered, "I dare you to..." he looked around the group then shrugged, " tell us the darkest secret you know about Potter."

Harry suddenly sat bolt up all color draining from his face . His mind began racing. Hermione was his best friend but he couldn't remember how much he had told her about the Durselys.

"I'm sorry." Hermione cried looking at Harry. "Harry lives with his maternal aunt her husband and son. They hardly ever feed him. "

Harry swallowed and looked at her. He sighed and gave Hermione a one armed hug.

"It's okay, 'Mione. " he said smoothly. "It was bound to come out sooner or later."

The room was silent.

"Pup?" Sirius finally asked, "Pup? Are you...?"

" 'Mione."

Hermione took that for what it was and spun the bottle.

It came to a stop on Tom.

"Dammit. " She whimpered. Everyone except Harry silently agreed. " Uhm...Truth or Dare?"

"I believe Truth." Tom said, looking at the girl.

Hermione nodded and blinked .

"Okay, is it true that you're a Half Blood?"

Harry snorted and broke out laughing.

"Merlin, 'Mione, I love you!" he laughed.

"What is so funny?" Bella growled.

"Yes," Tom said shocking everyone except the hysterical Harry. "I am a Half Blood, Miss Granger."

Harry calmed and looked around the room at the looks on everyone faces and almost broke down again.

"A rule. " He said, "Everyone must call each other by their first name or nick name!"

Tom spun the bottle. It landed on him. Harry frowned annoyed.

"Okay, Harry." Tom purred his name. Harry gave him a defiant look. That Severus knew well." Truth or Dare?"

Harry lifted his chin in Challenge.


"HARRY!" Hermione shrieked.

"I dare you to ..." he seemed to think. "I dare you to tell us your deepest darkest secret."

"Oh, how I hate you." Harry sighed, "Back in Forth and Fifth year I actually had a crush on Sirius. "

Sirius raised his eyebrow as Hermione dissolved into a laughing fit. Harry's face was burning. As he stared at the carpet. Ginny was looking murderous.

"Seriously, Pup?" Sirius asked,

"I got over it." Harry assured the man. "Really, I'm over it." He grabbed the bottle and spun. He smirked, "Oh, I'm just having all the luck. "

The bottle had stopped on Bella.

"Truth." Bella snapped.

"Why did you try to kill Sirius in the DoM?"

"Because he refused to marry me and I got stuck with Rudolphus instead!" she raged.

Harry and Hermione once again dissolved into fits of laughter. Sirius was making gagging noises and Lucius was actually patting his back. Draco moved closer to his father.

"Pay up, 'Mione." Harry finally said. "I was right. "

"You are insufferable, Harry Potter." Hermione scoffed handing over a Galleon.

"I think we all agree with that, Miss. ..." Severus drawled, then caught himself, "Hermione, well most of us anyway."

"You made a bet on why Bellatrix tried to kill Sirius?" Remus chuckled, "Hermione, what did you choose?"

"That she was psychotic and mad at him for being a "Blood Traitor" " Hermione sighed exasperatedly. She began digging into her beaded bag. She pulled out Butterbeer and passed it around. "Harry said he thought she had a crush on Sirius. "

Bella growled but spun.

It landed on Ginny.

"Truth or Dare, Blood Traitor?" Bella cackled.


"Why do you follow Potter around when he obviously doesn't want you around?"

"Nice one. " Harry said toasting Bella and taking a sip. "I was wondering also."

"Because I've been told since I was born that Dumbledore wrote a contract for me and Harry and that I'm going to marry him."

" 'Mione!" Harry cried

"It's not legal." Hermione assured her friend. "He's not your legal guardian or even your magical guardian even if he tells anyone that. Remember your solicitor told you that you have no legal guardian in either world and got you emancipated so you can go to Gringotts and get rid of as soon as we are out of here. " Harry nodded though he looked like he was going to be sick. "It's okay, Harry. "

"He's freaking out." Draco pointed out un necessarily "Does he need a calming draught?"

"He'll be fine." Hermione assured everyone waving them off. "Just give me a moment. Ginny, spin the bottle."

Ginny huffed and did so. It landed on Draco.

"I hardly find this fair." Draco protested. "I already had a turn. "

"Truth or Dare?"


"What do you think of me?" she batted her eyes.

"I think that I know exactly why Harry is freaking out at the thought of marrying you. You are nothing more than a tramp, a slut. Everyone knows that you're a broom."

"A broom?" Lucius asked,

"Yeah." Draco and Harry sneered, "Everyone gets a ride. "

Sirius let out a barking laugh. Remus snorted trying not to laugh. Severus looked amused. Bella and Lucius looked appalled . Tom and Hermione had no reaction and Ginny looked like she was ready to murder someone.

"Who came up with that?" Sirius asked, "I've never heard of it."

"I did." Harry replied, "I told Ron and he almost punched me. I broke his leg and told Dumbledore that Flint did it because he'd tried to hex Ron off his broom when we were fighting over the Pitch." He sipped his drink. "Then I told Pansy Parkinson to make sure it got around the school faster. "

"Tsk Tsk." Hermione mock scolded. "You should have told Lavender Brown."

"An over sight on my part." Harry replied patting her hand. "I'm sure."

Sirius had tears in his eyes he was laughing so hard.

Severus sighed and rubbed his forehead. This was going to be along day.

Draco still snickering spun the bottle.

It landed on Remus.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." Remus said

"I dare you to kiss Hermione."

Harry suddenly dissolved into a fit of laughter again. Hermione began hitting over the head with a couch pillow.

"Shut up!" she yelled at him. "Harry!"

Remus cocked his eyebrow at his godson but gently kissed Hermione's cheek. The witch went crimson.

"HEY!" Draco huffed, "I said kiss!"

"Yes, " Harry said when he recovered "But you're also forgetting that we told you to be very specific if you wanted something like that to happen. You didnt say kiss on the lips or french kiss. So it is within Remy's rights to kiss 'Mione on the cheek. "

Draco huffed again. Hermione was still and hiding her face in the pillow as Remus spun the bottle. It landed on Severus. Sirius chocked back a laugh.

"Truth or Dare, Severus?"

Severus gave him a death glare but Remus just sat smiling at the man across from him.


"How long was it before you began to suspect I was a werewolf?"

Severus cocked an eyebrow.

"First year." he replied, " Right before final exams."

Remus sighed and nodded.

Severus frowned and spun. It landed on Harry.

"This world is out to get me, 'Mione." Harry gave her 'puppy dog' eyes. She sighed and began rubbing her best friends back. "First Tom now Sev."


"Why because my mum called you that?" Harry asked, The room had stilled Hermione moved closer to Remus who looked ready to jump in front of Harry. Sirius was ready as well. Severus and Harry were glaring at each other. "Well, come on, Sev."

"Truth or Dare?"


"What was the worst punishment Petunia Evans ever gave you?"

Harry was silent for a long time. Hermione was back rubbing his back frantically. She didn't want to hear this.

"I was five." Harry said, drawing a breath. "Aunt Petunia said I had to start earning my keep in the house. She gave me a stool and put me in front of the stove and told me to not burn the bacon. I tried my best but I burnt it. She pushed my cheek into the stove until the smell of burnt skin got too much for her then she threw me on the floor and began bashing my head in with the sizzling hot frying pan. "

Harry was suddenly being hugged by both Remus and Sirius. Hermione had latched on to him and was crying into his shoulder. He stared right ahead no emotion showing on his face. Severus looked shocked. Lucius, Draco, Bella and Tom looked sick and Ginny was looking at him as though she was disgusted with him. Finally, everyone settled.

Harry spun the bottle and it stopped on Sirius. He gave a faint smile.

"Truth or Dare, Siri?"

"Dare me, Pup." Sirius said brightly, "Lets see if you have any Maurder in you."

"Of course I do." Harry said, "Just ask Sev." Severus growled then scoffed but otherwise kept silent. " now lets see..." He seemed to think. Dobby appeared looking frantic. Winky and Kreacher appeared together. Harry held out his bottle and Dobby grabbed it and vanished. He returned with a bottle of Firewhiskey and gave it to his master. " Sirius, I dare you to say one nice thing to Kreacher. "

Hermione gasped as did the wizened elf.

"You can't be serious."

"No , your Sirius."

For that he got booed, from Lucius, Bella , Severus and Remus.

"Kreacher,..." Sirius flinched. Bella looked at Sirius expectantly. " I always loved the fact that you were so loyal to my brother Regulus. "

Kreacher teared up.

"Master Blood Traitor is really liking that? " Kreacher asked.

"Yes." Sirius said, "I knew that you would look after if I couldn't and when I ran away."

Kreacher burst into tears and vanished.

"Well, maybe that wasn't my best idea." Harry sighed, "The only elf the Black family would listen to just vanished on us."

Groans all around.

"Winky, could you get us some snacks?" Harry asked, "Please?"

"Right away, Master Harry." Winky bowed and vanished. Harry took a drink. "Dobby, for now play interference. Under no circumstances are Dumbledore and the Order to know I'm not at Privet Drive." He held his hand out and Hermione handed him a small ball. He gave it to Dobby. "This will create a Golem of me that will stand up to even Dumbledore's inspection. " Dobby nodded, "Leave it in my room. Then make sure Dumbledore cannot leave his office. Lock down all the floos and make sure no owls can arrive. I don't want any member of the Order to be able to contact him at all. "

"Dobby is doing it, Master Harry." with that he vanished.

Everyone was staring at him in shock. He took another swig of the bottle in his hand.

"It was a Weasley Product. " Harry explained. "Oh, 'Mione?" Hermione nodded and got out the two way mirror and handed it over. He looked into it. "Havoc and Loki." Two Ginger heads appeared. "We're stuck at Grimmauld unfortunately Ginny's here too so she probably wont be coming home tonight. If you see Tonks or Andy please send help and tell them not to come in but to check the wards on the outside? Andy will understand I'm not sure Tonks will. "

"Got it , Jade." they chorused , "We're on it."

"Thanks guys."

Harry handed the mirror back to Hermione.


Sirius spun the bottle. It landed on Lucius who groaned.

"Truth or Dare?"


"No fun." Sirius laughed, "Okay, have you ever cheated on Cissy?"

"I do it all the time. "

Draco frowned.

"I'm telling Cissy!" Bella cackled.

Lucius glared at Sirius who glared right back.

"Moony." Sirius growled, "I need a new to do list."

"FInally. " Remus sighed grabbing parchment and quill. "Ready."

"Claim Black Lordship to piss everyone in the Black family and Dumbledore off." Sirius recited and Remus wrote. "And dissolve Cissy's marriage from Lucius and get her sole custody of Draco."

Draco deciding he liked his cousin went to sit in between Sirius and Severus . He liked that idea. Lucius was fuming. Remus on the hand had a smirk on his face to rival Bella's. Ginny looked bored, Hermione was glaring at Harry in disapproval, Harry drank, and Tom looked faintly amused.

"Alright." Remus nodded.

"Siri has you make his to do lists for him? " Hermione asked, "Harry makes me do the same for him. "

"Only because you're better at it than I am." Harry replied, smoothly, "and hound me until it's actually done. If it wasn't for you, 'Mione I never would have gotten out of school."

"Aww." Hermione said, then snatched the firewhiskey away from Harry. "No more drinking or I swear I will turn you over to Molly!"

"Kill joy." He sighed, "Lucius it's your turn."

Lucius who was still seething spun the bottle. It landed on Harry.

"This is hardly fair ." Harry commented. "I just went. When is it going to land on Ginny or Hermione? Or Draco?"

"Truth or Dare."


Lucius cocked an eyebrow.

"I dare you to ..." Winky cut in reappearing with popcorn and other snacks as well as recovering Harry's drink from Hermione who huffed. " I dare you to kiss Severus . French kiss no less than two minuets. "

Harry shrugged and moved to Severus before the man could protest Harry kissed him. He licked the man's lips and tongues were battling trying to decide who the dominate was. Harry had to admit he was enjoying it. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had such a great kiss.

Severus couldn't believe he was kissing Harry Potter and liking it. He was getting hard for Merlin's sake and dammit if Harry wasn't a fucking talented kisser!

"TIME!" Sirius bellowed. Harry pulled away and returned to his seat everyone was again looking at them in shock. Severus seemed dazed. Harry seemed unfazed. " That was un called for , Lucius!"

"It's fine really." Harry replied, " I rather enjoyed it. " he sighed rolling his eyes. " 'Mione, must you always descend in to giggling fits when you find me making out with guys?"

She nodded hugging the pillow to hide her giggling fit. Ginny was fanning herself with her hand and Bella was looking at Harry as if she was seeing him for the first time.

"You enjoyed it, pup?" Sirius asked, "I mean no one here is going to say anything bad about being gay. It's accepted in the Wizard world but Snivy?"


"I mean Severus." Sirius corrected.

"He's a very good kisser." Harry shrugged.

"If there is a next time I would rather not have to taste Fire Whiskey. " Severus drawled.

"Don't count on it." Hermione scoffed. "If I take it away again. Winky will just give it back wont she?"

"She's my elf." Harry smirked at her. "and she likes me better because I don't follow around trying to get her to ask me to be paid for the work she does."

"HARRY JAMES POTTER YOU EAT THIS SECOND!" Hermione yelled deciding she pick a fight she could win. "NOW!"

Harry sighed and picked up a sandwich and took a bite. He then spun the bottle. It landed on Ginny. His sneer was worthy of Severus himself.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Truth!" Ginny stated.

"Ginny, are there any boys in the school you havent fucked other than me?"

"Of course!" she stated, "More boys come in each year after all."

Harry took another bite of his sandwich.

"and you wonder why I'm an alcoholic, 'Mione."

"Oh, I know why you're an Alcoholic!" Hermione snapped , "Dumbledore is the reason!"

"What's that mean?" Bella demanded knowing her Lord would want to know. " Tell me!"

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