A Mutually-Assured Attachment

By killingGrey

1.2K 162 76

Our eyes made love to each other long beforehand. You were something that felt so new yet so familiar to me... More

Sterling & Henderson
A Change Is Gonna Come
Turn Back Time
This Is How We Do It
If It Is You
Crazy Over You (a)
Crazy Over You (b)
Just Like Heaven (a)
Everybody Gonna Talk
One Step Too Far
Told You So
Paradise by the Dashboard Light
It's Alright, I Am Only Bleeding
Let The Angels Commit (a)
Let The Angels Commit (b)
Catastrophe And Cure
Where Do We Go From Here?
A Hard Day's Night
Adrift And At Peace
The Bed's Too Big Without You
Love Turns You Upside Down
I Was Made for Lovin' You

Just Like Heaven (b)

46 6 2
By killingGrey


Anyway, where shall we go next? She asked.

Horror house! I happily suggested.

Everly back off, she wants to try all of the attractions here in the amusement park, except for that thing.

Where do you think you're going? I said when I noticed how Everly slowly walks away from me. Everly let out an awkward smile before dashing off but I was fast enough to hold her.

Come on, Eve. It would be fun. I said and pull her struggling towards the horror house.

I looked at her with an evil smile which made her gulp a couple of times.

Let's go? I said and hold her wrist. Everly shook her head vigorously.

No Monica, please! She pleaded but I made up my mind.

Everly keeps on shouting, earning most of the attention from people around us, as I pulled her.
Everly was on her trembling knees as we started to go inside the horror house. Everly immediately clings her arms to me. Now, I am all smiles at her gesture.

Until a group of people running passed at us made the two of us split up.

Eve. I mumbled when I heard a scream. I didn't think twice and run in the direction where I heard the voice.

Everly! I shouted when I saw her sitting in the middle of the way while her hands are covering her ears.

I hurriedly went towards her and held her shoulder which made her scream. Eve, it's me. I said but Everly just keeps on screaming, her eyes are shut tightly, she's afraid that if she opens it, she will see something scary again.

I was on verge of panicking; I don't know what to do to calm Everly down. There is one thing that I knew that will definitely stop Everly but I was hesitating to do it. I took a couple of deep breathes as my mind and heart battle. I saw how afraid Everly is and finally came up with a decision. It was my fault why we ended up here anyway.

I put both hands on her cheeks and kissed her on her lips. It was only a short kiss, but still a kiss.

Eve. I called her again.

I was right. Kissing her will calm her nerves. Everly stopped screaming and slowly opened her eyes. She lifted her head and I saw tears streaming down her face which added more to my guilt.

I am here, love.

Everly stares at me in awe. My heart started to beat rapidly and more tears formed in her eyes.

Everly threw herself towards me for a hug. She buried her face into my neck and cried harder.

Let's get out of here. I whispered. Are you okay? I asked her.

Yes. She said weakly. I'll just go to the restroom. She added.

I sighed as I watched Everly walk away. I still feel guilty, if she just didn't let go of Everly, then maybe she wouldn't feel such a horrible thing.

It broke my heart. Shall we go home? I asked.

Why don't we stay a bit more and enjoy the rest of the day? Everly suggested which made me look at her. I - if it's ok with you. She added.

Why are you nervous? It sounds like you're asking me out on a date. I said in a teasing manner.

Well, it was only the two of us. Clearly, you can call this a date. She answered. And besides, you still owe me for what happened earlier. She added.

I pursed my lips together to stop myself from smiling. Alright, I replied shortly.

Everly's face went bright and smile widely at me. Great! Where do you want to go next? She asked.

Ice cream! I said happily.

After Everly and I went to buy ice cream, Everly pulled me towards a shooting game. She found a cute big brown teddy bear which she badly wanted to get. I stood behind Everly and watched how determined she is. I can't help to giggle every time Everly gets frustrated because she keeps on losing.

Allow me to try. I said and took her spot.

Everly back away and watch me a few meters afar. I found Everly very hot as I close one of my eyes and focus on the target. A smile slowly crept up on my lips.

After two tries, I finally won. I was very happy when I got the teddy bear that Everly wants.

Eve! Look, I got it. I said and walked towards her giving the teddy bear.

Everly pulled me towards the Ferris wheel which is the last attraction that she wants to ride before we go home. Everly's happiness keeps on adding up as they went higher. I was amused by the view that I can't see every day.

You looked happy. I said.

I Am! She replied excitedly. Thank you, Monica.

I froze because of Everly's smile. That smile made me fall hard for her.

Am I falling for you?


I had fun. Everly said as we drive our way towards my place.

Me too. I replied shortly.

The drive towards home was indeed quiet. Hayden was having some battles inside her mind. She's thinking if this would be the right time to tell Everly what she feels but she doesn't want to ruin this special day.

Everly was also having the same thing. She keeps on asking herself the same question a dozen times but she can't get an answer.

Eve. Hayden said as they stopped right in front of her house. Everly looks at her, waiting. Never mind, she continued after her long pause.

Everly felt somewhat disappointed but she successfully hid it with a smile. She thought that Hayden was going to say something that will help her to get an answer.

Go, inside. It's getting cold out here. I'll be going too. Everly said, kissing my cheeks and letting go of my hand, and saying good night.

End of flashback**

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